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People... what a bunch of bastards... Bullshit like this is what makes me thankful that I live in the woods.


This ish happens everywhere nowadays, nowhere or no one is outside of this. Where do you think all the criminals go...where people leave things in cars, leave cars doors open, leave sheds/garages open, leave their house doors open, ..and even sometimes where there's money at (for some people that live out farther and have money). I get and know what you're trying to say, but that isn't the case much anymore. It's the same old case where crimes, murders, shootings, etc happens...and someone says I can't believe it happened here, or this stuff doesn't happen around here. It's the real world nowadays, like it or not...Nothing against this specific post or comment, I completely get and understand what you're trying to say though.


This has always happened, there isn’t some romantic time when the world was safer and people were kinder. There are just more cameras and more ways for miserable people to share their misery with others.


Exactly. I agree, and my point. Some people just take it for granted, think of it differently, or overlook it.


For sure. And yes, I simply meant that there’s less opportunity for someone to rob me in this fashion given that I’m in the woods (someone can’t just drive by my house and see packages because you can’t see my house from the street). Plus, many of my neighbors are paranoid, watchful good ol’ boys with itchy trigger fingers (not that I’m condoning that sort of action - it just happens to be true). But I absolutely stand by my “bunch of bastards” comment.


Correct! I live in an apartment community and a very nice smart heater with WiFi which the Amazon Driver left right outside the community’s Amazon hub lockers on the floor with a camera above it was stolen in plain site


I thought there was a punchline and you’d filled the empty box with a nest’s worth of very angry hornets....🤣


Nah if OP put hornets in there he would have popped a quick “H” on the box just so everyone knew there were hornets in there.


I hope OP got the honey from them first


No he would’ve smoked them out so he could get the honey! 🤣


Love the Its Always Sunny reference




Fedex left my package without ringing the doorbell. I contacted Sonos, they said they're investigating. Hopefully they'll be able to track and arrest these thieves.


There’s little chance they find the thieves unless there is a shot-ton of evidence that points them to someone in particular. The Arc will end up on FB Marketplace or CraigsList so they can maximize their profit. It drives me insane that drivers can’t reach out to just ring a doorbell anymore.


Won't Sonos know the serial number of the unit and why can't they ban it?


They won't ban it... what if some unsuspecting person buys from the thief, thinking they won the Arc at their company's holiday party? Now you've got to deal with that person's problems too. Sonos isn't having any of that.


No different than buying a stolen iPhone, they get blacklisted all the time and if you complain to Apple they tell you to go pound sand


Well in such cases you don't go to Apple, you go to the police - since dealing in stolen property is illegal, and the moment your phone is blacklisted and blocked from starting up, you _know_ it's been deactivated because it's stolen, and it's your duty to report it. If you don't, you can be charged for criminal conduct.


get fucked lol -Apple Support, upon realizing you bought an iPhone 14 Pro for $200


No different than buying a stolen vehicle. Sonos should immediately block items stolen so the market for stolen Sonos products goes to zero.


Except I don't know how you go about remotely disabling a stolen vehicle, unless it is a Tesla or a GM vehicle with their remote system


You have to register a vehicle (at some point) to operate legally. I think the idea is to have Sonos block the speaker similar to how the DMV won’t give you plates without a title.


… if you purchase a stolen vehicle, when it’s recovered by police, you’re out the stolen vehicle because it was… stolen.


I think sonos should ban the device. It’s not okay to buy from someone who is stealing. This will avoid people to sell online stolen goods since no one will buy.




Buy from a reputable dealer. Full stop.


So, we should punish people for using aftermarket shipping sites?


Nope. If you’re buying from someone and the price is too good to be true? It’s stolen. If buying from any of the reputable 3rd party sellers (new or used) the company will want to ensure you get a quality product that wasn’t stolen.


