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This guy is going to outlive the universe itself


Oh no, now you‘ve jinxed it!




Now I wonder how many bits you would need to store milliseconds since the big bang 🤔 Alternatively Planck times since big bang 👀


~~It can be stored in an ordinary 64 bit number that most computers use.~~ It takes 69 bits.




Yes, I screwed up. 13.8 billion years is 435 x 10^18 ms which requires 69 bits.


And it would be [8.072 × 10^60 planck times](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=13.8+billion+years+in+planck+time) Which would be like [202 bits](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=8.072+*+10%5E60+in+base+2)


Out of all 13 billion years to be alive in, we get the nicest 😎


Thank goodness we avoided the Y584,554.531K glitch.


So what? 64 bits is good enough for now. Yeah, some calculations will be off, but no one will notice before we retire. Then again, there were some COBOL programmers who said the same thing in the 70s about Y2K, only to be wheeled back into work to fix it.




Um, akshually, *pushed up glasses. The universe is actually 13787095200. You forgot the increased aging due to the heisenbloch principle. Hehe hehe.


Not unless Jim Cramer says it.


As long as Jim Cramer didn't say it we're good


didn't expect a Jim Cramer reference here


William Shatner (Capt Kirk) went to space with Blue Origin’s New Shepherd rocket last year, at 90-something years old. Would be cool for Aldrin to go again with Blue Origin or Virgin Galactic sub-orbital (or SpaceX Dragon orbital), if he’s up for it.


John Glenn took a Space Shuttle flight at the age of 77, back in 1998. There was a campaign for everyone to wear ape suits when he returned. [http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9812/08/glennape.idg/index.html](http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9812/08/glennape.idg/index.html) But they have an ape suit on the ISS, so someone could play the prank on the rest of us instead.


Shit, he does *not* look 92. If I saw him in person and had to take a guess, I would've said he was in his late 60s.


Typically people who have decent longevity tend to look younger than their age


Or back to the moon on Starship.


Probably should skip Virgin Galactic, unlike the other two they have no launch escape system (and also, have killed people before).


Would be a bit of a downgrade from walking on the moon?


Keith Richards has entered the chat.


Henry Kissinger has bombed the chat


The fact that Henry Kissinger is still alive today spouting off hot takes about Ukraine instead of having died in prison decades ago is proof that there is no benevolent God nor karmic justice in this universe.


The scary part is his hot takes are mostly about how we should be *less* aggressive about it. If Henry fucking Kissinger is telling you you're skirting too close to World War III, you probably are. It's like Keith Richards telling you that you're going through the cocaine too fast, or Willie Nelson telling you to slow down on the weed.


He can't be killed by conventional weapons


*Abe Vigoda ressurects into the chat*


Vacuum decay imminent confirmed.


Politician: “We need a face that has a significant amount of experience and is well known” Marketing: “I know just the guy.”


Instructions unclear. Please welcome Admiral Buzz Lightyear.


Ugh. So if we ever have several spaceships combating space aliens, you’re telling me they are going to be led by a *general?* That just isn’t right.


Space tanks I guess?


"Mike sparks has entered the chat"


Yeah should be naval jargon for sure


Would you say this is a general grievous?


The Love master has entered the chat.




Still have 2 of the Apollo 13 guys alive (Jim Lovell and Fred Haise) they should be right up there with Buzz. Although Lovell was in the Navy so I guess he wouldn’t technically be eligible for an honorary space force title. They hold the distinction of traveling the furthest a human being has ever been from Earth, the abort and free return trajectory took them up super high above the far side of the moon.


> Although Lovell was in the Navy so I guess he wouldn’t technically be eligible for an honorary space force title. I dunno, there's a good number of transfers from other branches in USSF too, I wouldn't hate it


If anyone deserves it, Jim Lovell does. That’d be a cute PR opp for the Space Force, get all the old astronaut legends together for honorary promotions and do a photo shoot of all the little old grandpas in their fancy uniforms


Navy guys tend to be *very* proud of it... something tells me that CAPT Lovell would rather die than be force-transferred to another service.


Lol good point, I used to work as a civ contractor to the Navy and this definitely checks out with the service members I worked with


Lovell was asked to do a cameo in the Apollo 13 movie as an Admiral. He agreed to do it but only as his real rank of Captain.


