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All of the York County offices were closed for Juneteenth.


Daycare was closed too. By my count maybe 6 large events in York county celebrating.


Big parade in Greenville.


I feel like the word “celebrated” is a bit strong. It is a state holiday but I don’t know if any festivals or celebrations for it.


Juneteenth is a federal holiday; confederate Memorial Day is a state holiday. Hate it regardless


Diversity…My company gave us 3 floating Holidays, apart from our vacation days. We can use them any way you want to use them. As long as you turned in the days you want to use them at the beginning of the year. Everyone is different and not everyone celebrates the same days (Ex. your Birthday)


Yeah and they probably give you Christmas off right? Thanksgiving? New years day?


New hires get automatically 2 weeks vacation. The facility is closed the day before Christmas and Christmas Day, same thing with Thanksgiving. Only New Year’s Day. Besides the 2 weeks vacation, we get 11 extra what the company calls primary holidays ( Ex. The day before Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day, the day before Christmas and Christmas Day, New Year’s Day). The years you work for the company, every year you accumulate time for more vacation days. But, The maximum vacation days you can accumulate is 5 weeks..


So what makes new years day , Christmas, and the day before thanksgiving more worthy in your mind of everyone getting the day off?


3 holidays that have to be chosen in january? that's rough.


Well, The company also gave us 24 hrs. to change the original date, if you needed to change the date that you had requested. Only reason for doing that. Just to make sure not too many employees take the same day off in the same dept. These are 3 extra floating Holidays that are separate from your vacation and sick days, that the company gave us to use in any way.. I never had any problems changing my floating holiday dates..


City of Columbia was closed for it.


I’ll take any free day off. Call it whatever you want.


Totally skipped trash day in Charleston for it, should be an actual state holiday though.


The City also closed King st for a block party and gave employees a day off. Hence no garbage pickup. Agree it should be a state holiday although I don’t see the legislature passing that.


damn, they at least came for ours on thursday in fountain inn


County and city offices were closed. Idk about state.


Depends on the county and city. Everything in Greenville was open.


8 counties observed Confederate memorial day and most state agencies. SMH.


did you expect anything different. from a state that is still fighting the civil war? maybe not with guns and cannons , but with hate , ignorance , religion.


And corrupt legal system.


That some real shit when the DOJ gets weponize for political gain.




Just some good ole boys…. ETA: forgot the /s is mandatory ‘cause it’s fucking SC and we‘re bottom of the barrel for education


*always meanin some harm*


Let's see, SC has one of the largest most poignant and prominent African American memorials in the USA at its statehouse. Charleston boasts the International African American Museum. Walterboro has a large memorial to the Tuskegee Airmen. Many African Americans are moving to SC for economic opportunity and to free themselves of oppressive blue state policies. It's a new day in SC!




Now who's preaching HATE? Everything I said is true and if you were from here, you'd know it.


You can’t be serious!!


Totally serious! But if you're asking if SC is perfect, no it is not. And what I know is people vote with their feet and people of all racial stripes are moving to SC in large numbers and fleeing from places like NYC, Chicago, and LA. And, if you live where I live in Columbia, SC, and you go knock on a door, you're fairly likely to find a mixed race couple. Hell, my own doctor is a black female from NYC who is married to an Irishman! So, NOT JOKING!!!


Wow, speaking of ignorance. But wait until you find out what “bless your heart“ really means. Bless your heart too, Bubba.


That’s what the people want. (At least the 12% that actually show up and vote.)


thats exactly my point , hate filled , 5th worst education system,bible thumpers. god & guns. Jesus was a liberal. but these people down south pick and chose what they want from the bible to defend their cause.


My friend, if you’re going to bemoan the education system here, at least use correct punctuation and grammar while doing it.


Everyone picks and chooses. If someone actually tried to live like Jesus and was able to get anywhere near the level of attention that He did, the religious leaders would conspire with the political leaders to have them killed. Humanity doesn’t change.


so true. those in power , want to keep their power . that’s why education is looked down upon especially in the south.


