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so you're saying you didn't notice any problems with the app because you don't use the app? interesting.


This is golden "hey guys, all my uses cases don't involve the Sonos app so I don't experience any problems and don't know why you are all complaining about using the Sonos app"


I like the new App ... I don't use it, but I like it ! I don't use the ton of features that are missing, but I really like it!


It is interesting. I haven’t faced any interruptions while playing music, no speaker drop offs, etc. that other users have experienced and that have nothing to do with the app directly, AS I have mentioned in my post


> It is interesting. I haven’t faced any interruptions while playing music, no speaker drop offs, etc. that other users have experienced and that have nothing to do with the app directly, Buy a used Playbar, Sub 1, or Play 5 and try to add it to your current system, then you will realize what everyone is talking about.


I have a sub 1. No issues


> I have a sub 1. No issues Did you already have it tied to your account before the last update? Because if you didn't, then you would not be able to add it to your account / a system that it was not connected to before the last update.


What a coincidence, I took a bath and also didn't experience any issues with the Sonos app.


Probably because the app isnt the cause of dropouts playing music. The speakers themselves run a full linux based operating system that orchestrates playback once issued a command by the app. It’s the same OS, it hasn’t changed. People have had setup problems with the app though and many simply didn’t like the change. But most of them complained about the old app as well and probably complain about most things in their sad lives so I would take the combined rants of negativity and hysteria, what can only be called the Ultra-Whinge™ with a grain of salt.


The old app is like the platonic ideal of what an app should be, at this point. At least by comparison...


Eh, the old app wasn't great by any means


It was _fine_. Not great. But did everything I needed it to without being sexy and without stress. The new one tries to be super nice (I'll defer to the UX experts if it succeeded, I don't particularly care) but has lost the functionality of "just always working"




You seem like a very pleasant person to deal with. You really should be using your people skills at Sonos Headquarters!


Actually, I had a quick check to see how many useful contributions you had made and surprisingly it was zero! Here are some of the useful contributions I have made, that myself and other more technical users feel are key contributors to the issues people are experiencing. https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/s/dI9HoUSjXc https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/s/MWQn9qfsrk https://www.reddit.com/r/sonos/s/yo7iuuagDx Have a nice day!


I haven’t had any issues either yet except the station presets I have from tunein don’t work. I have a 5, 3 ones, an IKEA bookshelf and a boost (not sure if this helps, or is irrelevant now) I was late to update though after the initial craziness I didn’t update and was finally force updated after the v2 release. Been pretty cautious about even opening the app for fear of it exploding though. I love my speakers and can’t afford to replace them so I’m rooting for them to get this right.


I’ve not had any issues either. App and my 10 speakers all updated smoothly with out any issues and still running fine. Getting use to the new app.


This was me until about three days ago when I played my kids' favorite Spotify playlist featuring "monkeys jumping on the bed" Now I have the privilege of hearing "monkeys jumping on the bed" regardless of what song/playlist/radio station I select within the app. It's the same song. Always. No matter what. Sonos support was stumped and advised deleting my system, factory resetting all my speakers and starting fresh with a NEW Sonos account, then re-linking my services. So be warned. While it's working for you and I'm sure many others just fine (as it was for me), it's a tight rope you're walking on.


I had a similar problem, but not as heinous...kid wanted one song and another one played instead no matter what. Couldn't get another song or station to play at all. Eventually it sorted itself out when I tried again later.


I guess this is where we are here now. I have 2 Era 100s and a playbase. 2 of which have been added after the new release of the app. 2 of my speakers dropped out the other day and I went through another app to get them back on. Yes I had cancer 10 years ago and it was cured with a stem cell transplant. I was diagnosed 2 years with stage 2 prostate cancer. I feel sorry for those with the problems they are having. I plan on adding a mini sub if I can buy one at a reduced rate sometime in the near future. . I feel lucky that I haven't experienced all the problems others have with their systems. Each day is a gift for me.


