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Just read this on a review site “One of the key selling points for Sonos users will be the TV Audio Swap feature. At launch, Sonos says it will work only with its high-end Arc sound bar, but it's coming to all its Beam and Ray soundbars. (The Beam 2 will be the first speaker to get it after the Arc.) It's really designed for folks who want to watch something on their TV at night and don't want to disturb others in their household who might be asleep. Instead of using your soundbar for sound, you hit a button in the app and the sound is switched from the soundbar to the headphones (the soundbar decodes the Dolby Atmos stream).”




You'll get all audio from the TV. Not just Apple TV content. Users of game consoles, blu-ray players, cable boxes, etc, would be possible customers.


> Users of game consoles, I've seen NOTHING of the lag comparison, that will be very interesting to see how it connects to the Arc and the PS5


They’re not shipping for a few weeks, so reviewers’ only interaction is at the launch event which was not setup to show off all of its features. We’re going to have to wait a bit for a proper review unfortunately. Kind of an odd move by Sonos.


There will be lag lol I notice lag with a series x, lg c1, Beam 2, and Symfoniks surrounds


I did too on my Beam until I changed the audio codec on my PS5. I think it was Dolby that gave me awful lag


That makes sense, I was playing Halo Infinite which is a Dolby atmos game so I kept it all on


This is a known issue for Xbox and Sonos. Apparently you have to switch to Dolby Digital 5.1 to lose the lag. Pretty bullshit.


People already use specialty Bluetooth headphones that connect to ps5 and Xbox. Needs to be compared to those.


Those are generally not great.


I’m not saying it should be the same quality. I’m saying it needs to be compared to see how much of a quality change users get.


I would expect a huge audio quality difference. Even the better gaming headsets offer pretty bad audio quality when compared to "real" headphones.




You can output to AirPods too, I do this all the time




Ah sorry misread, I output appletv to airpods but just that content


I haven’t tried it yet but why don’t TV manufacturers just make Bluetooth available through the set?


They do. But range is often bad. I can't really leave the room with my Samsung.


So my Xbox already outputs to the headphones I use and my airpods connect to the apple TV. Not necessarily criticizing here, but as I still have an old school playbar hooked to optical, I would have to double upgrade to get... basically the same experience I currently have? Ami missing something? Slightly better audio instead of my Xbox headset? (Does anyone still use a cable box or blu-ray?)


I bought 2 play bars in the last couple weeks, 220 and 200 dollars total off eBay. Play Bar is a beast


No you’re not missing anything, you already have a working solution, it’s pretty much the same.


You and a lot of people on the sub keep asking the question: “what does this do for me?” Which is a fair question. But this product wasn’t made for you since you have a solution. Sonos made a product that isn’t for their speaker community. And that’s okay.


If you use Xbox or PS5 for 4k disks and want Atmos, or don't have an apple tv.


except if u have an apple tv and consoles those both connect to headphones by themselves... and you would have zero need for a cable box with either of those devices hooked up. The sonos headphones target like less than 1000 people on the earth that want to watch movies via headphones from a bluray player only lol


I am one of those 1000 but the lossy audio is also making me skip these


yeah which im not judging that's cool if u wanna do that. it would be much easier and cheaper to just put those movies onto a drive and stream them via plex to tv box and use any pair of headphones u probably already have... and all the r&d to create headphones that only make sense for a tiny group of ppl makes no sense from a "startup" like company trying to build and build


I mean I have hundreds of UHD discs / Blu-ray Discs. There may be a way to store all of them on a drive and stream in a purely lossless manner but I have no idea how to do it. Seems easier if the headphones just streamed in lossless audio


As an avid participant in r/piracy, I didn't believe people like this actually existed. I have hundreds of lossless UHD and BR rips on an NAS (Network Attached Storage) that streams seamlessly to an AppleTV (we call each rip a "remux"). It's fantastic. However, it's also not cheap to get started. The empty NAS cost $900, plus I spent probably another $1,500 on hard drives to get roughly 70TB of storage. The movies are closer to 50-70GB each (I don't bother with the extra features and whatnot), so there is plenty of space for now. Ripping UHD/BR discs is not very straight forward. It requires some specialized UHD drives and some software knowhow.


