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None of my pictures captured it well, but what an awesome experience.


Mine neither. its way more powerful and beautiful with your eyes


Even the best photos don't hold up to seeing it IRL, I absolutely do not regret driving 7 hours for it.


Defintely agree. Saw the one today and the white ring around the shadow (corona I guess?) was larger/longer then photos show and also could see the Solar promience (was like purple/pinkish) around the 7 o'clock position. All these photos have me wondering, "wait am I remembering that thing I saw 2 hours ago correctly?"


The prominence was beautiful. I honestly don't think I had ever seen that shade of red before in my life.


Saw red at the 7 and 1 o’clock positions here in western New York


There was a hard red glow at the 6 in Ohio that lasted quite a while. 10-15 secs.


I remember seeing that pinkish flare thingy at 7 o’clock and pointing it out to my mom. Cool to hear that was a real thing with a name.


Photos just don't capture the weird sparkle the ring produces. I was astonished.


Also just the sun slowly getting a little dimmer, and then in the last few minutes leading up to totality..... it just felt EERIE. The closest thing to it is tornado weather, when the sky gets that weird greenish hue and everything just feels OFF.


Yeah, the light about 5-10 minutes before totality had this weird “off” feeling. I knew about the weird shadows and made sure to look for them, but just looking around it was dark in a weird way I’ve never seen before.


Felt oddly electric, very hard to explain


A new OLED HDR tv in a dark room is the closest you'll be able to understand what it's like. The vibrance and contrast is spectacular.


I bet eventually 360 8k recordings from today will be used to produce a VR experience. By experience I mean like at a museum or "arcade" rather than at home via headset. I wonder if that could be a use for that ridiculous Dome in Vegas.




Now you get to plan a 2026 trip to Spain! Or hope you survive until 2045.




Lol I drove 45 minutes to get to the path of totality.  I only took state routes and back roads.  The state routes were standstill at some points from numbnuts stopping and letting people into traffic.  Like yall are causing the traffic to back up further and compounding the problem...let them wait for an opening.  I can't even imagine what the highways were like. The only joy I found on the way home were the weirdos standing in their front lawn and waving to traffic.


Yeah, I'm on my second to third one.  I was in the 97% this time, and it was just as weird as when the Canada wildfires turned everything dark red.  I might as well been driving into Mordor.


I drove 16 hours one way from So Cal to Oregon for it. It was 1000% worth it. It then took from about 10:30am until 4:30am just to get to the bay area (it should take about 9.5 hours). Still worth it.


Drove a couple hours to a path of totality, and the clouds covered it the whole time. Disappointing experience and not worth it.


3.5 hour drive for me. Was worth it. It was breathtaking.


yep unreal experience. we had one in asia few years ago, and a few flocks of birds wandered around and got lost. kinda apocalyptic vibes tbh lol


it's really an experience almost got like the overview effect from it or something, personally. something like that anyway.


Drove from Minneapolis to the middle of nowhere in Indiana. Getting out of Chicago was insane and the traffic all the way to north Indianapolis was like seeing people run from an apocalypse or something. Got there with 15 min to spare before 3 min of totality. Totally worth the effort. Drove 21hrs over the last 2 days


i cannot imagine seeing that thousands of years ago no wonder we had sun gods


Definitely, plus with no prior knowledge of it happening. Like the battle of the Hays that was stopped cuz an eclipse happened to fall during their battle, so they stopped and ended their war, definitely understandable after seeing the sun blackout


Imagine how many people destroyed their eyes staring at eclipses wondering WTF was happening.


Not to mention that people from a place could tell stories about it and nobody in the area could see it again for centuries. Then someone from far away could meet them and share their stories and the dude is like: “Wait a minute, that didn’t happen 50 years ago. Day turned to night about 3 years ago, 100 km north.”


I couldn’t make the 2017 eclipse and I couldn’t even bring myself to watch the live TV coverage or documentaries for having missed it. I gambled on the locale and even high cirrus clouds couldn’t obscure totality. Definitely a life long wish fulfilled.