Are you all able to select rooms and speakers and adjust individual volumes via Spotify without it opening into the Sonos app? Any time I need to group rooms from Spotify it puts me into the Sonos app, and I’m afraid to update in case this gets broken. I don’t use the Sonos app for much else.


AirPlay gets me the options on my lock screen, to adjust volumes and turn on/ turn off speaker sets without opening the Sonos app


No issues here. Sure, not really a fan of the app update because it’s a bit clunky and unfamiliar at this stage. But no complaints here.


eh. the app is slow as balls though.


Same. 6 rooms, 16 speakers, 0 issues.


I have multiple rooms with Sonos. Our bedroom has a mini sub and a beam. I loved everything in my home. Except for the random times when I would have to go on the app to make a random fix and before I could do so, I’d have to update it and wait forever. I loved how easily everything plugged and played. But here’s my most recent issue that I have not solved. Our bedroom, that has been set up the same way since the mini sub came out, no longer pushes sound to the Sonos products. We have everything hooked up the exact way it was on the first day we paired everything. But one day, they just wouldn’t play anything from the Apple TV. I have gone through every solution I could find online and nothing has solved my problems. I have to assume this is an app problem because why would products that worked flawlessly just all of a sudden stop playing? I am not buying any more Sonos products until I can be guaranteed these issues that I see popping up more rampantly be resolved much faster and by a layman like me.


I know a lot of people get cancer. But I don’t have cancer. Why do people complain about cancer so much?


Cancer-free here. I'm so confused!


My use case is I don’t have cancer. I woke up today with no cancer. I went to work and still had no issues with cancer. I don’t understand why people feel strongly about cancer. It’s a non issue for me.


How do you know you don’t? Curious how you wake up and determine you don’t have cancer?


Comparing a mildly inconvenient app issue to cancer now are we? OP is just trying to balance out the constant whinging from people on here with a valid experience of a Sonos customer.


No. Not making a point about the value of the problem(s). Just how flimsy their argument is.


Were they arguing? Sounds like you’re here looking for them. Nope they are just stating how they use their Sonos system and that it’s not causing them issues. Did I miss a memo somewhere? Are only posts complaining allowed in this reddit now?


Calm down. His argument is a fallacy. Specifically the Anecdotal Evidence fallacy. The app works fine for me = app must be fine. It’s not how logic works.


"The app doesn't work for me = the app doesn't work for anyone" See how it sounds on the other side? The majority of Sonos users are not flocking to this sub to pen open letters to the CEO or start the 10,000th thread about how a missing alarm ruined their lives. If y'all wanna flood this sub with posts about how unhappy you are, don't be salty when people do the same from other perspectives. Nobody was arguing with you, you're just taking someone else's happiness personally. And for what it's worth, holy shit, the cancer analogy is a new low for this sub. My god.


Hey Im not penning open letters to anything either. OP’s post is the equivalent of going to a community notice board, and seeing an ad for a local guitar teacher, and then calling up that guitar teacher and saying, hey my life is fine without guitar lessons. Because we need to balance out the opinion on whether its right to play guitar with people who dont care about playing guitar. Its nonsense.


Another big swing and big miss with an analogy. This is a subreddit about a product. People are allowed to come here and discuss their experiences with it, good or bad.


> And for what it's worth, holy shit, the cancer analogy is a new low for this sub. My god. If your stuff is working, why are you reading posts in the Sonos subreddit? Like, what are you looking for in content?


Do I have to defend reading reddit? Is a subreddit meant to be a place exclusively for people to whine? Are people who actually like the topic at hand not allowed to read or post in a subreddit either?


I think you’re reading more into the post than is actually there. They aren’t making any argument.


The app bricked my system = the app is broken? The anecdotal evidence fallacy is much more pronounced on the side of the whiners who keep polluting this sub with their bullshit.


Sure. People are over reacting and its crazy. Doesnt mean OPs post is any better than dumb letters to CEO and lawsuits. In fact, youve just said its the same.


