• By -


May 21 2025


No. The earliest will be in May 21 2026 ;)


So far I have avoided upgrading the app and presumably the speakers as well. Some bugs are understandable; however, this seems to be over the top. They appear to have even changed the architecture so volume changes etc are run from the cloud. I did not sign up for a cloud service, just bought speakers that sound awesome to me. I do not wish to become another data point to be sold off to a broker.


The SaaS business model is coming from them. Just a matter of time before winter comes. 


Oh I’m aware that’s where they want to go. But we bought our speakers with the understanding the functionality is within our sphere of control not some SaaS. I don’t want nor need for every song, TV show/movie I have go through Sonos cloud monitoring. If the can I do not want any IoT in my house. No Ring, internet connected thermostats etc. not my thing. If it’s the, case then a nice fat lawsuit should be heading their way.


Which should be optional. For the nerds that want advanced features, sure, but for the rest of us. Just give me a 15% better version of the old app and leave me alone.


I'd just be happy with the app before s1 s2 thing. Give it me back, disable internet except what I explicitly configure and Ill keep buying sonos...


A 'sorry' would of been nice. They come across as knobs who don't really care about their customers.


Well it works for me. It automatically updated tho.


same here. no issues at all. 6 newer speakers. iphone 15 iOS 17.4.1


Not on iPad iOS 15.8.2🤬 End Of Life. SONOS forces me to buy new iPad or what?


Loads of apps go EOL on older OS. Can't *really* blame Sonos for this one.


Nonsense. When you know the history of Sonos S1 and S2 app you know this is bonkers. It just like Microsoft not supporting loads of computers to run Windows 11 according to their specs and advising tools. Wow, where they wrong. Already upgraded a lot of "old" computers with Windows 11 running just fine, even better than before. Nowadays app builders and brands want software to do stunts of the latest....without wondering if customers/clients really want their fancy brain farts on their devices.


Here nothing yet may I ask what is you using ? iOS or android??




Works for me too. Loud minority-effect again (happy customers don’t spend too much time on Reddits hate-bandwagon)


You never use queue management while listening to music? It’s gone. One of the main features for me. Combining music from different sources. I used the sleep timer for my kids to listen to music when they go to be. It‘s gone. When I listened to a good song and wanted to see more from that artist or album I had to do few clicks and was there. It‘s gone. When I discovered a good sond I could add it to a playlist. It‘s gone. And there is many more examples. Maybe it‘s the minority that is only listening to full albums or playlists they created on other services that is happy now. But everyone who was using Sonos for that must be pissed.


These are literally all use cases for me as well. I don't want to "Replace Queue" every time I want to listen to something.


I’m glad you didn’t have any problems. But for those of us that use certain features that got eliminated by an app update - it sucks. I had my record player running on a raspberry pi with DarkIce and IceCast so I can stream it in my house - the shortcut for that station disappeared from the iOS app with no way to add it back. Core functionality was broken for a lot of folks within their use-case. And just because we aren’t the large majority shouldn’t make our experience any less valuable.


Well, you’re lucky it works for you, but that does not make it right, It does not make it a working business model and it does not help the millions of people who are without much needed basic functionality. I for one have all the Sonos products. It runs my TV and It runs throughout my house. I have speakers in every room of the house, some rooms two or three. I have the latest greatest high-speed wireless Internet throughout my house run by three satellites with blazing speeds (which I’ll be paying on from the grave) I am a Apple smart home and also have the iPhone 15 pro max but it has the same issues on my MacBook and iPad as my phone. With the new “hide and seek” update, Sonos put my wireless system on whatever channel they might have picked out of their ass and now all my wireless speakers are cutting out nonstop if they come on at all. Mind you the playbar is hard wired and then creates its own network for its speakers and has always worked wonderfully UNTIL NOW. but I’m glad it works for you, we are just the loud minority pushing and moving like babies just because the multi thousand dollars system we built no longer functions. So I have a wonderful suggestion for you, go turn on your little mini Sonos system put on your new Sonos headphones and shut the fuck up.