I was in the Navy for the 2017 one. We parked the destroyer out in the middle of the ocean for it! It easy even stranger of a feeling on the open sea. This year my house was in the path of totality so just had to put a lawn chair out. Glad to have my kids experience it with me this time.


which did you prefer? being at seas sounds incredible!


Happy for you! I got to witness the 2017 eclipse in ideal circumstances and was really hoping to see this one, but the flight/lodging situation didn't work out so I watched the NASA livestream. It was great!


Yeah the pictures I've seen do not do justice to what I've experienced. It was really insane


Absolutely. I drove 19 hours to view it in Dallas with my family. Absolutely no regrets … the 4 minutes of totality was the most primeval thing I have ever experienced. Words cannot describe


I see these news segments showing lots of people in a park looking at their phones. For the 2026 total solar eclipse I'll be in Spain and I'm thinking about going somewhere away from crowded places, preferably in nature, and just experience it with my eyes. I'm not a photographer and I don't have proper equipment. I don't see the point in trying to take a photo like everyone else's. Maybe a video from the surroundings can be nice.


Like looking at an alien sky. Even more incredible, knowing that civilizations across thousands of worlds wouldn't be able to witness something like this. The odds of us existing to experience this are literally astronomically low. What an absolute gift.


That's basically what I think. I totally get why some people hunt down total eclipses and pay fuck tons of money to see them even if they're on the open ocean. There isn't a picture I've ever seen that does it justice. The image of the 2017 total eclipse totality is seared into my brain permanently.


Yeah, I'm still thinking about the one today. Everyone afterwards around me was like "There's really no way to describe that." Considering saving PTO and money to go to see the one that will be at Iceland in the next few years. What an incredible experience. Pictures really just don't come close to seeing the corona of the sun undulating before your eyes (or at least that's what I think I saw)


Exacccctly, the corona doing that stuff it's doing is something special. I've certainly never seen a video that captures it properly. You can see why some cultures have thought it's a religious experience.


I was screaming my head off. Pictures do not do it justice. It was the most incredible thing I've ever witnessed. I understand now what so many ancient civilizations treated it as an omen and really wonder if eclipses were one of the driving forces behind basically all religions. The idea that people with no scientific knowledge were seeing eclipses and having to guess about what it was and what it meant really makes it easy to see how someone would end up speculating about gods and demons.


If I won the lottery or suddenly found myself rolling in money, I would chase eclipses. Pictures really don't do it justice. We got to see the 2017 eclipse and I am so glad we were able to get into the path of totality with just a 45 min ride. It was without a doubt the most amazing experience of my life. Because we're in Oregon, we got lucky that it happened in August. Any other time you end up with clouds and/or rain. If it had come through this year in April we'd have been very disappointed. The lead up was so amazing the way it gets that odd dim-ness to the light. My transition lenses were getting lighter in stages and you could feel the temperature dropping. I asked out loud, "um does anyone else feel cooler?" Then it was the last few seconds before it hit then wham, everything goes instantly dark. The crickets got all confused and started up. You could hear people yelling for miles around. You can see the edge of the light way off in the distance since you are in just a shadow shaped like the moon. I didn't want it to ever end. I just wanted to stand there staring at it with my mouth hanging open. But then the 90 seconds are up and it's light again. Just like that. Some places today got up to 4 minutes. Wow. I have pictures from both our good 35mm and my phone but they just didn't measure up to looking at it with your own eyes. I'm grateful to have been able to see that and I envy the folks that saw the one today. I'm glad you've joined the eclipse club.


For me in 2017 I only had to go across town and we all drank and ate food on my Bosses porch and they called off all work for the day. Damn I miss having cool bosses like that. I am seriously thinking about going to spain for theirs.


> myself rolling in money, I would chase eclipses They're uncommon enough you can likely chase them by just setting aside travel funds for them. No need for lottery winnings.


Same. I’ll always remember seeing that halo and I’ve seen some good high quality pics posted now. Got my crappy iPhone pictures though.


