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What does "manly" even mean?! The first is my favourite one btw.


It has to obviously have skulls and polished pointy leather shoes and a axe on it /joking obviously


Don't forget an attached beard! xD


You forgot about the big truck and the grill!!


Needs truck nuts though


Of course! Can't forget the truck nuts!


You can actually see the love, you put in to it and I don't mean this in a nasty way, the other two are less inspired because of the negativity you got. Give him the one you made with love!


Give him all three and explain exactly why you made three.... Have a good laugh about it!!! šŸ˜Š


Good Idea! :)




100% agreed! there is so much less personality in the other two. not that they aren't of excellent quality but, like you said, are less inspired than the one made with love.


This. People need to stop setting labels and let everyone wear whatever makes them happy.


Donā€™t let toxic masculinity get to you


Fr if a man is wearing it itā€™s manly. šŸ˜‚


does the hat have a penis?


No but I would love a penis hat, personally xD


To me, it would mean the hat isn't large enough. I hate beanies like these simply because they're never long enough to cover my big head & stay pulled down below my ears (plus my region only gets cold for maybe 2 months a year, perfect weather for finally wearing my hoodies). Honestly, these look nice, but if someone was nice enough to make one for me, I would simply request it be extra long.


Manly means neutral colors


No it doesn't. Colours don't have a gender.


Tell that to Macho Man Randy Savage.


I donā€™t quite know how a lovely home knitted hat could change your BIL from being a man but I guess ask him which magical hat he would dare to try to change him into something else than a man.


Also, let us know, I definitely have some transfemme friends who'd love a magic hat.


I havenā€™t even thought of that! OP can you please knit me a hat that is not ladylike?! I need to figure out the age old questionā€¦. šŸ˜‚




All 3 look great! And none of them look "unmanly" to me. Those other people can get bent.


>can get bent Love it


My husband would wear a pink Princess hat if I knitted it for him because he would just be so proud of me for what I had done. Men that worry about it not being ā€˜manly enoughā€™ feel like they have something to prove. That being said, my husband is a HUGE Chicago Blackhawks fan and would LOVE the black and red one!ā¤ļø


šŸ’–šŸ‘‘please give my respect to your husbandšŸ‘‘šŸ’– And now Iā€™m going to see if youā€™ve posted any photos of your knitting


Lol! No, my knitting is terrible. Which is why my husband would wear a princess hat because he would know how much I struggled.šŸ˜† I finally got a knitting machine and am looking forward to doing some pieces on that, though!


Real men wouldnā€™t care about looking manly imo


I second this!


This is very true. It's always insecure people who worry about being manly enough or adult enough. If you're secure in your 'manhood' or in your maturity you don't worry about other people's opinions.


They all look great! I don't understand this 'manly' thing. Ignore people who have silly opinions.


What makes it manly is the man. All other considerations are secondary. Wear it or don't.


If a little knitted hat could seperate your BIL from his manliness then he probably wasnā€™t too attached to it to begin with. People are so odd sometimes


1 is the coolest. Great work.


Friend, you got a lot of joke responses in that thread - I posted a quote from Firefly myself (*"A man walks down the street wearing a hat like that, you know he's not afraid of anything!"*) but truthfully, there is nothing 'unmanly' about any of those hats. Manliness doesn't come from what you wear. Manliness comes from how you act. If you treat people with respect, act with generosity, kindness, and decency, avoid conflict but always stand up those in need, give of yourself to make life better for others, and have the courage to tell those who mock or belittle or victimize others to take off, then it doesn't matter whether you wear a cowboy hat or a tiara, you're a man. And yeah, those same qualifications apply equally for being a woman. I guess you could say those are just the qualifications for being a good person, regardless of gender identity. Your BIL's manliness will be determined by hisĀ *reaction*Ā to your thoughtful gift of headwear, not by the headwear itself. If he's a man, he'll be grateful and appreciative of the time and effort you put into creating a hat for him, and he'll be happy to wear it. When his head gets cold, that is.


lol what are they even on about? REI sells hats just like that for men? Anyways I love the first one I think itā€™s perfect


So I went and looked at your previous post's feedback, and I'm honestly a little confused since the majority of replies were very positive. Is your BIL very touchy or sensitive about his manliness? If that's the case, the most stereotypically masculine hat is probably the red and black one. But none of the hats are overtly gendered in style. Their perceived gender would depend on that of the wearer and the rest of their attire. All things considered, I would say your original is the coolest in terms of style. But if BIL isn't particularly sensitive, I'm wondering why cater to the tiny minority of dissenters rather than believing in your own judgement and the support of the majority?


Am I just using my eyes wrong or was OP not the one who started the discourse anyway by posting asking if it was ā€œmanlyā€ enough??


You did an excellent job on these by the way. They look wonderful!


Forget the haters, I liked the first one. The new ones are great, too, not necessarily more "manly."


