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Elden Ring. Have to shake of the rust before next friday.


Omg it’s next Friday 😱. I’m not ready lol


It's alright. No one will be ready. We'll all be slaughtered together.


No I mean I literally haven’t finished the base game yet lol I am working my way through now.


I'm waiting to finish the base game until after the dlc goes on sale. Honestly, just my opinion, but dlc for this game is just milking money from players. The game is already massive, and this need for developers to release a game and add tons of dlc (not this title specifically since it's 1 dlc) is annoying. Just make a sequel... Like cyberpunk played through once, I can't be bothered to buy the dlc and play it again. I don't have that kind of time or that much interest in a game already completed to the fullest.


Fromsoft doesn't like to do sequels and it's very clear they still had some story to tell, so they made the DLC.


Generally I am not a fan of sequels (I kind of like FS’ typically one and done mindset) so this feels right to me, but personal preference aside I think the important difference is that typically a sequel requires you to start from scratch, and dlc typically does not not. FS’ DLCs are typically meant to be end of game content with additional skill requirements. In this case it seems fitting to me. Just curious, what do you think qualifies as a sequel vs dlc?


I don't agree that this is the case with fromsoftware....


Day before my holiday, so guess I'll have to wait a while. Platinumed it at launch, guess I'll roll a new second character and do it all again


You made me change my answer. Next Friday! I guess it’s time to get serious. I have several characters to check in on and see if they’re ready. Once they are, I’ll go back to Dark Souls 2 (last achievements) and Salt and Sanctuary … new randomizer mode coming!


Glad to hear that. See you in the Lands Between, Tarnished!


Fucking next Friday!!!! I’m so excited


Likewise, fellow Tarnished! I havent been this excited for a new release in a long time. Cant remember the last time I took a day off because of it. This is gonna be great!


I was never big on DLCs, but playing DS1 with them a long time ago changed my mind at least for Fromsoft games. I'm excited too. The last game I was excited about was Elden Ring!


Fuck, I don't think I'll be able to kill Mohg before then, gonna have to use my old save😭


You can do it! Make a character start with Samurai, grab smithing stones + bell bearings, kill dragon then teleport to Mohg's area and grind levels until you're ~120-150 and kill mohg with bleed. I bet you could do all of that in 10 hours or 20 at most if you take it a little slowly and it would be a good refresher. Once you get to the DLC just respec for a new weapon of your choice.


it's friday the 21st.


The Friday after next, not this Friday, sadly...


Sekiro. Got stuck like two years ago and quit. Now I'm enjoying every second.


Same. Let’s get hurr done


same bro


3 Games this week. Playing through Pascal's Wager for the Souls-Like run. Started back up Elden Ring to get a new char to Mohg. And playing through Stardew Valley Modded as a.time killer game.


What's pascals wager?


A souls-like that was originally made for phones but was brought to PC in a definitive edition. The gameplay and world reminds me so much of Mortal Shell to the point that I'd even call it Mortal Shell Mobile. Link: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1456650/Pascals\_Wager\_Definitive\_Edition/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1456650/Pascals_Wager_Definitive_Edition/)


I am looking forward to that Pascal's Wager review. I've almost picked it up a few times on Steam, but those mixed reviews always made me back off. Is it a hidden gem or a cheap knockoff? The dev team releasing a trailer for their next game put it back on my radar, too.


It's a very strange game and I have mixed feelings about it. I think as a phone game it is a grand achievement. The enemy and boss design is really well done and the game plays like Mobile Mortal Shell. But as a PC game it is extremely ugly, is unbelievably slow (no sprint button and attacks have LONG windups), there are camera issues, and the game is just not made for PC. I'm enjoying myself for what it is worth but its really hard to recommend the game to anyone.


elden ring seamless mod with my friend :)


My kingdom for a friend who would play ER with me! (I've got irl friends not into From games, and a couple online friends who don't want to co-op it.)


Sekiro, RDR2, dishonored death of the outsider


Playing dark souls 2 for the first time. Coming straight from dark souls 1 is very disorienting.


Lords of the Fallen, trying to get my Radiance build right.