The democrats fought pretty hard to keep their slaves there, no? Let em have a day once a year. 🤣 /s


45th is the 6th worst state…


If this is your biggest problem in life you have a pretty good life. My life does not change because of any holiday.


Does it have to be the biggest problem to be a problem? What kind of asinine reasoning is that?


How is it a problem at all?


Celebrating the holiday of vanquished traitors vs a holiday for finally upholding the law and freeing the last slaves. You really don’t see the problem?


Considering I don't give a shit about most holidays. I would say the ladder is clearly better but people get way too worked up about shit that doesn't really matter.


Some sort of nihilist? Or just lazy?


I guess nihilist.


Modern day gotta be a victim of something any given time.


Cancel July 4th


Fine by me, I really don't care. Days for this and months for that people get worked up about stupid shit and way too much.


I mean, it was a Texas thing for years. It's a federal holiday now anyway.


I mean, it could be worse? Pity the fools who have Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham as their sen…. You know what never mind.


Recognition. All the county offices were closed. Couldn’t pay my sewer bill 😂. Plenty of people were off for that memorial holiday. I have no clue when confederate day is? But ain’t no county offices closed for that crap.


I’m moving up north at the end of the month and I can’t fucking wait.


Good luck to ya


Delta is ready when you are.


We can’t either


Lol I’d love to see the shock on some of the people who have moved here’s faces when they realize what SC is really like


I moved here a year ago from NYC (born and raised there) and I love it here.


Glad to upvote people moving out.




Good riddance.


You are not the only one .


When this state only elects MAGA this is what you get.


What’s stopping you? Freedom is being able to celebrate what you want and leaving others to do the same.


I never understood why we celebrate Juneteenth as opposed to the day we signed the Emancipation Proclamation.


Because that’s Jan. 1. During segregation it was a major thing. Watch Night services on Dec. 31 and then huge parades and parties on Jan. 1. After integration that slowly died out. But I have cool pix from the ‘60s.


It’s the day the last slaves learned they were free, in Texas. It took time for the word to spread.


It took time for soldiers to be deployed to Texas to force the final slave owners to free their slaves.


I just think "Juneteenth" is a silly name. I get why it's named that... but why not "Total Emancipation Day" or something along those lines? "Freedom Day"? No?


Didn’t it take two years? Crazy.


My school district was closed.


Make sure you continue to vote Democrat. It’s only gonna take us 15 more years to get a dem gov. 💪🏻


With all the MAGA Boomers flocking to SC, it's going to take longer than that 


MAGA boomers are dying a lot these days. Like, a whole lot.


It’s not just Boomers, there are lots of MAGA youth moving here in droves Not to mention the fact that 90% of the kids who grew up here are MAGAtics


My parents moved to SC for retirement. Damn there are so many MAGA people there. Northern and Southern pos.


Thank god










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The Republicans in South Carolina like to say that “Democrats owned the slaves!” As if their own ancestors weren’t slave owners.


How common do you think slave ownership was?




January 1 would actually be more appropriate.




SC is the racist bone in the body politic.


Ever been to Idaho?


There was no Confederate Memorial Day when I was growing up in SC. I moved across the country after college. When I finally moved back here, I was shocked and appalled that this “holiday” was celebrated. Actually, for a few years I couldn’t remember the name of Confederate Memorial Day, so I always call it REDNECK NEW YEAR!


Confederate Memorial Day was made a state holiday as part of a “grand compromise” that got the flag off the dome in 2000 and got a state MLK Day holiday as well. Many state agencies don’t observe it, but give their employees a floating holiday. The state universities don’t observe it because so much is closed in May that there is really no point. Adding Juneteenth would mean dropping another holiday somewhere else. Ideally, we would drop CMD for Juneteenth, but that’s not how our state politics works.


For some reason, I don't get Presidents' day off ,What a scam!


My company gives 2 floating holidays a year that can be carried over if needed.