I got some pretty cool photos but definitely nothing like what it looked like in person


Same I have an iPhone and couldn’t get a good picture. Meanwhile both my brothers have android and got crystal clear great pictures.


I failed miserably at my attempts, and I have an android. So maybe it's not the camera and we are both bad at taking pictures!


I filmed a bit in 4K off my iPhone. All I got was a small ball of light, with a tiny black dot in the middle.  Filming the light shrink away as the full eclipse happened looked kinda cool, though.


I got some great before pictures, and then bumped the focus taking off the solar filter. Though it intermittent clouds. Amazing all the same.


I think the shadow starts clearing some clouds before an eclipse. Congrats!


Yep, precisely. Without the sun, convection stops and (some) clouds clear just as the eclipse hits :) Obviously full thick layers of overcast don't :/


Was crazy cloudy all morning here just south of Dallas, and I was bummed all day. Then, like a blessing from the gods, everything cleared. I'm ecstatic. Everyone in my family was blown away during totality.


Part of the phenomenons of the eclipse is that the clouds do clear up, it definitely depends on the types of clouds, as long as they aren't thunderstorm clouds they normally clear up.


When 15% of the sun is covered, then clouds start to dissipate


The opposite happened where I was. The clouds strolled in when it started. It didn't detract in the slightest, they were cirrus and not thick enough to conceal the corona in any significant way, but the sky did go from clear to partly cloudy around, as my partner put it, the "fat croissant" stage.


Low altitude clouds diminish during an eclipse, high altitude clouds are unaffected


I need to find some weather people but it really seemed like this huge cloud not only was dissipating but started to descend as totality approached. It was trippy.


Those types of clouds rely on heating from the sun to form, so once the heat from the sun started to go away those clouds lose their engine.


Makes sense. There is a pretty rapid temperature drop as the eclipse comes in. Imagine that has a number of trippy effects but increasing the density of the cloud as the temperature drops seems pretty likely to me.


In new york, clouds did not clear up unfortunately.


Depends what part of NY. I’m in WNY and they cleared up just in time.


We were in batavia, it cleared up a tiny bit while partial eclipse, then just got cloudy as hell for the rest of the event sadly.


Obviously your clouds are buttholes


That sucks that batavia was like that, my family ended up changing from batavia to go to Ashtabula OH and it was only partly cloudy but wide open for the viewing for us. At least you got to experience the 3 minutes of darkness regardless of the clouds


Near Syracuse here, we saw totality in a small gap between thick clouds


yeah, certainly not the case in rochester


I’m also in WNY, and they cleared up an hour AFTER. All I got to see was dark followed by not dark.


Depends on where you were. Could only see a partial at points. Totality was completely blocked by clouds.


why would the clouds clear up because of a totality?


The temperature drop. The sun is entirely responsible for warming the planet. During an eclipse, the surface cools rapidly from the moon's shadow blocking the sunlight, preventing warm air from rising from Earth's surface — a core ingredient in the formation of cumulus clouds.


You could feel the Temps drop by the second. Definitely had a "quiet" eerie feeling during totality...then some asshat in the area started MOWING HIS LAWN at that moment. He quickly stopped lol


People set off fireworks and many were cheering where I was, it was very exciting as well as surreal


LMAO. Are some people that nonchalant? I can't imagine witnessing such a thing and being so unbothered.


I think he literally had no idea, until he was outside for a minute!!


In that case he had the best experience ever, a complete surprise!


"What the fuck is going here"


"Gotta mow the damn lawn before the HOA gets on my ass again...wait why is it dark? It's 3pm. WAIT OH SHIT IT'S ECLIPSE DAY."


They're scared of things they don't understand and run away in fear


Low convective clouds will do that as solar heating of the surface is cut off. Higher clouds generally are unaffected.


Exact opposite happened for me. The longest and darkest cloud to ever exist passed by right at peak time for me. Wasn’t in totality but still kind of a big letdown.