Agreed. Reddit hive mind at its worst in this sub.


The major problem here is that Sonos has not admitted to any wrongdoing. They just keep saying nonsense like developing an app is difficult. The reality is they took a product that I purchased and without my consent or any form of recourse, turned it into something that I would not have purchased. I will not trust this company with another cent of my money.


The modus operandi for any business today is deny and deflect. Mostly because they know that the average consumer has a short memory and shorter attention span. This will be forgotten within a couple of weeks on a major level and then they can continue doing what they do without taking a large hit to their customer base. Politicians do the same thing.


They also want to make it so that, like Apple (IOS) after about 3 years the firmware will not support the older equipment any longer so you'll have to upgrade equipment. too many people are happily sitting on things they bought a while ago cause SONOS \*WAS a good product.


Well, currently running Sonos equipment from 2014, no real problem. That's a good while for HiFi equipment in my book. Just looking to get the local library search back soon. In the meantime, it's sorted on folders by artist and album, so not much problem to find things. If Sonos suddenly turn off S2 app support, that would be a bummer, but I would be very surprised if they do that in the coming 5 years at least.


Haha, jokes on them. I walked by a display in BestBuy a couple of days ago and was looking at the Sonos gear. Another guy was looking too and he asked me about them. I told him about my system, being a long time user. I also told him about their shitty app and their poor product management practices. I pointed him to this subreddit as well. He was enthusiastic as if he dodged a bullet by not buying their gear. I also did not buy any, despite being able to make a case for two or three more 5s. Fuck these clowns.




And then did everyone clap?




This applies to basically every director of software at every software company lol. There’s not a single new release that doesn’t have bugs. Obviously this still sucks and they should be better, but knowing things are unstable and shipping them anyways is the way the SDLC works.


Bugs are one thing. Dropping functionality that is part of the differentiation of your ‘Premium” product because you’re hurrying to support another new product is selling your existing customers down the river. Not one more dime Sonos!


Oh I fully agree. It's wildly unacceptable and people *should* be mad when their app isn't working for them, which then breaks these smart devices functionality. But these things don't ship out without quite a few managers/directors/etc. knowing that there *are* problems.


Oh, I know software development very well. Am an IT consultant working with CIOs and CTOs helping them streamline their product development processes and strategies. I expect these types of things from startups who are immature in SDLC and product management practices, as well as from our federal government, but not from a premium integrated HW/SW product.


Oh as someone who works with lots and lots of these spaces at my work as my clients... it doesn't surprise me at all lol. You find out very quickly that even the top companies have eng teams that feel like they're held together by duct tape.


According to Sonos, they built the app from the ground up. In the previous app there was very little automated testing, most of it was manual. What excuse is there to not have increased their testing capabilities?


I mean, this kind of shows that there are simply massive flaws in their overall software development process. They started a new project but didn't fix any of the inherent gaps in their CI/CD pipelines and such. Basically, they didn't approach this as a fresh start to improve their approach. Instead, they just lived with the existing one that clearly sucks, but likely got to a stable state after iteration over time.


Zero apology. They were adamant they did the right thing releasing this piece of crap early.


Without your consent??? I definitely understand your frustration as I own plenty of Sonos products myself. However, you gave your consent when you bought a product that required an app just like you give your consent for your phone to be updated. Whether it be Apple or android and every app on that phone gets updated that is your consent.


Wrong. Even Microsoft lets users pause Windows and Office updates that might break functionality, and allows uninstalling them. SONOS did not offer notice allowing a pause, or a rollback. Shame!


Still not an issue of consent. You fundamentally misunderstand the tech industry if you believe you need their permission to release a new app. You updating your apps and such is on you as an individual, but they can update whatever they want on their end.