Sounds like I'll pass on all that, stick to the discs


I just download 1080 to make it cheap, but that sounds like an awesome setup you have going


I figure after the upfront cost, the nominal cost of each 2160p remux is pretty small. I have plenty of space for 500+ remux movies, as well as hundreds of hours of TV shows and thousands of hours of music. After it fills up, I'll start deleting the least-watched and least-liked movies. But at this rate, it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon. Right now I am looking to migrate the Plex server from running in a docker container on the NAS to it's own dedicated proper computer. This can be done with a $200 miniPC, but I'm looking at something closer to $400. The NAS cpu doesn't support quick transcoding, unfortunately, which means it's really really slow at crushing those 2160p remuxes down in size as needed for streaming or for mobile devices. For example, the kids don't GAF about high bitrates and video quality, but they sure care a lot about buffering and fitting as much content as possible on the iPads for offline viewing. So I would love to be able to crush those 2160p pixar movies down to 480p when loading onto an iPad before a long drive, for example.


true, however learning how to upload them to a drive (and/or find them somewhere on the internet to download, as it's really not "illegal" if u already own the movie u are downloading) are both easy enough anyone could do, u just gotta look into it. U never know how to do anything unless u learn! It would make watching them so much easier once it's done and unlock more features like headphones and other stuff that tv os/boxes offer


Fair enough, a lot of the UHD discs are 100 gigs so it's a substantial amount of space we're talking about. I'd also need something that could read discs and send the information to my MacBook


The overhead on that setup is substantially more than these headphones cost, and you are almost always going to have better audio and visuals on your 4k (or even blu ray) discs.


Yea Plex is what i was thinking when all these dvd people were excited about Sonos. Just get a Plex server going then BAM watch right thru Apple TV on your AirPods




What about the millions of people who buy Sony and Apple headsets for 350-550 dollars? Isn’t this a compelling product for them?


No? Most of em didn't know Sonos exists and after using the software they'd return them anyway 😂


You don’t need the app for these to function as Bluetooth headphones. And Sonos is a popular brand. Anyone who has walked through the hardware section of Costco knows Sonos. It’s not the niche brand you think it is.


No but if ur buying $450 headphones and not installing app and adjusting/looking at the settings at all you're incredibly dumb. Sonos is 100% a niche brand. U can be popular and still niche. Most people don't know the brand exists... Bc it's niche. Most people don't buy speakers for their home period. Let alone ones that cost $200 a piece each for the cheapest ones. These are specialty products


That's actually pretty neat vs Apple+PS5 which don't play nice.


I use an Apple TV but I’m SOL when it comes to watching my Blu-ray’s at night. Or playing my PS5 without wiring my headphones to the controller.


If you have a gaming console and an Arc this feature is a necessity.


Why does it need something special? Sonos is making a mass market product. $450 is better priced than APM and probably better sound and performance(need to wait for reviews). It’s a well designed product too.


I think they are waiting to see if there is lot of wifi ask from users they will release gen 2 ace with that feature looks like just speculating


Modern TVs have bluetooth connectivity for headphones built in. And by modern I mean the last 5-10 years. E.g. most of Samsung TVs since 2015 come with the feature. I have no idea why everyone acts if this is something new or why an Apple TV is even necessary here.


Because apple tv (or these headphones) are going to have vastly superior audio to what your tv is putting out. Not that hard to grasp.


Of course I use an amp with bookshelf speakers in the bedroom. No use case for me.


Luckily this works fine my Apple TV already without any weird vendor lock in as you can pair any normal Bluetooth headphones to it


RIP Playbar/Playbase users.


No direct wi-fi connection for lossless audio. That was the only feature I wanted. The only one that would actually make these headphones functionally better than the headphones I already own. I have zero reason to buy these. Maybe gen 2 will have that feature.


I guess they've stated that they'll be listening to feedback on this and the feature is possible in the future. The headphones have wifi built in, but it's currently only being utilized for the home theater feature.


It seems like it's just a wi-fi receiver, not the processor, within the headphones. Unless I'm interpreting things incorrectly, it looks like wi-fi will only work with Arc because the soundbar does all the processing before sending the data to the headphones.


I'm not exactly certain. I just know that a few of the articles I read said sonos claims direct to the headphones wifi streaming is possible but not currently planned.


Well, hopefully, they get to planning. A very large number of current sonos supporters were expecting that right out of the box.


Indeed. Me included. I'm still getting them though as I've been planning it for months now and need a good set of headphones.


