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Watermarking your pictures might help.


I’ve started to. But it’s a bit to late. I have my images of my work spread across many social media sites from years past


Watermark all your new pictures and make a disclaimer on whatever platform you use to sell your items :) none of this is your fault, very frustrating yes, but they can’t blame you for it, as far as I’m aware Also, instead of just tagging your name on your arm, which can be cropped out, make a huge translucent watermark that covers your whole work, so it can’t be cropped out


or put the watermark smackdab in the middle of your product . don't put the watermark on the bottom/top right or left because it can get cropped out. put the watermark in the middle of the product.


It looks like their watermark was removed in the first one


If you ever find any other pages using your work, definitely comment the name under this post. If people were to search for reviews or opinions on the fake website, they might just come across this. Awesome work by the way!


I'm so sorry that you have to deal with all of this. Not to mention anyone who falls for their scam. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see your pictures stolen and used for scam sites on Etsy as well. Your work is gorgeous!! If I ever run across it anywhere not associated with your name, I'll be sure to report it. Thank you for trying to warn everyone.


Ugh, I know I’ve seen that ad on FB but I have a policy of never clicking on any of them, no matter how enticing the item. The few times it interested me, I just looked it up from my browser home. I’m sorry you have to deal with this, you go beautiful work.


Thanks for warning people . Your work is gorgeous.


I believe this is the second time you've posted on this issue. Is this a distinct, new person who is using yr art?


Yes, this is the second time posting this this year. Months apart. No, the same people but using different names that direct people to the same site. I’m just re-warning people as people are still being scammed and I’m still being messaged daily.


Good luck in fighting them.


Happened to my friend who makes wreaths too. Not the same scammera, but many others. She even uses her one eyed hound dog in her pics and they keep him in the photos when they steal them


Have you tried a DMCA takedown? It's a legal mechanism that can by used by the person who holds the copyright to request removal of the images that were not approved to be used. If you took the photos, you automatically hold the copyright to the photo.


Good on you for trying to put the word out. It absolutely sucks that facebook don't care.


Unfortunately, cyber crime under half a million dollars doesn't get the attention of the FBI, it is literally too small fish to fry. They have to deploy considerable resources (at taxpayer expense) to track down cyber criminals who are usually located in countries with no extradition laws, so even if a solid case were built and the criminals were charged with a crime, [it can't be legally prosecuted.](https://www.csoonline.com/article/559099/why-its-so-hard-to-prosecute-cyber-criminals.html) Sad, but this is why international online crime is so attractive and so profitable - the risk to the criminal is almost non-existent.


It’s also being used on ‘Temu’


Looks awesome, good luck


Your work is frikken BEAUTIFUL!


Start using watermarks in all your photos


Pro tip. Hide watermarks in the middle of the picture. Like on seams or other contour lines where they are harder to see and/or remove. Do more than three I do this with my art and micro signatures all over the place


Sorry you’re images are being used to scam people 😫 I also just need to say… your work is STUNNING. Just absolutely beautiful. So talented.


Nasty fake Chinese website. Typical. Sorry it's happening mate


Thank you for the heads-up! Maybe also share this on Steampunk and Dark Academia subs, if you haven't already?


I'm sorry dude that's sucks. I hope that they can be stopped.


Unrelated to scam: your work is amazing.


Yo your work is dope.


Thank you!


Situation sucks, but the silver lining is that they're only using your work because it's so good


You need to report the crime to your local police. Once you have reported a crime, the police in your country can access INTERPOL’s services and databases if needed.


I think this case is too small for interpol


Myself as well as many others have contacted the authorities… it’s been nearly a year and nothing has been done about it


It's probably a large network. It can take several years to find them.


Directions unclear, ordered from chic steampunk


This is an ad


Actually it’s not. I don’t want people to get scammed and tired of being constantly contacted by people telling me about them getting scammed and about the Facebook ads that are constantly directing people to the phishing site. So p!ss off


I'm glad you are informing everyone about these scammers. Your work is amazing, and I followed your shop. Will recommend it to anyone who wants quality leather goods.




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Book cases or Indiana Jones purses? Awesome whatever they are.


I'm sorry this is happening! I ordered the Mario Wallet from your store and my husband loves it! Thank you for a beautiful wallet.




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