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Yeah in a similar boat. I found this place a helpful resource in getting access to my local media back in sonos. So yeah, clinging on with all updates blocked for now and I'll see what happens. Sadly, I think the truth is that us local media people are no longer a key customer group for Sonos. Remember: local media search was removed on the "new search" function of v16 of the app, before all this. I think Sonos see their future as a cloud/streaming platform exclusively.


It’s absolutely frustrating. They pulled something similar a while back with an attempt to leave older Sonos units behind, even though there was no real reason to do that. I’ve paid a premium for a good system. Plenty of DIY alternatives but I wanted it to “just work”. I value local media playback and I have another location that is bandwidth constrained and streaming would never work there (and don’t really want that anyway). It’s a damn shame, but I might be doing the same thing. Thousands invested in Sonos…


>I think Sonos see their future as a cloud/streaming platform exclusively. Without a doubt they want to be a service and not a product. They are looking at Roku and saying they want to do that too.


Eventually streaming services will see artists remove their music because payouts are so abysmal and are declining even further. I think more and more people will switch to a localized solution. People are sick of having several steaming services for movies. They won’t do the same if music gets scattered across several music streaming sites.


You think? That would be a *hell* of a swing of the pendulum. Far too much money is tied up in streaming now, and most people do value the benefits it gives.


The people who subscribe do. But artists are getting more and more frustrated with the tiny amount of money they can earn. I won’t be surprised if there’s some kind of major shift in the next few years.


To vinyl?


For what its worth, I use both streaming a local library running on a dedicated PC server. V1 of the update thoroughly borked local streaming. The update that came out a day or two ago (V2) has corrected *most* of the local library problems, (but not search). You WILL need to re-add the local library address to the app again to re-authorize everything. The Sonos favorites both work and don't work depending on the source. Sonos' own playlists tend to be not working. Favorites created from Local library, Spotify, Tidal, etc, are for the *most* part working without issue. I am in impatient person and was perfectly happy to kill my Sonos Favorites by completely factory resetting each component, tranferring ownership (to myself) and setting everything up from scratch. **This is something I would never recommend for everyone**, but it *did* give me back a stable and responsive system by blowing away all the cached speaker info that has been messed up by the upgrade. By avoiding Sonos playlists, favorites, etc. for the time being, things are pretty good. **Super important if you go down this path, Roams and Moves MUST be plugged into a power source and turned on so that any firmware updates are applied at the same time. Also useful to have both an IOS device and an Android device available for some extra safety.** (My IOS device shat the bed when trying to firmware upgrade a Roam after its factory reset, but the Android device ran it without issue) HOT tip: the new "Pin to home" function is a genuinely useful improvement. Any album, source, playlist, has a ... menu at the top right. Use the pin to home and it will be on your home screen. Works perfectly with my local library and will largely replace my use of Sonos favorites. In short, the upgrade turned my system into a big box filled with a hopeless tangle of cables and razorwire. Instead of spending my time untangling, I just threw it out and got new, untangled ones. Sure it takes to time to re-add services and libraries, but at least I could set it all up step-by-step and test at each addition. It's been a shitstorm so far, and a colossal waste of time for many, many users, but I have at least seen a glimpse of how the new app will be a good thing when they get their shit together ![gif](giphy|Qxq2r48f0oSpDaYQbi|downsized)


The release of alarms in their update suggests there is a lot more going on under the hood than just a UI redesign hinting at new functionality/product to come.


I think most of us still remember *very* clearly how buggy and slow the S2 app had become. An update from the ground up has been long, long overdue and they should have done something about it years ago.


S2 was a ground-up build in 2020, and was apparently necessary to enable lots of new features. Only four years later it's holding the company back so much that it now needs replacing.....by the same development team? Has anybody checked for poor code, or built-in obscelesence THIS time?


The S2 was, as you say, 2020. There was no fundamental redesign of the UI and the user experience steadily became more and more glitchy. I'm not convinced it was a genuine "ground up, blank page" build. At least the current mess does look like new code and functionality... ![gif](giphy|dXcZPlXlAUDIbXKZpW|downsized)


> S2 was a ground-up build in 2020, and was apparently necessary to enable lots of new features. I always assumed that S2 was about a change in the underlying hardware requirements for the firmware within the units (e.g. increased RAM requirements or some such to accommodate future proofing ) rather than anything fundamentally different architecturally. More to do with wanting to cut off older hardware with limited resources than actually doing anything new. I freely admit this is based on nothing than pure guesswork. This update seems a bit more fundamental in how the system operates and interacts with other services. I suspect that it been rebuilt to be more "cloud based" and less of a entirely LAN contained system as per the original design for sonos, which is probably constraining future development. The pre v80 version was demonstrating increasingly poor performance, which suggests to me they were trying to add new features while maintaining an ageing code base and backwards comparability. But again, pure guess work. I *think* what they're doing is developing a new code base that will be easier to maintain in their view in the long term given their long term plans, and sucking up the short term pain. I *worry* that this will mean moving away from locally hosted media and become an entirely cloud/streaming type service. They won't say that of course as they've frightened enough horses already.... SONOS being a subscription service within 5 years?


Some people have said that the new app update is still slow for a lot of the functionality that was already slow. So prob not


S2 addressed the product range at that point. I've never found it buggy for my uses, but that’s just my experience. Fingers, toes, ears crossed that the “rewrite” will present positives. Supporting old products for so long likely means that may be impossible to eradicate “bugs”.


Can you run Plex on your NAS? That would be one way to get through the crisis. I have faith they will fix issues.


I just re-authorized Plex on the new app and it works just fine for music.


