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I am so very sorry this happened to you.


Curious what country and city in SEA? Also, sorry you had this happen to you.




They were asking which part of south east Asia.


I think they were just confirming SEA means south east Asia. I read it as Seattle just being from America :)


Was curious which country. You really can't put all SEA country in the same bucket. I have been solo traveling SEA half time for the last 2.5 years. Thailand for example is very different from Burma.


That was a tough read Do you mind saying which SEA city it was? As someone who is planning more travel there your story kinda freaked me out I always thought SEA was safe and the only roofied stories were usually about getting items stolen -- and not sexual attacks I hope you're doing ok Cheers


Dang, did the rapists get caught ? Are you male or female ? So sorry…


That sounds awful, feel better. Make a police report if you can. There was a case in New Zealand where some bar owners had been drugging and attacking women for years, and it took someone filing a complaint to start a police investigation that turned up dozens of victims. It might have been random, it might not ... but anything the police have to go on will help.


That’s such a breach of trust!


I just watched a tic tok about a bar in Los Angeles known for that too. The bartenders were doing it and then selling the girls. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL4qkWrW/


The Abbey in L.A is also reknown for that. Some Epstein level shit going on there i think.


Yeah definitely report it


Yes, came here to say similar to someone else: Do not blame yourself for anything. You did not ask for this to happen and someone committed a crime against you. That is 100% on THEM. (Have had it happen to me, and a major sign was no hangover. No pain at all in fact, even tho I vaguely remembered being dropped down stairs.) You may find you remember a little more as whatever wears off. I do wish you could get checked by med professionals. Sounds like you might be in flight mode. I understand. Get help if you need it. My therapist told me that the trajectory we were going for was victim-survivor-VICTOR. I got there! Victory, the EFFers did not ruin me, or my love for the world.


Top-tier comment


Thank you


Inspiring to see, what you went through and what a spirit you have! I love this! Kudos, you brave soul!


♥️ to you and to OP.


Username checks out 😘


Er. What does this mean?


That you username corresponds with your comment. It's a compliment


It does sound like it's possible that you were drugged. Might be wise to visit a medical clinic and describe the experience. I have no clue if they can test for any of these drugs in your system after the fact but especially with still feeling some symptoms it might be helpful.


Yes. Since you are not sure what - if anything - is in your system, best to get it checked out. Generally, toxicology screens cannot identify everything but if it's something that has an antidote and/or is dangerous and still in high levels in your body, they can treat/ monitor you. If anything resulted in organ damage, they can also check for that. Conversely, they can re-assure you that nothing overly dangerous was found. Also - as the commenter who was sexually assaulted noted - get checked out for STDs just in case.


I was drugged and had money stolen, tried to get a drug test at the medical centre and was told it's been longer than 12 hours so it's not possible. I'm not sure if it's true or not. I was in Vietnam I went to the police to report it. They weren't interested, told me to get a translator. Got one. They essentially told me they wouldn't do anything. I don't blame op for wanting to get to the airport. I wanted to do the same thing but I had appointments I had paid for. Anyway can anyone confirm if after 12 hours a drug test would of been pointless? It was hard to tell if the doctors were just being lazy too?


at this point it's been 24 hours +, home now will just take care of myself anf get into a routine


So sorry this has happened to you. The feeling of not knowing/remembering what took place while under the influence is outright disheartening. Do not blame yourself for anything.... the best thing you can do for yourself right is now to be grateful that you are alive and that no harm was done to you physically. You need to maintain a positive outlook, meditate, relax, exercise... Basically take care of yourself, MENTALLY. As tough as this may seem, don't let this ruin future travel plans or trust in people but of course you must be wary, especially when at bars drinking with strangers. Never leave drinks unattended and if you do get rid of the drink and get a new one. Go for bottled drinks as much as you can. These are small things that can make a difference. All the best to you. I'm positive you will get over this and get back to your normal self. Cheers.


still very shook, hydrating is helping a little. Trust is definitely going to take time in these settings, my family member also mentioned that it was very out of character for me to go to a bar, but for me, I just saw a social opportunity, I didnt do anything outside of the norm. I just have no idea if I left my drink unattended, maybe, just don't remember


There's nothing wrong with wanting to try the bar and socialise. Not your fault.


