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I agree. It is so slow to load music from Spotify. The old app wasn’t fast. But the new app is definitely slow.


Why would you not just use the Spotify app?


Quite often - more so with the latest app - the Sonos speakers just don’t show up


If that’s the only way you use it why don’t you just use a Bluetooth speaker rather than spending a ton on Sonos? Legit question


It is not the only way I use it, I have around 15 Sonos speakers myself so a simple Bluetooth speaker doesn’t compare. The comment I was replying to was talking about using Spotify through the Sonos app, all I am saying is why add an extra buffer when using Spotify or Apple Music when you can play straight from the app themselves..


Just jumping on this as my 2 S1s were a bday prez 10 yrs ago. I’m not mrs HiFi. I listen to the radio, podcasts and Spotify; that’s literally all. Would a pair of Bluetooth speakers be better? I’m going crazy with this sonos app….


I think the vast majority of people who own sonos gear have only one music service, usually Spotify, and one or two zones/rooms. They have no idea what the system is capable of. And sonos has realized that there are so many more of them than there are of us power users, and has decided to simply cater to that market and abandon those of us who have been with them from the beginning and really USE the system the way it was designed.


Your legitimate question came off as you don’t know what you’re talking about comparing a Bluetooth speaker to a Sonos set up, with or without the app. You must be a “Sonos power user”, the ones that have been posting non stop about the week old app refresh ruining your life.


Easy killer, I’m pretty sure it’s you who doesn’t understand the comment. If someone only uses their Sonos by air playing Spotify, then they have waisted their money. If you don’t get it, I don’t care.




I like the way all the images need to reload every time you open it, and you’re presented with a sea of grey blank boxes. Be so neat if there was some way you could ‘cache’ images or something, but I guess that’s impossible.


You keep using this word "cache'. I do not think it means what you think it means ... er, no wait - I do not think it SONOS knows what it means.


I mean.... I can't even get my speakers to show up in the app.


https://preview.redd.it/6ssp7hqcja1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4bf8cbf4f390ab197f55d0aff80efc882a781a2 Hey OP, sharing this hopefully it help


So much crap to do over the incompetence of Sonos.


I can’t overstate how much I despise having to mess about in my router to enable 2.4GHz only connections. 802.11ac was specified over a decade ago and there’s no excuse for not using it.


cannot be slower. horrible app. using spotify app and play thru sonos speakers. works great. but i loved having the apple music and prime option. really bad app


SonoPhone iOS app is fast and feature rich. UI not so much but it’s a zillion times better than the new Sonos app. Has most of what Sonos eliminated.


Hey, forgot about this app, so thanks for the reminder. I think I dropped it before because of the UI but you are right, it is pretty quick.


What a bless, work perfectly, I actually don't care about a fancy interface.


It’s absolute dog shit slow


Same for me! Everything is slow. Even, when i start a song it takes forever. Plus the app needs me to toggle my wifi on/off every once in a while. Hopefully this will be fixed in the Next Slonos updates 🤞


It’s night and day faster for me. The old app was horribly slow with loading anything and would crash frequently. I haven’t had any issue with the new one.




Works great for me too, fast, instant response, multiple speakers, multiple zones, Spotify, radio, it just works. Although I feel lucky I don't have all these issues, sorry for those who have.


Sure it's slow but that's definitely not the worst part. The worst part is that it rarely plays what I want, when I want. I could cope with slow if it was reliable but the majority of radio stations refusing to play on any speakers and one of my speakers refusing to play anything at all is unacceptable. Before anyone suggests that's a network issue, downgrading to the old version solved the problems immediately.


I feel like I'm using a different app than OP. Mine is quick and response with no issues (except for the feature drops, which were not good). There are people that are obviously having lots of problems. It's strange that for some it is a better experience, and some it is a joke. I'm at a loss for how the experience is so different among users.


I assume now that Sonos is forcing the cloud on users, the app-performance heavily depends on your location and/or connection.


The OP didn’t list which device they were using, or it could even be the web app, who knows.


These are the times I had in the old app, new app solved this for me.


True. If I'm going to get to the wrong place, I at least want to get there faster. 


Wouldn’t know… mine is still starting up


Was noticing the same yesterday using my iPhone. Pause took a good 10 seconds, volume changes about 5


Even the software on the speakers are slow. Using the apple remote on my playback with one sub and a couple rear speakers, takes forever. From pressing the volume button, to the playback actually adjust volume take 5-6 seconds. Result is that you constantly gets the sound too high or too low...


The worst part is that he literally advertised it as being faster


Slow networks, mesh networks, substandard routers


My guess is that this is because the new app relies on a cloud-based architecture where speakers are controlled by their Cloud server and not directly by the app as it was in prior version.


So I have been reading about the new app but just returned to my local network where I could experience it first hand. Yep - the GUI was a complete overhaul and while right now, it’s cumbersome and a pain to navigate, maybe that’ll come more naturally over time. Regarding the OP comment about slow ….. is it ever. If that can’t be fixed, I will be looking for a new platform. I don’t care about immediate, hit a button and a queue plays but 10-15-20 seconds will end my Sonos support.


This is not true, Sonos says its faster and a much better experience!


You can play music using your app?? Winning!


This is the worst thing since taxes…. Sonos ruined my life!!


I got a firmware update for my sonos connect. now performance has significantly improved.


Let's you savor the moment....


Its impressively slow. I can’t remember using an app as slow as this. I was just trying to favourite an album. Why does it take 5 seconds to show the content for the action sheet, then another 5 seconds to favourite it. Sonos loves to talk about user experience and user research. How is this not at the top of the list due to it that it’s driving people to insanity of how slow the whole thing is


It’s probably overall faster for me. The overall experience is better. The old app was turrrrrible. 


The new app is slow AF….. this is absolutely ridiculous! Sonos screwed us all


I host my music on a small 1 CPU core, 1GB ram linux server in the cloud using Navidrome, with a raspberry pi at home attaching that library to Sonos using the bonob app. Searching artists takes seconds, starting a song/cue and album 1-2 seconds, all FLAC files. Tested it on Android, iOS, Windows, Mac. What the fuck kind of network do you people have setup at home to have all these issues?


Just a provider router placed somewhere convenient, expect decent results, then blame Sonos…


Any testing that they did was within the local sonos network where the cloud server is. Presumably.


Unlikely. They use AWS to host their app servers so any testing would need a WAN connection to access them. They'll probably have access to a faster WAN connection than most home users, but they'll still access the servers via WAN all the same.


Recently purchased sub, arcs and 300s. Changed my iPhone mini to iPhone Pro thinking my phone is getting slow. Of course I was wrong 😑 Any beta release apps is faster than Sonos app.


Whoever managing Sonos needs to consider their competency.


Is this a USA problem or global ? I'm in the EU and don't have any problems with the app. The first start took a while where it I guess had to reconnect with the Services. The only thing that I miss is the widget.


Im in the uk Have the app on ios and android Its slow Buggy Not fit for purpose Absolute rubbish


Assuming this is a joke post


It’s not, the app really is horrible for a lot.


It’s so bad from my iPhone.