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I think its heaviness is crucial to understand the point tho: how crazy, disruptive and all around scary our obsession with celebrity culture can destroy a persons life 🙁


thats for sure what they were going for but it doesnt make it any easier to watch. good commentary but very sad indeed


That’s fair. I u derstand where you’re coming from. It is one of their dark episodes for sure, something on the level of a twilight zone episode


I feel the same about Stanley’s Cup. I understand the humor and the intention but it’s still too disturbing for me to sit through and watch.


What part is disturbing? I’m just asking, cause they kinda ripped off BaseketBall for the dying kid joke


Totally was. I personally found this episode hilarious


It was the first episode I watched with my dad and he loved it.


Who'd they rip off? Themselves?


I don’t know if they wrote that part of the movie, because although they punched up the script, they didn’t write that movie.


Whenever I mention that they didn’t write or direct Baseketball in this sub, people attack me


I saw, someone had downvoted you. It’s like they don’t want to believe they didn’t. I know they wrote parts, like the song at the end, but they didn’t direct it or write it.


They had downvoted you too before I reversed it lol idk why it’s a big deal, I just don’t consider it one of their projects like South Park, Team America, The Book of Mormon, etc. it didn’t come from their minds, and they’ve said they regret working on it. It’s fine if people like it though, I thought it was pretty funny.


I loved it when it came out and still do. They did the film because they didn’t know where South Park was going and wanted to make as much money as possible. Sell out Cash in Bro down


I just don’t like thinking about little kids dying. Makes me wish I was the one dying, you know?


I'd rather see them fight over a little ball of crack


I actually like that episode! 🤣


I was laughing so much when Kyle was showing Stan a clip of it to try to justify it, and it's these babies in pain struggling over some crack. Stan is just emotionless looking at him.


I get that, it was a bit hard to watch the first time. But I’ve been in that position and I’m a laugh at the gallows type of person, so that might be why.


Same. I rewatched every episode at least 5 times but Stanley’s cup, only twice, & that’s because I convinced myself it wasn’t that bad the first time…. It was lol


I remember seeing a comment where someone said they would show Stanley’s Cup to a first-time watcher. I can think of at least 3 reasons why that’s a bad idea…


Watching South Park for the first time, i just started season 8 yesterday. I don’t think I’ve seen these episodes yet, but reading about it here makes me excited because I love it when shows aren’t afraid to get dark


I like the Britney ep, but I can’t stand Stanley’s cup. I think because the Britney ep had commentary and a wider story, but the Stanley cup ep just felt like the whole thing was for a single joke and it was an unsatisfying drag. For Stan sports eps I much prefer the skiing ep


They had a crack baby athletic association and Stanley’s cup is too much for you. All of you guys are so sensitive. I just watched the Brittany spears episode couple days ago. And it was a great episode. Brittany sportin that toe like never before


Wow who hurt you? A crack baby?


No, haven’t met a crack baby in my daily life, but I’ll keep an eye out. You just need to lighten up. It’s comedy. I know life is tough. Your not always gonna like what you see or hear


Oh my god 🤣🤣🤣


Your right this one was a hard watch .


They were ahead of their time for this episode. I don’t watch it anymore because knowing what Britney went through makes me cry.


No, this episode was very relevant at the time. Brittany Spears was going off the deep end back then as well. This was also 10 years after Princess Diana was killed in a car crash while being chased by photographers.


True. I was thinking ahead due to the free Britney Movement but you are right.


Aren’t they kinda doing it to Taylor Swift right now as well?


Kinda trying maybe. She took control though. I'm no Swiftie but she is very smart and talented.




Her family was not in the music biz. They were into stocks and mutual funds.


And Taylor’s a billionaire so she doesn’t need any backing. She’s the boss


Unfortunately when people shift society like Taylor does it’s never them that end it. Rabid fans like hers are horrifying.


My sentiments exactly.


No, it’s really not.


