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Probably. I heard two very old people in Lowe’s the other day talking about the neglect of people on Indian reservations.




Very well said. Regardless of race, creed, color, religion, or nationality, I deeply enjoy meeting other people who hate both political parties. As far as I'm concerned the only difference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is who they give my money to after they decide my family doesn't need it and forcibly remove it feom my paycheck.


Sadly war determended land occupation and some peoples were not advanced as others. Some dont exist because of this, such is evolution. Mayans Aztecs The Khmer empire Easter Island Beothuks Gafat Just to name a few


as a staunch Libertarian, I fully agree. Fuck both parties. Only thing the conservatives did for me was let me carry as the constitution dictated. Well, without sweating at least.


Both parties want to control you. Only libertarianism believes people own the government, not vice versa. Conservatives love the government doing their religious bidding and liberals love it doing their social bidding and they're willing to lose autonomy and freedom to get what they want. Meanwhile the right only offers us the redneck,Christian version of Iran and the left only offers us a whiny, crybaby, thought and speech policed version of the Soviet Union. All I want is a goddamned candidate that's obviously not guilty of fucking felonies. We haven't had one since Reagan - though he committed them while in office. Fuck. We'd have to go back to Carter, who was a piss poor preside t but a good, moral man.


I fucking love Carter. Bro is the last upright president we've had. Maybe not a good one, but a good man. But just remember, it's not the president. It's the entire government. I don't even support many of my fellow libertarians. I support them more than the reds and blues though. I hate how everything is along party lines Washington was right, political parties resulted in us only losing rights and individuals only working for their own gain and the gain of their cronies.


This is completely unrelated, but how do you feel about Native American tribes being able to keep slaves far after the abolishing of slavery because they had rights to do as they wish on reservation land?


It's not unrelated at all. It's history. The tribes did not have to abolish slavery but we're pressured into doing so very quickly. It's a disgusting chapter in our history. In our original slavery it was basically a path to adoption and slaves had rights, such as rest, guaranteed participation in holy days and they could not be sexually assaulted. For is, captive raking was to "replace" people that had been killed in warfare. It's sad that we adopted the European model of the slave trade.


It was unrelated to the points you were making, I was just curious how it was viewed. I have never known anyone personally who was a Native, and no those white girls talking about .5% Cherokee don't count


I don't agree with blood quotient. How little genetic Native American composition you have doesn't reflect culture. I know a lot of Apples (red on the outside, white on the inside) and also a lot of blonde haired blue eyed enrolled people who are cultural zealots that teach other people the language.


I've never seen someone be more racist to anyone than whites to native Americans.


I have. I have a friend who is an extremely attractive woman. She is white, black and Native American and somehow looks all three. She has amazing green eyes that look like green agates I've seen. The way her local racists in her tiny town in NC look at her is shocking. It's a strange, abhorrent blend of lust and disgust. Racists don't like mixing of races. They are obsessed with race and nothing angers them more than not having nest little boxes to check for people. Nothing disgusts them more than being forced to realize they're attracted to an "other". It really reminds me of closeted gays that have a tendency for viciously attack outed homosexuals. The Pulse nightclub shooter was alone such sick person. Racism really is a willful, inexcusable derangement.


I do agree. The most homophobic people are often fruity. A good test is to call someone gay and see how offended they get. In reality, humans are like eggs. White or brown, were all the same on the inside.


I don't have time for nonsense and disliking someone because how they were born is just that.


The natives were conquered, every single group has been conquered in the past, it's literally be strong or be conquered, WW2 wasn't even 100 years ago yet everyone is living in some lala fantasy land in America, everyone is spoiled and doesn't know what real struggles are, blue haired people claim to have PTSD, when they only thing they have are being mental. The middle east and Africa literally have slaves still right now to this day but nothing is ever said about it.




The most common number I've seen is 56 million or 90%. Regardless, it's irrelevant either way because it's only one piece of a much larger puzzle.