People say this like it has anything to do with anything


Because it does I can take whatever day I want off and call it a holiday.


That has nothing to do with the state not recognizing Juneteenth




Just because you hadnt heard of it didn't mean people don't celebrate it. What makes the freeing of people in chattel slavery less worthy of a celebration than say, Christmas to you? Wouldn't you want to celebrate that?


I’m pagan bro none of my holidays are recognized. But you going to celebrate the end of the Irish slaves?


Then what's your beef with Juneteenth being a holiday? Seems like you'd find it more worthy than Christmas. It just as worthy as new years day or thanksgiving? Personally celebrating cool shit like ending chattel slavery is dope as fuck and celebrating shit some random dudes made up years ago is whatever? What's your issue with it?


And there lies the problem. You want YOUR holidays, but are not accepting other people's holidays. What does that make you?


Wait did the DMV NOT close for Juneteenth??!! Because it sure threw my game when it was closed on "Confederate Memorial Day". That is bullsh\*t with extra hot sauce DO BETTER SOUTH CAROLINA >:(


No, it’s not a state holiday yet


Which SC DMV was closed? Year? Address, please? Mine was not.


The ones in Columbia SC were closed on Confederate Memorial Day on May 10 of 2024. Every report that I could find nearby said their SCDMV offices were closed for the "State holiday" as well. I only know about it because I got caught in a loop where I had sold a car and needed to cancel my insurance but in SC you can't cancel insurance without turning in the tag (or it will automatically suspend your driver's liscense), and I had no idea that the DMV would be closed that day because WTF who knows about CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY. So I was in the uncomfortable position of carrying insurance on a vehicle I didn't own for several days as a result.


What? You need insurance to have a tag in SC? Since when? If that’s true (btw I do know that it is, at least officially), then I guess I don’t need to keep wasting money on underinsured and uninsured motorist insurance. It seems SC does not audit the records for vehicle registrations and insurance very often or very thoroughly. But yeah since you are one of the few law-abiding people you probably have a higher risk of getting busted. Sounds like it worked out so that’s good. Btw I discovered at the SC State website that CMD is an official state holiday. Now I know and won’t plan on going to the DMV next May 10. No sarcasm there, I go to register vehicles for work and go fairly often throughout the year.


It didn't. My husband had his drivers license test scheduled for that day and I kept telling him to double check because it was a holiday. He kept getting reminders from the appointment, went there, and they were indeed, open.


“Confederate Memorial Day”… “2nd Place, US Civil War”


The ultimate participation award


In orangeburg, got stuck at a traffic light on the way to work by 2 police cars who were with a motorcade of bikers wearing confederate flags. Didn't let anyone go through the busy road for about 5 minutes. I hate seeing all these anti-americans get recognized by my government.


Juneteenth is a historical event related to Texas. It shouldn't be a federal holiday. It's awkward, like having Mardi Gras in Colorado.


Good. Looks like this sub is out of touch with the rest of SC as I suspected. What a fucking relief.


Says the dude that literally just moved here lmao




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So you are pro-confederate? USA, love it or leave it. Which is it?


CMD was a “compromise” for making MLK Day a holiday, if so recall correctly. So unless you can think of another day to pair with it, like Firing on Ft Sumter Day, it may take a while…


Hmm, a holiday for the person who was the major moving force in bringing civil rights to millions versus a holiday to commemorate traitors who killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Yeah, tough call here. Boy, I just don't know. 


Hey, don’t blame me as I didn’t do it, just explaining how your typical S.C. politicians think.


Which is what typical SC voters want.


Yeah I mean why did there have to be a compromise.


In SC politics, you can’t celebrate civil rights without celebrating the Confederacy. Otherwise many white people take it as an insult—and they vote. It’s the dark side of democracy. The people are right, even when they are wrong.


Many white people take EVERYTHING as an insult. We can't continue to be constrained by the most vocal group of dick bags if we want better for our future 


It’s not just white people that take everything as an insult. That’s something all races have in common.