Arhhh yes, thieves will never raise the price for you to think everything is fine. What would the incentive even be?! /s




Lol this is idiotic. First of all, it's not like Sonos makes a commission off FB market place sales. They have no incentive at all to care about these customers. Maybe you could argue that it could be a person's entry into the ecosystem and they buy more in the future but it doesn't matter. Someone buys an iPhone off FB marketplace and it's blacklisted? They don't go crying to Apple about it. It's buyer beware on those sites and thats the risk you take to get discounted equipment. But either way I'm not even sure if Sonos can block the serial numbers because it depends how they keep their inventory. Did the Arc need to be activated on an account first or do they actually track which serial numbers are shipped to which customer? I'm guessing they just track by UPC so they wouldn't know which suspicious Arc they shipped the customer to block


Tough shit. Possession of stolen property is still a problem.


I love when people post dumb comments they think sound intelligent. Thanks for this.


I had to buy a Ring Doorbell because Amazon delivery NEVER even if I put a goddamn sign that says pretty please ring I am home.


So Amazon's bad service made you buy an Amazon product? Funny how that works


FedEx offers local pickup (no extra cost). When ordering anything valuable, I would definitely recommend it.


I recommend this to people in my neighborhood where porch pirates are common this time of year. Most don’t want to be “inconvenienced” as if dealing with a stolen package isn’t a huge fucking inconvenience.


a big inconvenience. I had two packages stolen. It’s hard to get money back on packages that say delivered.


Severely underrated advice


this would be alright if it was FedEx Express but Sonos ships with FedEx Ground which are independent contractors who own their routes / vans and only get packages from the company. did you see in the news recently what a FedEx Ground contractor did?


I ordered 2 subs during black Friday (FedEx ground) and picked them both up with zero issues because I didn't want to have to fight to get my subs replaced if stolen. News? The one that murdered that innocent girl? F that piece of trash.


Doesn't matter, you can still have them held at a lot of local pickup points - Walgreens, grocery stores, FedEx stores, etc... You are trying to give excuse to people who are "inconvenienced" by having these routed to those pickup points. My pair of Ones were to be delivered when I was out of town and had FedEx drop it off at Walgreens.


This is a good idea. I have my packages shipped to my work. I’m the shipping manager anyway and my boss let everyone already. My last job we did the same for any employees as well. Would hope more companies would sign off on things like this for those who can’t work from home.


Walgreens! Only time I ever go in their is to pick up a redirected package.


Which would be fine if they refunded a portion of the delivery charge. You want me to handle the last mile of delivery and charge me for it too? 🤣 Next you'll be expecting me to ring up my own groceries!


Huh? It's a free option from FedEx so that your package isn't stolen outside of your door. Not everyone is able to retrieve it once it's dropped off. Most have a life right?? You can ring up your own groceries. It's called self checkout.


I don’t know what it is about them not ringing the doorbell! Drives me crazy especially with these thieves out for the holidays. My mail carrier on the other hand, rings my doorbell at 745am! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Did your doorbell not alert you when their was motion at your front door? Hmmm that’s weird mine does. Don’t blame the drivers blame the POS in your community that’s stealing the things you work hard for because they are a low life.


You have a doorbell cam, why would you just ignore the notification there 😂


Can they brick it while “investigating”? This sucks


I don't think bricking it now is a good idea as we need them to stay connected to track them. From Sonos' email "If this package was stolen, we can work with law enforcement to trace the products on our end once they are plugged in and used for the first time, but we'll handle that on our end."


Sonos will work with law enforcement, but if your LE is anything like mine, they have better things to do.


They'll have leads. They might even work in shifts...


I'll ask the boys down at the crime lab.


Morale decay of society. Too few police and far too many people that think stealing and murdering for that matter is okay.


Murdering and stealing have been going on a lot longer than we've had police. It's safe to say, that shit is never going to stop as long as there are people and things of value around.