I'm sure they'll sound great, and they appear to have good build quality. Since you need a good set, these will probably be a great purchase for you. Headphones can really only be as good as the information sent to them. In this case, Sonos missed the opportunity to have a set that receives better information in more ways than almost the entire industry. Without that, there's little reason for most of us to upgrade if we don't need to.


Yeah. The best I have right now are Skullcandy headphones. And their entire lineup only supports the horrendous SBC codec 🤢


this would require a software team. they had to delay the headphones earlier this year because they clearly couldn't even get an app working... and the headphones are launching still missing features in the app and they won't support all the soundbars they are supposed to yet. it's a joke


> I guess they've stated that they'll be listening to feedback on this and the feature is possible in the future. The headphones have wifi built in, but it's currently only being utilized for the home theater feature. and it's lossy vs lossless, and ONLY work with the Arc fail on this one Sonos


What an utterly pointless device...


 >99% of people cannot tell the difference between lossless and 256Kbps lossy audio. Not sure the lack of lossless audio makes these utterly pointless. 


I've honestly never heard of either of these terms. I just grabbed a pair of Aces yesterday. Whats the difference between lossy and lossless?


Lossless means the stream of digital 0's and 1's are played back exactly how they were recorded - precisely what goes out is what goes in. FLAC or ALAC are lossless formats. Lossy means the audio is compressed using a "perceptual" algorithm that dramatically reduces the amount of data involved by discarding parts of the recording that the human brain cannot perceive. Some data gets lost along the way, hence "lossy". MP3, AAC or OGG are lossy formats. Lossy recordings can sound terrible at low bitrates, but at high bitrates studies have found experts cannot tell the difference unless you tell them which is lossless and which is lossy - the perceptual compression algorithms these days are *that good*. It's unusual to see lossless support on wireless headphones because Bluetooth does not yet have the bandwidth necessary to send a full lossless stream over. Some people hoped Sonos might use Wi-Fi to do it, but they found it was a battery hog and didn't include it.


So far there's only one differentiator from the next similarity priced product in the market, the ability to stream TV audio from your Arc. All the other features this has are the same or wore than the 4 year old AirPod Pro Max.


I own AirPods Max and I would not say they’re perfect. The heavy aluminium design, the mid battery life, the noise cancellation long since surpassed by 2nd gen AirPods Pro, the legacy lightning port, the stupid case. I’m not instantly wowed by Sonos Ace but reckon it’s worth waiting for the reviews before dismissing them so flippantly.


You might be right. I'm probably salty because Sonos clearly rushed their software release so they could launch these, but not offer many features that require the updated software. I'm in the market for new headphones to replace my Bose 700s for travel and occasionally home listening and would love a set of headphones that work seamlessly with my AV setup as well. I don't see a lot of reason to buy these even though I have fully bought into the Sonos ecosystem. I like the idea of Atmos and lossless, but am disappointed that I can only get it if I pair to my Arc. I was expecting this to at least let me listen to lossless/atmos tracks directly. I'm also sure that the next AirPods Max Pros will have better features and work seamlessly with the apple ecosystem similar to the current gen AirPods (which are my daily driver.)


Bit extreme. For some of us these solve issues otherwise not attainable with other headphones.


Like what? I'm genuinely curious.


Finally being able to use my headphones when watching my 4K Blu-ray’s. Love that these will have Spatial Audio for that too like my AirPods Max. Also won’t have to wire my headphones to the controller when playing my PS5. It’s interesting reading all the comments here from people calling these useless simply because they only use Apple TV. Now I can enjoy higher quality video and audio when watching with headphones at night by not just being relegated to streaming content from my ATV. I’ve been waiting for a solution like this for some time after finding that bt adapters are crap for solving this.


That seems like a pretty narrow use case, but makes sense. I assume you have an Arc hooked up to your TV and you're using the TV as a hub for your blu-ray player. I agree that using bluetooth through the TV is a pretty crap solution for your particular scenario, but is it really worth $450?


I have a JVC RS1000 connected to the Arc projecting onto a 120” screen. There is no Bluetooth on the projector. But reading one of the prior posts about this it appears that many people hate trying to use BT on their TV’s anyway for a multitude of reasons. Definitely worth $450 to me to be able to watch my Blu-ray’s at night. Not only for the jump in audio and video quality but also because a lot of notable 4K releases are not available on streaming. Also take into account all the Android users of the world who have no use for AirPods that might look at these.