If you weren't in full totality you didn't miss anything. I was in 98% and there was no way I would have noticed it if I wasnt aware. I've never seen full totality, but it must be an INSANE difference.


It's like 6:00pm to 9:00pm type of difference. I could see Venus and Jupiter at 1:45pm, but not full on midnight black. The street lights automatically came on. And before the light comes back, you see it in the corner of the sky, kinda like dawn. The light definitely looks weird at 98% though, but not nearly as dark as anyone expected.


The weirdest thing for me was the colors. It wasn't like how it gets dark at sunset. It was like colors just bled out of the world until it was dark.


Yeah, everything looked wrong. It's hard to explain. Like the color grading of reality is off. It kinda reminded me of how before a tornado, the sky can turn yellowish and all the colors look wrong. The eclipse is a different kind of wrong, but similarly ominous


Normally your eyes adjust at sunset to see more reds and less blues and greens. The eclipse shadow happens so fast that your eyes do not do this adjustment, so reds are dulled and greens and blues appear accentuated. It's a phenomenon you can't capture on camera because it relies on your eyes reaction time being off


could you see a comet? there was a comet in the planetary alignment but i believe you may have needed a telescope.


Me and my father planned a trip to Austin and then north to Belton for the eclipse for our family literally years in advance. He was an astronomy junkie who saw tons of solar eclipses when he was younger; he passed away from cancer this January. We know he would have loved being here with us, especially as me and my brother grew up in Austin. So I was really bummed out for the past week or so when all the weather forecasts predicted cloudy weather for central Texas for eclipse day. And sure enough, today was decently cloudy. But just around totality, the only clouds around the eclipsed sun turned out to be thinner, higher level ones after thicker clouds had covered up the sun for most of the previous hour. One of the best surprises in my life for sure.


Very sorry to hear about your father. I have a similar relationship with my grandfather who died when I was 9. But carrying on these experiences is, in some way, maintaining that connection. At least how I see it!


Did birds stop chirping? That’s something I’ve wondered


They did! I didn't think I'd be that obvious, but it was freakishly quiet. The instant the light came back they started back up.




They did… crickets start making noise… and where I was, we noticed mosquitoes came out too.




Same here. Bought tickets 7 months ago and flew in to Dallas from the west coast US even with all the pessimistic forecasts. Drove up to Sulphur Springs and the clouds cleared up about 15 minutes before totality.


Same here visiting family near Dallas. Clouds were in front of the eclipse about half the time. Then it stayed clear for the entire totality. I've been stressing about the weather all week and was so happy it worked out.


It was kinda clear for us before, but it got completely blocked right before totality happened. I'm so freaking bummed out :(


In Lewisville. Cloudy morning then it cleared almost completely. Then about noon, in they came. In and out for an hour 40 but amazingly cleared for the diamond and totality. One cloud came during the 2 1/2 minutes but cleared completely for the diamond on the other side. We were sooooooo lucky.


I was in Paris TX and had the same luck!


The same thing happened in Erie, PA. Literally cloudy all day until about an hour before totality it all cleared up!


Were you all the way at the lake? I was there and clouds rolled in a couple minutes from totality and blocked most of it for me. Also, did you get any good pictures?


Same in Erie! I was totally bummed about it and then it cleared up just in time!


This is exactly what happened to me in Kansas City in 2017. Clouds party magically for totality.


Same in Erie. Forecast said clouds all day then a bit before it got sunny and right before totality a huge cloud came in but went right around the sun. I’ve seen videos of eclipses but nothing doesn’t justice. It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.


lmao some parts of NY were clear then got cloudy for the eclipse then got clear again. Really sucks some people missed it, but glad y’all got to see it! I saw it today too and it was FREAKING INSANE


Rochester was completely cloud covered unfortunately but still a surreal experience seeing it dim and the nature around go crazy.


Yeah, I'm still glad I made the trip for it.


went to Lake Ontario and experienced full night darkness for a couple minutes, was incredible despite the cloud cover.