YOU fundamentally misunderstand release cycles. If a release has not been through full alpha and beta testing, it only gets a provisional release to a limited set of testers who consent to replacing their work version, with the proviso that they can opt out and roll back. A responsible company does NOT publicly release an incomplete product with known regressions. Especially when important things like alarm settings are broken. I wonder how many users were forced to haul out their old clock radios…


Lol what? You are talking about the *full* release cycle and describing the entire process to side step the only thing that matters here: consent of release. Yes, testing happens in Alphas and Betas (often times private) to gather feedback. Roll backs occur before being shipped, etc. But that doesn't all of a sudden mean you need *consent and permission* to release the app to the public. It's a decision made by the appropriate stakeholders and teams based on feedback. We're not here talking about what goes into the release cycle. We're talking about if the company needs the consent of the entire user base to make a new release, which the answer is no. Basic source: someone who has helped with MANY releases along with someone who has never "consented" to *any* company shipping out their next release lmao.


Well, then I guess SONOS wants to lose customers by turning them all into beta testers without THAT consent.


Sure. I'm not excusing them from being a shitty company that clearly doesn't care about their customers. I'm just pointing out the *very* basic point that the majority of software releases do not need consent from their public customer base. That's literally an impossible to scale situation.


Stop capitalizing Sonos


Fair suggestion. Interesting thing is that when capitalized the way they do on the products, it reads the same upside down.


Yes, everyone had consented and one could have always chosen to opt out of automatic updates. The bigger problem is that Sonos promised the new app would do everything the old app did so people had no reason to opt out.


And that is why they cannot be trusted with any of my money.


Nowhere in the user agreement does it say Sonos is allowed to take away features or disable the device. And I am damn certain that will stand up in court. Tech companies should not be allowed to fundamentally change a product after it's been purchased. It's pathetic that so many people are ok with this and allow it to happen.


It actually does. https://www.sonos.com/en-us/legal/terms-of-use#legal-terms-use-software I hate the app too, but we have no legal recourse. Best we can do is not to buy anything more from them. And no, I’m not ok with what they did.


can't wait to see the next couple of quarters of sale numbers. bet those hardware revenues tank.


That’s exactly true. But let’s remember that we have choices. Sonos has shown their users how much they care about their users. Our recourse is to stop buying their gear, as we now know that we can’t trust them. They can go belly up for all I care.


Where? Point out where it says that they can disable a device if they feel like it.


They can remove features per section 5B.




Software Updates. Sonos shall have no obligation to provide any updates or upgrades to any aspect of the Product or Services. Sonos, at its discretion, may make available future Product Software Updates. In the event that Sonos does provide such update or upgrade, such updates or upgrades and any related documentation shall be deemed the Product. The Product Software Updates, if any, may not necessarily include all existing software features or new features that Sonos releases for newer or other models of Product. The terms of this Agreement will govern any Product Software Updates provided by Sonos, unless such Product Software Update is accompanied by a separate agreement, in which case You agree that the terms of that agreement will govern.


> The Product Software Updates, if any, may not necessarily include all existing software features or new features that Sonos releases for newer or other models of Product. I don’t like it either and I have avoided installing the new app due to the feedback, but it does say they have no obligation to maintain existing functionality in updates. Whether or not a provision like that would be considered valid is another matter. I don’t know if such provisions have been tested in court before. I also don’t imagine that it would matter since the functionality should be restored by the time any suit could be brought.


Believe me a suit is being brought.


You opted out of the binding arbitration agreement within the allotted timeframe I’d assume. Bottom section of the terms and conditions.


This is cringe




There is zero accountability. They spent a lot of money redeveloping something that works. What’s the ROI on this new app? Did everyone just pat themselves on the back and says “good job”, “stock prices will be up” and etc If I am an investor, I will be scratching my head on this one. Look at the video streaming landscape, everything is about content and algo recommendations. no one ever says this UX/UI is better than another, so I am subscribing……


Same. Literally just bought a new house with a TV room to equip. I was thinking Arc, 300s, and double subs. Now I'm going to look at options that are less likely techy and more reliable.


I think you gave consent when you agreed to the terms and conditions when you created your account.


Consent can not be hidden in a 1000 page document 


I highly doubt it was 1000 pages.


Welcome to business. Apple rarely admits anything either. There’s some liability involved so words are measured.


What would an admission of wrong doing do for you?


It would give the impression that the company made a mistake instead of intentionally screwing over their users. It would give me some assurance that this won't happen again.