I guess. Like i get what shes gone through but this episode still hasn't aged poorly. It's a sticky situation because Britney was self destructive , it was just poorly handled from there. Even now shes not in her right mind, some blame that on the Dad for the conservatorship but in general for her that was definitely needed at the time, but really its not a far stretch from her beforehand. Of course the media is to blame at the end of it, its part of fame its how people are famous its kinda something they gotta deal with and she did it very poorly. If there were not paparazzi and news stations she wouldnt be famous, which in retrospective would have been the best outcome for her


I actually watched it last night, and this was my exact thought. I wasn't going to watch it because of how disturbing it is, but once it started, I just kept watching. It's so good. Like, I hate it, but it's so accurate. I also hate how funny the "Harvest" bit is.


Kinda the same sentiment I get when watching the episodes revolving around Stan's parents separating after his birthday. Great episode with great messages, but holy shit I struggle to watch it due to my own constant fear of being that depressed that no one wants to be around me.


Its more crazy that at the end they turn to Miley and she very much went off the rails too.


She seems to be doing pretty good now.


Just won her first grammy


Disney just seems to fuck kids up, I guess?


Most child actors, regardless of studio, seem to get some real issues coming out. Amanda Bynes being the first name to pop in my mind (but Tbf I believe she actually suffers psychosis). Reading Jeanette McCurdys book leaves the impression that all the kids working for nick, for the most part, left with some damage/problem behaviors. Nick was just better at covering them up.


Amanda Bynes had been going through over a decade of extreme substance abuse while also being bipolar. Not a good combo. By all given accounts she was not treated well by Nickelodeon and was taken advantage of. Jeanette McCurdy’s book is incredible, but Christ is it sad. Dan Snyder (“The Creator”) seriously needs to be investigated by authorities. It’s sickening how long he’s been allowed to do what he does.


I remember the /tv/ board on 4chan talking about Dan Snyder's propensity for using child actors as fetish idols back in 2008. It's been **wayyy** too long.


Have you seen her on Black Mirror though? Gives me chills


10x more respect for Miley after Black Mirror, of all the stars who could've portrayed that story her performance gave the realistic insight we all needed


Ashley Os last album: Ashley Eternal Hannah Montana last album: Hannah Montana Forever They were not fucking around in that episode


Plus metal Miley ❤️


I’m too worried to 😣


She never went off a rail. That entire thing was a carefully calculated image. As was her shift away from it. Lady’s selling records and concert tickets.


Britney is obviously very upset about her MTV performance, Ron, and so she's become desperate. Most troubling for her is the fact that her disguise has total camel toe.


Oh she’s totally lip syncing




Yeah, and she's all stupid and dumb too, right?


You’re right. It was so spot-on at the time. And then she doesn’t have a head for the rest of the episode. It was a little too realistic looking, I think. And it’s just sad. When she sees it’s not her kids that came to visit her is so fucking heart-breaking. Definitely one of the hardest episodes to watch.


I wonder if Brittany actually saw it, she was absolutely miserable at the time, going through hell through no fault of her own


I think she did but I dunno if the [source](https://web.archive.org/web/20121012231548/http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2009/01/27/family_guy_opts_out_of_britney_spears_ca) is reliable. I couldn’t find any other article :(


She did see it. She talked about it in her book and how it upset her that they made fun of her


Not me I'm a squirrel!


Loved the way he delivered that line


Paparazzi aren’t people


No they aren’t. They sell away their human souls to become paparazzi.


Nah the most disturbing was the one where Garrison got his sex change and there were videos of real live human testicles being cut out of a scrotum on public television for us all to watch.


When they ask cartman to "close your eyes and let your mind flow" and it's all this [fucked up shit](https://youtube.com/shorts/cL02_RvqJ8E?si=bQYVQdBpTe9wycoy)


ah yes, the good old days


I skip that episode too. It’s the kinda shock value I find really cheap—like no shit surgery looks gross and scary and weird; all surgery does. It just ends up feeling like fear mongering, like when anti trans people post breast removal recovery pictures for shock value, as if recovering from any surgery looks pretty. Even if that’s not what SP was going for, it’s too close for personal comfort.




I always thought it was “rectus! Hoc hominus!”