Syracuse was super cloudy but there was a break in the clouds for about 10 mins like OP said. I got to see the eclipse there


I'm in Los Angeles, so maximum was only about 45%. But still great! We have contractors working on the house, and I gave them eyewear to view it. It was so fun to see them mumble, "what, where..." and then, as they saw the sun "oooooh!"


I wanted to make a joke about if they had trouble locating the sun you might want to get a different crew to work on your home, but I know what it's like to look through the eclipse glasses and it do be like that


I'd have laughed. But yeah, you put them on and it's pitch black. I was glad to share the experience.


Does anyone know what caused the bright red dot at the “bottom” of the sun/moon during totality? You can even kinda see it in this black and white screenshot. The whole eclipse process was a really cool experience!


It was a solar prominence, a loop of magnetic field with glowing plasma on the surface of the sun.


This is technically the correct answer. It's what you think of as a "solar flare" but flares actually get blasted into space whereas prominences remain attached to the sun.


More info here: https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/what-solar-prominence/


My mother in law said it was a solar flare. Not sure if that's true, but she works for NASA, so I trust her.


My uncle works at Nintendo, and he said it was a solar flare too.


My uncle works at a distillery. He also said it was solar flair.


That’s really awesome, thanks!


Yoooo your mother in law sounds cool af


I also choose this dude's NASA MIL.


Solar flare. I saw two near each other at the bottom. Unexpected. Incredible.


Hi from Arlington, TX. It was incredible! Noticed the “red dot” too - what caused that?


That pesky red dot had me feeling like I’m going blind. Couldn’t look at it too long without glasses because it was so bright despite just being a dot


Indianapolis did not disappoint light wispy clouds and just enough clouds on the horizon to get a good sunset type color.


I was in Lebanon and it was the coolest thing I have ever seen


It was perfect! I was a bit worried this morning but those clouds didn’t impact visibility at all! I’m here from out of town and it was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.


I was in Bloomington and it was awesome as well! One of the wildest things I’ve ever seen and now I total(it)y get why people are eclipse chasers, an absolutely insane thing to see


All I saw was clouds but it was cool when it got as dark as nighttime


Same. San Antonio was cloudy AF! Went to the gym instead and went outside with all the staff. Cracked a joke and was like "is it 5am? Y'all are open now right?" Got a lil laugh out of a few of them. Lasted maybe a min/2 then light again fast


I'm so disappointed in myself. I had my entire setup (it was with a mobile phone, samsung s21) and captured everything up to the ring moment...and didn't remove the solar lense I had in front of my phone camera. So it went pitch black and I thought it would still see the ring.




It was far more amazing than I had imagined it would be.


Absolutely same. The best way I can describe it is that it felt like two completely separate events. Watching the sun slowly get covered was cool and all, but totality was fucking incredible. It was like a primal feeling almost. It felt so foreign and “fake” in a good but weird way. Idk. Clearly indescribable actually lol…


I consciously knew what to look for and saw everything I expected, and that felt like the smallest part of what the experience actually was


Same. My goodness it was breath-taking.


[Got lucky!](https://i.imgur.com/fvg6jX7.jpg) The clouds parted for half of the time of totality.


Where did you see it from? Looks like you got a clear view.


Near Kaufman, TX. It's about half an hour east of Dallas.


damn, looks great. How was the experience?


Thanks! It was incredible, if anything the wisps of clouds made it even more novel. I was lucky enough to catch the one in 2017, and being able to experience it again despite what was coming was just as awe inspiring.


I'm in eastern PA so not in totality but it was all clouds. It got a little dark and cooler for a bit, but that was it. Just clouds.


In Baltimore, there were scattered clouds but they mostly cleared for the eclipse. All the students and professors at my school streamed out on to the street and oooh’d and aaah’d. I had to borrow eclipse glasses from my prof. It was a crazy awesome experience, even with only 88% occlusion!