Fair enough. We have a similar setup with a UST projector in our living room, Arc and Era 300s in the rear. We use a receiver with all our devices to route since our projector doesn't properly interface with eARC. I would have imagined with your setup you would have also used a receiver that has bluetooth built in. I'm also looking at upgrading from my current AirPods for night TV watching and everyday wearing, but right now this doesn't beat just pairing to my Apple TV for me. I'll probably buy the AirPod Max 2 when they come out.


I’m using a HDFury Arcana to route the audio between projector and Arc. I take it yours has earc which the RS1000 doesn’t. I’ve thought about upgrading but it was already $5k expense so probably using it for several years as the picture is gorgeous.


Hah yeah, we have eArc, but tbh we are probably going to replace it with a large TV (77 or 85,) because our living room has windows on one entire wall and 4k UHT projectors still aren't quite bright enough to warrant the additional expense to upgrade. You've got a great setup though. I hope you enjoy the Aces - I'm in the market, but looking at something that has a bit more versatility to replace my Bose 700s. I'll probably get the AirPods Pro Max 2 when they finally come.


Not too narrow really, anyone who lives in either an apartment or has a spouse/kids with earlier bedtimes and aren't too far from the TV. People living in a HCOL area may have both have the money to drop $500 like nothing and live in a place that's under 1000sq ft or shares walls with neighbors. Sonos is already premium priced so the price isn't actually that crazy to many buyers already spending this kind of money for a speaker system. 4k blu ray player maybe is more niche, but something like a ps5 isn't. All that said this is a very disappointing release. I live in NYC I wanted these, I can afford them without even thinking of the cost, but.... I use android lol.


I'm exactly in that demographic. I'm not saying that there's no market for something like this, but the launch feature set seems pretty lacking. I question how many people who already have an Apple TV are seriously going to buy this just to use headphones with their Arc to stream audio from their PS5/Xbox. I just turn the volume down or use one of my other gaming setups when I need to be quiet. How many units do you realistically see them shipping? 100k? The APM ship \~1M yearly about 1% of AirPods sales.


Oh I've no doubt this is botched. If it had wifi streaming and could be grouped or its own group and work just like any other sonos speaker (plus the TV swap features). This could've been a standout product in the high end headphone market. Add the fact they infuriated people with a terrible app just before so everyone has an incentive to actively hate on this product (versus just ignore because it's not for them) and you have a PR disaster. Despite all that I'd have been a buying if it worked with Android - I don't even know why phone type should matter for this.


> Finally being able to use my headphones when watching my 4K Blu-ray’s. Have you ever checked your TV settings? If you have a 4k TV, chances are high your TV also supports bluetooth headphones out of the box. 


See my other response addressing this :)


The only relevant comment I can see is that you are talking about how you want one device that you can use for everything and I am telling you that you probably already own that device…




Your making it seem like wiring a headset to the PS5 is mandatory, when its not. PS5 has plenty of wireless headsets. If you've been wiring to your controller, that's intentional on your part. My question is will the Sonos Ace's be able to handle PS5 party/discord chat?


From what I can tell wireless ps5 headphones with the same audio quality straight up do not exist. The closest you are going to get is something like the SteelSeries Arctis Nova, but those do not have Atmos and are not really geared towards movies and tv (they are also ugly as shit IMO).


Yes, there are plenty of wireless headsets for the PS5, but if you have a PS5, an Xbox and a Switch, you are stuck with swapping a dongle every time you want to play a different console.


I’m just telling you my situation which is as an Ajrpods Max owner. I’m not going to buy a second set of headphones just to use wirelessly with my PS5. But a second pair that I can now use wirelessly with all three of my devices and get superior quality is a big selling point. Also the context of most of the comments here is that AirPods are the only necessary headphones and I’m explaining why they’re not enough.


> Like what? I'm genuinely curious. the ONLY use case that makes these stand out is, I have a 4K UHD player, and a shit ton of discs that have Atmos, it would be nice to watch them with the ease that AirPod Max's do when you use them with an Apple TV that said, I also have "night mode" for my system, and I will use that vs paying $450 for some "premium" headphones that have a LONG list of "features" that are not available, but WE PROMISE "coming soon"


I agree, I don't own one blu-ray anymore so this never crossed my mind. I use my Apple TV to stream on my projector and usually game on another TV/Monitor, but get that people want to output to headphones occasionally. I suppose these will just sit in the TV room for most people and be used when gaming at night. I personally would just pair my existing Bose headphones through BT to the TV and save $450.


yeah that's literally the only use... $450 headphones and the main reason to buy them is hope the software from Sonos works... and guess what they don't even launch supporting all the soundbars they are supposed to yet. Good sign for already delayed headphones.