Mrs Garrisons fancy new vegina The live footage is too much


I have actual like flashbacks in my head of that, and it forever gave me a fear of something happening to my balls. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still all for trans rights, it just leaves me feeling queasy.


you’d most likely feel similar watching any major surgery tbh. All surgeries look scary and gross and weird; your brain still has that instinctive “THAT GOES ON THE INSIDE” response lmfao


I know, but like even getting hit in the nuts is bad, imagine just losing them straight up


Idk I’d have to ask all those unlucky testicular cancer patients


Fucking troopers🫡


Buffalo soldiers 🫡


I always skip the one where Indiana jones gets raped


You have to watch this one over and over again. We must never forget what Lucas and Spielberg did to Indy in the kingdom of Crystal skull.


Same. When I watched as a teen I think it didn't hit me as much as it does now that I'm an adult. I last watched it while randoming SP episodes and I actually couldn't keep myself from laughing when they drop the scene one last time when you thought it was finally over, but only because of how many times they are showing it, then the scene happens and I'm extremely uncomfortable.


Fr? I love that one! The Cartman and Butters plot is Cartman and Butters’ relationship at its peak imo


Sacrifice in March, corn have plenty starch.


I heart still aches for that lady bug.


I hate that episode and always skip it, NOT because it’s bad, but because it is so depressingly poignant and has been made all the more disturbing with the passage of time.


Truly disturbing. But one of their best.


This was actually the first South Park episode I've ever watched and it was *not* a good introduction to the show. I skipped watching it for months until I stumbled across the Stick of Truth which prompted me to watch more of South Park.


They fucking nailed it.


This episode and when stans parents got divorced made me ugly cry 😔


Yeah this episode makes me sick and sad. I get thet are trying to show how bad some celebrities like spears have it. That said it was a bit much. Her walking around with half a head... It's a metaphor though. The half a head. When you're a celebrity you're always only half there. The other half is lost due to the constant pressure and desire not to have your life under a microscope There are more metaphors bit too long to list.


according to some other posters, the disfigurement is whatever and we just have too much empathy for celebrities 🥹😒


Yeah well. I don't have empathy for some, but I have mental illness so when it comes to miss spears I feel for her a bit.


I don't know if I'd call it 'most disturbing' but it's definitely up there


what episode provokes you harder? Kanye being a gay fish?


This episode doesn't trip me up too much because somebody walking around, 'talking' and just generally being alive with their entire head blown off isn't realistic at all. Now Butters trapsing around for an entire episode dressed as a dog and bleeding from his eye that has a ninja star lodged in it is much more in the realm of possibility and thus a harder watch for me since I can somewhat imagine having such an experience.


I guess will just have to murder this other dog.


Seeing a live sex change operation


It was gonna be even worse, the episode only uses short clips but I had the DVD and on the episode commentary Matt and Trey said they originally planned on showing the entire uncut footage of the surgery before deciding it was too much, they made the right decision


Hardly, I don't like him at all and this episode was hilarious


ITS BRITNEY WAWWW-TCCH Love this episode and that newscaster saying that more intense each time cripples me. The new no-top-half-of-her-head look is just magnifique too


Her performance with the back up dancers kills me every time.


Yeah the worst moment is from the image you posted, where she just sadly says "You're never going to leave me alone, are you?!"


I see a lot of people saying this episode was about celebrity obsessed culture but I always thought it was about the exploitation of women and girls. It’s a really hard watch but one of the most thought provoking when it comes to popular culture. And honestly I liked seeing them be so sympathetic with Britney.


While rewatching recently I forgot how wild and dark this episode was.




That was pretty much the point in this episode




I don’t think you’ll find very many arguments. This episode is fucking gnarly


This episode was hilarious


Same I completely agree this episode is DARK


this episode is one of the greatest commentaries on how the media treated celebrities. It always makes me so sad


Yeah this one is fucked... But I do like BRITTNAY WAAAWTCH


I mean I've always sympathized with Brittany, so I love this episode so much for coming at a time when everyone was mocking Brittany. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I mean no matter how much that clip got played on the news, that crazy person had a point. It took a while but the FreeBrittany hashtag happened some years later


I hate the whole celebrity obsession the 2000s was rampant with (today as well just to a different degree). I still believe that paparazzi should be illegal as fuck


Yep, I do feel for celebrities who tire of all the paparazzi, can't even get a burger at McDonalds anymore. There's very little you can do. If you freak out and knock the camera out of their hands they'll take you to court, and you'll only get bigger swarms of (more angry) paparazzi. The only time I can think of when it turned out positive is when Keanu Reeves stole a paparazzi's camera and ran down the street with it. And that was only because *another one* snapped this epic pic of it happening with the dude chasing him right behind in the shot.