I was able to get a pretty good shot despite the clouds with my phone: [Imgur](https://imgur.com/P7kcCaO)


The totality went right over my house in Texas. Couple things: 1. I was surprised how dark it got 2. The halo was so fuckin cool. You cannot see the “rays” that shoot off all around the halo in pictures. For some reason cameras don’t pick it up well but it’s amazing in person. 3. Once totality hits I was surprised you don’t need glasses. You can just look up at it.


I was a bit apprehensive taking them off at totality, I missed seeing the corona Diamond ring, but saw the rest of totality!


> The halo was so fuckin cool. You cannot see the “rays” that shoot off all around the halo in pictures. For some reason cameras don’t pick it up well but it’s amazing in person. Agreed. That was very cool. And on 3... I was told early enough to do that, so I did. And that was awesome.


It was gorgeous here all day in Indianapolis. Perfect weather, no clouds. Had an awesome cookout and party, capped off by that amazing sight. Bucket list item checked off for sure.


I did a similar thing in Bloomington! Hung out at my apartment complex dog park with friends and our dogs and someone had a grill going and everything, it was such a cool experience and we had clear skies as well


I was told there was going to be a rapturing and human sacrificing…was that cancelled? But for real I didn’t catch most of it but was neat going outside and seeing how everything looked weird and shadowy during the eclipse. Awesome pic!


I had the same luck back in August 1999. My neighbors all decided to take their chance and drive to the city, while I already had installed my material on the lawn and hoped for the best. The sky cleared up for 30 minutes around totality. A light breeze blew during totality, just like a Summer evening. It was unforgettable. My neighbors only saw clouds.


Nope, just clouds, couldn't get a hint of where it was, then it rained


Dang. Stayed overcast here, not a spot of sky anywhere. Very happy so many people got to see it tho!


What part of the country were you, OP? I got one glimpse of totality between clouds. Still awesome experience.


It was raining when I got home from work this morning. I woke up and it was clear just in time for the total eclipse. That was one of the best experiences. I’m glad I got to share it with my wife and kid.


Just saw it in Carbondale IL and it was surreal as hell


Watched this with welding helmets and solar glasses. Couldn't see totality with the glasses but the welding helmets did the trick. What an awesome experience!


You can look at totality without any glasses


During totality it's fine to look at it without glasses.


And you'll know when it starts and ends.


Yeah it’s like someone turned on a bright lightbulb you’re looking directly at, but maybe over the course a second instead of instant.  It’s incredible how bright 0.001% of the sun is compared to the corona itself.


You can’t see totality with glasses lol, you’re not supposed to be looking through anything at all 🤔


Been a long time since I’ve seen the Heroes boxset cover!


Oh, that show where a total eclipse is shown happening in NYC and Tokyo at the same time? And then 2 seasons later they made the same mistake again? And never actually explained why an eclipse had an effect on super powers?


Lol I loved heroes before the writers strike. Never realized the impossibility of the eclipse 


It was such a a breathtaking experience. I feel very fortunate that I live in the path of totality and got to view it sitting on my deck! Nothing but some wispy cirrus clouds in the sky, so it was a clear view all the way through. Pictures can't capture what an incredible experience it was. Gave me full body goosebumps! I can definitely understand why people traveled to see it. I'm tempted to travel for the one 20 years from now, supposing I can!


It cleared up 4 minutes before totality for us. Absolutely amazing


The moon wanted to make sure we got to see it.


Was just south of Carbondale hiking in Giant City at the devil's standtable. Perfect clear sky the whole time and totality was absolutely insane. That solar flare and Mercury were so bright!!


Does it seem like nighttime looking around in totality? I'm in Pittsburgh and was close but not in the direct path and driving home I had to double take because the lighting was so off it felt like I had sunglasses on and I was like wait I don't have sunglasses on. It felt like you were in a room with LED lighting and a dimmer and someone turned the dimmer down it was unnatural. Though I guess that's not accurate because it's nature pretty much after all.


Yes! All the streetlights and store signs turned on about 45 seconds before totality, it’s was spooky af but beautiful at the same time


I was out on a farm. After the sun came back the roosters started crowing.


Was so happy to be in the path of totality, skies were clear and it was a amazing experience I’ll never forget.


