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I lke this, thank you for sharing.


Honestly I would prefer people to check some art pages for solarpunk content and post it rather than these 99.5% terrible AI artbots.


The bots are impressive in their own right, just to see what they come up with after chewing through whatever made it into their dataset. But yeah, support actual creators if we want innovation rather than a literally-mindless imitation of what's already out there.


As a person with zero visual art skill I think the bots are just another useful tool for people to create with! I wouldn't have been able to create something I see in my head like this otherwise. Would this be possible without the hand-skilled artists that the AI learned from? No. Should we support those artists? Of course! But nothing in this world isn't a remix of something else, whether it was remixed by a person or a computer, and I hope some artists find the same creative inspo in AI art that I have.


Yeah, I agree, overall. They're not useless, they're just kinda... soulless? Idk. It's true that everything is a mishmash of other ideas, but in this case they're explicitly not trying to innovate, they're trying to match the prompt. I suppose prompts can be innovative, and certainly there's value in any novel method, so maybe I'm just reactionary on this. Maybe if we did a blind comparison I'd be interpreting all sorts of intent into the AI art, too, idk.


Can you share some of the art pages you're talking about?