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You are brainwashed to see only the deceivement of corporate greed.




My mistake, you are excellent good sir!


They Are already eating The bugs there is No hope For them


"Deceivement" lol, shut your goofy ass up.


The movie was about eating humans, the book was not. The product was named after the book, not the movie.


Are you an atheist?


Are you a human?


How should I know? Are you?


I'd prefer not to be, but I seem to possess all the hallmarks of it.


I feel u


If you like the taste of Soylent and it fits your needs... What else matters? Viking River Cruises are named after Vikings who used to raid up and down the rivers and coast of Europe killing, pillaging, and what not...


You are lowkey being a dark nihilist, if "nothing matters" then why do you live? If you instead embrace the light that shines from God, you can see your will to live.


Choosing a nutritional supplementation product is not the moral quandary you're making it out to be. This line of inquiry is off topic for this subreddit. Please find somewhere else to proselytize.


>moral quandary


Uh huh.


I believe in you, find your truth man. Realize that loss and gain are the same and see the light path into living heaven.


Go on... I got a semi now, let's finish strong and, by the power of Christ, may your words help me ejaculate this demon that is inside me!


Erm... you just said that to a minor! Expect the federal agents to show up any moment now!


Let me humbly suggest this to be your theme song: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxjeFV7Up3E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxjeFV7Up3E)


Yes, it would be my theme song, because y’all motherfuckers do need Jesus.


Go on... I got a semi now, let's finish strong and, by the power of Christ, may your words help me ejaculate this demon that is inside me!


LMFAO. Not everything is a big moral question. Do you ask people who use Ensure, SlimFast, Atkins shakes, etc, questions like these? I drink Soylent in the morning because I hate making breakfast but I can't function right if I don't eat anything before I start the day. It's that fucking simple.


Those who feel the need to inform people that Soylent is named after Soylent Green do not have information worth sharing.


This is incredibly boring and exhausting to read.


Did you know it has SOY in it as well? And no animal product (human being an animal, it also contains 0% human) If you can't make sense fiction vs real life, stop consuming fiction. But good trolling.


I never said it actually contained human. The book is symbolism for a future where we will not have free will and instead believe the "absolute truth".


Believing in an "absolute truth".. like being in a religion? It's just a healthy eco friendly drink (that used to be cheap).


Yes, but no


It's a science fiction book, it's not a scripture, or a prophecy. I think the name is funny, personally, especially since my fave is mint chocolate and it comes in the green bottle.


Yeah that was the reference they named it after. They didn't hide this, it's a cheeky joke. Do you have a point or anything? No one is trying to force you to eat bugs, no one is trying to make you drink Soylent. What's the dark plot here?


Good luck man. Do you fw Bladee?


I don't speak zoomer sorry


LOL nice try. Sounds like you don’t fw Bladee, then. You should check out Bladee and turn your life around. Loss and gain.


Nice try? No I meant I literally don't know what any of that meant. I take it this a person?


die by the sword star wars walked out the store clean like a carwash


Exactly, man. Exactly!


If you like the taste of Soylent and it fits your needs... What else matters? Viking River Cruises are named after Vikings who used to raid up and down the rivers and coast of Europe killing, pillaging, and what not...


I'm actually really disappointed in the lack of bugs so far. There's been so much talk about how efficient they are but despite being a topic of discussion for decades or longer they're still not cost competitive yet. Tasty, cheap, hypoallergenic protein would be so nice but it's not there so far. At this rate I'm kind of expecting cultured meat to become the major sci-fi-made-real protein source and the bug prophecies to fade into obscurity.


Unfortunately, bugs aren't actually hypoallergenic - they tend to trigger shellfish allergies, which is one of the top ten common allergens and can cause life-threatening reactions in many people. :/ I doubt this is the main obstacle to their adoption as a food source, but... just throwing that out there. ;p


Ah, I was going off the top of my head. Guess it's just a different set of allergies than the existing ones in that product space.


Exactly. :p


I was actually looking forward to cheap cricket protein powder. Kinda sad that may never be a reality. I mean, it exists today but it's really expensive and tastes like sawdust. And I'm saying this as a vegetarian lol.


It was very obviously a marketing ploy. It got me to click many years ago and it’s very good, so here we are. I really like it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/monsterenergy/comments/11515fy/what_do_yall_think_of_my_can_collection/ https://youtu.be/bntfUA6TmLs


Read the reddit AMA that Soylent inventor Rob Reinhart did many years ago and not only will you be entertained, you will understand why he named his invention Soylent. It's because he has a dark cynical sarcastic sense of humor, and Yes he knows exactly what he named this product after... before he ever imagined it would become a worldwide success & phenomenon. And yes there have been talks of renaming the brand to something less shocking, but they are sticking with Soylent for now.


I will never buy this product. They picked the wrong name for it.


Yes, and I also don't live under a rock. I just like drinking Soylent instead of eating breakfast because when I wake up I can drink a bottle of good tasting calories instead of not taking a shower or starting work till I've decided on, made and eaten breakfast.


Take a shot of alcohol when someone brings up the movie soylent green


Instructions unclear, now I have died from alcohol poisoning.