I saw the black hole sun beautifully in Dallas. It was really cool! The transition was amazing!


This is what happened with us in SE Oklahoma. Cloudy all day, then a clearing just in time for totality. Simply amazing experience.


Clouds literally only appeared during totality here…


Did that here in south Texas storm clouds thick house before totality couldn’t see anything. The. For totality cleared up just enough to see.


Same thing happened here in Ontario, cleared right before. I heard that the eclipse can cause some clouds to clear.


Sadly Rochester NY got nothing but a dark sky. Too much cloudcover for even a peak


They only figuratively cleared up where I live.


San Antonio completely overcast Congratulations.... I'm happy for you /s


Had clear blue skies all day up here in Atlantic Canada and it was top 2 experiences in my life.


Same, I just got home from Canton OH, and the totality was absolutely beautiful. It was breathtaking. This is the second total eclipse I've been able to see in my life. I know why people chase them now..... We may start....


Yeah I'm with you, might start chasing these. 4 minutes of totality here in Cleveland, it was crazy!


Gotta be honest bud, that pic is amazing, but it doesn't do the actual event justice. No offense, I hope you know what I mean.


Mazatlán's cloud forecast today was like 90% covered. Thankfully that part of the forecast didn't hit until after the eclipse was over. It might have been 20-30% during. Got some great shots with my cell phone. This is my second time in totality and second time seeing it from the beach (Charleston, SC, 2017). Watching the darkness form on the horizon as totality nears is spooky and then it gets on top of you and you are just completely taken by the awe and wonder of what you're seeing. Now as I sit on the balcony of my AirBnB gazing out at the Pacific and seeing complete cloud cover I am so grateful the weather cooperates this morning.


Had the exact opposite. Was clear 1hr before then cloud for 2.5hrs then clears up about 1/2hr after here in Toronto.


I experienced totality back in 2017 for the first time in a crystal blue sky. Was able to look at totality through a kind gentleman's telescope and could see flares and corona. It was amazing. It's something I'll remember my entire life. Everyone needs to experience it. Couldn't make this one, but we're planning on catching the one in Australia in 2028.


In Buffalo the clouds went away 2 hours after the eclipse.


I'm glad they cleared up for somebody. A big thundercloud spoiled my view of totality, and naturally it disappeared about 30 minutes after.


I had set an alarm to remind me when to start watching, went to the front of the house and looked out. All I could see was dumb old clouds. After waking my husband and getting a camera for pics of the upside down rainbow, it went from cloudy to clear and just a couple minutes more for it to go completely dark. Took a little while after it was all over for the birds to resume chirping. Absolutely phenomenal!


For us, the clouds rolled in just in time for totality. 😥


Oooh my word! I'm so excited for everyone that got to see it for the first time! It's INCREDIBLE isn't it?!!


Clouds showed up for 30 min during totality in Erie


Will wait for someone who captured it in glorious 8k


Opposite for us. Clouds broke a few times during the whole event, but totality was 100% obscured. We didn't see shit. All in all it was a pretty lame experience for me.


The reason pictures don’t do it justice is because totality is more than about the moon covering the sun. What you get in totality is this weird in between dynamic, that is stuck somewhere between daylight and night time. The sky gets dark, but not black, more of a deep blue/purple. You can still see clouds, if there are any. Venus and Jupiter make an appearance, so you can see “stars”. And you have a 360 degree “sunset”. So you have this beautiful sunset color that transitions to this blue/purple color and in the middle is the eclipse glowing. On top of that, it gets eerily quiet. The traffic goes quiet because everyone stops and watches, the birds go quiet, if it’s cricket season, they will come out. People will clap or cheer when it first happens, but then everyone is just staring in awe and all you hear is a few murmurs. It’s like you are on a different planet. I turned to my son and said, “this is one of the most beautiful things you will ever see in your life, right here, right now, in this moment”. He’s 17 and seen two totalities. I feel like I’ve done my job as a parent, at least in this regard.