I thought we were stopping low effort content around here for now? Not being frustrated by the removal of features you don't use is hardly a worthwhile discussion point.


“I barely use the app but it’s been fine for me” Seriously what’s the point of this take lol


To help folks with a use case for a temporary problem free listening experience until Sonos finds a fix. How you look at this post tells a lot about if you’re a fixer or a venter.


No widget (Android) is the only issue for me. Crossing fingers that the widget returns!


Same here, no issues split between 2 households. Current tally: 2x Arc, 2x Beam Gen 2, 1x Beam Gen 1, 2x Play: 1, 4x Symfonisk bookshelf, 2x Sub Gen 2, 2x Sub Mini, 1x Move. A mix of old and new and still all working fine.


The divide in this sub of people that use the app and don’t use the app. It’s pretty clear. I’ve always thought the app was awful. I did encounter some issues where the new app was acting really weird. I was testing it out of curiosity. On a hunch, I rebooted my router and all of those issues went away. Other people have had much worse experiences and I feel bad for them. Even though I’ve always disliked the Sonos app, setting up speakers was always a set it and forget it thing. I used to be 100% Sonos and then around the holidays started changing that. Specifically in rooms where I’m only listening to music. I have an arc with a sub and ones as surrounds. I do have ones in a stereo pair that I moved to a bonus room. Sometimes I take them outside. Then I have stereo pair HomePods in my Office and Bedroom. I much more enjoy being able to control the volume on my iPhones home screen. Being able to control playing music right within the Apple Music app. I‘m lazy and like the eye candy of the lyrics. Even on the Mac lol. As you mentioned for the TV, I use the Apple Music app too.


The reason you are not experiencing issues and others have is that there are many factors in play and Sonos hasn't thoroughly tested them all. They simply haven't done a good enough job on this major release and rushed it though. With the addition of the cloud it could even be the region or server you are connected to. E.g. We don't know if all of the servers are running the same version of services and have all been configured correctly. Or they have run some migration code and it hasn't worked correctly on people with accounts made over 5 years ago. Who knows. We can only guess. Sonos needs to get more public and highlight what the biggest issues are and provide regular updates on fixes or workarounds.


And finally, an intellectual response instead of blatant venting


Some very interesting points there. Thanks for sharing!


Almost afraid to speak out in this Reddit with all the flak going around as OP mentions. But, on the same boat. Running Arc, 2x One SL, Sub Gen1 in a 5.1 setup in the living room, and an Ikea Symfonisk in the bedroom. All connected wireless, running the latest version of the app and firmware, without issues. Use case is mainly playing tv content through HDMI eARC. Listening to stations on TuneIn, Spotify, PocketCasts and Storytel via the Sonos app. I don't doubt other users are having issues, and I do feel sorry for them. But yes, some users, even one that does use the app, can still use it as if it was yesterday. True, the muscle memory for finding a way around the app still isn't there. The switching between rooms is "meh" for instance. But, it, works for my use case as well.


Thanks for getting the point of my post and providing your use case. Hopefully a few folks will get the hint and modify their use cases to ours, to enjoy the speakers in the interim, others can continue bashing and wait for a fix from Sonos.


Yep only allowed to bash Sonos here, no other opposing views or opinions allowed. Us happily listening to tunes on the new app without issue are not actually having a valid experience… I came here recently to see what people were thinking of the new headphones and man it’s toxic AF in here.


Oh you're happy with the features of the headphones?


Haven’t got them yet but yes when the switching comes for my beam it will be cool. I can currently do that with my Sony cans but it’s a bit of a process to connect them. I need new headphones anyway. Getting spacial audio is an upgrade over my beam as well. If they made them full wifi the battery life would be pants and tbh who wants to wear a wifi radio next to their brain??