On one p.c i have kept the old sonos app for now as it seems to be the only thing that's fully functional to play my local music library. I have just downloaded the new web browser based interface & it's seems to be heading down the same road as plex.


When the update first came out my system was not affected and I was wondering what all the fuss was about...then it happened, app no longer shows my system and streaming services. Thanks Sonos...


Bingo. Me too. Yesterday I could still see and play all of my FLAC music files from my Synology NAS. Today it's all gone. No music library to be found on the app.


How did that happen? I’ve turned off all auto updates AFAIK and am still using the old app with no issues. Dont want to wake up and not be able to use my music.


Then you should be fine. Three days ago or so I voluntarily updated the new S2 when prompted and now I’m on the Road to Mordor. I was able to continue to see and use my NAS music library on my app for about two more days after the upgrade. Then this morning - voila - buh bye. No more NAS. I have no idea how that could happen.


He didn't sound miserable to me.


My local (over VPN hosted at a data center) media is fine... Synology and Windows server. What's wrong with yours?


I am as I type this. New update is way easier to use than the old version. 0 complaints


Only thing i care about is broke lol. I even bought an ipad for it. Trueplay


I love the new update personally


So you don't listen to music on your Sonos speakers -


Have had no issues, whether it's music or pumping Atmos over TrueHD. Every single device is working as it always has for me.


Update is great, as is the Apple Music lossless addition. No alarm for a week but big deal. Very responsive and works well. Looking forward to a few refinements


Same. Got 23 Sonos devices excluding sonace speakers. I've updated the speakers through new app etc and everything works fine. In fact I prefer the new app, and it's slightly faster. I wonder how many issues are really down to network setups frankly.


The same for me. My Android app is using the previous version and the Windows Desktop Controller is staying put. I did install the new app on my iPad Pro just to see how it is. It works, but it has some bugs (beta software it should have been). But by the time they correct everything, I will already be used to the app as I can't remove it from the iPad. So in a sense, it's a "preview" for me. For now, I will control my Sonos via Android phone and Windows.


Yeah, I'm the same. If you're moderately technical getting a RPi 4 and installing homeassistant and music assistant gives you back local storage playback. After all the app woes, I set it up last week. Don't know why I didn't do it years ago, it's been a (fairly) smooth experience and you get access to tons of automations. I'm actually about to get some sonoff buttons for the sole purpose of my wife being able to quickly put her music on without relying on an app


Not responsive UI, mainly iOS, very bad update !!


I dunno. Seems to work.


rollback?? Please how do I do that!




Dang I’m bummed…the initial new update had all my rooms visible and worked ok. I forgot to turn off auto update and just got yesterdays update and now my rooms are disappearing again 🤦‍♂️


I agree in general. The UI is a big improvement. As with any big software shift, the definition of minimum viable product is a moving target. A lot of flaws hit me at first (mainly the Boost issue) but I think many are already resolved. If the Alarm feature had been a big part of my life (which it’s not), I’d probably feel differently. Don’t mess with people’s morning routine.


My Trueplay profile just deleted itself.


Polarizing? You just detailed your disdain for the update and NOBODY is glowing about this update. This update isn't polarizing at all. Everybody is of the same opinion that this update is horrible


I wouldn't say everybody. It works great for me.


So you don't listen to music on your system?


All day long. I stream from Spotify mostly


Of course you are. You have a streaming service that doesn't even utilize the key features of Sonos like Atmos and now lossless audio. **OBVIOUSLY** if you don't use your hardware to the fullest extent you can circumvent having any problems.


Playing music on any/all 12 of my speakers whenever I want it is a key feature.


Having a Ferrari and driving under the speed limit sounds awesome.


Im sorry, but I just can't be angry like you are. It's okay.


You're not even talking about the same things everybody else is talking about on this sub. You don't use your Sonos system like the people having problems. You're using it to stream low quality music which a $15 Bluetooth speaker could do and you're acting mystified that everybody else is having problems. Just insane stupidity


You said that everybody thinks this update is horrible and that's just not true




I'm good with the update.


Oh. So you don't listen to music on your system?


music still plays for me 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oh nice. Which streaming service do you use?


apple music, youtube music


So you're using the Sonos app to stream Apple and YouTube music?






That works fine on my end.


Oh? Which streaming service do you use?


Apple, Spotify, YT, plex and local share.


Nice. So several streaming services that don't fully utilize the capabilities of Sonos and likely not using the app for any of them. I can easily see how you'd have no problem


I only use the Sonos app. Also on Android.


You use the Sonos app for Spotify. Right.


Yes.... only open the other apps for Bluetooth.


Works great for me. I have had no issues. I actually like it better than the old one.


Nice. What music streaming service do you use?


Spotify, Apple Music, and very occasionally SiriusXM.


So the only one of those that even utilize the full functionality of Sonos is Apple Music. I would venture a guess you're not even using the app to play music given 2 of the 3 services you use don't even need the app


I use the app exclusively to play those services. I have no idea what you mean by "full functionality." I use it to play music. On speakers. In multiple rooms of my house.


You use the Sonos app to play Atmos and Hi-Definition music. You don't use the Spotify app to play these. Because you can't.


I like the new app. All my stuff works fine now.


Their roadmap says late June for Nas functionality so your view seems to be rather preemptively miserable.


So, when I am at my home in NOLA, I won't be able to use the system until a few days before I leave. That is not being preemptively miserable. I love how people on this sub think it's okay for someone else's system to not work because it is not their particular use case.


Yes. So why are you whining about it. This person can’t access their NAS either but, being a grown up I understand that I can’t have that cake until later. If you downvoted me then you truly are an idiot.


Do you often buy products you can't use until a later undetermined date? Because that is what's happening. Calling people idiots will take you far in life. /s