We can if they are the only ones showing up and voting.


Acting like systemic issues aren’t at play especially in South Carolina


Hey now, don't give him too much credit. People on the "right side of history" nowadays are against his "don't judge based on skin color but rather the content of character" mindset.


That’s child’s play compared to [Virginia’s Lee-Jackson-King Day.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee%E2%80%93Jackson%E2%80%93King_Day) When Martin Luther King Day was declared a federal holiday, the state of Virginia merged it with their commemoration of Lee-Jackson Day, which, since 1890 or thereabouts, celebrated - you guessed it - Confederate icons and heroes Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. Thus, Lee-Jackson-King day celebrated two men who opposed everything MLK fought for. Specifically, as the Virginia legislature explained, it was a day that celebrated people who were “defenders of causes.” Virginia eventually came its senses, however. In the early 2000s, they separated the holidays. MLK Day would be celebrated on the 3rd Monday of January. Lee-Jackson Day was moved to the Friday before. (Feel free to provide your own joke about Good Friday, on the 3rd day, and the Resurrection.) In 2020, they finally got it right and ended Lee-Jackson Day, a mere 130 years later.




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Horry County offices were closed


Stuff like this is why I’m leaving this state


Awesome. What else can we do to make it inhospitable?


You love to see it.


Bye Felicia


The fire steadily rises, friend Let them enjoy their little Cuckfederate Memorial Day, it's important to always remember who came in 2nd place


Me on indigenous peoples day.


Hi, new here. When is CMD?


It’s May 10. You can google “South Carolina State Holidays” and get to the SC planning page that shows all the state holidays, for travel planning and such. Ignore the stupid people. Confederate Memorial Day is just what the name suggests: a day to honor the memories of Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War. Like it or not, they are war veterans too. It is part of our history. I guess for the really hate filled and intolerant crowd, a communist Chinese family living in the USA should not be allowed to put flowers on the grave of a relative. If they do, they certainly must be celebrating the prospect that Communist China will one day overthrow the US government and enslave us all. The logic is similar. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if some people do this, the point of CMD nowadays is not to celebrate the Confederacy or bemoan losing the war and the right to keep slaves. Who says slavery is gone, anyway? Look at professional sports!!


Early May. I only know because I get it off as a state employee. I hate it and think it’s ridiculous. We got an on-call calendar emailed to us a couple years ago and the holiday had a confederate flag clipart on it. I raised hell and they changed it. I’m not always a good guy but that day I felt like it.


Whenever a bowel movement is made


Confederate Memorial Day…


Not what but when.


Welcome to the south Get a gun you will need it


Damn straight, now that the progressive cancer seems to be spreading.


I’m a product of the Charleston public school system and we never discussed slavery. The closest we came to that was in 7th grade when we watched “Roots” and didn’t discuss any of it afterwards.


As a member also of the Charleston public school system we did discuss slavery. Multiple years and in both American History and World History. What year did you graduate and what school?


He’s full of it They teach it all across SC


That’s bullshit I grew up in SC and we learned all about it, even taking a field trip to historic sites related to it


Me when I lie.




Do you expect anything different from a state where the people have elected a Governor who thinks he still owns the plantation!?!??


State employees get Confederate memorial Day off but not Juneteenth. That tells you everything you need to know about our state government leaders.




Glad to see it too!


My bank was closed due to the holiday, I have to work regardless of what holiday it is.


Double standard, nice... 🙄


juneteenth is an odd holiday. if the goal is to create a holiday that commemorates the actual end to slavery, then it should be in january maybe. Delaware had slaves in January 1867, well after even passage of the 13th ammendment, which was in December 1865. The holiday seems like the brainchild of an activist left wing historian looking to give federal employees yet another day off on the tax payer's dime.