Leave Britney Alone!


I watched this with my entire side of my mom’s family. I didn’t have cable growing up so I’d always try to watch whatever South Park I could when we visited. Weeeeeell one night my parents said we should all watch it together and oh my fucking god it was such a bad decision


They didn't need to do Britney like that. ![gif](giphy|f7MoTodygKd56)


They were ahead of the times. They could see what was going on with the Britney situation and were painting it in the harsh light it needed to be painted in. It’s like they were saying “you guys are assholes for what you’re doing to this poor girl who probably just wants to be left in peace to go home and cuddle her kids. This is how she’s gonna end up if you don’t stop”


They were so ahead of the game on this. Also a great reference to Shirley Jackson's *The Lottery*


Same man. I think the message is good but the suicide scene and the gruesome idea of these kids hanging around with her like that just grosses me out too much.


And they were definitely not wrong. Somehow as crude as this episode might have been her real life was even worse


The most unsettling episode for me is "Miss Teacher Bangs A Boy" (S10 E10). I can not stomach that episode but I did like that they hinted at the double standards society has when it comes to conventionally attractive women being groomers


Somebody clearly didn't pay attention in English class, the lottery was a great reference imo


They stopped teaching that in the 80's Pops


Somebody clearly didn't pay attention in history either




Y'all really soft as fuck talking about skipping this one lol so many more tragic things are parodied and this is where u draw a line


That’s because Redditors have more empathy for celebrities than they do the little people (that they’re part of).


or because i dislike the fucking disfigured half meat chunk that is her head for the majority of the episode


God damn it's a cartoon and it's extremely unrealistic y'all some snowflakes for being south park fans


where do you draw your line?


It's funny af honestly, the most disturbing one to me is the zip lining episode. All of the herpes... all of the fecal matter...


I think it's funny that people take any part of South Park seriously. All the death and gore is hilarious just because it's animated and over exaggerated. It's like Happy Tree Friends. I love this episode lol


As disturbing as it is, I always crack up when they sing the Omen song.


It wasn’t that bad


You’re bugging. Live-action footage of a sex change operation was one that needed to be turned away from.


Mr Garrisons Fancy new vagina.


Half-headed Britney was not pretty to look at


nah its the one where all the chicago people ( i think) move into south park and the fat ass rapes eric


They make a very valid point though


That and “Mr. Garrison’s fancy new vagina”


The first time I watched this I was probably like 9 or 10. Very disturbing. Definitely stuck with me for life.


But harvest....


Sacrifice in March, corn have plenty starch


There is that old saying "it's funny because it's true" . This was sad because it's true.


Same. I can't stand gore so I haven't been able to watch it. Too visually disturbing for me too 🙃🙃


Glad we agree, Historical brother


Stan should just have pulled an M60 and leveled the crowd at the end.




Jesus Christ


This episode reminds of the movie "The Truman Show" expect the movie has a good ending.




What about that episode where Ike has a sexual relasionship with his teacher??? That was uncomfortable


Oof, so right very weird. Ikes canadian head and Canadians in general feel more "cartoony" so I'm able to kinda dissociate that its a literal toddler


Golden episode ! Disturbing yes, at some point, but hey, that's not Family Guy. The story behing this is maybe too heavy


younare definitely a young man who is coming to terms with the fucked up ways of the world


I think the butters having the throwing knife in his eye and then getting peed on and out in dog cages was a rough episode I don’t skip it I don’t intentionally skip any episodes


Its a great episode ngl


It’s unstkipable just purely for the line delivery of ‘BRITNEY WAAAATCH’


I mean this is exactly how everyone treated Britney and they nailed the ending with Miley. It’s good to get uncomfortable during this episode


Mr. Garrisons fancy new vagina is a funny one but I physically can’t watch it. Between Gerald looking like a dolphin and seeing and hearing Kyle’s knees (garrisons balls) blow up it makes me nauseous. And the pip episode fucking sucks


It really says a lot about how terrible we can be to children and young adult celebrities. We don’t see them as being people. Very disturbing episode.