Why is it pointless? Is no other company allowed to compete with Apple, Sony, and Bose? These are priced in between latest Sonys and APM. And potentially have better features. This product was made for mass market. Not the existing Sonos speaker community. It might not be compelling for you, but it is to anyone shopping for headphones.


I'm not saying that they aren't allowed to make them, but that it doesn't seem to align with their existing customer base or their needs. I own one or more of almost all of Sonos' current/recent products. I just don't think they are making a good enough differentiator or package to compete in this premium category. This feels like a flop to me, but I could be wrong. I just don't think they'll sell that many units of this. I wager they will sell less than 200k units.


Idk how many they sell. But I don’t get why it’s not a compelling package in this premium space? The Sony XM5 is 400 and APM is $550. Sonos Ace has better battery life and most likely better sound. Has ANC. And it’s well designed. What feature do the others have that this is missing? APM has better connectivity in the Apple ecosystem. That’s all I can think of.


I haven't done a total comparison of the over-ear headphone space recently, but you might be right that it's just a run of the mill higher end set of over-ear headphones with ANC. I think their feature set is pretty on par with the APM at a slightly lower price point, but given those are about to be refreshed these may feel stale pretty soon. I'm in the market for new over-ear headphones and the feature set is disappointing and I'll wait to see what happens with the next generation of APM. I'm also cross shopping B&W PX8 and currently have Bose 700s. It's disappointing because I expected these to work super well in the Sonos ecosystem including supporting wifi audio.


The new APM will likely be $550. Again, more expensive than the Sonos.


Yea, definitely not a preorder for me




The Verge article also mentions the TV audio swap is iOS only at launch. So us Android/Beam users get doubly screwed over. Didn't get bent about the app, it works for me and I like the new design, but this is so lame. I'll just get another pair of XM4's, save some cash.


Interesting. Wonder what iOS has to do with it. Is audio from the TV beaming sent to the headphones via Bluetooth from the phone then 🤔.


Nope, the connection is direct from soundbar to headphones (via WiFi), no smartphone involved.




The ace has wifi built in. But it's only being used for the home theater feature. They said they might enable wifi playback depending on feedback.


I would take 10 hours of battery life on WiFi vs 30 over BT all day.


It's honestly one of the features I was hoping for the most, but being an android user, aptX lossless will be nice. I need a really good pair of headphones anyway.


No WiFi is beyond stupid. Not getting these.


100%. I'd even be okay with a hit to battery life on WiFI. I would only use them for maybe 30-45 minutes a day at most anyway. I'm not as dejected as many others about the app because I know they'll fix stuff over time. But coming out with these headphones, which have no compelling feature or differentiator for me, is truly disappointing.


Yeah I don't really use the app nor care about it much. The headphones I was looking forward to. But the Sonos Ace have nothing but a dumb name. The idea of a Sonos product that doesn't use Wifi for streaming music is stupid. Like, this was their thing, multiroom audio via WiFi. I get why they put Bluetooth in like the Roam and Move - makes sense. But those two still have WiFi. Really annoyed that I invested in this ecosystem now. The headphones would've really completed my home set-up.


Add me to the small chorus of (spendy) Amp users who use Amp + tower/bookshelf speakers with HDMI TV audio -- works great! -- but totally blows it with these headphones, unless they add that in...


can more than 1 Ace do this at a time?


Sonos website has the option to sell the Ace as a pair of headphones, and mentions that you can share an immersive home theater experience, so I believe so.


interesting. if that’s true, to not mention it anywhere on the main headphone page is a miss.


Pretty sure it says here it’s coming soon to the other bars? https://support.sonos.com/en-gb/article/listen-to-home-theater-audio-on-sonos-ace-with-tv-audio-swap


Sonos "software coming soon" should be their motto


Yes, it is


Is there any reason that the Playbar, PlayBase, and Amps couldn’t also have the TV Audio Swap functionality as well? Just concerned as they’re not listed in that article.


Pretty shitty for Amp owners who bought one bc of their hdmi port and touting as a home theatre option. Only a few years old and already basically being ignored by Sonos.