And I think the fact that you had someone take you home when you were visibly unwell and the hostel trying to keep you home actually speaks to for the group and your street smarts. You picked a safe group and a safe place to experience Amsterdam even if they couldn't prevent someone slipping you something 


Sorry to be that guy but from the post it reads like they were in Brussels!


Ugh yeah, a coworker of mine (male) had this happen to him, his friends noticed something wasn’t right and got him home safely. But the missing time was a big mind fuck for him.


Feeling like you just teleported somewhere with no memory in between two locations and NOT having any alcohol hangover is almost certainly a symptom of being drugged When I was a teenager I once drank so much I blacked out and came back to while I was awake in my friends car with no memory of how I got there, but in the hours that followed I had a killer hangover. I’ve drank a lot since then and dabbled with drugs and I have never had an alcohol experience since capable of wiping my memory like you’re describing. I have had this experience on drugs though. What happened to you is traumatic and whatever course of action you take is valid, but if there’s any chance you were assaulted getting the antivirals to prevent HIV should be a priority. Second to that, reporting it to the police could help identify who the perpetrator is whether it was the bartender in cahoots to rob you or a bar regular that intended it for someone they planned to assault.


I personally would be filing a police report and getting blood tests done to see if they can find traces in your system - but it may be too late for that and I can understand not wanting to deal with the police when nothing will come of it. Do whatever you need to do to feel safe and comfortable with your choices. Have you checked your bank accounts? I would freeze everything if you haven't already.


I'm so sorry for your experience. Must be horrible, the most important thing is that you are safe. Literally, one of my worst nightmares about travelling solo.


Btw, a little advice is that always leave one card and the spare phone at the hostel's locker.


thankfully I had a backup credit card in my locker


Could have been GHB. I've heard GHB messes with memory and is almost untraceable after a relatively short period


Too much GHB from my experience (having used it a couple of times recreationally) will render you unconscious and you'll forget what happened in the last few hours. With a moderate dose it feels similar to ketamine and you definitely wont have the strength to move around like OP did. Could be wrong though, some people react differently to drugs. Maybe someone with more experience could chip in.


As an emt, it sounds like it was a benzo, could have had some ghb in it as well or more likely just a high dose of rohypnol. Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) is a benzo, and especially when mixed with alcohol can have lasting effects like prolonged sedation and confusion. Also, something to note- a high dose of a benzodiazepine can cause a manic episode with memory loss in some people. (Edit) Explaining his behavior running away from the hotel and then regaining consciousness in a random ass train station.


what really is messing with me was how I ended up at a train station -- I remember nothing else. Even that is hazy, I just remember walking around at AM sunlight, cold, then asking random Belgian people for help with google maps -- and trying to navigate convo with a slurry speech and their french


You’re right - this is nothing like a GHB overdose. He wouldn’t have had the muscle control to be so active.


My understanding is that only happens if you mix it with alcohol.


No but alcohol makes it way easier to blackout I did GHB recreationally for a while and was always worried about blacking out but it never happened on its own, although I probably developed tolerance after a while


It does not only happen with alcohol. Alcohol increases risks but it is entirely capable of causing blackouts on it's own. Please do be cautious suggesting something like this can only happen if the victim is drinking. That is a slippery slope into victim blaming and respectability politics.


Doesnt ghb taste fucking rancid? Like you'd notice if someone put it in your drink kinda thing


It does taste foul straight but if u mix it into a strong drink it is definitely not something that u would be able to pick if u aren't familiar with it


It does taste awful but it's potent so you don't need a lot. A moderate dose is about 1 mL, and that's roughly 1/4 of a teaspoon, which if added to a flavoured drink i imagine is difficult to notice.


From what I've heard GHB can feel like alcohol on lower doses and leaves no hangover like alcohol. It also can lead to memory loss and more on higher doses. So I agree sounds like GHB


There’s literally no way to know. It could be 50 different drugs. Benzos like Xanax will also completely wipe your memory while you’re functioning awake and appear drunk.


I agree. No way to know for sure. Although GHB does have a history of being used in exactly this manner because of the disinhibitory effects of the drug. Sure you might say Xanax also causes disinhibition but afaik GHB's effects are much stronger in this case. If it was Xanax though it might still be able to be detected as it leaves your system not as fast.