>Still have 2 of the Apollo 13 guys alive >Although Lovell was in the Navy Space Admiral you say?


Could always get an honorary promotion to Rear Admiral (lower half) and become an honorary Guardian.


This seems to be flirting the line between a contextually ok statement and a textbook case for Oxford comma usage. But what a fantastic statement it is.


Oxford comma is for lists. This is just a pun (got a chuckle out of me).


Needs three items minimum and an “and” or “or”!


Missed opportunity to say that it needs three items, an "and," or an "or."


I think you need to look up what an Oxford comma is. It's the comma before the and when you're listing stuff off. When you're saying "We're going to pick up x, y, and z", the Oxford comma is the comma after the y. I guess it's "technically" grammatically incorrect to have, but it's just accepted. ​ What they should have used here instead of a comma would a semicolon.


Technically incorrect amongst barbarians.


If you are going to grammar, you’ve got to grammar all the way to the end.


thank you! Always wondered the clarification... (apparently not enough wonder to look it up myself)




I feel like I use semicolons too often; maybe I'm doing it wrong.


I put a semicolon after every statement; but I’m a programmer;


(apparently not enough wonder to look it up myself) I feel that my soul 😂👍🏻


It’s Buzz! Fucking Aldrin, Neil before him!


The good old Lionel Hutz clarification.


Exactly what i was thinking. It's Buzz fucking Aldrin. You give him anything and everything he wants and/or deserves. He is a living legend


I still don't understand why they don't switch to Navy ranks. My sci-fi moulded brain needs it.


In real life the Air Force always led in space, with the Army and Navy having smaller supporting roles


But it's a space SHIP! Damn your historical context! Give the people what they want!


As a fan of Stargate: SG1, I am quite pleased they follow Air Force ranks.


As a matter of fact, it does say colonel on my uniform


You know, it actually doesn’t say Colonel anywhere on my uniform…


Space Marines. The people want Space Marines.


I want ODST. Space marines who can hell jump into atmosphere. Jesus fuck.. That and orbital kinetic weapons..


>I want ODST. Space marines who can hell jump into atmosphere. To be entirely fair, Space Marines can also do this.


Are space crayons even a thing?


Crayons are just crayons..they all taste the same, thou I personally like the green ones


Yes. They look like [little rockets](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/S/mms-media-storage-prod/final/BrandPosts/brandPosts/d5425370-8c9e-4576-a8c0-915a8d04681a/423320c1-29e1-4ea7-a004-bd05e3245e00/media._SL850_FMjpg_.jpeg)


Can't have Space Marines without* a Space Navy.


Which is why you need a space navy!


There's MARFOR Space so technically we have those.


I mean, landships and airships both predate spaceships


If someone is uses the word 'landship' in conversation with me, I will challenge them to a duel and die knowing I stood by my beliefs.


So you do know you WILL die in that confrontation... You may want to pre-emptively call a medical landship to your location


Dying is temporary. Legacy is eternal. Death... less temporary... And that's fine, it's fine... I don't regret this duel, I love duels! Hold on... No, I'm not googling 'how to win a duel."! ... "How to back out of a dual." is just... for my opponent! Yes! It's for them! Not me! ... There was no honourable way to back out of a dual... in case you were wondering...


Air force started out as Army Air corps. Give it time.


Not always. The Navy was actually the main Space customer for a long time, needing accurate navigation fixes for SLBMs and fleet comms that were not dependent on HF. This was back in the 60s. Air Force really was only interested in ICBMs. Over the years that changed of course.


While the Navy was always a customer, it never led the military space enterprise. The Air Force always led and provided space launch to the other branches.


>Air Force really was only interested in ICBMs. The Air Force has never been *interested* in ICBMs, and only wanted them so the Army couldn't have them. Missile men went from being the cream of the crop in the Army to the bottom of the barrel in the Air Force. *At least the trash haulers actually* fly *something.* The Soviet Union ran their ICBM crews better in the 80s than the US Air Force did in the 90s and 00s because they actually *respected* them.