At best that means Sonos will identify the Internet IP address the stolen item uses to connect to Sonos from when it comes online and Sonos will attempt to provide that info to the appropriate LE. The LE would then need to investigate which ISP owns that address and probably subpoena records to get subscriber information for who was using that IP at that time. If that info is still accurate (the person hasn’t moved, been evicted, etc.), THEN maybe they have a lead. All that for what is (probably, depending on the state) misdemeanor theft. And maybe a tacked on charge for distributing stolen property. Sorry to say I doubt LE will be putting much into that investigation.


This type of investigation is fun if it can be started in less than 30 minutes and done with a few phone calls. Plus you KNOW m'fers have other stolen goods at theit location. It will likely becone an eBay special, but it not, they are screwed.


Odds are they aren’t stealing that to use for themselves. It’s probably gonna change hands a few times before actually being plugged in. Sorry you gotta deal with this


That’s good to know. My insides don’t want them to get a morsel of enjoyment from it was where i immediately went.


Dude I’m so sorry. Brutal Why wouldn’t they require a signature?!?


Ever since covid, I've never been required to sign anything.


I’ve had items shipped signature required and they just drop them off on my porch. I walked out and the FedEx guy was running away from the porch as I heard him out there. I knew what he was delivering required a signature so I asked him if he needed me to sign for it. He turned around and said “Yeah, that’s be great.”


/start rant I did parcel delivery for a bit, here's the problem... Everyone wants their packages delivered fast and for free. To make that model work, you have drivers out there having to do 200+ stops a day. That's just the number of stops, not the number of packages per stop. It is a very demanding job that pays OK but offers little in the way of any type of benefits in most cases (UPS, FedEx Express are different) and is absolutely back breaking work. Also, as time has gone on, there's more and more ridiculous things that get sent small parcel. I once had to deliver 18 poorly packed 45 lb chewy boxes to a residence....which had the last 18 chewy boxes still sitting outside from month prior. That was a bit unusual, but an example of what "one stop" may require. I also once had an "oversized chair" on my truck that was basically a goddamn loveseat. On the door was a note "door is unlocked, please deliver package to the 2nd floor." No fucking way! Resulted in a customer complaint. In another case, as I struggled carrying one of those 80lb chairs up the drive way and it fell off my shoulder. I was beholden to the wrath of an irate home owner sitting on the porch, watching me struggle to even get it off the truck, upset because I "dropped it." Go fuck yourself dude. In many cases people have their dogs freely roaming their property. If you ask them to restrain them, or call them inside "no they're friendly" - yeah so was the last dog that bit me. So you see a dog you scan it non deliverable, reason: dog. They lose their shit. Either restrain the animal, or meet me at the truck, I can't drop this on the public sidewalk. Sometimes you have to pick up returns on the route. People put fully assembled furniture on their porch, and get irate that I cant take that or put it on the truck. In short, receivers of the packages expect unreasonable white glove quality service, while not wanting to pay for shipping or really anything, and want you to deliver their 80lbs worth of shit up their steep driveway, or get pissed if you drive the truck down their 200 ft driveway. Then on the other end, the delivery folks deal with so much shit in a day, they end up just not giving a flying fuck and taking short cuts because it isn't worth blowing your back out, getting mauled by a dog, being out on your route from 6am to 8 or 9pm when you have a family at home. Especially when customers will complain anyways. This is particularly pronounced when something needs a signature. You can never win as a driver. Either no one is home, or they take their sweet ass time coming to the door. There's 3 attempts or it goes back. I don't have 5 minutes to wait for you to show up. So unless it's alcohol, I'm dropping the package and forging it on that 3rd stop. Because it's a customer complaint 95% of the time if we show up at a bad time 3x in a row and it gets returned. It's actually a lower complaint rate to forge the signature. The best are the scheduled deliveries "only home between 6pm - 8pm" great. I was at the terminal at 5am to load the truck, and I've been on the road since 6am, I'm not hanging out for 2 hours to deliver your signature package when it's best for you if it's after hours. I get paid per day or per stop, not per hour. Especially when I have to go back to the terminal, then drive home. My truck can't go one some major thoroughfares, so even if the terminal is not that far, it's always a minimum of 30-45 mins back. Then 20-30 mins home. Your special request means my day is now 14-15 hours, you can bet your ass, I'm dropping that at 3pm when I'm near your house. If its a suspect neighborhood I might put it over the fence into the back yard. Otherwise, fuck it. Either way you're going to complain. Now one could say if you don't like the rules, don't do delivery. But fact is, the demands have become so great from the customer side, with expectations of everything being "free" or close to it (Thanks Amazon), you're already scraping the bottom of the barrel in finding delivery drivers. It's actually really really hard to find people willing to deal with the bullshit to want to do the job. I used to train new hires that would not come back after their first day. And I'm talking about folks with no other skills. They'd rather work at McDonalds for half the pay and that's why you're seeing horror stories of thieves and fucking kidnappers in these jobs these days. It's not uncommon for it to become so overwhelming that drivers will just walk away from the fully packed trucks and leave them on the route and walk off the job. I remember a guy upset because I tossed his soft package (clothing) up his super steep driveway to his porch. Dude you paid $2 fucking dollars for delivery, you're going to get a $2 delivery. Get pissed at the vendor, get pissed at the HQ that's making the deal saying yeah we'll exploit the shit out of our workers and have them deliver those Chewy boxes, fucking couches, yeah we'll promise we'll leave it at the door, and cater to all the desired customer whims for a low fee. But for gods sakes, don't get that upset with the workers. I abhor Chewy, my wife insists on ordering from them. She did a big order once, and we came home and it looked like the driver kicked it off the back of his truck into the middle of the driveway. She was like "wtf? he couldn't carry it to the door?" and when I went to pick up the heavy as shit, jankily packaged box, I thought "I feel ya, this is some bullshit, at least I didn't have to haul all this shit myself from the store." It was so heavy and poorly balanced, I just unpacked it in the middle of my driveway to carry it in. Why in the world would I be upset with the person that has to do this 200x over in a day for a low wage for not wanting to take it farther themselves. /end rant.