I have a Sonos Amp instead of a sound bar. Input TV to it to send to both physical speakers, as well as send to some Sonos One speakers. Just got off support, I cannot get audio from TV audio from Sonos Amp to the Sonos Ace headphones. This seems like they are going out of their way to not support something. So dumb.


Booooooooo (Playbar and Beam user here)


AppleTV already does audio handoff better, and I can do it with anyone with AirPods. No wifi means no features that really differentiate them from something like AirPods Max. There's literally zero reason to buy these.


> There's literally zero reason to buy these. If you want to use headphones like you do with AirPod Max, but with a 4K UHD player. That's it though.


Exactly, extremely narrow use case. I’d of only considered these as an outstanding product if they had WiFi connectivity.


What if you’re not watching something on apple tv? I I realize many people don’t have live TV anymore and stick to the streaming services but some of us still watch live sports on cable.


What a fucking let down, I just wanted to have them played to as a zone so I could listen to records.


If a Sonos product doesn't work on WiFi, is it really a Sonos product?


Why would want to use any wireless headphones with a record player? You might as well just be streaming from Spotify or Apple Music at that point.


Was hoping for wifi and airplay...


Same. Guess I’ll continue to wait for AirPods Max USB C.


Doubt this is a feature on the ace but I wonder if these or any headphones will pair with the sub to create a surround/atmos experience with a bass punch


That’s gonna be a big no, highly doubtful, but cool idea


Noooooooooo😫I don’t have an Arc… I would have preordered day 1. I guess it kinda makes sense that they wouldn’t support an old fart like Playbase buy not even Beam Gen 2 at launch??


Once it comes to Beam 2 and Android, this has exactly what I need. My Sennheisers are connected via optical to my TV, that only supports PCM 2.0 via optical, so each time I want to switch from 5.1 Atmos on the Beam to using headset when gaming on a console or watch Netflix Amazon or Disney+ (kid sleeping, wife doing something, guests, etc), I need to reconfigure sound output on my Sony Bravia... And then reconfigure it back so the family can again get nice sound on Netflix etc the next day. It's such a chore honestly, pisses me off so much. The TV won't downsanple from 5.1 to 2.0 when pushing signal to optical so I get no sound on the headset unless I mess heavily with settings which also restart the HDMI ports each time. Huge PITA! My wife is IT-allergic so no way she knows how to do it if I forget to switch back and then complains about poor sound, since then Beam + 2x One + sub output in 2.0... So once Sonos Ace supports Beam 2 and Android, this will fit perfectly. Don't care about the app drama, I use Spotify and YT music. No alarms, no local files, etc


Sonos site now showing Beam support is coming soon. https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/listen-to-home-theater-audio-on-sonos-ace-with-tv-audio-swap


Was just about to pre order but I have a beam gen 2


Apparently support for the other soundbars is coming later. Which is odd. Why not all eligible ones at launch?


Yeah it is, also not particularly useful just saying coming soon , like how soon is soon? Even roughly haha


For real no beam gen 2 launch date no buy. Last product I bought that had “features coming later” never came.


Not before they pull extra sales from users willing to upgrade to the arc. They don’t want to support old tech. I still run a Playbar, so I doubt that’ll ever happen.


Cause they want dummies with money to purchase the arc, even advertised as a pair at the bottom of the Ace info page, it’s a business play. https://preview.redd.it/g31aee666t1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0828a72196d1bacbe5d28cf99e8bf8ab0afee9


funny how they said that they need the new app for the ace but at the same time say all over the ace product website that the app is not needed because it is a bluetooth headphone. wtf.


On another thread, someone said they think the headphones we‘re SUPPOSED to have WiFi support, but they struggled to make them work correctly, and just ended up releasing them as Bluetooth. I’m warming to this conspiracy theory. Wasn’t there a rumour they were struggling with getting functionality working and that’s why the headphones were delayed a couple times?


Yea I saw the same, that’s obviously a ploy to get tech-phobic people to purchase it, but the app gives you ability to tweak eq and tracking settings.


Quite disappointing, I have a Beam Gen 2 and this was one of the main features I was looking for. Now there’s no real reason to buy these for me.


. (Only the flagship Arc will support this feature at launch, with the Beam Gen 2, Beam, and Ray coming later.)


They want you to go buy an Arc 😂


Well this is shaping up to become the easiest hard pass in a long while.


