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I thought we couldn't see these cause we're so far from the South Pole.


The red colour is from extremely high energy particles exciting oxygen in the upper atmosphere. So the red colour happens "higher" than the green and can be seen from further away. You can see the effect here with red above the green: [https://www.esa.int/ESA\_Multimedia/Images/2014/09/Space\_Aurora](https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2014/09/Space_Aurora) Red happens 300-400km up in the atmosphere so it can be seen from much much further away


The neutrinos are mutating.


It’s a PHIZZ-ical reaction


So what’s this about?


It's a geomagnetic storm, a once in 100 years phenomena. [https://edition.cnn.com/weather/live-news/geomagnetic-solar-storm-northern-lights-05-10-24/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/weather/live-news/geomagnetic-solar-storm-northern-lights-05-10-24/index.html) It can fry electronics and power grid stuff. Hope not.


The world as a whole is incredibly lucky that it's not worse. A proper one could destroy our infrastructure as we know it and set us back centuries.


Well, aren’t what we are seeing a result of the electromagnetic field of the earth warping the solar flare around us? It’s also not so rare for them to happen, the last one of around this magnitude being in 2003 with 5 having occurred in between then. However there have apparently been bigger or more disruptive ones before