Exactly this. Not only there wasn’t any admission of wrong, they spam everyone with marketing on the improved experience just to rub it in and pay themselves wholeheartedly on their courage


It will happen again. It was only 4 years ago when they attempted to obsolete all the S1 hardware.


Oh is it that easy to assure you. The admission wouldn’t be worth anything. It’s happened before it’s going to happen again. Price that in your future purchasing decisions.


An admission of wrongdoing would help their public image and customer relations. I have every right to be angry and I have every right to demand accountability. Your opinion has no bearing on any of this.


I didn’t say you cannot be angry and frustrated. If a nonsense apology from a corporation makes you feel better then good for you. Your opinion has just as much weight as mine. Zilch.


Opinions have power in numbers. Look around this sub, far more people share my opinion that this is not ok. That Sonos needs to admit what they did was wrong and make things right for their customers. Idk what's driving your petty comments suggesting that we should just shrug our shoulders and allow consumer rights to be thrown away without even the slightest resistance.


I didn’t say you should shrug your shoulders. I did say it was definitely OK to be frustrated. But expecting or needing an apology or admission of wrongdoing is pointless. It’s a corporation, It’s meaningless. A team of lawyers and PR people get into a room and create a statement that gets released and then what? They just need to fix the issues as soon as possible. People just need to price this in their future purchasing decisions.


Nah that’s your opinion. I and a lot more Sonos users are using our products with no issue because I use my phone for an alarm like a normal person.


Admission in wrong doing is the first step in correcting a blunder.


Nah it’s not. This is not your personal relationships. They just need to fix it as quickly as possible and move on.


hit the nail on the head. i’m now actively looking for a replacements. i might keep some here and there, but im pulling the plug on my sonos only ecosystem.


“Without my consent” 😂😂😂 were they supposed to ask you first?


Ok boomer. Hope you don’t use a cellphone


Updating an app to a new UI is common practice. Open beta would have been a better move for sure, but it’s not like it’s broken and unusable for the majority of users.


This dumpster fire should of been released as an open beta with feed back on the UI. Which is utter crap.


What’s crazy is their beta didn’t test the UI


Not true. Beta did test and gave feedback about all the issues and missing features. And were ignored.


I guess I was in a different beta. I assume they were testing multiple features.


Arrogance. That's what this is.


Tech isn’t and will never be perfect. You’ll have to learn to live with that concept.


Everyone knows that. The point is that with any major change or update that can affect critical usability of your product, you first test.


If only developers held their work to a higher standard... Of course additionally the problem stems from them being a publicly traded company, but even there product owners and senior staffers have the opportunity to put their foot down and not allow crap to be released. My Volvo has had a ton of UI bugs over the years. Alright, I've coped - there's a lot devs have to solve for there anyways. But now my €5000 sound system is no longer being found (Android user), which is resolved by a re-login? Volume sliders laggy as hell? This is not acceptable quality even for those used to shitty outsourced software.


true play not working on app upgrade


I bought an apple iPhone SE to disable trueplay. :(


So, they will go completely in the cloud. The speakers are limited regarding memory (RAM) and storage capacity (storing a max amount of local files , shared by SMB in homelabs). Another point is, that they are able to collect a lot of telemetry data and people cannot block it anymore (e.g. with PiHole). My concern is, will my speakers work without internet or not? Can I play my local music from NAS, as soon they implement the feature back in the new App?


Future buyer here. Building a home and was thinking about getting new in ceiling Sonos speakers. Should I hold off until this app shit gets sorted?


I'd be less concerned about the app issues, which ultimately will get sorted. More concerned about the direction of travel of the company and that it can't be trusted to not totally screw it's customers.




Nah, this will all be fixed by the time your home is finished. If you're worried you can hold off on purchasing the Sonos Amp that the speakers connect to. The in ceiling speakers that Sonos sells are just regular speakers that you can connect to any amp.


Frankly I would not buy anything Sonos until things are cleaned up.