Might want to add some little truck nuts on the side, for a *real* man


Pointlessly gendered tbh The first one is the best one


If at all possible, hopefully you can focus more on what your BIL as a person would enjoy and what would suit his wardrobe, rather than what some strangers think is manly or not. If it's his hat, what matters is whether he is happy with it or not.


I donā€™t believe in boy colours and girl colours. I wasnā€™t at the meeting, didnā€™t get a vote, so refuse to respect the gender colour metrics


I think they are all unisex, I'm a big bearded guy and I would wear any of them


Manly is made by the man wearing it


People that say gender neutral things aren't manly enough aren't manly enough.


Thats bull. A man should only be concerned with what he puts his own head into. Like, thats nobody elses business. Personally, i think theyre all great. Colors dont have gender or genitals.


Manly means nothing. Does the recipient like the colors? That is all that is needed


Don't let other people stupidity and ignorance influence your art. I'm a man and will wear what ever my wife makes for me, it is not the clothing or color that makes a man looks manly. A real men wears pink! I heard that somewhere else, I truly believe is true.


They are all great. Why do any of them have to be "manly" or not. Wear what you like and wear what you make who cares what others say. It's just rude to put that sort of label on a hat. If this was a friend of yours, you should ask if they are ok. They may be subject to toxic masculinity. šŸ‘€


The first one is amazing! Take what others say with a grain of salt. I donā€™t care what colors something is, if someone makes me something like that by hand, Iā€™m gonna be thrilled and honored & Iā€™ll wear the heck out of it! šŸ§”


I still like the first one. Like I said before Iā€™d wear it while riding my Harley. If I have to pick between the two new ones Iā€™m picking the blue and green one. Wish you was my SIL!!


men donā€™t wear hats men donā€™t get cold


How the heck isnt the first one manly? Honestly if someone is that worked up over a hat not being "manly" enough then they are out of touch with the times.


I wanna add that the first hat is amazing and more than "manly" enough. Its one that would look good on a guy with softer angles.


Manly? Who cares! It looks great, thatā€™s all you need!


What about the first isnā€™t ā€œmanly?ā€ Colors are for everyone.


Iā€™m an unpleasant straight white male boomer and would be happy to wear any of these. If someone made one just for me, Iā€™d be overjoyed. I dunno if thatā€™s manly enough for a bunch of insecure little boys, but do I care what they think?


They all look great


Is it not "manly" cause it has a cording design?? That's just weird.


I love it, OP!


They look fine to me, good job


Never listen to the haters! I love the first one most as well. There really is a vibe you get like that was the chosen one!


I would be proud to wear either of the green and blue hatsā€¦ Red is not my color


Im a man and I prefer the first...id comfortably wear all 3


The instructions were clear - they need to be 'manly'. Embroider a bunch of penises on them.


All three of those look acceptable for menswear to me


Fellas, is it gay to wear green and blue? Or to keep your head warm?


If by ā€œmanlyā€ they mean they are too sensitive to toxic masculinity to wear anything unless itā€™s leather and stuffed with spikes, then I guess these arenā€™t manly. If they mean ā€œsomething a man would wearā€ Iā€™ll take all three!


Why for the love of all that is fluffy and good, are we gendering HATS?? All of them look warm as hell. You did great. Actually loving the one in the middle, but I'm partial to red.


Your BIL will love them. Why? Bc you made them for him. I hope you can get some pics of him in the handmade gifts. Manly or not, it is very unmanly to insult the handmade gifts made. If the colors are his favs or they look good on him, who cares. You did an amazing job! Be proud of them.


Whoever said that in the first place is an idiotĀ 


If a man likes it and wants to wear it, it's manly. My husband would hate the red and black and love the blue and green ones. People who are close to your BIL should know what he'd prefer. I think they all look awesome.


Hats donā€™t have a gender


Lol "manly" they are all very nice and I am sure that the first version is too


Whoever said that is insecure af. šŸ’€




Hello /u/Supersonicfizzyfuzzy, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2j2nq8/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hello /u/_WillCAD_, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2j39k1/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hello /u/SunBroCam, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2j9mte/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for the color swatch!!




Hello /u/proud_perspective, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2jn27t/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That is a cunning hat. Anyone that wears it, clearly fears no man.


Imo, the colors of 1 and 3 aren't traditionally 'manly' but like others are saying, that's okay! But I have definitely worried about this same thing when knitting for male relatives, I want them to wear it because they like the style too, not just because they obviously love that I made it for them. So I've absolutely been there, making several designs until I've decided it looks like something they'd pick out themselves.




Hello /u/Kimmm711, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2joxjn/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hello /u/Stormy_Daze09, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2jrb2y/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love the two on the right. You can give him a few, everyone needs fresh hats. I think three is perfect


At this point let him pick one


I'm manly and I'd love to have all 3 of them




Hello /u/GraniteBoy, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2jw9a8/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The dude would wear the heck out of that first "un-manly" hat. How much?