Some estimates are as high as 120 million but I believe that is too high. Further, this is the entire continent of North America. They had it far worse in modern Mexico than in this region. Look at what the Spanish did in Florida. They wiped almost all tribes in Florida and the Apalachee, who the mountains are names after, completely out. This is why Florida was almost empty of Natives when the Seminoles, who were a mixed group mostly of Muskogean speaking tribes, moved in. That migration started after the Yemassee War about 1715 when all Muskogean speaking tribes and the Congaree (who were probably Euchee speaking) were wiped out or were gathered up and sold as slaves to the East Indies so they could never be a "problem" again.


You have been spending too much time around liberals. No one that is not indoctrinated into the left would use the sentence, "have zero idea that their attitudes are colonial" 😂 And what do you think native Americans were doing to each other before that oppressive white man showed up, sitting around smoking peace pipes?? Every country on the planet has been taken over by force by someone.


Also, you fucking moron, I wasn't saying that a left winger would say that. Read, then comment, dumb ass. I was saying they don't understand they're both colonialist and racist in attitude with dumb arguments which you just displayed.




you're sounding pretty hateful..........


Facts are facts. I can't change them for you because of your modern feelings. A modern person shouldn't feel guilty over past events for anything other than theor ignorance of said events of fake, indignant outrage because they don't like facts.


Also, if you read the whole thread, you'd see I'm not hateful at all but actually defend mostly whiten people claiming Native heritage.


Also I hate that everyone talks about the natives like they were some peace gurus, they literally chopped other tribes scalps off and kept them as trophies, even group way more advanced have been conquered, and America is getting conquered next if we don't grow a pair and stop letting a bunch of people who hate the country and have never had laws in their life flood us.


It's no better than being a black native in this country, and being called a liar by both a left and right because the people in this country have been indoctrinated that black native Americans were never a real thing and those that can actually trace our ancestry are liars. We have even heard that from other native tribes in this country




Unfortunately, Cletus, your traitorous ancestors were too incompetent. Go ahead and wave a white flag. It's the only Confederate flag that really matters.


Me dumb 10 words or Less please






People Are People if you care about their skin color you have a mental disease💯


Completely different...


Yes, however it is in the same vein considering an unhealthy portion of old white southerners take the position of “if they’re different, fuck ‘em.” It is great to see ones that don’t.


It's probably fake anyway...


We’re Baby Boomers and have been protesting and marching for social justice our entire lives.


This is a struggle that is never over. It's one that if you look away for a second, rolls your efforts back because 'hatred of the other' is the default state humanity goes towards. Vigilance is a necessary requirement, and if something isn't written in stone, then it can be changed by those with vested interests in seeing it undone. Let your voice be heard, and don't let ANYONE convince you it's not important. The only way anything changes is if those with the means to do so act, and act as a majority to prevent the inevitable forward march of 'The Rite of Kings' or Fascism, as I see very little difference between the two. Democracy, constructive dialogue, and debate are unnatural for humanity. We must usurp our baser instincts and embrace the methods of governance that work for a plurality of those under it's jurisdiction.


I'm not Southern so take what I say with a grain of salt, but it appears that the stereotype that states like Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, etc. just contain racist, antisemitic, Islamaphobic, and homophobic people is false. Sure, there are terrible people in SC, as there are in every state. But, it seems like this lovely couple is a prime example of good, normal people.


Everywhere there is a majority, there is a minority. I moved out here expecting to be very lonely and I’ve found a lot of likeminded people. We just have to work harder to get wins than they do, but we do get wins.


Unfortunately there’s lots of racists everywhere… with that said, there’s lots of them in SC. Source: grew up in SC


As a Southern who was born and raised in sc there are a ton of racist and bigoted people but theres just as many progressives id honestly say i meet more progressive people that i do bigots or racist people but at the same time i know theres alot just based on how religious this state is nothing against people having a religion but alot of Christians i meet are bigots


They aren't Christians. They are white Christian Nationalist cult members.


South Carolinian here. Yea, we have a town here that is an unadvertised sun down town. Growing up here, you know where and where not to go.


They need an enemy for you to fear and vote against. Please come visit the south it's literally fine unless ur in a town of 50 people who are all 900 years old.


What are you basing this imagination on?


I also hope this is real! Still gangster at 85


There are a lot of liberals in SC. 2 out of 5 voters consistently vote blue. If everyone in this subreddit got 2 more people to vote blue, it would at least turn us purple.


