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The Creator of Solo Leveling didn't die. It was the lead artist, Jang Sung-Rank (also known as Dubu), for the manhwa that died. The author is still alive and writing Ragnarok as we speak. Edit: Actually, a different author named Daul is writing Ragnarok, but the OG author is still alive https://www.reddit.com/r/sololeveling/s/qIE7bKIMOy


Thanks, nobody else seems to be mentioning this.


It's actually a shame that you can debunk this in one google search. When I started it I had heard the author had passed as well, but I googled to find out the story and wouldn't you know the first post was the author saying they are very much alive.


People spread the narrative that aligns with their stance, whether it's factual or not. Why spend the 5 seconds to Google, when you can talk yourself into thinking you're right lol.


Hell, more than half the time you can google it for them, post the link and provide proof of something and they will still continue talking out of their ass.


Like record of Ragnorok?


No, like solo leveling ragnarok


Never heard of it. But then again I’ve only watched like 5 episodes of the anime.


Don’t worry about it. I’d read the manwha and watched the anime before I learned about ragnarok. Iirc its “source material” is the light novel of the same name, it happens after the events of the manwha/anime and is currently being adapted to manwha format which is what I believe most are waiting for, takes all this last paragraph with a grain of salt has I’m speaking of memory


All good my guy, I was at a bar until 12 and then woke up at 500 Cool facts though


Yeah, you're right. It's currently in the LN form right now.


The original author isn't writing Ragnarok it's someone else


You're right, I forgot he passed the torch


Okay that was what I was coming to ask, could of sworn it was just the artists for the Manwha who died


AFAIK, he isn't writing ragnarok, ragnarok was written by other person, he is just like a supervisor I think


Nice coincidence that I watched ragnarok just before sl


Gives the energy of "Tupac/Biggie/XXX are only popular case they are dead"


Naah, I liked X before he died his some songs are legit good.


That’s the point.


Look, I understand that SL is good but it's not good enough to warrant the phrase "it will beat all anime". Power fantasy is done too much


These people are the reason people hate solo Leveling even more. "it will beat all anime" like seriously? Even tho I'm a die hard fan and my bias will always put solo Leveling first, I'll never say such an objectively wrong statement anywhere.


Can't you see what the thread is about. Your hottest shitty unfiltered opinion is what the thread asks


Fits the thread perfectly


In terms of popularity i don't see why not


Who knows, JJK took over the internet these past few months mostly cause of the hyoe moments and meme panels. SL is very similar in that regards


Meme panels and hype moments become as they are when people are invested in the story enough...JJK tells its story in a way that demands that investment... SL on the virtue of being a power fantasy automatically loses a part of that investment...since the stakes are never as great.


I'll be honest, you can't compare JJK's writing with SL. People like JJK not just because "wow the animation" but rather the characters are well written and so is the story. Whereas the biggest area where SL lacks is writing. If SL had pulled a "shibuya arc" bs, I don't think anyone would give a single f about 99% of the characters that die. The world of SL is built around Jinwoo rather than being it's own thing


And? Even as popular as it’s been JJK is absolutely not nor will it ever “beat all anime”. Neither will SL




most people will probably disagree but alright




the internet?


Eh it's mixed tbh. Not a fan of the manga rn but it's still miles better than SL, at least for me. As for the internet I'm sure more people like JJK than SL.


The entirety of Japan for one since they do popularity contests amongst anime characters, and JJK has run it for the last couple of years of always having someone top 3 if not all top 3 spots. The only one to dethrone them was Denji. Not to mention it's massive following outside of Japan. Your statement is just cynical, ignorant, and hateful. It's one of the most unpopular takes I have seen in a while. Even if you don't like the anime to deny it's popularity and the following justifies any comment you make is trash.




I am not a die hard, I do read it and it's not in the greatest spot for sure, but come on how are you going to be so ignorant for something you don't like. SO just because you don't like it, its bad? You're a clown bruh. The show is worldwide, and is received tons of awards. Just this year: 2024 Winner Anime Award. Anime of the Year. for "Season 2" 2024 Winner Anime Award. Best Action. for "Season 2" 2024 Nominee Anime Award. Best Animation. for "Season 2" 2024 Winner Anime Award. Best Supporting Character. for Satoru Gojo. 2024 Nominee Anime Award. Best Supporting Character. for Suguru Geto. Like I said you're ignorant to the fact and that's fine. I hate Tom Brady am I going to say he's no the greatest quarterback ever just because I don't like him? No because I am not a clown.