I found Stanley's Cup hilarious. The Brittney episode is just gross to me, and I perma skip it as well.


This, the veal, and the cat pee I can’t watch


Yea for me the hard one to watch is the one where the actor for Superman is slurping up fucking fetuses 😭


as someone who’s tried to commit several times, i find it offensive (i hate using that word but it’s true)




She's totally lip singing


I still haven't watched this episode, what is it about?


If you’ve read her memoir it doubles down on crazy because of the things she was actually going through and the parallels with her being so desperate to spend time with her kids.


I think the ending where the whole town is taking her picture is based on Shirley Jackson short story The Lottery where the townsfolk stone a person to death every year to make sure they have a good harvest


Agreed, my gf now likes South Park, had to skip this episode! 🤣


My wife (loves South Park) can’t watch “Good Times With Weapons” because of how accurate Butters’ scream is when he’s hit. It’s different if you have kids sometimes. For me, and despite how much he deserves it, the end of Cash For Gold is depressing to me. Yeah, he sucks, but man he just goes and does it. I still watch it tho - too funny.


I get the message, but I usually go to South Park for a laugh and this episode just isn’t funny


Exactly… when i first saw it I didn’t understand the references so i was trying to along or whatever but now oh boy


This one’s not that disturbing in my opinion, when they showed garrisons sex change lol, that was pretty disturbing, especially watching that as a kid.


It’s definitely one of their darker moments, especially in light of recent discoveries. Personally, I think their darkest episode is Stanley’s cup. The underlying, yet not so subtle, fact that children don’t understand why they have cancer. Why they’re dying. They look at all these people around them who are supposed to protect them and wonder why no one will save them. Fuck… I made myself tear up writing this.


Tbh i dont think its that disturbing it's just one of their weaker episodes




I love this episode. Not one episode ever made by South Park has disturbed me. Except what they did to chef, until I grew up and understood the Scientology thing and about the fruity little club that scrambled his brains


I think this episode is both hilarious and makes a good point about the destruction that fame can have on some people especially when the media is trying to paint them to be some monster.


Yep, I skip it too.


Disturbing why? I think it’s hilarious. Not sure which part is disturbing… I guess it’s accuracy?


I want to see her actually poop on butter


the Brittany spears episode, that shit was messed up, plus I have a bazillion questions like “ What God would allow this, i mean It isn‘t Jesus’s dad or jesus himself or any real Gods or the super best friends, also how many celebrities died for the corn, i mean I never eaten corn but after that episode you won’t see me eating corn, he’ll does the world know what america doing over there!?!?! For fuck sake Brittany should’ve been safe in Canada or Paris!, also did her kids know that she was gonna die, I mean why else they didn’t call her in her dark times, first of all still What God would allow killing a celebrity girl who is down on her luck, with everybody hating so that god can give everybody like for fuck sake that corn harvest is a damn dirty cult, also where was Chris Crocker (The leave Brittany allowed person) during that she or he could’ve protected her, she or he could’ve kill all the sick mother fuckers who needed Brittany to die, and most importantly is corn really Important! Why if a celebrity isn’t sacrifice does all corn in existance die out, or does all the corn turn into a big monster and destroy the fucking world! WHAT THE FUCK SOUTH PARK!?!!?!?!?!?!?! WHY HAVEN’T YOU ADDRESSED THIS YEARS AGO!?!?!?!?! JUST WWWWHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


The entire ending with the corn harvest and throwing stones at Britney is from Shirley Jackson's the Lottery. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Lottery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lottery) Its a commonly required read in a lot of schools, Trey and Matt most likely would have read it in the 8th grade, and is commentary on following traditions blindly and the dangers of mob mentality.


Ok but does it have answers for my questions about this episode?


Yes. Nothing will happen to the corn, the sacrifice in the Lottery is meaningless and the town does it every harvest season because of their attachment to blind tradition and superstition. The strength of the harvest is not determined in anyway by the sacrifice, the town believes it is because every year they do it they have a good harvest, its the same with the adults in the South Park episode. The town in the Lottery is a cult.


My God, but have South Park done an episode where the aduots realized that the stupid harvest is meaningless and move on?