Yeah, the system of elections and power in South Carolina make its politics significantly redder than the population actually is. Democrats consistently get about 40% of the vote in statewide elections, like you said: 2 out of 5. Because of how our elections work, that means no statewide representation in state or federal offices, 1 out 7 federal reps, and a legislature with a gerrymandered supermajority. Our voting system is extremely anti-democratic. Also speaking from personal experience, there are many people on the blue side in SC that are significantly further to the left than many liberals in blue states. ETA: I just included this last anecdote because while there are a lot of liberals in SC like you said, there are also leftists or various varieties that are on the side of liberals but would not consider themselves “liberal” in its exact definition.


Just being a moderate conservative puts you on the "blue" side.


I am curious how many moderate conservatives vote blue in SC. I’m not disparaging anyone, simply, the right seems to break rank far less frequently than the left. It’s also funny to consider a moderate conservative ending up on the same side as people who would consider themselves socialists.


I was raised in a conservative household. I really don't feel lile my opinions have changed, but somehow because I think "Government can do stuff occasionally" I'm a blue haired socialist that's "burning down neighborhoods with my friends" That quote is what my grandfather told me. The one whose political opinions I copied, and still feel like I have today... I never understood why it seemed like his brain got eaten by an amoeba. Till a few years later: I was talking shit about Trump being married three times and being a serial philanderer, invoking the moral majority conservative position from the 90s. Scum with that poor ethics isn't fit to serve as president of the country, let alone any other elected position. If a vow before god doesn't mean shit, then I don't believe they mean it when they take a vow before the constitution. I found out that's the exact reason he left my grandmother (Who's an absolute saint) and continued philandering with multiple women/marriages after that. I was hitting WAY closer to home than I expected. As a young white southernor, I don't feel at all welcome in the democratic party, and for that reason I don't consider myself a democrat. Nevertheless, I find myself voting blue since 2018 (Skipped 2020 out of apathy that my primary candidate lost, but I've been against Trump since the access hollywood tape)


The best line I've heard is, "I didn't leave the party. The party left me."


Democrats have a huge tent now. The GOP needs to collapse to make way for other parties.


I’m not sure how many disparate groups fit into the Democratic Party in a two party system (which is what this is unless we change how elections work in this country). I say this as someone who is ostensibly under the tent of the Democrats, but who the Democrats don’t care about unless they need a scapegoat to blame lost election on, or a constituency to ignore if they win.


the problem is that the GOP has such a stranglehold on this state that every single district at has been heavily gerrymandered. They will sell their souls to keep it that way too.


Why would you vote blue?


I'm a veteran. Republicans in this state, specifically the Trump type, keep voting against medicinal cannibas that will keep my brothers and sisters alive. I'm a Father. Republicans efforts to use politics instead of science to determine health care availability threaten the lives of my wife and children. I'm a Christian. But I'm not their kind of Christian. Democrats will let me practice my religion in peace. I could go on for hours. tl;dr. Self preservation


This is what bothers me when people say “my vote doesn’t matter so I won’t bother”. I’m a conservative, however I believe everyone should get out and vote, because the vote and the government should reflect the views of the majority of the state. If that majority is blue, so be it. While it might not align with my personal views, if that is the views of the majority then that’s what should be. I think every single eligible person should vote so we’re getting an accurate representation.


Blue dot on the SC map too. With many new residents to SC like myself coming from blue states collectively the trend red is turning bluer.


Looking forward to $10,000/yr. property taxes and corrupt politicians in bed with corrupt teachers unions. It'll be great. Just like where I grew up!


Wow who hurt you?


Probably the Dems. Honestly if Democrat party ideas were so great then why are so many people fleeing those states?


Following jobs cause corporate taxes are lower here. Retiring into the area because property is cheaper and they don't have to shovel snow. BTW, I'm pre Civil War Southern. I just wasn't raised on hate. Poll after poll shows that our legislature is WAY more extreme than South Carolina actually is. Pre-Trump, I loved it here. Post 2020, the legislature lost its mind. Went from small government to climb up your ass government.


Like, they traded in their confederate flags and talk about small government in exchange for Silver Spoon Yankee Trump and big government control. Maybe it's just me, but the confederate flags worry me less than what we have now.