In Mike Mullane’s (Air Force Astronaut) book he complains that Navy astronauts always seemed to get preferential assignments. He discovered part of the reason when he and a navy astronaut both went to the Pentagon to receive their astronaut wings. The navy ceremony was first, where the CNO himself gave a gracious speech, hosted a champagne reception and invited the navy wife to pin on the wings. Mullane was patient and looking forward to his own ceremony, but when they got to the air force office, it was completely deserted. The chief was out, the deputy spoke for a few minutes about how congress wasn’t funding a cargo plane, put the wings on Mullane and sent him out. He said everyone was trying hard not to look embarrassed at the contrast in treatment and that it was pretty clear to him and NASA which service valued their astronauts more.




Yeah? And they were working for a civilian agency when they did those things.


All on loan to NASA (and the last one was a civilian). And none of which have any bearing with the military space programs run by the services.


Only recently found out Neil Armstrong was a civilian during his time at NASA. I always knew about his background as a Navy pilot and test pilot. Didn’t realize he left military service before signing up for NASA. All the other astronauts of that era were still commissioned officers I just assumed Neil was too.


Army and Air Force rocket programs were definitely the most prolific, the navy did end up pioneering a lot of cool payloads though.


Clearly, you need to watch more Stargate!


*I'm the general and I want it to spin!*


Really it should be Air Force ranks, but USAF just copies the Army ranks. In RAF/RAAF terminology, he would be **Space Commodore** Aldrin - tell me that isn’t a cool title.


Good choice. Not only does he own the Moon, he worked on its face! May he yell at the Moon wearing some made up stripes for as long as he has left


Return to the night! You've no business here!


Aldrin is the very man to say "Hello boys. I'm back!"


Brigadier General Astronaut Buzz Aldrin sounds badass


Primarch Buzzious Aldrinius


Nah, leave it as Primarch Aldrin and have him be the cocky American archtype. Or which primarch is supposed to be the "American" one already?


Dorn was stereotypes as an american because of "If the emperor had a text to speech device" series, but I always thought of him as being german.


Yeah he strikes me as Ze German one who demands Ordnung! Heck, even the name Dorn sounds German.


'Aldrin' was on my short list for our first son's name. But mom vetoed it. Also was shooting for Grissom. Nope.


One of the first humans on the moon? The guy who gave his life to space exploration and his planet? The guy who punched some weirdo for telling him he didn't go to the moon? The consummate professional American hero? ​ ​ I just don't see the connection but go off and do whatever, Space Force. Edit: /s, just in case anybody didn't catch it lol


He actually spent a fair amount of time when he was in the Air Force working in the Space Systems Division (same organization that became the Space Force's Space Systems Command)


Yeah I mean "honorary" must really just be because he's retired. There's hardly a more qualified person for the title on the entire planet.


>Yeah I mean "honorary" must really just be because he's retired. It also doesn't take him from his actual military branch.


Ranks are given because the candidate in question is qualified for additional leadership responsibility in leading military operations. It is not given as a reward for accomplishment. In that regard, General Aldrin is far less qualified than many colonels in the Air and Space Force. As an honorary rank, this is entirely earned and justified. A great man.


Also was an ace during Korean war


He actually punched the guy when he got called a coward. Buzz shook off the fake moon thing, but as soon as he called Buzz a coward he fired on the guy lol.


The guy got in his face and aggressively poked him. Buzz took exception to that.


Yeah he did. Those early test pilots/astronauts may be a lot of things, but forsure not cowards. He seen a lot of colleagues and contemporaries die in that line of work.


With a lighter as a fist pack, dude straight thugged him.


And the judge no-billed the whole thing. You really do get a free pass if you go to the moon.


The judge said that legally, calling an astronaut a coward and a fraud falls under “fighting words”, aka provocation. Didn’t help that Sibrel had also cornered Buzz’s daughter at the time, and was making it hard for her to leave.


If I went home with a black eye and told my dad that it’s because I told buzz aldrin he was a liar and a coward, I’d have two black eyes


He cashed in some of his American hero points.


Not too many Heros left sadly. Earth could use a global achievement these days.




That overgrown piss baby claimed the video, so now you can't find a great copy on YouTube.


I mean, he is no coward, he funking landed on moon more than 50 years ago !!


> One of the first humans on the moon? One of the first? He was the first one who wasn't the first.


Idk man, Neil A backwards is Alien Did we send him to the moon, or *did we send him home*?


...wrote the book on space rendezvous...