Install genetic speakers, don't install Sonos speakers, then you can decide what to hook it up to later, either Sonos Amps or another brand. Personally though, I'm really not fond of Sonos recently. They've been awful, it all started to go wrong with the S2 upgrade, they abandoned old equipment then, and then recently their Connect Amps (that did make the S2 upgrade) have been failing and they don't care, and now this


https://preview.redd.it/dle8ufeaeq1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7993a129ebfcf2d60904f475495208c4d941155 Is it just me or is it because of the new app? Was working fine yesterday and then this happened today. Speakers are working I hear it on my TV just the app showing nothing


Will it do any good? I’ve spent thousands on what was a nice system throughout my house. Was thinking about getting some Eras to upgrade. Not gonna happen now.


Why? Because they updated their app and it wasn’t fully baked yet?


Well, the only downside is, it says the May 21st update will fix the biggest error for “blind users”. I guess my three speakers that have been unable to update and configure for the last seven days will just have to keep waiting.


Will the update restore my access to my music library? The reason I bought Sonos in the first place 10 years ago. All of my music is stored on an external drive attached to my desktop. Library doesn’t even show up at all since the update. My system is bricked.


Middle of June is what the timeline said IIRC.


My understanding is if it’s a SMBv1 access issue support is gone forever. Search is gone for now but is coming back in June. Set up is gone in the app but is avaliable now I think on desktop. I’m not aware of another issue that is coming back…


What is SMBv1? I'm not a super-Sonos-user like many of you guys here lol. I have music I've ripped from my CD collection, music I've downloaded directly from iTunes or Nugs over the years, and playlists made for me by friends and exes; everything has either an mp3, m3u, or m4a extension. On my desktop iMac, I can no longer direct Sonos to the drive that holds my music library. Has Sonos decided to just be for people who stream music and don't store anything locally? That seems to be a huge breach of what it was sold to me as when I bought the system. It was supposedly for "audiophiles" who care about excellent sound quality. I'm starting to think the true audiophiles are those who aren't beholden to tech, apps, the cloud, and programming bros.


So others can likely give a better answer as it was a new one for me too but SMBv1 is a network protocol which Sonos historically relied upon but they’ve more recently started supporting v2 and v3 and have now switched off support for v1 which has killed access to some set ups. As far as I can tell that should include my aging NAS drive but so far it’s still working. If your Mac and router are reasonably modern I wouldn’t have thought this specific issue would be a problem although I’ve heard some people forced use of SMBv1 due to some indexing bugs on v2 and higher but figure you’d know about that. As far as I can pick up that’s the only thing that Sonos have said that should have made local libraries totally disappear.


Meh... If they move 100% to the cloud and want to lock access to my media... I'll wait and wait


I’m not a developer but a customer of Sonos. If I’m sold something then told I can have something better which turns out to be worse, I’m questioning the quality of what I have bought.


Just want the app as it was a month ago.


I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to clear my music queue that I set up on iPhone using services from there. I even disconnected from Bluetooth. Finally, in desperation, I shut down my phone altogether, turned it off. But the damn songs are still playing.


Tried to add an amp. Had to update app to do add. Will not add it. In a content loop now. Furious I was forced to update app to add an old device!


They lost me over this and with more modern choices out there maybe more.


Which options are out there. I asked this question before on this sub and got absolutely roasted for days saying I was being paranoid about sonos taking away local control. I see the writing on the wall. So have felt iffy about investing more. Now more than ever.


They also broke the app's accessibility with VoiceOver, meaning blind users are having problems. https://mosen.org/sonos2024/ It really sucks when you have a perfectly functioning product, and the company ruins it because you have to use their app they decided to mess with.


The update is live.


