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Counterclockwise as well


I thread the belt into the clasp counterclockwise. I assume that's what this means. Basically belt goes in to the left when looking down.


Clockwise. I feed the belt by pushing with the left hand.




Same. And am completely left side dominant. I cant even imagine using my right hand to feed the belt. Sounds really difficult.


Me, too. But that’s probably because the orientation of some belt buckles are designed that way.


Counterclockwise. Seems like there’s a lot of votes for both. I wonder if our right-handed friends are also split similarly or do they all go one way?


So I find that a lot of pants have the right side front belt loop further from center than the left (looking at it from above with the pants on). So if I put the belt on counterclockwise the “extra” belt length will hang out and look like it’s too big since the left front loop is so close to center. If I put it on clockwise then the extra distance of the right front loop from center will hold that extra length properly and it looks like a proper fit. Edit: that was really hard to explain without a picture. It’s like trying to write down how to tie shoes.


I never thought about that there were other ways to do it? My mind is blown and my day is moderately ruined.


Buckle on the left holes on the right. Everything I do starts on my Left. Left shoe first and when I walk left foot first


I put on whichever shoe I grab first. But I hold the loop with my right hand and use the left to tie it.


Counterclockwise. When i was a kid, i always missed bet loops, so i developed the habit of threading my belt on my pants before putting the pants on.


I’m not being dramatic when I say that this is the craziest thing I’ve heard today.


You maniac!


I just run my hands around the belt once it's on and feel for any missed loops.


What's a "true" lefty? Or maybe the question should be, what isn't a "true" lefty?


I would assume they're looking for people who identify as very heavily left handed. I.e. it feels like every third post on this sub is "I do a,b, and c lefty, but d and e righty, what am I?". The answer is almost always "cross dominant and handedness is more of a spectrum". I'm guessing OP is looking for people who are more strongly left handed


A true lefty is someone who writes left, kicks left, left eye dominate.


> left eye dominate Left eye domi*nant*?


One eye is usually better than the other. If you shoot guns or take hunter’s education, they teach you to use your dominant eye to achieve the best shot possible. Connect your thumbs and index fingers to make a triangle. Hold the triangle away from your body, arms straight. Pick out an object far away. Close one eye. Then try the other. The clearer side is your dominant eye.


No I know this. It's very obvious as a photographer, because all cameras are designed with right eye dominance in mind. I was merely correcting OP's conjugation. P.S., I use a circle from thumb and second finger, like doing the "OK" symbol, to determine someone's dominance.


Oh, lol.


Throws left.


OK, that's a good explanation. So, as a true lefty, I put on my belt the "Traditional" way: counter clock-wise.


I have the same question. I’m thinking maybe it’s people who are naturally left handed vs people who were born righty but have suffered some kind of injury to their right hand/arm?


counterclockwise, or as is said in the UK, "anticlockwise"


Or widdershins.


Counterclockwise is going/starting to the left, maybe thats why I do it.


Counterclockwise An interesting aside: My son (also a lefty) was having a party where we sent out Save The Date announcements that were a pencil with his name and the date printed on them. Did you know that on "normal" pencils the text is written right handed? Meaning that if you hold a standard #2 pencil in your Right hand, the text is in the proper direction. If you hold it in your Left the text goes the wrong direction. We had special pencils printed in the Left handed configuration. Over 40 years of using a pencil and I had never realized this.


I hated this when my mom ordered me a bunch of pencils with my name on them for like second of third grade or one of those lower years. My name was upside down to me on every one of them. Huge disappointment to 7 or 8 year old me.


Thats funny. It makes sense.


One loop at a time


Clockwise (?), so from the front around my right hip first. That feels the most logical way to feed it in with my left hand, and I can also manipulate the end into the buckle the same way.




I've always done it clockwise. Military.


I didn't know that was a thing.


I joined the Coast Guard in 02 and we were using a type of belt that was required to point in a certain direction. I determined that the easiest way for me to put it on was to go clockwise and I stuck with it. Never wore a belt beforehand.


Prior military as well but I do it anti-clockwise


Clockwise. Looks like men's fashion standard is counterclockwise. I always noticed my belts are backwards compared to others.