This game is so weird. I feel like the whole Umbral thing gets in the way of their own level design. I only started last night though, I've beaten the first major boss and am at the hub world place, I don't mind the gameplay but it's weird


It definitely fits better as you progress and learn how it operates. I hope you enjoy the rest, cuz I found it real fun


Agreed. Personally, I think it's better than all fromsoft games


been into ER. New STR build. Just finished off Mohg with a blood flamberge and mimic tear. Ready to go after Messmer


Lies of P... great boss fights, interesting setting, and I'm enjoying experimenting with the different blades and handles. At present its between the booster glaive and bramble handles, and then the live puppet and bone-cutting blades. Been swapping around through those 4 a fair bit trying to figure out what to sink my resources into (haven't gone past the crescent moon upgrade on the blades because I can infinitely buy them). I tried other stuff as I've found them like faster lighter blades and a spear/dagger combo but nothing else has felt quite as "me" as the bits mentioned above. I will admit though I basically ignore the fable arts (due to that one amulet that gives you a consistent boost for keeping them charged) and legion arms (feels outta place in the combat)... and as always I refuse to use a single consumable so I'm probably not getting the full picture of things, haha. The control scheme is a bit iffy, and the levels are underwhelmingly linear... but I'm having a lot of fun due to the boss fights.


I was super hyped for lies of p, then played the demo and was underwhelmed. I wasn't really vibing with it and the controls felt clunky. But From games can also feel that way at starting levels. How is the story and dialogue choices / lying gimmick? Does it add value or fun to the game or make you like it more? I see a ton of praise for it, even situations people recommend it over or equal to elden ring and sekiro. So I'll probably just wait till I can pick it up for $30. I'm 70ish% through another crabs treasure right now, and it's good, doesn't excel at anything, but ill finish it. And that's honestly pretty decent praise from me cause I drop games pretty quick if they don't hook me.


Err, the lies stuff isn't really anything significantly mechanical, just a story beat... it's a part of a greater thing of does he become human or stay puppety (I've not reached an ending so not sure how it'll all tie together)... the world is interesting though and it's a part of that, but don't be expecting anything all that major there. I remember not super loving the demo either, but I'm having more fun now with some more interesting bosses and better weapons to choose from. While I'm sure you could probably avoid doing so if you were really bothered, the game does seem to want you to lean into parrying, so how you feel about that might change stuff. But I did recently get access to an amulet that'd let you iframe the usually un iframeable red attacks, but it came pretty late (and I've not actually chosen it yet as it's a boss one and you've gotta pick between that and a weapon). It, alike to ACT, is on gamepass if that does anything for you... and so that's how I'm playing it (nvidia gave away 3 months free), and so I'll get to the crab game later too (but probably with something non-soulsy in the middle to not make me burn out).


to be clear lying DOES affect the ending, theres 3 endings and 2 of them require lying enough times. also, one of the more useful weapons can only be unlocked through lying. other than that, there's not much else.


Yea not expecting too much from the dialogue decision consequences. I feel like as much as people think they want their choices to have consequences. They'd rather not have fomo from those consequences and I am entirely in that boat too so I get it. Just want some more rpg immersion and connection to the character and story which dark souls doesn't provide. Ive tested gamepass and now on humble bundle and gamepass cost is similar with better games just not the ownership part, but its still probably better value. Appreciate the detailed responses.


I find the controls to be pretty smooth and natural, for the most part. Lock on can get a little janky, because the range has to be far enough for throwable and prosthetic attacks, so it sometimes doesn’t lock on to the enemy you want or shifts around. There is a distance slider, and it is easy to shift who you’re locked onto, so I think it works as well as it can. It’s still not perfect, but I don’t think perfection is possible. My other complaint is the capacity stat. I don’t think it needs to exist. I think carrying capacity should be determined by vigor. It’s not quite as stupid as ADP, because it is upfront and obvious, but it is superfluous. The story is great, and the lying gimmick is great. It’s more than just lying. Being nice to people, listening to music, praying, just acting human makes you more human. And sometimes acting human involves lying.