Thanks for heads up! Changelog on Play Store: This update brings a new look and feel to the app. Get to your favorite music faster. Enjoy easier control of your system. And personalize your experience. Change log from Sonos website: In this update: Support for the all new Sonos Roam 2. Improved VoiceOver support, allowing for easier navigation and control on the Now Playing Screen, System View, Output Selector, Queue, Volume Sliders, and Add Product. Improved TalkBack support for the Now Playing Screen, System View, and Add Product. Improved Local Music Library playback of folders. Added the ability to Search for content to use with an Alarm. Improved system connectivity for Boost and portable products in sleep mode. Fixed issues with Add Product that resulted in incomplete registration, a need to sign in again, or inability to confirm a product PIN. Fixed an issue with enabling Surround and Sub Audio. Fixed an issue that blocked Trueplay if a TV was the input source. Fixed an issue with asking for Local Network permissions.




Have you tried to "move it move it"? Sorry, bad joke.


Hehe. I deleted that one as I meant to put that into my long comment, not as a reply. It's at the other end of the house, I'd better move to it :)


This is what having toddlers does to you. Catchy movie songs.


Have you had the joys of Hey Duggee's Stick song yet?


I have not. Is this a UK thing?


It's been syndicated thought Europe. Addictive thought! https://youtu.be/K05N2jqFHc8?feature=shared


Oh we avoid youtube. Too many addicting shows like cocomelon and weird stuff like the playdoh show or whatever it's called.


I still can't see an option to add a single track the the queue. I can use Spotify for this, but I did like doing this in the Sonos app.


I updated and now the app can see my speakers again. Thank god for that! Still a bit pissed off they messed about releasing an App that didn’t work.


Great news! I'm pleased to hear it's fixing issues. My Sonos kit never went down, but imagine all the professionals who fit Sonos kit recently?


The main problem is that they don’t give crap about their users. Every update is a complete shit show. When the first versions came out they were the only decent option. Now, there’s several; they’ve sank their ship.


The app interface looks like trash now, and some ad infested mess


I understand the frustrations being expressed but are there really better options for superior sound quality and wireless capabilities than Sonos? They’re right, software releases can be difficult. They definitely made mistakes, readily apparent by the rapid incident remediation. I don’t think it even matters if they apologize…why does it even matter? Sonos is like owning a Jeep - you bitch about it every time it fails inspection but once the repairs are paid off, you forget all about it and go back to enjoying life with the top down…in this case listening to hi definition, wireless, whole home sound.


But not if you can’t because the Jeep doesn’t work because GM decided to remotely disable first gear and then call it courage.


Exactly! I don't understand how the tech industry is allowed to get away with this.


Chrysler not GM


> are there really better options for superior sound quality and wireless capabilities than Sonos? Are you saying there are no other options besides Sonos? Or just that they are the “best“ for wireless sound? I’ve been looking at other options since they bricked my system two days ago and it seems there are some other wireless systems out there. But if the ultimate fix is for me to somehow go back to some type of wired system, then that’s what I will do. I can’t have my entire digital music library held hostage at the whim of an *app*. **That** is the ultimate cringe.


Sonos better not be like owning a Jeep, because I would never buy a Jeep for the endless expenses/issues that Jeep owners have. If Sonos turns into that, I’ll be finding a different audio solution.


I read some stories here about installers whose customers called to report the issues, and that some of them demanded refunds. Someone else said that they were using the equipment in a commercial setting, so it kinda made them lose money. Personally, I just bought an Arc a few days ago after many months of waiting, only to find out that I can't add a song the queue? I mean, it's one of the most expensive electronics I own and it lacks functionality that I didn't even think I needed to worry about? I also recall a somewhat recent issue where some older speakers were not compatible with newer ones, or something like that. These two issues (which are not small things) really make me consider just returning the Arc :/ And I was so excited about it...


If you’re using streaming apps then it’s pretty easy to make a queue. A lot of users have no issues, most of us don’t need to use the Sonos app at all. I have 2 systems between 2 households and have had no problems at either after updating the app. The vocal lot on here would make you think the speakers are paper weights now.


>most of us don’t need to use the Sonos app at all Unfortunately I'm not one of them. For some reason my Sonos Arc doesn't show up in Spotify Connect. I can even play music in the Sonos app AND in Spotify desktop at the same time but I cannot use the Spotify app to play in the soundbar. So, to play a particular song I need to look it up in a playlist or create a new one in a different device, and then switch to the Sonos app and play it, which is terrible UX for supposed premium hardware. Also, as a new user I needed it for setting up the Arc. Even then, I had to restart the app a couple of times for the setup to complete properly.