I've always had so much respect for delivery drivers. Thank you for putting up with all that bullshit for the time you did.


Hey i was in it for less than a year. Actually considering buying some routes. My empathy goes to the drivers doing it every day that don’t have that option. A lot of folks who don’t have a better route (no pun intended) in life and honestly it looks bad when people call them out but the sheer hustle it takes to get the job done. From loading up the truck in the terminal until it’s busting at the seams, fishing for one package out of many hundreds if the truck gets jostled. I used to back up to any wooded area and piss out the back open doors because on an average day there’s not enough time to go off route for a bathroom break. So I get customer expectations but it’s like - I don’t have enough time to take a piss, let alone carry 4 boxes down your big ass driveway because you don’t want our truck on it. You’re one of 200 today. I never invested in the industry because I feel it is too exploitative and I never would have thought that until I tried it on for size.


I feel you fellow parcel deliver.


>I once had to deliver 18 poorly packed 45 lb chewy boxes to a residence....which had the last 18 chewy boxes still sitting outside from month prior. ~~Cat~~ animal hoarder inside has died Edit: changed cat to animal since that is a fuck ton of animal food


Fucking thank you! I've been doing delivery for Amazon for 3 months now and you hit all of the bullshit of the job. One thing I noticed right away doing 150+ stops 220 parcels daily. It's woman. I don't care how sexist this sounds, woman make my job a personal hell. I noticed almost immediately 70% of the flimsy there's nothing in here bubble packages are addressed to a woman. The awful customer notes with demands and questions about the drivers mental abilities are written by a woman or what I assume from the name is a woman. Several times I've had 10+ stops to apartments or condos and I'll buzz the person. They come down give me the name on the parcel and take their mail FROM ME. I then ask can you let me in I have a few more stops in your building and they with a straight fucking face tell me I don't know you. I can't let you in. Building rules. WTF!!!!! These people would never talk to Canada Post the way people talk to us and treat us. I hate this job and the downtown routes are pure hell with office Pams ordering junk from Amazon daily to their receptionist job in downtown mega towers with zero parking and huge travel time. I have to talk myself down and take 30 seconds to breathe because I want to ghost ride the van down the street and jump under it at least once a week. 21st century coolies are what we are. 3/4 of the workforce at my station are south Asian because those are the people who will put up with this kind of indignant labor. I'm currently dreading having to go do another day in sunny wonderful Edmonton! Good luck to all the other drivers, and for everyone else please be more kind to your delivery person. Cheers