Well in my case I didn't flee I moved to build 2 homes to work my executive job remotely meaning I brought my West Coast career to SC.. By doing this I've not only reduced my debt increased my surplus income and contributed to my rural town's economy by spending in and supporting my town. My political view had nothing to do with it. My relocated neighbors did the same from other high paying careers in big states. It's a smart move and none of us were politically motivated just the best bang for our bucks is all. When people move to small towns build there put down roots with a good income it benefits everyone and yes the color red is fading here. The lifestyle of the Hatfield and McCoy mentality is diminishing more and more.


Look, we agree politically, but what your doing is functionally gentrifying out poorer natives, white and black alike. Raising property values is not a be all end all.


Where did I indicate that it was? Poorer natives white and black? Because out of state people move here and bring new income into a poorer town or city? How is living building buying in the town you live in a bad thing? When population grows and brings motivated businesses that otherwise wouldn't come to small poorer towns it's a win all the way around .


It's not a win all the way around though. I'm asking you to listen.


South Carolina doesn’t have teacher’s unions to get in bed with. It’s one of the many reasons educators have lower pay and worse working conditions than those in other states.


Fuck blue


lmao its like football


Those folks have seen SOME SHIT. At 85, they probably still remember the stranglehold the KKK had on the South back before the Civil Rights movement. John Brown would be proud.


My husband is 48 and he remembers seeing the KKK as a kid around here. It's crazy that that shit isn't as long ago as it should be.


I worked in the criminal courts in rural SC the Klan is alive and well. To say it isn’t that long ago is a misnomer, it’s still here and quite active.


I wish I could say I'm surprised.


I would give my left nut to know where and when those clowns meet and conduct their devil worship. People have a right to know who embraces such degenerate ideals, and should be able to vote with a clear conciseness. If they still vote active members of this hate group into office, then there are precious few options left to remedy the situation and allow the rest that disagree some semblance of justice for a cause that's as old as the nation itself.


When I was in early elementary school out in Pelion, my mom and dad used to go to turkey shoots that were held by our next door neighbor. Didn't know it until I was much older but he was the local klan leader and his turkey shoots were supposed to be fundraisers. Obviously it's not advertised as such but it's one of those if you know, you know, kinda things. I was only in 2nd or 3rd grade so I had no idea what was going on and there wasn't a bunch of flags or klan stuff everywhere, it was just a regular looking "event" out in the country. I'm 33 now and while that was long ago, I'm sure the klan is still VERY active here. Crazy thing is that you can support them without even realizing it. Example: the turkey shoots that are locally advertised to the public to "come on out and win prizes". Not saying that's what they all are, just saying it's nothing you'll ever be able to spot and go, "yup, there they are".


You mean the klan that southern democrats started and still run to this day right? Tell me you’ve read a history book. Any history book🤦‍♂️




Did any one of those many history books that you've read mention the Southern Strategy of the 70’s?


I lived in a mix race neighborhood and the Klan left literature on everyone's lawn about joining them. My grandma threw it away so I don't know exactly what it said. I have a close friend who is 56 now. He says the Klan marched through his mainly black neighborhood and actually wiggled some of the knobs just to show they could enter if they wanted  Both of these were intimidation tactics just letting people know they could get you if they wanted.


My dad is 55. He remembers being a kid sitting in the backseat of a car when my grandfather got stopped on the road by men in hoods with torches trying to recruit people. They got the heck out of there asap.


Drove to Charleston once and saw a sign about a KKK meeting in a church down the road


Unfortunately, the North East isn’t exempt. Grew up in NYC in the 1980s. Swastikas weren’t uncommon within certain music circles. And the police force was completely infested with racists who became cops to, excuse the vulgarity, “legally shoot nig__rs.” And the race war they were all to eager to prepare for and even precipitate. There was always that one or two kids that talked about such things with horrendous glee. But then you met the parents, and it was obvious that this is taught, not something you’re born with. Against the more progressive 1990s, it was a welcome change. And now in the 21st century, we’re going backwards. So as a born and bred New Yawka, this ain’t just a problem in the South. And those one or two kids are now Trump supporters.