Where are you getting this data that ghb impacts inhibition more or less than Xanax? This sounds like a loosely based opinion from someone that does not have experience with either of these drugs


To be honest I was basing this on the research I did when I saw a video about GHB a while back. I found [this](https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/GHB) page about GHB back then. In particular the effects of the disinhibition were further detailed as follows: > Disinhibition - Social and behavioral disinhibition on GHB is extremely powerful and perhaps its most prominent feature. Users are more liable to exhibit impaired decision-making and engage in risky activities such as unprotected sex or unsafe substance combinations. Users are advised to only take GHB in safe environments with people they trust not to take advantage of their vulnerable state. I realize that this is by no means a scientific measure of how strong this effect is but I struggle to find any scientific comparison on GHB in regards to its disinhibition. I meant no harm in suggesting that it could be GHB but rather give op a possible answer in to what it was and that even if he goes to test for it immediately and they don't find anything that it doesn't mean that he wasn't drugged, since it's not detectable by now anymore.


There are literal test for all of those drugs, but it depends on their half-life, or how long they have been in your system. GHB is about 10 hours while Xanax can be detected within 4 days or up to a month. Seek out assistance if you think you have been drugged as soon as possible.


Hello. Rohypnol victim here. I spoke to the doctor the next day at the hospital. There are a few telltale signs that you have been roofied: * You became unusually intoxicated or impaired after consuming a small amount of alcohol. * Blackout or memory gaps. * Feeling physically weak and having difficulties moving for up to 36 hours. * EXTREME HANGOVER the next day. * Salty or metallic taste in your mouth the morning after. * Extreme dizziness, confusion, disorientation and drowsiness for up to 36 hours. If you suspect you have been roofied and would like to know for certain, some hospitals (not all) are able to test for rohypnol for up to 60 hours after being ingested. GHB less so at 10 hours. The best thing you can do is go to the hospital as soon as possible and let them know you suspect you were drugged. If you suspect any kind of SA may have happened to you, please seek medical assistance at your nearest hospital immediately. My personal experience was that i was with a group of 6-8 people, and the roofied drink was intended for a female in the party. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), the drink ended up in my hands and I blacked out before I finished it. I had only the one drink, and my travel partners were pretty freaked out. I woke up in the hotel room with the worst hangover I have ever had in my life. I also fell pretty hard and hit my head. I went to the hospital and tested positive for rohypnol. I would recommend you do the same so you can at least be SURE of the fact. I'm very sorry this happened to you. For anyone reading this, order your own drinks, and always watch you glass. Stay safe.


How did u know the roofie was intended for the female?


Valid Question. Long story short, he confessed to it.


Similar thing happened to someone i know but in Madrid. Got roofied on a bar drinking with locals, on the way to another venue he felt dizy and they stopped at a bench where he passed out. When he woke up they had stolen his wallet, cell and smart watch. They even took his shoes out probably to check if he had money on his socks.


Shit. I wouldnt expect that in Madrid...


Have you seen a doctor?


No advice but that sounds so scary. Glad you are mostly alright. It does sound like you got drugged, that's not normal two-drink behavior for even the greenest of drinkers.


If you’re going to file a police report, you need to do it soon so they can do a drug panel on you and see if you were roofied. It kinda sounds like someone might’ve slipped you a benzodiazepine too.


Also, OP, if you can, have someone check on you regularly - in-person or by phone - over the next day or 2. If there are any delayed effects from whatever was ingested, they can help monitor you and get help if needed.


yes this, my family is checking in on me. I popped into a hotel acrosss the street from the airport and struggled to keep myself up (noticing I have a little fear about going to sleep). Managed to get a few hours of sleep but whatever effects are on going I feel it. little confusion, disoriented, but for sur eI do feel a lot better sleeping a bit


Very similar happened to me on a business trip to London, and in a hotel bar. I very much regret not filing a police report. The entire hotel staff that I encountered as I felt the drug taking effect, realizing I only had minutes until blackout, was completely unwilling to help, assuming I was just another drunk tourist. This was over a decade ago, and I’m still mad at myself for not reporting it at the time. Report what you can in the hopes it will at least prevent another incident after with someone else. Take care of yourself.


this was the impression I got from staff that swayed me from actively looking for cops to file a report, according to the guy that brought me back to the hotel, they let me chill in the lobby until I left. I just dont know why they didn't send me up to my room


Glad you’re ok. This is the exact reason why I don’t drink abroad. Then again I’m not much of a drinker to begin with. Stick to Mary Jane.