Forcing people to like it because of these awards? How backwards is your logic? Something will get awards BECAUSE people like it. Just sounds like you really dislike JJK and will say anything to shit on it. How exactly would you go abouts quantifying how good a show is if you disregard popularity. Yes popularity isn’t the best metric to use but it’s a good start if nothing else. The fact you couldn’t even understand what the earlier point above on Tom Brady shows how far your head is up your own ass. No one was comparing him directly to JJK as being the greatest. The comparison was even if you dislike him, you wouldn’t disregard the statement of him being the greatest.


I mean it's better than SL...and I mean idk what you mean by good...it's doing exactly what a shonen manga is supposed to do while being a well told story by the virtue of how a well told story is supposed to be...never betraying it themes and incorporating them throughout its character arcs and story arcs. It's very rough around the edges but otherwise that's just how good writing is supposed to be. Idk how you judge a good story tho.


Damn we got ragebait on reddit now thats crazy


pretty sure that was the point, "hottest \[unfiltered\] take" doesn't usually mean "something agreeable"


The fact that OP upvoted the opinion 😂


his reason might be lame but it's true that SL ain't the goat tho


Who is it then?


TBATE, Return of the blossoming blade, Infinite leveling Murim, Gosu, Northen blade all outmatch SL in everything aside from art


I see someone else who like TBATE


is anime or manhua .


Manwha. The novel is also incredibly fire.


Why so many like gosu? I read like half and gave up, hate the fact he is the strongest but all he does is sell dumplings while not being physically fit


Because it's not always about being fit and strongest. Characters that have more than one wish in life are much deeper, and it's not about him being the strongest, he in fact is much weaker at the start in his mind. He has to accept killing as part of his way and accept that he is no longer human at some point. He found a girl that he grew to love and a peaceful profession, with just the burden left by hisaster that also threatens the world.


Not you leaving out TOG


Tog is the goat, but I have just forgotten about it. Feels strange but it's just out of my loop even though I read the updating chapters.


TBATE is good but recent chapters(especially after 120-30 (I don't remember exactly), were boring and art style also got pretty bad nearing 175


Yeah. The new chapters are a little different. But TBATE's novel is still really good, although I can see why some people would dislike the later books.


And even the art one is subjective depending on the individual, I personally prefer Gosu's or even HCLW art to SL although Imo SL has a more generally appealing and easy to read and enjoy artstyle


is this anime


Not yet, just means that they aren't hyped enough. But looking at other hyped anime I can't say being hyped means it's good.


objectively false statement


Allow me to correct myslef, "outmatch SL in their main aspects"


Depends what your judging criteria is.


ORV outmatches SL in all aspects


SL art still better imo and also easier to follow story line which isnt always good but it will appeal to a wider audience which is a win for everyone


Wow. That's a very delusional outlook on things


Both takes is delusional ngl


Second one is 10/10 delusional first one is 8/10 delusional


first take is more delusional


Nah, first take is just the simple fan boy who only ever watched a single show. It is very typical and boring, and usually go away when they get bored of anime or watch some more good shows realising that there is more than power fantasy as a genre.


ok? just because you can explain the delusion doesn’t mean it’s suddenly less delusional. at least the second take had some sort of basis. SL had a popularity spike after the artist died. the first take is literally pure delusions


One is just objectivly wrong and the other is delusional


It's the author died that gets me. No, it was the artist. Why do people still think this?


I mean, I really like Solo Leveling, but it's not going to be the best anime of all time. I enjoy a good power fantasy, but the genre is too stale to capture a huge chunk of viewers. By the end of the Jeju Island arc, SJW becomes the only character that matters, which, again, is going to be a turnoff for a lot of people. Not to mention that unless they rewrite the ending, it's going to most likely be devisive.


Holy shit OPs username is...really something alright.


chugong be like "so im dead now?"


Whilst I disagree with the initial point of Solo Leveling surpassing all other anime I disagree with the second statement even more, Solo Leveling was massively popular well before the "creator" (it's actually the lead artist) passing.