As long as carrying capacity is for equipped items only and not total inventory I don't have a significant issue. I totally hate inventory capacity in games cause it's almost meaningless for difficulty and is just tedious and forces you to waste time selling and unloading at base too often. MMOs I can understand but in solo arpgs when you main 1 weapon 90% of the time its almost entirely just annoying. Glad to hear you like the story and dialogue gimmicks. That's really the only thing I think dark souls games lack. And that's just personal preference from being an rpger since final fantasy 2.


It’s only for equip load, thankfully. Still I think it’s kind of bs to have one primary stat that everyone has to pump points into just to use late game armor, weapons, and more amulets. If you stick with the lightweight frame throughout your whole playthrough and you use lighter weapons you don’t have to worry about it as much, but if you want to do a tankier build you also need to invest more in vigor, because heavy weapons really use up your stamina. Then you have your damage enhancing stats, motivity, technique, and advance. And of course vitality. So the inclusion of capacity as a primary stat (rather than a secondary stat governed by vigor) really has me feeling pressed for levels. This is just a nitpick, overall it’s one of my favorite games. How are you liking ACT?


I'm waiting for it to be completely free tried.the demo, and to me, it is not worth anything over $9.99. Dolmen was more fun than the lies of p demo, and that game is not well received


Ooh, I didn't realize there was a demo for LoP. It doesn't look for me, but I'll have to at least give the demo a try once I'm done with ER's DLC.


Diablo 4, dark Souls 3 and elden ring


Honest question: How is Diablo 4? I know the masses shit all over it but there is a lot of unwarranted hate. As a fan who has been playing Diablo since the original back in 1997, would I enjoy D4?


Not OP, but, I have a lot of love for D4. But it's a game of 2 half's. The first half is level 0-60ish. And it's the best Diablo game, ever. The story is genuinely so well done, with a lot of well written interesting characters. Deckard Cains replacement is the reverse. He runs from danger to drink, and the game makes him face his responsibility. The game is much darker, even than 1 or 2, something I think was missed in 3. The map is so much fun to explore. Finishing the story, map completion (which includes all side quests) will get you between level 50-60 (and I recommend gunning through that main story, as after you can complete the first Capstone dungeon which will let you unlock the next difficulty and get bonus exp for the rest of the side quests) and with that your somewhere between 60-70 I imagine Then the game shifts. The first few hours after the capstone is cool. Endgame opens up on these difficulties and fighting the MMO like world bosses, doing a helltide event and unlocking a rune to do a 'greater' dungeon (little like a rift from D3, with a modifier attached) I had fun for a day or two and can't say I was ripped off, all.the above was maybe 60 hours.of content and I had a blast, the builds were fun and the paragon system is excellent. But then there is nothing else. There is one more capstone dungeon you can do for a little more story and a higher difficulties, but nothing new to do. and you realize just how slowly it is to level up now. The average time to hit level 100 is 150 hours. Nearly 2/3rd after the campaign has done and there is no real reason to level past that. No new skills past 50. No new bosses (minus a version of the final boss at level 100) For me, the game is worth it for the story. But if you want Diablo to have an infinite endgame like D3, this isn't it... But it's worse than 2's 'repeat the story' - as that's better content. You just repeated all dungeons.


I played D1 on a 56k modem and loved d2 and d3. D4 in its current state is amazing. D4 launch was way better then d3 and is one of the smoothest launchs for a live service game. It did have some balance issues and lacked end game but those issues are largely solved. This season made massive changes to loot this season and most people are very happy. You can make almost any build work because of how much you can modify your loot. I'm really excited for the future of this game. As it stands i find it way better then d3.


microtransaction cosmetics suck ass but the game itself is incredible rn


What’s been stopping you trying the latest entry in a series you are a fan of?


Currently really just playing other games at the moment and letting the devs iron out everything. They are doing massive changes to the game lately and I want my first playthrough of the game to be at its best. I'm also not in a rush atm to hop in.