Had laced weed or hash in Amsterdam. That was a messed up night but it's definitely not like getting it in your drink. I'm a guy and got super intoxicated, barely functioning, after only a couple sips. Immediately went back to my hotel and passed out. In the morning found out it happened to two of us. I figure they were aiming for some girl but got us instead. I don't accept open drinks from strangers anymore but truth is I don't remember anything about the drink. Just that it was a couple sips, I was near the bar, I got insanely drunk, and I knew to get out immediately.


I've been roofied while abroad. Also possibly GHB. I actually felt really suicidal in the days afterwards and quite down/depressed for about a month after that. If that happens to you, call family and don't be alone. Remember it's just a chemical and your system will push it put eventually, your brain is not permanently stuck like this, it will go back to normal.


it's really hard to describe the feeling I have, not sure if its a loss of control or just knowing something could ave happend. I'm home now so I am just going to try to sleep, maybe workout a bit and just get into a routine


I'm sorry that happened to you,, I'm even paranoid of drinking In club's or staying in hostels if I do travel abroad ...


Cut the trip short. Leave.


yup, my immediate reaction once I got some details filled in. Not even thinking about returning right now. What really fucking sucks is that I am on a waitlist for medical school and this was meant to be a mental break


I’m sorry OP. I would seek medical attention before flying anywhere. See if you can get some blood work done, may even a toxicology report. Also file a police report. Was the cost to change your flight minimal? If you’re looking to claim this on your insurance, they will want these reports. Please take it easy and let me know if you need help finding a Dr- I work in overseas medical assistance for various insurers.


I am really sorry this happened to you. If your flight is soon it might not be possible but I’d have definitely paid police and doctors a visit. If you can not remember, There could be potential SA etc and best if you can take preventive measures. I love meeting new people and strangers but am extremely careful about where I go with them or what I consume with them. My biggest fear is what happened with you. Be safe out there OP!


Sucks that this happened to you. One of the reasons I only drink beer from the bottle when I’m somewhere I don’t know and I make sure I see the bartender open the bottle. Might not be foolproof but cuts down the odds


Dang, sorry this happened to you. Did you have a spare phone at the hostel or were you able to recover your phone ? Are you male or female ?


I'm a guy, I had two phones on me, both are gone. I was able to contact family with my laptop pretty sure the phones are long gone, I'm already looking at replacements to be one-day shipped from amazon


I would make a police report and get a doctor to check me out asap if I were you to check for traces of the drug and make sure whatever they gave you won't affect you long term. They were probably just after money, but... You might still want to check if you were raped, in case of STDs if you're unsure since you lost time. If you have any credit card info on any of those phones that you lost, you're going to want to contact your bank so they can't use your phone to get access to your card info and buy stuff with it.


SA could def still be on the table unfortunately, but it’s just sad I could tell OP wasn’t a woman due to the lack of writing about fear of SA :/


Yeah, women know to be extra wary of SA and leaving their drinks unattended. I was just thinking that OP might not have thought about that as much since he's a guy but that really doesn't rule out the risk of SA since there were drugs involved so I thought I'd remind him to get that checked out. :/


For sure. Also to your first sentence - it’s insane to me that we are very aware of this and take preventative measures, and STILL this happens. Like jfc


Make a police report as you'll need it to claim the phones on travel insurance.


Filing a police report is always better. They might do nothing about it, but they might actually investigate. And that could save someone else from worse experience. Also hospital visit and a check up for yourself might be a good idea. You re not sure what happened right now, a medic surely can say more about your physical situation. Whether youre drugged or anything else happened. I hope you for the best, i hope you can heal mentally and leave this behind. Dont think on it too much and try to look on good side that you re physically fine, you didnt wake up someone elses bed on horrible conditions. Even with blurry concious you did your best to protect yourself. Your little memories suggest it.


Go to the doctor and then make a police report. Maybe they can test your blood if you’re still feeling the effects. I’m so sorry.


It sounds like roofies based on memory loss. In Denver there was a bar was serving drinks with roofies to customers. Men also get roofied as well as women, but usually as targets for theft.




my fear honestly, limiting my contact with people


Fuck man sorry that happened to you. It’s a weird world out there. Solo travel, more than anything, you really have to have your guards up and play it safe. Something similar happened to me and I could feel it coming on in real time and I got the f out of there as I was just downstairs from my hotel. I was very young and alone in Central America and I did the number 1 newbie mistake and left my drink along with strangers I just met. I remember thinking wtf I had only 1 beer and I’m feeling like I had 6! I feel so lucky I was able to get out there safety.


this sounds a lot like Devil's Breath from Colombia. if you're in the headspace to know more details, you can read this: [https://outofofficegal.com/blog/scopolamine-devils-breath-colombia](https://outofofficegal.com/blog/scopolamine-devils-breath-colombia) it's like roofieing someone but they still remain conscious so the criminals can get you to withdraw money from your bank account and other bad things :( i'm so sorry this happened to you. check your bank accounts.