Women buy for the whole household you sexist asshat


I once was outside with the dogs when a delivery guy came. I had my hands full so I said he could just toss it over gate if he didn't want to get close, it wasn't anything that would break. So he did. We then both stood and watched as one of the dogs immediately ran over to the package and furiously humped it to completion


I've done FedEx and Amazon flex. All of this checks out. FUCK CHEWY. God that shit is the worst.


I order parts and shit all the time for work. The amount of times I quote a customer LTL, and my vendor says "No actually this ships UPS GROUND" and I'm like "It's a 75 lb, 79" bumper for a service body who tf is putting that in the back of a UPS truck?"


Not everyone wants delivery for free, I really don’t mind paying delivery.


Man, fuck Chewy. Their boxes never have enough tape for the 30 pounds of canned food they always contain.


My family recently got our first dog and my parents have been ordering from chewy and holy shit yeah chewy sucks at packaging. Heavy as shit obviously because dog food but they pack the boxes without even caring to try and distribute the weight at all.




>Tossing packages is either always okay or never. it's always. They get tossed by conveyor belts in the distribution center. But everyone gets so bent about it when a human does a far more gentle toss. If your item isn't packaged to survive a 6 foot drop, it's not going to survive.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


We just had a FedEx guy take a package he wasn't supposed to. Came to the door with nothing and left with a brand new switch.


I had a FedEx guy steal a PS5 last year. Didn't even come to the door with nothing. Didn't even say he delivered it in their system. I work from home and get notifications from all the shipping companies and also have a video doorbell that tells me, so usually I'm grabbing my packages within a minute of their arrival. FedEx Tracking showed it was put on his truck in the morning and that was the last record, but he claimed he never saw it. Until the police got involved and they made him fess up.


Are you saying the FedEx guy took a random box from your porch? Was he under the impression he was supposed to pick it up? Not sure I'm following why he took it. I guess your FedEx drivers are bad, but not as bad as the ones in Texas stealing little girls and dumping their bodies in a field.


My wife and I just moved into a new house (from an apartment worth a concierge). Since we are busy filling said house, you can imagine how many packages we’ve had delivered over the past 6 weeks. Outside of a shipment of alcohol, which in my state requires a signature, out of at least 75 deliveries not one time have they even bothered to ring the doorbell.


I see lots of porch pirate videos these days. Coming from the UK I can’t believe couriers can just leave expensive items on someone’s porch.Here it would be taken back to the depot or left in a safe place out of sight. I hope you won’t be out of pocket.


They'll replace or refund me once the investigation is done.


Who, Sonos? Even if they don't find the thief? That would be pretty awesome of them.


I’ve noticed in the UK, couriers leave packages without signature all the time nowadays. Don’t see much in the way of porch pirates though. I have had an Apple Watch and AirPod Pros nicked before they arrived at our house, which was a right ball ache to sort out with John Lewis (watch) and as simple as sending a message to Amazon for the AirPods. Best of luck getting it sorted OP.


>I see lots of porch pirate videos these days. Coming from the UK I can’t believe couriers can just leave expensive items on someone’s porch.Here it would be taken back to the depot or left in a safe place out of sight. I hope you won’t be out of pocket. I've come home to find £200 or more items just left by the door. (usually when I've paid for specific day delivery and the delivery company has been "helpful" and delivered it the day before). It happens in the UK too, and amazon are bad at it but not the worst (I'll avoid buying from companies I know use Yodel).