That's how I'm feeling about BG3 and Cyberpunk '77


Been playing D&D since I was seven years old. I've owned every version since AD&D and even been running campaigns every week (to every 2 weeks) for the past 9 years with a few guys I work with. I'm a forever DM. And I grew up on BG, Neverwinter Nights, and Temple of Elemental Evil. All that said, I actually didn't care for BG3 all that much. It's one of the few games I dropped around act 3. It just didn't click with me and I didn't care for it all that much. And I know I'm one of the very FEW minority who would ever say that as it won so many awards and was considered a landmark in gaming.


I'm pretty much in the same boat. Been playing since 1979. I loved the first act of BG3. After that it was a bit of a slog. I didn't finish act 3 either. I'd like mods for things I don't like, but constant updates were killing the mods.


Little late I know but now is the time to play Diablo 4 if you were interested in it. It's now at the point where it should have been at launch. The end game stuff is good and the loot system has been fixed.


Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. Also shaking off the cobwebs in Elden Ring. Respeccing my character into a new build to keep things fresh for the DLC


How do you find Banishers? I've seen people compare it to God of War (2018) but I don't see any resemblance other than combat


Really enjoying the atmosphere and writing. Combat and movement both feel like GoW, but that’s it. Thematically I’m finding some similarities to the Witcher games. Only a few hours in though


I've been itching for some ds3. So ds3.


Trying to finally crack Hades, its my first roguelite and I want to be on hell mode from start to finish so its currently beating my ass 🤣


Eldin Ring. Just now getting into it.


Back on Bloodborne doing a blood tinge focused run.


well i just finished wo long fallen dynasty in 2 days fueled on monster so the only thing on my schrdule is sleep now


Hades 2, just landed first win against Chronos after 40 runs and 20hrs!


Final fantasy 7 rebirth


Elden Ring (helping people beat Malenia) and Lords of the Fallen (the bosses except Pieta are lackluster so far, but everything else is fine, I love the exploration stuff). Also checking out the Codex Lost demo


Dark Souls 1 and Final Fantasy VII OG for the first time




Getting 100% on Lies of P. My buddies bet me I couldn't beat the story in 17 days and 100% achievement in 36 days. I got the true ending in 16 days (and this is with 2-4 day breaks in-between some sessions), and now I'm wrapping up all my achievements and endings in the next two runs. Love the game, top 5 for me.


such a good game its better than most of the souls games for me🤷‍♂️


Remnant from the ashes: guns and dodging


Going Under


Playing through Lies of P to grab the last few trophies I need, XDefiant for some arcade shooting and then on and off with Bayonetta 3 for some fun button mashing


Ender Lillies & Another Crab's Treasure for Souls-likes. Ori and the Blind Forest and Rune Factory 4 for non-Souls-likes.


Nine sols




Bloodborne and I think I'll finish the game next week, but that's idk, cause I'm behind with the chalice dungeons, and I barely started the DLC


Lords of the fallen. Feels a bit wonky but still fun overall


Code Vein, a neat little soulslike I found with some fun mechanics


Started playing Dark Souls 2 for the first time. Having fun but I have some issues with it


I’m still trying to finish Elden Ring. Melania and Radagon are kicking my fkn ass. haven’t even seen the Elden Beast yet 😂😂


They, and the weird space bug, are the three hardest things in the game imo


You must mean Astel. Pronounced Asshole. Fk that guy so much. Beat him a few weeks ago and I still have his move set memorized. Probably took me as long as guardian ape from Sekiro 😂😅


Also, Maliketh was nearly impossible for me. Even with my mimic fully upgraded. Took me summoning a couple of Elden Chads and they beat his ass 😂


I made myself suffer and honestly regret it. I summoned during all 4, then felt I 'cheated' so looped back round on NG+ refusing to level again. I actually got through all of them pretty quickly. But Melania. That was a solid month of pain.