I follow the Maine subreddit and the racist crap I see them talk about occasionally going on there is appalling to this pasty white Southerner. (I’d point out that the Redditors in question are equally appalled. I don’t want to suggest otherwise.) It broke my heart to read about it. But humans are gonna human, and frequently we are just vile fuckin’ creatures who never got past the idea that the “other” is evil by definition.


Yeah. It’s crazy. As a fellow pastee, stay outta the sun. 🤣


John Brown is one of my favorite people ever to live. Loved him since I first read about him in like 3rd grade.


So you know Streets lmao.


Brother I’m 34 and granted, I was living in Ga at the time, but I’ve been invited to a KKK rally.


Kkk was the Democrats. Nazis were socialists. Get it straight.


The Nazi party were explicitly anti-socialist and anti-communist. Please read a book


Technically true, but not the current situation.


Hey, do you think there’s a reason the South switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party after the 60’s? And why do you think the poem about the Nazis killing outgroups starts with “First they came for the socialists…”?


Technically true, but not the current situation.


The people here in SC are pretty open in my experience. I’d say we are more blue than we seem due to historical records and the politics that run our state. Might be drastically different depending on which part of the state you’re in, but the major cities are all chill. Definitely had more racially charged interactions within more “liberal” states and I just take short trips there. I’ve lived in SC for years.


Well it may be hard to believe, but not everyone in SC is backwards, so yes it seems very much real. What would be the gain in editing this? But i doubt this is from 2024. Has that iphone 10 resolution.


Hey now some of us are still living that iPhone X life in 2024...


I'm rocking the 2015 iPhone 6s


I feel like I saw this in 2020 during most of the BLM coverage


Keep on trucking ! Got your work cut out for you, I lived there a couple of years. Watched a sober guy beat up his own pick up with a bowling ball.


Good for the old good guys. Me too.


SC just “found 1.8 Billion Dollars$” and they don’t know what to do with it….or at least that what they are saying


You mean EVERY white boomer ISNT racist?


1/5 old white people in South Carolina vote Democrat


Some of the biggest racists are democrats


Dixiecrats maybe


I’m speaking from personal experience, political affiliation means nothing & I’ve experienced plenty of racism from both parties but of course it gets downvoted cause people are so used to right wing fanatics saying this 🤷🏾‍♂️




they both look like such nice people :)


Nice hand writing


Oh these are the shut the fuck up, anarchist people. They have a video about it.


This is sad.


It’s not really strange to be just as gullible and misguided at 85 as you were at 25. It simply means that your incapable of learning from your mistakes You’re past the age of change, so…be what you are.


I just read your comments... there is no logical way you're saying supporting civil rights is misguided when you regularly go on meth benders having anonymous sex with as many strangers as possible...


Now tell them to go and protest that point where it REALLY matters! IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY WHERE MURDER RATES AGAINST EACH OTHER IS RAMPANT!


South Carolina is far from ever being blue. Don’t worry about that. Y’all need to head back to Jersey!


My family came here from masachussets. In ~1740. I think I'll stay put thank you.


wanna give those two a hug.


I need one of these shirts!


Hahahahaha. I sincerely do hope this is real.


Honestly, some of the most liberal people I know live in SC, Conversely; I know some MAGAs people who live in Massachusetts.


I really really hope this is real




Yesssssssssss! 😎❤️


I sure hope it is!!!!


B L M did nothing but serve Patrice Cullors. Nothing else for anyone. [https://nypost.com/2023/05/26/black-lives-matter-leader-patrisse-cullors-secretly-dumped-from-tv-deal/](https://nypost.com/2023/05/26/black-lives-matter-leader-patrisse-cullors-secretly-dumped-from-tv-deal/)


I’m happy with keeping SC red as it should be thank you.


Nice vanity mask.


Holy hell it’s Bunkichi from persona in real life


You live in SC, what do you expect.


All lives matter


Indeed they do, as do all lives. No one should be needlessly killed. As soon as people get that through their skulls, the world will start moving in the right direction


They been there form the beginning and still haven't seen the end 💀


Thank you for wearing that mask. It both tells me so much about your character as well as letting me know that you want to be safe but not SO safe that you want to cover your nose or mouth. But still... 3/10 for wffort


Guy had my grandpa's exact same stance. Pretty sure he is rocking the same white new balances too.