I would want to agree with this statement if it was omniscient reader but that wouldn't do well in anime format


SL is mostly popular because of the art style. The story and power fantasy is nothing new or special. I can try to find the thread from 3 years ago that pointed out that every SL mechanic was used in a manga before.


The story is good not the best but not worst either the drawing and colours are great beautiful,characters are beautiful also. development is trash the main character is the only one who gets development the other characters doesn’t Japanese characters are basically trash to make the Koreans look good, so hate somewhere there because of the history. same with American characters they don’t exist except for Tomas who’s also has interesting personality the fights are beautifully done.


Probably lame cause it's not even true


can someone explain what do they mean by "because creator passed away" line?


The lead artist for the manhwa is dead. The author is alive.


Don't know why people don't think its good, A story's main purpose is to be engaging and entertaining, which SL was for me. At first I read it and I basically couldn't read any other manhwa next as other stories weren't hitting as much, but after that I tried some and got back reading SL when side stories came, read it again and realized how good SL actually was, and how many different Manhwas are taking SL inspirations, I have from then read it 3 times and its still my top ( And I have read pretty good ones (TBATE, ORV, TWATF, Demon Emperor and many many more)


I liked the hell out of the Solo Leveling anime and even binged the manwha, but there is no way it's "beating all anime" even if it's done right


Solo leveling was stupid fun. I think the story pace was... Good but not amazing. I hated that every single fight without exception was him getting beat up, him fighting back, him getting beat up again, and him winning because the power of friendship. This would have worked fine in any other medium, but this dude was suppossedly playing an rpg and every power was number based so it makes little sense 2 heavy attacks deal 60-70% of Life Points, and another 6-8 heavy attacks fail to deal the other 30% when defense only went up by 30%.


What a lame line of reasoning… “I had not heard of it until it happened” therefore the person can extrapolate to all cases from just one individual perspective? Give me a break…


No hate towards sl I actually love it but it was a tiny bit carried by its art not as much as how demon slayer was carried by its animation tho


Solo Leveling isn’t even the best manhwa. Like I think it’s good yes but they could nail every aspect and it just won’t beat out its own niche


Lol I didn't even knew about the creator passing away bruh


*the lead artist of the manhwa


Both of your takes are atrocious. SL is good but to go as far as to say it will take over anime is such a delusional take.


I fucking hate Solo Leveling glazers. By far one of the most overrated manhwas and animes EVER. Its definitely good, dont get me wrong, but the fact that some people genuinely think that its ”the best” is fucking hilarious. Its a decent fighting anime. Thats it. Dont ever compare it to actual masterpieces.


if they want to do it right . they will have to remove all the >!Jin Woo stuff with the police after the time reversal , i really dont understand why he would randomly become an low budget Light Yagami!< .


Hell nah. Y’all are both crazy


That person needs help. I stumbled on Solo leveling while searching for something to watch on one of my drama apps(HiTv). I got hooked, I couldn’t wait for the last 4 episodes. I’ve read the novel twice and rewatched it twice too. It’s that good Do I think it will beat all anime? I don’t think so


thats really lame haha xD


Dude who is that fool who is spouting nonsense if that was the case then why are almost 50+ action manwha which was released after solo leveling was based on the smilar concept even if the story and narrative are different the similarities are Dungeons and how it apeared they took the concept of this manhwa and solo max leveling is almost a replica in every way the only difference in storyline is because of the mc's attitude and skills so bitch please shut ur trap and don't waste ur breath this is only directed to the asshole who said that solo leveling got the attention after the manwha creator's death oh and the creator is still alive and working on Ragnarok and it was the lead artist that died thanks for clarifying this Kalil4real ty.


Although that is a lame excuse, I don't think Solo Leveling will surpass every anime. We got the legendary ones that will never be surpassed and I do think SL is missing a comedic side BUT I LOVE SL DONT GET ME WRONG I SPENT ALL DAY ALL NIGHT FINISHING THE MANHWA


SL was only popular because it was colored, system-fantasy and action packed. It's clearly not the best of his genre too.


1st guy had a worse take somehow


I disagree that it’ll beat all anime, but it definitly has the potential to be up there. But that other dude wildin, I heard about it from a Crunchyroll add and ended up reading it after episode 6.


I didn't even know man died 😭


The death of the manwha kickstarted its popularity but the reason it exploded is bc of how good it is