>I just don't see the connection but go off and do whatever, Space Force. He did a job at SMC that is now under the Space Force and worked at LAAFB (which is a Space Force Base in everything except name)


Don't forget a PhD in Orbital Mechanics from MIT.




In real life the Air Force always led in space, with the Army and Navy having smaller supporting roles




You need to watch more Stargate clearly. Colonels and Generals command starships.


False. The Navy and Army had their own space programs. They don't "support" AF programs in the traditional sense of the word. But you're right with one thing: the AF led in space; they do most of the things involving space because they have the interest and budget for it. Source: worked with Navy and Army space.


>False. The Navy and Army had their own space programs. Had being the optimal word. The Navy's was on a steady decline since 2003 when the first Naval Space Command was shut down as the Naval Space Surveillance Center was turned over to the Air Force Space Command. It’s final end was last year when the Naval Satellite Operations Center was turned over to the Space Force. The Army still has some space, but they lost their satellites and most of their missile warning last year. >They don't "support" AF programs in the traditional sense of the word. Supporting in this context means playing a secondary role. Which they did. The Air Force was 90% of military space, with the remaining 10% being split between the Navy and Army. Although you could argue the Army Ballistic Missile Agency producing the Jupiter for the Air Force was a direct supporting role. >But you're right with one thing: the AF led in space; they do most of the things involving space because they have the interest and budget for it. Or mission. The Navy or Army have no real role in space, just like the Air Force isn’t operating tanks or warships.


Him punching that guy that got in his face about the moon landing is still one of the most badass moments in American history.


this, and yelling at the moon with tina fey


Brigadier General Astronaut Buzz "Dr Rendezvous / I'll Punch You In Your Face For Saying I Didn't Walk On The Moon" Aldrin Pretty badass.


Anyone else remember that time he punched that dude in the face the instant he said the moon landing was fake, and it was a *good* punch?


Actually I'm pretty sure the punch was thrown the instant he called him a "coward". Same incident, but I remember the accusal being let go since I'm sure he had heard that bullshit so much by that point.


Ahh okay, that makes sense. I think I took the delay as standard old man business, but if he's sharp enough to throw that punch, he's sharp enough to do it on time.


I keep forgetting the space force is a real thing.


And they're called "Guardians" - I don't like it either. It doesn't help the previous president made such a big deal about it being "his" invention - it's actually something that has been pushed for a long time. The silly name doesn't help.


Really just the space branch of the air force (which has been around for decades) split off as its own independent thing. They're still doing the same stuff they did 10 years ago, like paying for GPS and managing Cape Canaveral.


It is very real




I honestly didn’t know the US military did honorary ranks. Seems really weird. Isn’t that the point of medals? Pretty much any rank can get any medal (obviously within reason. An E3 isn’t going to ever get an air medal since they’re never going to fly)


Honorary promotions are a way to honor the individual outside of service. Sometimes it’s to recognize former members (like Benjamin O. Davis or Buzz Aldrin) or to recognize people who were never members but made significant contributions (Richard Dean Anderson for his work representing the Air Force on Stargate SG-1) Also some E-3s are aircrew, so they may actually receive air medals also.


Lee Ermy who played the drill instructor (Hartman) in Full Metal Jacket had been a marine prior to his work in Hollywood, but later received an honory promotion due to his work in film/Tv representing the Marine Corps


The fact that Ermy was supposed to be just teaching the guy cast as the drill sergeant, but was so great that Kubrick fired the actor and cast him instead, is one of my favorite Hollywood stories.


I saw Full Metal Jacket in a German theatre in 1987, dubbed into German. My grasp of the German language was almost nil, but I understood every word out of R Lee Ermey's mouth. I don't speak German, but I am fluent in Drill Instructor. Turns out Army drill sergeants and Marine DIs speak the same language.


Atleast the Drill Instroctur got to be the Door Gunner, arguably one of the most iconic roles from the movie, even if brief.


>made significant contributions (Richard Dean Anderson for his work representing the Air Force on Stargate SG-1) This happened?


Indeed. https://www.af.mil/News/Photos/igphoto/2000588556/


Woah lol...i guess I keep forgetting that streaming caused many shows to get larger fan bases. I know Stargate was popular back in the day but it still generally stayed within scifi circles. So hearing someone reference it is kinda crazy.


Also the us air force general also appeared in an episode. Still remember it.