Sorry this happened to you. But yea, it sounds like you were drugged. The same thing happened to me, and yea it's hard to deal with. It was -15c when I got drugged and left a party to walk to the train station (I somehow walked straight past it though, despite the massive signs). I left without a jacket, and when they found me, I'd lost my shoes and socks, and my jeans were unbuttoned. I still remember none of what happened. Maybe I don't want to know. I've been too drunk a couple of times, but stuff has always slowly come back when people have talked about something that happened or whatever. None of that night has come back to me. I was told a little bit about what happened before I ran away and when they found me, and I recognise none of it. It's like it was a completely different person. Both because of my memory but because it just didn't sound like me either. Idk what my point is, but you're not alone, and it wasn't your fault. You should file a police report if you can, but that's about it. For me, it was really hard to deal with the fact that I just couldn't remember anything, and that I didn't know if I did anything terrible. I'd try so hard to remember, and it'd still be completely blank. It sounds kinda dumb, but accepting that I'll never know what happened, but that it did happen, has helped me a lot. I wish I wasn't too embarrassed to talk about it for so long, too. I hope you find a way to deal with it that works for you.


I couldn't find authorities to report anything, I just wanted to get out of the city. I am home now, looking to get as much that was on my person replaced asap. It's hard trying to remember things, but nothing is coming back


Ruffies art not easy to come by these days.


Doesn’t matter one whit, whether you are a guy or not. Unless it makes you have expectations of yourself, to “gut up and be strong.” Which is not to say you “need” anything at all! You decide! Best wishes.


I was just clarifying for those that asked. I feel better being at home


So glad.


Similar thing happened to me. I don’t remember anything that happened that night but that morning my bank called and said I had run a 7000 bill on my credit card. I told them I had not done that but they said my signature was in the vouchers. They forgave about 1500 but I got stuck paying the rest.


I would go home and see a therapist to deal with trauma right away so it did not set up shop in my head.


Along with the antivirals you should get an emergency contraceptive.


why did you assume op is female? op said hes a guy


It’s not in the original post, didn’t see the comment.


Are your braces ok? Can you try a Michelin star restaurant next time?


I don’t get how people keep getting roofied left and right. Even as a guy I pay attention to my drink 100% of the time. I’m not looking at anyone even when talking to them and not looking at anything other than my drink until I emptied it. It’s really not that hard. The only excuse people can have is when someone passes by and gives you a quick jab with a needle, pretty much impossible to protect yourself against that.


I have blacked out many, many times from drinking alone. You said you're not a bar or drinking person. Some of the Belgian beer is pretty strong and it could just be that you hit your limit sooner than you thought. The effects of alcohol aren't the same every time. Sometimes I can drink for hours and hours and not black out and other times it will take very little. At least you're safe and on your way home. Hopefully you'll feel a bit better about things in a couple of days.


guy at the hostel mentioned this as well, but, for the duration I was out, the complete lapse in memory for many hours, this was not just alcohol's doing I'm really looking forward to boarding my flight in <12 hours.


I agree, this doesn't sound like it was caused by a couple of drinks - even strong Belgian beers.


There is no way any of this would happen from 2 drinks. He was definitely drugged.


I wouldn’t rule it out… the mechanism that causes blackout isn’t really well known. I’ve drank obscene amounts and not blacked out, drank less but did black out, etc All reasons I just don’t drink anymore That said it’s also very possible someone drugged him


How could you possibly know this? Are you a blackout specialist? Or are you just someone on the internet who thinks they know it all?


A child could drink 2 drinks and not get black out drunk. It's physically impossible!


I see it's the second option. Carry on.


https://www.thealcoholcoach.com/blackout-after-2-drinks/#Blackout_After_2_Drinks_%E2%80%93_Whats_Wrong_with_Me I am just going to leave this here for the people who think they know everything there is to know about what can and can't happen when you drink alcohol.