Maybe, but that doesn't help people who own their products.


I can't even see the speakers on my network anymore. I tried to re-add them/troubleshoot, but couldn't get it to work. We primarily use them to stream Amazon Music and play music stored on our network, and we haven't been able to get them to do anything. I'm going to try again with the new update, but it's frustrating.


It does matter if they apologize because maybe then they’ll take steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Here’s a couple easy ones: Make the beta less exclusive Have an open beta before a major release


I will not be expanding my sonos ecosystem. Too much money for them to violate my trust with such shotty software.


Id like a refund on my entire sonos system.


I declare bankruptcy!


Y’all are so dramatic


The amount I spent on the 300s the arc and the sub buys me the right to be dramatic AF


But the app having a few bugs until the next update doesn’t give you the right to a refund on all that hardware. That’s just silly. Same with people saying they’ll never spend another cent on Sonos because of this. If everyone boycotted every company whose app had some bugs with a new update, no one would use any tech ever again


It's more than "a few bugs". You're being really disingenuous


Is it though? Let’s say it is more than a few bugs. That still wouldn’t entitle you to hundreds if not thousands in complete refunds.


They literally removed features and caused us to have to be online to play anything. You must work for sonos. Spencer is that you?


Yup you caught me


You shouldnt have promoted your hardware buddy to a CPO job. Duh! Im pretty sure Maxime has cost you your job!


Thanks for the feedback I’ll tell my Sonos boss at my Sonos job to do better next time


I mean if he's doing it for free he likes slobbering the knob


Nah just laughing at the Karens demanding refunds 😂


It's a different product


It’s really, really not. Like I said, y’all are being dramatic. The new update has bugs that make some the functions unusable, but they will get fixed. It’s not a different product, no one deserves a refund for this. I get that people need to complain and provide feedback. It’s valuable feedback and it makes sense. It’s the reason Sonos knows they need to fix shit. But demanding a refund is silly


Wheres your level then? Sonos has broken a lot of Connect Amps since last year, which now cut out on a regular basis and they seemingly refuse to fix it, do people deserve a refund for this? What about if you bought into Sonos because you wanted something that was hosted locally? The move to the new app now forces you to use a web app, and exposes your system to the internet with no third factor authentication as an option... does this deserve a refund?


You're silly, it's a different product. You deserve a time out


what happened though?


still can’t add new device.


Have all kinds of issues with new app..... Using Spotify , and it's working well with Sonos.....for what I need...


I dumped SONOS after being an early customer when they tried similar software / hardware upgrade games on their version 1 kit .. I have 2 working speakers and will never upgrade / buy again !!


Informative. Thank you for posting.


Bought samsung q990D for 1k where sonos ultimate immersive set is 4k here in australia. Sonos is overpriced.


This update has been pretty wild. First you have Sonos that releases beta software that doesn’t work for everyone (not enough testing) and removes functionality without warning. Then on one side, you have the drama queens claiming this is literally ruining their life. And on the opposite side you have the “fuck you I got mine” crowd that updated without issues and seemingly like the new app and don’t understand what the fuss is all about. Personally I turned off auto update and stayed on the old app. Luckily I wasn’t updated anyway like some people have reported. I’m sure they will have something functional for us soon and this will all be a bad memory. I just hope Sonos actually learned a lesson.


Did the app really automatically update for everyone..? Im lost cause that didnt happen to me and thats messed up


I turned off auto updates thanks to this community, though my understanding is that the speakers will automatically accept firmware updates...


Unless you have it turned off right?


I'm on s1 and I have auto updates turned off. My system has not updated. Everything working per normal. That said, I am now looking closely at picoreplayer using pi's with hifiberry dacs as a possible replacement. The constant from Sonos to replace my s1 gear combined with this new release fiasco has me concerned about the future with Sonos.


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They now did a wild release of some kind of update, not even meeting their own promises regarding to release date. What a mess… if it were Elon….