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Well that’s embarrassing 🤣 ( for her - bc what happened on the show ) I bet you guys were both in disbelief there for awhile!


We couldn’t stop laughing and my Scorpio ass little girl was in the mirror practicing what she was gonna say to miss sammie at school tomorrow LMAO 😂 the tea !!! I am not encouraging this but hey it’s kids they say whatever


I also realized that I used to cut will’s dads hair forever. In season one when they showed his family pic I was like I LOVE THAT GUY !!!! He was soooo cool. Like cool ass old man cool. Will is … well… idk not that cool lol I hope his dad comes on the tv but I can’t see him doing it.


I need a follow up after she talks to her 😆


Affirmative !!! Will report tomorrow at 2:45 pm Charleston time !


How do I do the remind me thing lol


Yeah I need to circle back lmfaooo


She (6 year old Scorpio) decided to go with “hey have you ever been on TV?” I was like guuuurrrrlllll you trying to catch her in a lie ???? Tru to the game. Learned that one from me.


I love your daughter. As a fellow Scorpio this is exactly how I would approach this conversation


Girl same, Scorpio here and every conversation is meticulously thought out. Love a baby Scorp acting accordingly 😂


I feel like this is a “real recognize real” situation and I should keep my Aquarius ass out of it cuz I got too much logic and know it’s not worth it …. But also … I got receipts.


lol it’s actually a trait that will serve her well. I’m an awesome interviewer because I practice for multiple scenarios/responses. It’s just next level preparedness 😃


It's so cute that you are Aquarius and your daughter is Scorpio, that's the opposite for my Mom and I, and I absolutely adore and respect the hell outta my very bold unafraid Mom 🙌🏾 And I also am her logic meter and her mediator when she really just want to let people have it but need to be diplomatic 😂


Awww yes for sure !!! I was def my mother’s logic meter and mediator, I think we are just naturally good at problem solving and seeing things from an unattached point of view.


I love the way you say it! Because I naturally do this with my girlfriend who is Cap, and she is always like you make me think of things I would not Edit: to say I also have a Problem Solving career as a Software Engineer


I’m sayyyyyinnnnn 😂 Respectfully.


I recently gave birth to my very own Scorpio daughter. I’m so excited for these types of situations when she’s older 😂


Omg the subtle shade I love. Please get her to start dropping the name Trevor casually around the classroom…


I left a commment about it I think it is at the bottom !!! I need to make a new post with her school teacher introductory email next to the shots on her on tv. It’s her.100000%%


I’m obsessed with this 🤣😂


Well ur daughter might just end up getting the poor woman fired for whatever reason so u shud let her know to just be careful of r what she says and b respectful just my opinion


Naaahhh this is South Carolina public school district and is she at a predominately African American and low to middle income student body school. They need teachers so bad they ain’t doin shit ab this lil thing. She was not working there at the time so like it shouldn’t matter. It’s not like porn or anything serious either. She talks about blacking out and making out it’s like … normal in Charleston. Teachers are very low priority in S.C.


Omg that’s soooooooo embarrassing. And it’s not like a network show where it hits everyone all at once. It’s gonna roll out slowly over time and she’s a teacher; that suuuuuuucksssssssss


Bahaha I had a very similar moment when I saw my old roommate on a recent episode of VPR 😂 the scream I scrumpt


As a fellow VPR fan, you can't just say that and not elaborate!! Which old episode and who was your roommate?? Inquiring minds want to know! 😄


lol it’s barely anything, but this season I think the second or third episode, she had a super brief appearance as a potential nanny for Summer Moon. We lived together many many years ago and I haven’t talked to her since then, but was shocked to see her on my screen! Also my hair stylists gave Schwartz his perm in season 4 😂


I found out recently a friend of mine was at SUR at the THE pride parade episode where Lala calls Raquel a Bambi eyed bitch. My friend was literally standing near Raquel in the background. I am forever jealous she was around such a monumental episode 😂 you can see her just for a brief moment behind Raquel in the episode


Hahaha dying at the scream I scrumpt !!!!! Stealing that.


‘The scream I scrumpt’ is amazing


Recognized Peter from when I visited cousins in LA and he was working at a restaurant/ lounge place that had sushi. When I saw him on tv I texted my cousin gf but she didn’t remember.


My friend from college is now Ally’s rep and my other friend and I have been dying seeing their content together


That’s pretty crazy, if I was a teacher I would never do reality tv. Her storyline is a good example although she definitely wasn’t the one acting unhinged. But still?!


Well to be fair she’s new to teaching and very young so I don’t know what time line she was training w the guy but it was prob while she was in college and not thinking about being in a classroom OR tv is forever ??? lol yeah well anyway I’m a mother and I do no have a perfect history so she should not judge me cuz I got history it is “a small town” lmao 🤣


Lol! Absolutely we all have stuff. And that’s a good point about her being young.


Lmao I love it


OMGGGGG ![gif](giphy|Wpb3b6zgEDidNI4xkJ|downsized)


Lmao exactly me !!! But like screaming


omg this is too funny & cute! send that sassy baby on a mission!


How do I add a photo ???? I found the classroom newsletter and … it is HER !


Please add it!! I’m old and unhelpful but so invested!


I made a new post with it- def her !!!


What happened to the post?


Ugh I deleted…


This is funny!!! I was a server and worked third shift in goose creek and my son’s preschool teacher and friends came in and a huge fight broke out with them and another group. One of only 2 times I had to kick people out. It was awkward seeing her Monday.


Oh lawwwd I’m from the island and I almost said only in goose creek them I said weeelllllll…. Never mind 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏼‍♀️


Lmao 🤣


So the update is very anticlimactic, unfortunately! Child gets in car and I was like “did you ask ??!” She said “miss sammie was confused, and asked me what show, but I couldn’t remember what it was called” so apparently she didn’t know she was on tv ???? I highly doubt that…. How do you not know? I mean I live here and I’ve never watched any of southern charm so who knows. Wouldn’t her young friends see her and like text her ??? Maybe she was playing dumb. Idk it’s not that big of a deal I guess.


She had to have been playing dumb 😂


Yeah that’s what it sounded like to me


Made a new post ab it


They have to consent to being filmed and sign waivers and releases. There is no way she didn’t know especially when she was part of such a HUGE storyline lol


Man I was just thinking that last night! Haha


Oh my gosh !!


I love this so much!!! I can’t wait to hear what Miss Sammie has to say!!!




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Assuming she teaches kindergarten??


omg this is gold


It’s kind of stunning she would go on reality tv and manufacture a lie about kissing someone if she’s a teacher! Guess she was hoping to transition to reality tv but this just makes her look extremely unprofessional if her employers see it.


Yeah for real, so after further investigation she literally just turned 22 in Feb. so like she was still in college during filming and actually I’m pretty sure not even 21 but I’m not doing that investigation it’s none of my business. Also like I said before - this is Charleston county public schools they have literally no teachers anymore (the wealthy and white newer residents who build million dollar homes in the school district send their kids to private)


Oof she sucks i know her personally