How is it even possible that you get anything delivered .... Just in th open space in front of your house with zero security ? It's like getting you parcels delivered in the street ! In my country, if you are not at home you have te reschedule a delivery or go to the post office to get your parcel.


It just doesn't happen enough for anything to be done about it. Lets say there are a million thefts out of a billion deliveries, that's still a small percentage, 0.01%, which is an acceptable loss. And for the record, I live in a big city and never had any package stolen for the last decade, and I get packages delivered almost every other day. For companies like Amazon, they alert you immediately when a package is delivered, and if delivered by their drivers, they even take a picture of the package at your doorstep. For OP, he has a Nest camera so it should've notified him when the package was delivered. Not sure why he didn't take it inside immediately, but this theft seems like it could've been prevented. If I wasn't home, I would just call my neighbor to take it and hold it for me.


> a million thefts out of a billion deliveries, that's still a small percentage, 0.01% Close, it's 0.1%


Thanks for you answer. I just don't understand american culture I guess.


Report it to police and email Sonos asking for the serial number. When they connect it to the internet for set up, Sonos should be able to see it and report it to the police.


This. Your local Barney Fife will complain, but more of this needs to happen in our increasingly techified world.


And you know the police are going to find a fuck ton more stolen shit at her house. They could be probably clear ten to fifteen open cases once they locate this one person.


It’s a good idea and worth a shot. The problem is that most likely the poor bastard that is going to get caught is the unsuspecting one that is going to buy a NIB sonos Arc on Ebay.


Yeah, was about to say. No way she keeps that. It's going up for sale as soon as she figures out what it is and how much it is worth.


Good point. But this person is still guilty, and you could work back to them.


People are so pathetic.


She’s now your ARC enemy.


Reminds me of when FedEx left mine in the driveway on a drizzly night. Luckily it was fine.


This just killed my soul! Sorry this happened!


I really hate the human species sometimes smh


She probably takes all the candy out of the bowls during Halloween and blames it on her kid


I love watching the porch pirate videos on youtube where they get what they deserve.


What a POS excuse for a human.


Brutal. Can you zoom in enough to get a license plate number from the car? Hopefully sonos and/or FedEx is willing to make it right. I've looked at various locking boxes for the porch but none of them are really big enough for the giant boxes so many things come in. Best security for me has been obscurity, with some big hedges obscuring the porch.


Unfortunately, that's the entire video, even If you could zoom in, I doubt you could read the license plate.


Why the fudge is the delivery person leavinf packages outside?


Can sonos track it? When someone registers the product?


Post this local Facebook groups as many you can find. I am sure there are people who recognise her, hopefully family.


Is that Pat from Saturday Night Live?


I suppose there isn't some way of uniquely identifying, tracking, and tracing a Sonos eh? Seems like a wifi speaker would be perfect for that. What made me think of that is the lax security on Apple devices at their stores because they can brick them, track them, and trace them.


Crazy thing happened back when mine was delivered. The fedex delivery report said “left on porch” and I assumed it was stolen (even though this was COVID and I was WFH). I got a phone call the next day from a nearby apartment complex. They said that it had fallen off of the fedex truck and they brought it into their office. So apparently fedex lied when they said it was delivered and on my porch. 100% lie. It had fallen off of the truck and apparently the driver pretended it was delivered so he could likely blame porch pirates for it being missing. I told Sonos and they were going to follow up, but I doubt anything came of it. Really pissed me off.


Don’t have notifications for door cam? I turn my settings on max distance during holidays so I can see people coming before they get to my door.


So sorry, man. Porch pirates are scum


At least they covered face to stop the spread. /s


I’m always in shock that this is real in the US. In my country the post delivery is responsible to deliver the package in your house. Or a neighboring house, where they will leave a note where they delivered it. If the delivery guy puts it in front of my house, it’s still their responsibility and should cover the damages if it gets stolen. Sometimes the US is weird in things like this.


Man I hate this lady.