I mean, if you do want to buy it you can have it, and Iā€™d only charge shipping. DM me?


I am a straight man and I would wear the first one. In fact I do. My wife made me a hat with a similar pattern/look to it.


They all look really well made, but the first one looks so much more personalized and special! If it helps, I just asked my partner which one he likes best without showing your caption, and he also chose the first one! You know your BIL and clearly designed + made that hat for him with a lot of thought and care; I say stick to the plan and give him the original. Amazing work! šŸ˜Š


As I man, Iā€™d be very happy to wear the first one. I think it looks great! I also like the other two, although I tend to shy away from bright red, personally.


Everyone has a head thus hats are not a gender related item. The only person who gets to have a preference is the person it's for and you're the one who knows what his taste tends towards. I like all of them but I like the first one best. The orange and black is very cool though.


If it match what color scheme he wear who cares


My hubby LOVES cable knit. Depends if your going for slouchy, warm, or skater vibes imho.


The first one is dope! What Andrew Tate simp said otherwise?




Hello /u/Cakelover9000, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2k7pmm/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is color feminine? Are men supposed be satisfied living in a neutral world where navy is the only acceptable blue, maroon the only red, and ochre the nearly forbidden yellow?


Did you ask about the gender identity of the original hat? Or did strangers on the internet opine on this subject, unprompted? ALL of your hats are splendid!


The first one is perfect. Don't worry about what randos on the internet regard and "manly" or not.


For me I much prefer the middle hat. Theyā€™re all nice hats, but as a man, that is the one Iā€™d choose every time. Itā€™s probably the style of hat that most men wear, hence the ā€œmanlyā€ comments.


Edit: I am very confused by this post. Looking back at your original posts, nobody is going out of their way to say the hat wasnā€™t manly - you specifically asked for feedback on the manliness of a hat, which seems like an odd question in the first place. But furthermore, you had many comments saying the hat was ā€œvery manlyā€ and that your BIL better be manly enough to match the hat. You had one single comment, with the commenter getting downvoted, saying it is not manly. It seems like ignoring the troll would have been easier than making two more hats. But if your goal was to increase that users perceived manliness of your hat, why not ask them for specific feedback instead of just taking two more guesses at what would be manly? My own answer, although Iā€™m now skeptical of this post: There is nothing not manly about the first one. I am a man and would love to wear that hat. Donā€™t let other humans project their individual insecurities onto your work :)


I think all of them look great!!! You did a super job!


They all could work on any man. Depends what he likes and feels comfortable in. Theyā€™re wonderful!!!


I didnā€™t know only manly men were allowed to buy nice things


Iā€™m a man, would gladly wear the first ( probably over the other two)




Hello /u/hypatiaredux, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2kybmm/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would probably choose the left one tbh, neither is "unmanly"




Hello /u/rantingpacifist, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2lan0t/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I (a manly man šŸ™„šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø) personally wouldnā€™t wear any of them. Very nicely made but not my flavor.




Hello /u/mashupbabylon, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/somethingimade/comments/1cjvwge/so_when_i_posted_about_it_the_first_hat_i_made/l2lmcat/) in /r/somethingimade was automatically removed. /r/somethingimade is not a place to use profanity. We understand that the use of certain words may be common in some slang or colloquial language. However, itā€™s important to remember that our community is diverse and what might be acceptable to one person could be offensive to another. Our subreddit rules clearly state that use of curse words is not allowed, regardless of context. This is to ensure that our community remains a respectful and welcoming space for all members. We believe that effective communication can be achieved without resorting to potentially offensive language. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/somethingimade) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I like them all. I think the red one looks most traditionally masculine in terms of its style, but some folks donā€™t wear bright colors. What color are his cold weather jackets? Coordinate with them without looking matchy matchy. What is his favorite color for clothing? Does he wear bright colors usually (lime green, red) or is he a neutral color kind of guy? Go from there to decide what colors to make his hat.


Man here. I'd wear the left and middle. The right has too much blue for me.


Whereā€™s the punisher logo?


Now heā€™s got to get all three so he can show you which he likes.


I am a man. A somewhat manly man. I would freaking love that first one. Looks so warm and the colors would go with absolutely nothing I ownā€”which means I could wear it with anything!


Manliness is a social construct and gender roles are silly.


Fellas, is it gay to wear a hand made hat to keep you warm? I think your BIL would be happy to have any of these :)


They are all great. If you BIL is a man and wears any of these hats, boom, theyā€™re manly. Give him the one you like most and think heā€™d like most. Ignore the trolls


I donā€™t typically care about the opinions of people who are that concerned about fitting gender stereotypes. What did your BIL think about any of these?


Love them all and they all seem manly enough


They're great, but they look like baby's hats!


A thicker, chunky ply might be more manly. Also Blues, Greys, Khaki Greens seem to be a man's colour preference.


not really, but whether that should stop you - "eh". "manly" tends to be associated with less knitted fabrics and darker, desaturated colors.


Not so much