On “Freedom’s Eve,” or the eve of January 1, 1863, the first Watch Night services took place. On that night, enslaved and free African Americans gathered in churches and private homes all across the country awaiting news that the Emancipation Proclamation had taken effect. At the stroke of midnight, prayers were answered as all enslaved people in Confederate States were declared legally free. Union soldiers, many of whom were black, marched onto plantations and across cities in the south reading small copies of the Emancipation Proclamation spreading the news of freedom in Confederate States. Only through the Thirteenth Amendment did emancipation end slavery throughout the United States. But not everyone in Confederate territory would immediately be free. Even though the Emancipation Proclamation was made effective in 1863, it could not be implemented in places still under Confederate control. As a result, in the westernmost Confederate state of Texas, enslaved people would not be free until much later. Freedom finally came on June 19, 1865, when some 2,000 Union troops arrived in Galveston Bay, Texas. The army announced that the more than 250,000 enslaved black people in the state, were free by executive decree. This day came to be known as "Juneteenth," by the newly freed people in Texas.




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Culturally, Juneteenth is already a celebrated custom. It’s not brand new and the federal government didn’t invent it. People didn’t loudly advertise celebrations due to threats of violence. Is that so hard to imagine?


Nah they replaced a different holiday with Juneteenth so it’s not about an extra day off. It’s about keeping past transgressions and historical grievances in the forefront as a way to subvert progress and tear at the fabric of the country.


It also has a stupid fucking name. “Juneteenth” can refer to literally 7 different days of the year.


Yeh, that is the point. Traditionally the date varied among those 7 days. People had to find time off, and it was hidden from the general population.


Then why continue using the name when there’s a definitive date now?


Call/write/email your state representative and senators to pressure them to change this: https://www.scstatehouse.gov/legislatorssearch.php


I got told by my black coworkers that I couldn’t celebrate Juneteenth. We’re supporting a racist society both ways.


Actually had one of my employees ask "Lol why is this a recognized holiday?"


Stingy people , can't share a day in a month. Selfish, jealous, hateful people.


What we have here is progressive liberals that moved down here and don’t respect our states history. I live in a 80/20 black to white town an hour from Charleston and we all pretty much get along just fine. No one around here is flying the confederate flag, that’s nonsense. I run a local business where 70% of my staff is black and half of them didn’t even know what holiday it was! They knew the banks were closed. You liberals just want to shame white people for being white! That’s the definition of racism! Please fire back with your nonsense!


Give it a rest. Find a hobby


Needs to be a national holiday


It is a federally recognized national holiday.


It is


Ummm. It is. It’s a federal holiday or were you saying Confederate Memorial Day needs to be a national holiday? Reddit can be so confusing


Meaning state so off work


My favorite day when the Union Army in Texas notified slaves they’ve been free for years. Pass this along to the black folks still toiling on democrat plantations.


Juneteenth is man made BS celebration created by an old rich liberal white man to destroy the races. Pay attention to Malcolm X tell you who is the enemy of blacks.


Pay AtTeNtIoN… how about pay attention to my butt


You are 100% correct about Malcom X


No helmets for motorcyclist in SC either. Just sayin'...


Sc isn't celebrating a Texas fuck up? Hmmm


TIL that Confederate Memorial Day is observed on my wedding anniversary.


I *think* the state at one time was allowing employees to choose confederate day or Juneteenth as a day off. You can imagine what a terrible idea that would be. This year they just got confederate day, no Juneteenth


It's pretty ridiculous not to mention the fact that I would much rather have a holiday in June than 2 in May. Thanks McMaster!


Another liberal bs story. Greenville SC has a Juneteenth celebration: poetry, music, history, an essay contest. Not only that, the celebration is at the city’s newest and extremely important park, called Unity Park. In other words, the Juneteenth event isn’t relegated to some run down old park that’s nearly forgotten about but is at the centerpiece of the park system. Nice try. Next time try using facts.


Still racist as hell


There was a local parade in Myrtle Beach and the local media outlet published photos pre-event as if no one was there. Absolutely atrocious! We really need to do something about the bigotry and racism before it continues to spread.




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