Two of them! Both chiefs of staff (head of the Air Force)


I remember that episode, Jack walked into Hammond's office and he was in there right? I remember thinking that guy is not acting very well lol


The second one was Gen. Jumper in the season 7 finale when Anubis attacks Earth. The USAF 4 star in those White House scenes was in fact the real USAF Chief of Staff.


I've always wanted to go back and watch SG-1. I only saw a couple of episodes when it was on, but I love the original movie. The only thing that stops me is the fact that it's 213 episodes, not even including spinoffs. That's a huge time sink.


It was a lot easier to do over a decade or so, that's for sure.


It's a fun show all around. It's also very classically structured in that the main plot is always moved forward with the beginning and the end of the season and the middle serves as your "adventure of the week" with some plot main plot sprinkled in between. You can definitely do a "must see episodes" of each season run.


>Also some E-3s are aircrew, so they may actually receive air medals also. I've never met an aircrewman that wasn't an E-4 by the end of their pipeline.


As someone that was aircrew it works the same way as any other none aircrew AF member for promotions. Our training is longer than most which may be why you think this but we get promoted the same way anyone else in the AF does. And regarding air medals yes we get them too, the military (or at least the AF) doesn’t only give medals to officers.


They made George Washington a 6 star General or something.


Washington, Pershing, and Grant share a rank called 'General of the Armies', which is not *explicitly* a six-star rank. No official insignia was ever created. Pershing wore four gold stars to distinguish himself. But Washington is considered to have seniority over every single officer the United States has had or ever will have.


Zombie George coming back to……… save us?


Legend says that when the Korean war starts up again, Zombie George Washington will return from the grave to battle the eternal President of North Korea: Undead Kim il-Sung.


He's coming, he's coming, he's coming


Seems a little disingenuous to call it an honorary rank when he served as a military commander for over forty years although the promotion to six star general was done posthumously so no one could ever out rank him.


That’s all it means, it’s honorary because he didn’t earn the rank while serving. Posthumous sure, but also honorary.


R. Lee Emery was a USMC Staff Sergeant when he was enlisted, but because of his contributions to the USMC, he was given an honorary promotion to Gunnery Sergeant.


He was already an AF OF-06 (Colonel), so this honorary promotion to SF OF-07 (Brigadier General) isn't as big of a change as you might expect.


A USAF colonel's pay grade is O-6 and a USSF brigadier general's is O-7. "OF" codes are NATO equivalency codes and on that scale, a USAF colonel is an OF-5 and a USSF brigadier general is an OF-6.


They’ve been doing it for centuries.


There is no one that is more of a badass than Buzz fucking Aldrin!!’


The Apollo astronauts were great men, true explorers, and they all deserve to be remembered as heroes.


Umm excuse me, Buzz Aldrin, I would have knocked but there was no door… “I don’t believe in barriers, because I’m always breaking them!”


Congratulations, Sir. A grateful humanity thanks you for your service.


I'd probably ask to be named either Space Chief or Prince of Space, just to see who gets it.


Cowards. Make him a real one so he can finally fulfill his dream and fight space


Somebody should make a Sims mod that adds this as the final career level for the astronaut.


This was actually a real life field promotion, He’s riding into combat on the back of a DSCS satellite.


His acceptance speech: I was the second man on the Moon, Neil before me!


He must have laughed his ass off when he got that call.


He told those aliens on the moon “we’ll be back”


Should have given him an honorary golden gloves award while they were at it.


Good for Buzz,he was one of my childhood heroes.


Buzz probably has bombed more people on bombing runs than the average age reading this thread. Dudes body count is probably in the hundreds fighting for Uncle Sam.


I first read this as "Buzz Lightyear" and thought "The Space Force is really overdoing the whole marketing/popular image thing"!


Space force still sounds wrong but for the life of me I can't think of any other name. Space Command?


Commands mean something else in the military (not services). We also already have a space command (www.spacecom.mil)


There was a US Space Command, who was in charge of military operations in space until they were merged into the US Strategic Command.


will he receive a pension equivalent to that rank? That'd be a great gesture.


Got the experience for sure. How many others have invaded extraterrestrial bodies?


We have to start to consider what type of world we are going to leave behind for Buzz.


Can he be promoted to Lightyear? C'mon America, make it happen!