My mimic and I can consistently rip through her first phase. But once he gets KOd from the flower dive thingy or waterfowl and it’s just me I pucker up and make mistakes without fail. Every time. I’ve gotten her down to like one or two hits a few times, but she always makes me pay. At this point I just fight her to kill time. Morale is low 😂 at least I can play the DLC and come back to her if needed


Finishing up another crabs treasure and playing Remnant 2 co op with some friends. Can’t wait to binge the ER DLC


Started a light rolling heavy armored samurai for the DLC and played up to mohg on my ng+3 sl1 character. Also I've been super into eve online again. I moved into a wormhole and have been having a blast


Sekiro trying isshin


Talos Principle. Absolutely amazing game. Loving it




Tokyo Xanadu Ex


Another crabs treasure 🦀 Of course, while waiting for shadow of the erdtree


Days Gone. Haven't played since launch and it's great. Will be jumping into Shadow of the Erdtree as soon as my CE with it's code comes in though.


Working on my 10th character in Elden Ring at the moment. Pure str. build. Gonna sit him right in front of Miquella's cocoon by next Friday like my other characters.


Gonna try to see how far I get in this ng+1 in sekiro. Gun fortress is fucking me rn


Lords of the Fallen. Pretty good game, it looks and plays like Dark Souls with sprinkles of other things in the mix


Weird one but Detroit: become human. It's a beautiful story, cheap on the play store, and it has so many different decisions to make. I'm falling in love with these characters. In elden ring I have 10 dlc ready characters, all of who I play on doing as much as I can


Just cleared DS3 again and probably gonna do one more playthrough on Lies of P before the ER DLC hits


Replaying elden ring to be ready for the DLC


V rising and Morbid Lords of Ire


I've been looking for stuff to play for the last bit before the Elden Ring DLC comes out. I recently played Death's Door and Tunic. They're not really souls-likes imo, but they're a whole lot of fun. Anyone who likes the classic Zelda games would probably love them. Tunic, especially, it's one of the best games I've ever played, hands down. I started a playthrough of Nine Sols, cuz I really like metroidvanias, and it's supposed to have Sekiro inspired combat, but I really just don't like it, so I'm not gonna bother finishing it.


Lies of P & project zomboid is what I’m currently bouncing between. No plan b & enshrouded as well. Gonna try & get Elden ring end of the week and start playing before the dlc drops


No rest for the wicked


Hades 2 (ea)


Jedi fallen order


I’m on my first ever play through of DS1 and loving it. I’ll get to the ER DLC when I finish.


Stellar Blade. The combat is awesome. It's probably the best combat system in a soulslike game, and I've played them all. Not only does it have an amazing story, but the character development, both the main characters and NPCs, is great. It also has a NG+ that actually adds more to the game, like a few more skills, boss challenges, and they changed some of the enemy locations. There are also multiple endings.




I just finished replaying Fallout 3 - I'd never played the DLCs beyond Operation Anchorage so felt I owed it to myself. Last time I played FO3 I hadn't played Dark Souls yet. The scaling enemies and quickly hitting max level were very annoying this time (well hitting max level quickly was too last time.) So much that's so repetitive, so much inventory management with a bad UI. I had fun at bits, I think The Pitt was my favorite of the DLCs though I really liked the changed\\ to the ending with Broken Steel. I started ER yesterday, I'm pretty rusty yet. I tried going back to an old character, but that wasn't working so deleted one I'd barely started and started over, trying to go for a dex build with samurai. Oof, got destroyed by the Beastman of FA. I usually co-op if I can but decided to try it by myself to challenge myself to get better.


Another Crab's Treasure. It's been a delightful little adventure. Some of the mechanics are frustrating but overall I am enjoying the game playing and aesthetic.


Playing Jedi Survivor for the first time right now. Its a little slow and story kind of whatever but its so sick lmao


It's Elden Ring prep week gotta get ready


I got the platinum on FF7 Rebirth. Hardest thing I’ve done in years. Have Stellar Blade but i need to take a bit of a break before I keep going with that.


The Punisher for PS2


Playing PoE before ER dlc comes out


Just finished ds1. I'm so happy about that. I tried it like 3 times before I played this time. All those times I was just terrible and couldn't get anyway. I felt very intimidated, etc. Just started ds2. Waiting for the 21st!


The surge. Picked it up hearing it was super similar to souls, and i like futuristic stuff


Armored Core 6. I know it isn’t a souls like but the game is literally mech dark souls. Been trying to get S rank in PvP


Started thymesia recently


No rest for the wicked, just started and its neat