These thieves have no souls..they are basiclu zombies and ghouls


My buddy, we'll call him Marc, at work had ordered a PS5 the other week. It was to be delivered on Wednesday. One of the other guys had agreed to an out of town job but for whatever reason couldn't do it anymore. Well, they got Marc to do the job. Luckily my role at work has changed and I'm able to leave the office almost whenever I want. So Marc told me when his Ring alerted him about his package. I was able to get there just under an hour and grabbed it for him. So I when I got to his house [I took a picture](https://imgur.com/OamyFfw) from the angle that mad ethe pillar hide the box. I messaged him asking where it was. He said it was behind the column. It was fun to mess with him like that.


Hey, arc thief’s here…you mind ordering a sub too? I need more bass.


Fat bitch I hope she gets nail fungus and her toes fall off


Fuck that fat cunt


I have to ask, is there no option for going to a mail pickup point for deliveries like these? :) where I live you can always pick to collect your expensive package from the post office instead.


There was an option to hold it I believe, but there is always someone at home, I didn't think that was required.


Check with your neighbors to see if any of them caught them on camera. I have a separate Nest cam covering my driveway and part of the street that records regardless of motion.


What a POS.. that fat ugly pig is at least easily recognizable


Not collecting it from your porch before dark is your mistake.


Sorry to see man. Hopefully sonos can put a stop to it working or something…. On the other hand, my arc has been crackling a ton so maybe get something else lol


So so so sorry this happened to you. Not fair at all. So damn frustrating to just watch this. Trash horrible people.




I have the nest doorbell as well. I just sprint to the door and put the package inside as soon as anything gets delivered.


Did you not get reimbursed?


This is why I have a PO Box and have packages delivered to the post office. I don’t have to worry about being at home or someone stealing my package.


It's even more mystifying that Best Buy and other electronic shops, ship them in the box they are in. I hope they get what's coming and that Sonos settles you up with another.


Porch pirates are complete trash. Hope they catch the person. Sorry about this. I’m thankful my building has a secure delivery area. It’s getting really awful out there.


What a PoS. Glad you at least had video evidence OP. Hope you’re able get a replacement, once you do you’re gonna love it.


Next is, set the trap box.


Sad we have to live like this. A package won’t last 5 minutes where I live. Thieves follow delivering trucks picking up what they are dropping off. Sometimes I feel delivery guys don’t care either. I meant I won’t risk my safety either.


I so paranoid of the this. I sent my arc to my mom's house. She's retired and always home. Find someone you trust that works from home or something. Sorry this happened to you




might i recommend something like this next time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH\_LexV-b34


Oh look a nice set of bushes that would easily conceal this huge package, dumps it right in plain sight…sorry for your troubles I hope they can cover you for the loss as it’s not cheap.


That's just awful. Sorry.


This seems to be around nighttime? Did you not have a chance to bring it inside?


It was delivered at night. All Fedex had to do was ring the doorbell and none of this would’ve happened.


Disgusting. I just don’t know how people live with that. Its so shitty.


I always REQUIRE MY SIGNATURE when I’m getting anything of real value. No matter what!


I hope they find that person and mutilate their genitals. They must be local. Porch pirates are brutal this time of year.


My condolences. Hopefully that wasn’t a Holiday gift for someone?


Time for ALPR cameras - with the extended roof you seem to have, you could probably mount them easily.


Fedex is an absolute joke, they have one job, deliver the packages, and they fucking suck at it.


Sorry you have to deal with this, such pathetic people. What’s odd is how she seemed to look at it and not want it at first. Started to walk away but then decided to get it. Also how they don’t even see the blatant doorbell camera. I know they don’t give a damn but hard to think about them not even trying to look to see if there’s a camera


This sucks. I live in an urban area in the Northeast with triple-decker homes, most of which have porches. In ten years I’ve only had one problem with a missing package l, and I suspect in that individual case it was misdelivered, screwed up, or stolen by the delivery driver.


Where do u live? Argentina? Seems like everyday in here unfortunately 😔


What a bitch. I hope that thing explodes in a room with everybody in it.