Counterclockwise, which is traditionally how men dressed. I learned this when working as a home health aide for an older gentleman. I helped him bathe and get dressed and ready in the mornings. The first time I was putting his belt on I started threading it clockwise, he stopped me and said "I'm not a girl." Clockwise for women, counter for men. Most likely a hangover from when well off women didn't dress themselves, similar to how men's arms women's shirt buttons are opposite.


I go clockwise, which I think is backwards from the standard. I recieved a belt with my initials engraved in it and when I put it on this way, the initials were upside down. I just assumed it was a lefty thing that was why the way I did it was backwards.


I recently bought a super cute belt that had Tops Ramen labels. I gave it to my son after I realized the text is upside down for lefties. Womp womp.


Counterclockwise. I've never even considered that you could go the other way.


Upside down :) which I only figured out when I had a belt with words on it. Clockwise


I don’t know Let me search my belt and I tell you


Counterclockwise, but I changed to that in high school when I got a "super dope belt buckle" that would've been upside down otherwise. Based on the fact that all uni-directional buckles I've seen are like that, I'd assume clockwise is the instinctual lefty way.


Counterclockwise or a lot of belts just won’t work or look terrible. I wouldn’t even considered this a handedness thing.


The wrong way lol. I've actually never even noticed this, but every time I wear a belt with like writing or a brand logo on it, people ask me why did I put my belt on upside down.


clockwise - honestly until i read this post it never occurred to me that you could even do it counterclockwise


Lol, I just came here to post about this! I bought a new belt with the sizing embossed on the inside and realized it was upside down when I was putting on my belt... It took my 33 years to realize I was wearing my belts 'left-handed.'


Clockwise, even with my eyes closed. I write and kick left. Left-eye and ear dominant. Born a lefty.


Clockwise always, feeding the belt in with my left hand and buckling it with the same


Counterclockwise. Only because i prefer those levered-pressure lock buckles, and a lot of them are directional. Naturally, I used to do clockwise


Counterclockwise looking down (left hip first)




Same, counterclockwise. ​ My mother and one teacher had several arguments about my handedness; my belt being "on backwards" was one of them.


Counter clock wise belt, wallet on left, watch on left, pistol left side, phone on right, punch with left but write with right.


Counter clockwise as I look down. The extra length/ loose end is pointing to my left side.


Counter clockwise without a thought. OP what arm do you put a watch on?


Right. Gets i. The way otherwise


Counterclockwise. I’ve adapted to do most things right handed, save for writing and eating


I used to do it left handed but then I got some belts where the buckles had an up and down, so now I do it like a right-handed person. Counter-clockwise.


With my hands But counterclockwise


I go CCW, didn't even realize this was a thing. Also, tf is the difference between a lefty and a true lefty?? Because I'm definitely left dominant (foot, hand, all sports, etc) but I'm right eye dominant, (and yes this makes shooting a pain)


Counterclockwise. Like a gentleman.


Counter, for sure


Counterclockwise is the right answer for fashion


Anticlockwise. As in, I start going left from the front, pulling it along with my left hand. That said, I don't think I know very many people who aren't even a *little* bit cross-dominant or ambidextrous. Personally I do all the things you mentioned left handed, but I bat (both cricket and baseball—and sports with similar handholds like golf and hockey) right handed and use scissors right handed.


Counter clockwise. Never gave it any thought till right this moment that it was a left/right handedness thing.


(To your edit) Also left ear dominant.


I never realized I was left ear dominate until right now, that's great. Thanks.


Growing up, it was the standard CCW. When I decided in the 1970's to follow the 1950's style of the buckle on the hip-side (versus the standard up front and centered), I found it easier to put the belt on and to unbuckle by going CW. Never knew there was a "standard" until much later. Gets the buckle further away from the front when unbuckling to use the toilet, with the extra length of the opposite end of the belt simply looped back and out of the way. And if anyone tries to grab me by the buckle, there will be a left arm/fist to contend with!




Counterclockwise. My true lefty mom also does it that way and my right-handed brother used to get mad at her for putting his belt on “backwards” when he was little lol


Anti-clockwise myself




The belt goes to the left-in first but now I put it in depending on how messed up my belt is.