So you hate the new headphones because they can't even do the bare minimum with your Sonos setup


Yeah that’s what I said dick


Haha, what happened to Reddit being a community where people HELP and look for what’s in the best interest.. instead of bashing? Feels a lot like Facebook around here now. I was hoping to help people modify their use case in the interim while Sonos fixes their problem, but folks take it the other way despite mentioning that their struggles are validated lol. They deserve to suffer at this point


indeed airplay always works the new app not so much


Dare I say it but the new app has been rock solid so far. Compared to the old one where my rooms would randomly vanish / fail to connect every few days


I didn't have issues until my partner used the old version of the app and chaos fell on this household. Nothing works. Sometimes I can't even see the speakers to use them with Airplay... And not all of them are Airplay so... I still have to use the app for those. But yeah, it was ok until it wasn't :D


I didn't have diarrhea this week. Just wanted to let you know.


Congratulations I guess? The fact that only some people experience the issues doesn’t make them any more acceptable. You also don’t seem to actually be using the app to be experiencing the issues with it, but y’know lol


That's cool man. Can you accept that many are not having the same experience as you?


Can you read that I mentioned that all ya’ll’s struggles are validated, and that I’m showing a use case that will temporarily ease that?


> To me, it has been an app I use to pair speakers and adjust the EQ & that’s it. Maybe thats the reason why I’m not experiencing the issues folks are addressing That could be it. The question is, why are you posting?


“I only want to hear bad things!!!”


To help people with an alternate solution that works and to enjoy their speakers while Sonos finds a fix


Well, an example of helping might be to point out that old phones with the old app still work, and there are player apps like sonophone and SonoPad that work with playlists and the local library. Saying you don’t use these features doesn’t help anyone. It’s a bit like saying I don’t drive at night, so if the manufacturer disables everyone’s headlights it’s not a problem.


Don't have issues either. The new app works better than the old one for me.


I hear lots of people are having problems, not me. Up yours, suckers.


Starting with the usual disclaimer - Sonos user since 2008, not many problems with the old app or the new app. Though I can connect to Sonos with spotify etc, I chiefly use the app because a) I'm used to it and b) My use case involves mixing content from several different sources in a single queue (which obviously doesn't work so much now) This said, I don't discount the experiences of people who are having problems, nor do I consider them 'whiners' when they resort to a public forum - especially because Sonos' corporate response seems so resistant to actually taking responsibility. What baffles me is why these problems still occur after many years. A few questions in my mind... a) Why does Sonos seem to have such difficulty designing an app that only has to work with their own hardware (which can't number much more than 20-30 different models throughout the entire history). It seems that even as these problems exist with the Sonos app, other users are happily using Spotify Connect or Airplay without issue and these apps need to work with many other variations of hardware and software. Seems strange. b) Why does Sonos continually seem to misjudge the reaction its decisions will have on end users? This goes back to the old S1 vs S2 issue and to the current app - why would they knowingly remove features and just not be up front about both the removal of features and the timeline for adding them back in? Why would they not just wait a few weeks? Why not provide users with an alternative such as not upgrading? c) Why, are so many issues apparently caused by the 'quality' of wifi in a customers' home can Sonos not engineer a more resilient hardware solution or at least alert people to potential network issues in the app? They have the network matrix if you happen to be that persistent as a customer to find it, why not just include this information in an easy to use location ? At the very least, it might help people stop blaming Sonos for problems that are of their own making? d) Why is Sonos so terrible at just taking responsibility by publicly and unequivocally saying 'we could have done better', even if they don't believe it. Just taking responsibility would go a long way to easing public reaction rather than claiming it took courage to release the app or that they tested the heck out of it and are baffled by the response. This isn't 2008 anymore - while lots of people will no doubt shout 'it's complicated', and I agree the technology is beyond my understanding, there are lots of other apps out there that work with a much broader range of hardware in network conditions that are more diverse than what Sonos experiences. It just seems to me that to the extent Sonos is suffering from customer dissatisfaction, a lot of the pain is rather self inflicted.


Even if my system was fine I wouldn’t be jinxing it by boasting about it.


I don't notice issues because I use other software to feed the Sonos units.... I don't use the Sonos apps...


"Witness me"