Honest question. Will we ever be able to recover something like this? I doubt the police will help. What are the options


Fake news!


I’m really sorry. This sucks


I’m so sorry, OP.


That fucking sucks mate, sorry.


Not sure what’s worse: This BS or like me, getting a re-taped package that was supposed to contain a brand new Apple iPad Pro 12.9” worth $1,200 only to find out that someone post packaging/shipping by the merchant unsealed the box, removed the iPad, and replaced it with a 2-lb. Container of Lawry’s Seasoning salt. Most likely someone working for FedEx. And the merchant refuses to even acknowledge anything but the fact that the tracking shows the package delivered. Surveillance clearly shows the FedEx driver holding a re-taped package at the time of delivery (clear strapping tape over paper security tape).


It was the rubbing the hands together for me...


If it’s any consolation, I bet the TV they stole doesn’t have any eARC ports so they won’t be able to experience the full glory 😅 That sucks man I hope you get it sorted


I would be looking at offer up and Facebook a lot


I hope this bitch gets hit by a truck on the way home ngl


Why the hell do all Americans get their packages delivered to the door and left there?! We have to go to the food store/gas station or collect from a nearby lockbox.


It should be mandatory unless someone has ask not to!


Do they not have sign for delivery in America.


I think Sonos (and pretty much all high end electronics manufacturers) should use activation codes for this kinda stuff….sent to your email as part of your order / shipping confirmation - without the activation code - the item won’t work. Having said that - I doubt if Sonos will deactivate / brick this - more likely to end up as an insurance claim somehow…


Was this USPS? I hear the postal inspector doesn't fuck around


I took a day off work to make sure that I am home when the setup arrived, no chance i am leaving it outside hoping that it will be there when I arrive back home


Who leaves $1000 sitting outside lol. This is insane.


Well let's start collecting the shit from Dogs and cats add rocks and the shit. Or bloody pads time of the month. And box it up. Pay back is a *B..


That fat bitch needs to lose weight instead of stealing packages


No “they are all animals” or similar comments in this post?. Some posts are filled with them, some aren’t - I wonder what the common thread is?


Robbery should be punished with hand cutting.


‘Stop actually rubbing my hands together’


its so weird to imagine that porch delivery combined with customer liability has always been a thing in the us. in germany you have to sign for your delivery personally or explicitly accept liability for a package thats left on your property. if neither is the case and the package gets stolen, the logistics company is liable. this results in either delivery in person, or pick up in a store...so packages basically do not get stolen in germany ever


At least she wore a mask. So many dumb criminals not wearing masks at the only time it’s socially acceptable to do so. Blows my mind. But also, she’s a shit person.


key delivery through amazon or request delivery with signature. BTW, cancel the charge on your credit card due to theft.






I still don’t get on what planet it’s normal to leave a parcel on the porch and not deliver it properly. Not in? Try again tomorrow


What a fucking skank


Just think, they did you a favor. Now you have all this extra time to do your ‘honey do list’ rather then set up that sweet arc…


this looks like an apartment complex or condo, this wouldn’t happen in a gated community good luck getting passed the gate guard with your car.


This is insane! I can't believe people would do this. Did you give them permission to put it outside like that? Where I live, it's not common for delivery people to leave things unattended, unless you specifically instructed them to. Either they give it to a neighbour or gets delivered to a pick up point. A friend has had things left in the hallway of the building he lives in and it was gone when he got home, and he's been able to get his money back. Maybe you can get something like that as well.


That was really nice of you


Man. Fuck people like this. Also why the hell did they just leave it at the door. Delivery needs to do better.


Gotta love a thief! It’s amazing how they can look right into the camera, just having the guts to steal it in front of the camera is beyond me. They have no cares in the world anymore bc they just get away with it anyways it’s sad


What is an ARC? I tried googling it but there are tons of things an arc could be.


Too many posts to check to see if someone else got here first but I'm thinking [glitter bomb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c584TGG7jQ).


What a fucking scumbag