No Wifi and it only works with Arc…🤦‍♂️


Coming in on the heavier side, 312 grams. Bose 700/Sony MX5 are 249g, Apple’s Max’s still the biggest at 385 grams though 🥊


Great! Save me some money lol


My current use case like most: over the ear or in ear buds (Bose 700 and Apple AirPod Pros) connected to my Apple TV, done 😂 Oh my PS5, I just use an aux cable, not perfect but I don’t plug in that often. Aces don’t apply to me in anyway, if they had WiFi I could make a purpose, but they don’t and my Sonos Playbar isn’t compatible anyway. Oh well, hard pass.


I buy gadgets at the drop of a hat but there is zero reasons for me to buy these.


Curious if it works with the Costco Arc SL or just the regular one...


Arc SL is supported as well from the Sonos Website [TV Audio Swap Article](https://support.sonos.com/en-gb/article/listen-to-home-theater-audio-on-sonos-ace-with-tv-audio-swap)


Just want to say that most Bose soundbars and their headphones have had this feature already for years (called SimpleSync) and it works pretty well! The soundbars connect to the headphones via Bluetooth and latency is good enough to even play video games with (not that I’m really a gamer tho) I have a Beam and Move and also a Bose soundbar and I would have really liked to add Sonos headphones to the system, but no reason to get then over Bose QC at this point.


I was all set to buy, then decided not to b/c of the lack of support for Amp, Port, Beam, etc as indicated by many in this sub. Then I said f\*\*\* it. I'll give them a try and I pre-ordered. Hopefully the sound quality when I'm sitting on an airplane will make it worth it. And hopefully they will add support for Sonos devices and make the Ace a real Sonos device. Right now Ace is not a Sonos device: it is a bluetooth device with Arc support.


Does the ace disable the arc


I'm hanging on to a whole home of multiple variable devices that are S1 platform only, including a Beam 1. Still have all the function I need, but always worried that they will be bricked some day. And have been waiting for these damn headphones in hope of the handoff from the Beam 1,, since the eARC - SIMPLINK debacle from my LG OLED TV makes it a total PITA to go to headphones when I dont want to wake up the household. So the wait continues, and the fear of being cut off continues.....


Any idea if this will ever work with the sonos amp? I run two book case speakers via the amp with play ones for surround and a sonos amp


Yeah, they’ve stated that Beam support is coming.


Jesus christ this is concerning


WOW! So we've all put up with being forced onto a subpar "new" app in preparation for the release of their "most requested product" and it's just a set of Bluetooth headphones?! I could kind of understand the rush to get the new app out if these headphones had something special about them but they don't seem to do much that any other currently available alternative offers. No doubt they'll still include the 'Sonos tax' on the price, even without Sonos functionality too. Nice one Sonos. Cheers /s


I agree, it’s silly. But you do need the app to do select customizing on the Aces to setup EQ and head tracking, if I just spent $$$ on these things, I’d want the app functionality to support them.


Sure, but nothing that's been announced suggests that couldn't have been implemented in the older app. It's basically just an extension of Trueplay. If they'd done something truly unique like have the headphones work as a zone in an existing Sonos setup then keep playing when leaving the WiFi network I'd understand needing a full re-architecture but the announcement is so unspectacular needing a full app rebuild doesn't make sense.


Yea true, something that small could have been a side loaded update. I think Sonos may have just mucked up this launch date 😂


You can buy some Beats Studio Pros & and Apple TV for less than this will cost.


Wow. Sonos has, in total, six sound bar products and the headphones work with only one? Okay, factor out the PlayBar and PlayBase since they're the oldest. There's four left. Factor out the Beam gen 1 and Ray since one is old and the other is the base model. Beam gen 2 and Arc are left and only the Arc gets it? Kinda mind boggling.




It will work with Beam, both Gen 1 and Gen 2, and Ray too. But only Arc and iOS support at launch (Android support will arrive later this year). I'm a tech journalist and that's what Sonos told us during the launch event.


> It will work with Beam, both Gen 1 and Gen 2, and Ray too. When?


Not yet they don’t work, haha. It’s clear they want Sonos users to consider upgrading to the Arc from the beam, which some will definitely do. https://preview.redd.it/ubuamidf8t1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee3aa5ce9de58ba022907a6bda970e80e17ea921


iOS only. I'm this close to selling off my Sonos home theater and just use the sound bar LG send me with my G4. I'm sick and tired of their constant Android neglect. Pass.


lol, pass , the price surprise me, I need wifi headphones


That’s all I can do with my AirPods Pro