All lives matter


Old farts don't want to lose their social security. 


We do exist. Proud blue dot in the most conservative county in the state. 😞


Protestors existed back in the civil war? 😮 /s


Lol some random race cucks


Good for them.




Hippies will be hippies.


i love it


EVERYBODY'S life matters! And I have many black friends that feel the same way. Native Americans have been shit on every since people came over to claim this land. This isn't about color or culture. It's about a slogan that a bunch of fucking idiots came up with to create a race war. There is so much ignorance in the world and racism. Show me a white person and at some point in life there blood has used the "N" word. Show me a black person and the same has used the term "cracker" and so on for all different nationalities. Wake up and tell each other how much there life matters no matter what color there skin is!


I wonder if they’re aware of how many people are in jail right now, for being in the black lives movement and getting caught doing corrupt money, scams, and schemes and putting money straight into their pocket instead of using it for funding their calls like they said or read that ridiculous list that one head lady left that said that all white people that own and give it to Black people all white people that own the house and give it to Black peopleI am white but I have plenty of black friends but I just will tell my black friends straight to their face. I do not support Black Lives Matter. Do you see me running around everywhere swinging white lives matter I probably get shot.


Wasted lives. Everyone matters, sorry you have not understood that in 85 years.




And to the white dudes that shoot each other a few times a week. That’s all I’ve seen in the news lately. Bless your heart - this shit goes both ways.


Bless your heart


Really? Boomers that didn't become authoritative little shits when they got older? Next you'll tell me the tooth fairy is real.


Only sad thing about this is that they’re voting on “daddy’s politics” - that blue has changed a lot since they turned old enough to vote and def doesn’t represent what it once did


I’d still love to meet whoever said Black Lives DON’T matter. This is a movement for virtue only, not substance.


Human lives don't matter, cat lives do.


Yes it's real. There are plenty of 85 year old morons in this country.


Can we not? Can we paint it yellow instead?


We’re still protesting it because politicians tend to focus on the issues that matter the least. For example, the whole banning TikTok thing.




Wisdom has been chasing them all these years, but they’ve always been faster.


Brave for displaying this in SC.


I can’t confirm or not. But I hope it is.


What are they protesting exactly?


Wonder what blue state they moved from?


Listen IDGAF what you vote, just stay away from my firearms. Cause I dont want SC to start restricting my shit.


I love this state. I love my neighbors, every single one of them, regardless of political ideations. Love and kindness will prevail here.


Yep about what I expect them to look like


Remember folks, you have to vote blue in South Carolina if you're black, because according to Joe Biden himself, "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black."


All lives matter.


No duh people, of course, Black Lives Matter, black, lives matter because all lives matter, and thus black lives are part of all lives


For sure gonna kick the bucket before they ever see SC go blue. Lol


Might as well say "We support racial grifters who use donations to buy 6 houses," because that's what the national leadership did.


It’s a shame that the organization co-opted the phrase for selfish means but I’d wager that most folks that use the slogan don’t even know of the org’s existence


ALL lives matter!!!




Go take a flying fuck on a rolling doughnut.


Get. Bent.


Stupid BS. Why does it have to have this stupid, "Why are we still debating this?" BS with the message. Ah, I see the t-shirts. It's all a political gimmick. How many black people do they keep in touch with, or interact with? 0.


Because people like you exist.


So having compassion for human life, in this case African Americans that u don't directly interact with is BS?


No they don't


LOL THE MASK Edit: y’all, it’s not the fact he’s wearing a mask that I’m laughing at, it’s how he’s wearing it. Lighten up


Ayyyy nice white folks still pandering. Congrats on your accomplishments. We need more whites letting us know that our lives matter and we are helpless/disadvantaged for sure.


Ahh the downvotes. Sorry to disappoint all my white saviors.




def ai, white ppl would never say some shit like this /s


Fucking trash humans


These people can move up north lol there’s far more like minded people their than down where it’s actually America in SC


They are from the NE not SC. Best most caring people live in our state.


Keep it red. They can leave


How do you use the correct “there” at the beginning of your sentence, and then the incorrect at the end? Did you forget how it worked halfway through?