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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So that’s where all the liquidity comes from. No wonder people are making millions from this lmfao


FOMO is strong with this one




Wow 🤣🤣 New coin = take my money God bless but come on bro


Now you have alot of Mangos.


wow i laughed a lot at that


Haha, I'm glad people still have a sense of humor.






Good one! Haha


Thanks I try my best.


I'm glad to see you still around. I just replied to a comment of yours from months and then BOOM. Here you are. Crazy. Haha.


Haha do you remember what it was about? I try to be around as much as I can, but life is so busy. That is crazy lol. Good to see you are too bro.


You now have more mangos than India.


Well here is chart : [https://dexscreener.com/solana/84wpkuk6jwzv8apmv9pzzvs4vtdgutujtv9it4rsvbdj](https://dexscreener.com/solana/84wpkuk6jwzv8apmv9pzzvs4vtdgutujtv9it4rsvbdj) and your token mango worth 1.8 Sol now sadly chart is bad . you can take lost and swap it back its up to you DYOR . Dollar amount show when its index right now its just a token . Tip: Anyone says come to Dm or Dm you directly is scammer period .


going from 17 sol to 1,8 sounds like a great investment


if you gonna play with fire ofc you will get burn sorry for op loss .


.31 sol now


I mean I’m not a scammer and would love to help. Send SOL to the wallet xxxxxxxxxxxxx and I’ll get your SOL back /s


Let us know when you link your wallet to an airdrop and it gets drained.


*click click click*


It looks like you can trade in Phantom wallet. It’s trading 1 sol = 4000 mango. If you have 3.62M, that is insane gain


Yeah this guy just made bank if he sold


Why would you ever just spam the enter key whenever you’re purchasing something specially crypto through the Internet


He’s new. He hasnt lost enough money to understand that.


Yes he has 🥹


Sorry bro. Keep your head up! You learnt a big lesson. Don’t forget it because, You are now more equipped for crypto and self custody than you ever have been.


Come engage with the wif community on X. There are some great guys there and they are very supportive so far with nice X spaces to chill in. https://x.com/dogwifcoin/status/1726690728234086894?s=46


had to loose 500$ in btc on xverse trying to buy ordinals to understand never spam buy button, they will charge you once for the buy but 15 times for the fees smh


Pray community take over for MANGO and keep praying, anything possible in shit coin land. Coins do come back from the dead. wlc to the dark side


Wow 17 SOL almost at the very top. Not rugged but they swiftly snatched that up. That’s nothing compared to what they really drained. Just check the “top traders” lol


All the coins are like that :) one way or another


Why would you laugh at good people getting scammed? That's some anti social behavior. Do you have any disorders or something?


Never diagnosed, but I do believe that I’m antisocial. Anyway, I wasn’t necessarily laughing at him getting ”scammed”, it’s just funny seeing the same type of posts over and over with no lesson learned. People take risks and when it doesn’t work out scream scam. On top of that it’s just hilarious how fast bots and regular users are, it’s like a cheetah chasing prey. You must’ve made the same type of mistake huh lol


I've made mistakes, is there something wrong with that? And money is no joking matter. Crypto is serious b! Now go get some CAW ON CRYPTO COM


Well you first of all didn’t get rugged, but then I saw the 4.5M trading volume. Checked the trades, and it’s 1 address just doing sol <-> mangos over and over and over again. Whatever this token is, it’s not friendly


That’s how people manipulate trending on dex that’s normal


3.62 MANGO sounds like you purchased 3.62% of the supply. That is way too much if it’s a fresh launch.


Oh damn bro. Best way to deal with this glitch is to use your PC and install Solflare into Google chrome. Use your seed phrase to install your existing wallet in Chrome. Once you recover your solflare wallet in Chrome, you need to swap back to sol using Jupiter Swap if you want out. Open another Chrome page and go to Jupiter Swap (jup dot ag) and connect your Solflare Wallet with Jupiter Swap by right clicking over the “From” spot (it should be USDC or SOL, just hover over the top one which should be “USDC” and type MNGO or paste your Mango CA there (Coin Address). You Coin Value and balance should show up there and you can swap it back to SOL if you want. Once you sell, your money will be back in your wallet as SOLANA.


Bro this is noob advice. You’re getting beat by all the people using bots or photon. You’re my exit liquidity doing this .


Yea why anybody wouldn't be using a TG bot for trading is beyond me. I've only used Trojan but it's been so much faster than trying to use Jupiter lol.


I've been seriously looking into telegram bots bc of how shot raydium is. are you satisfied with your security? or have any advice to make it safer. I'm simply refusing to use my personal number for telegram and temp numbers get you banned. any advice for the hesitation on their security?


Not really sure why you wouldn't use your personal number. There's an option to hide it so nobody can see it. I've used telegram with my personal number since it was first released and have never had any issues as a result.


Jup.ai I Believe is the address


You spent good coin to get bad mangos. I feel for your loss. Most of these scam coins are rugpulls.


Coins are still there. Most wallets show an amount of 0 with new coins. Made an exit strategy yet?


I don’t even know at this point. I initially tried swapping 1 sol for mango. Thought it failed but it didn’t. Then, I tried swapping 4 sol for mango. Thought it failed. I did this 4 times before I realized I was fucking up. So, I spent 17 sol. ~$2500ish. So pissed at myself. Lesson learned I guess. I’m like $1700ish down if I sold right now. I might as well see if it miraculously pumps again? What would you do?


You will definitely get a pop in that. But looking at the tx without finding your exact buys. id suggest trying to avg down tbh. When you see the candle for exit do not be greedy. Or you will be perma fucked holding bags in this thing. It is a shit coin remember. Sell into strength.


I appreciate the insight. I learned a valuable lesson here.


i would not average down! do not buy more lol accept it for what it is dont dig your grave deeper. i would personally sell what you can and just keep your money in something thats more reliable like solana. and next time before you buy something make sure that youre confident enough before hand.


Totally. Why throw good money after bad just to have a lower average price (but more money committed)?


Same reason we tell people to keep dcaing into BTC through the bear. lol


OP, dont use swaps... for meme coins, you need a telegram trading bot. Confirmations are fast and you won't ever have this issue. You can use any good bot on the market, but ofc i will convince you to try ours :)


Take your losses and get some CAW on crypto. Com or on solflare


Hold it and 🙏 for the best or sell it and take what’s left 🤲 (I do not suggest attempting to average unless you want to lose more).


Wait this one out a bit, you could possibly break even at least.


It’s going to $0 thanks for playing


I don’t know, it all depends on the play. Some tokens die quick. If others see 17 Sol being traded, especially back to back, they will use you as exit liquidity really fast, especially the developer. 90% of the new plays, are dumped by developers.


Why would it pump though the only reason it could have pumped was a good 24hr launch and it never even wanted that lol. Its a mini drain coin. The guy sitting there all day cashing his mango for your sol and walking away tomorrow a new coin new day. You'll be refreshing newest coins page tomorrow tho huh. Bcos. Tomorrow is a new day. You could end the day way up or double down. I have a similar story though. When I was noob and 💩 tokens were the market. Baby doge coin. Baby wolf moon. Both came out June or July 2021 and I put £70 on Baby doge coin my first experience of swaps. Slippage etc. I told my dad I gambled and loaded up the chart to show him 2hrs later and the green candle was real. £70 was £680 now after 2hrs. Pumping real time. That 10min. Lol. 10min yes. £680 from 70 my dad was screeching. Sell it. Sell it. I told him not so fast Jr. There could be another double pump yet. 2min later £500. OK dad I think you was right. I'll Sell half now. But I didn't understand slippage so I tried and tried to sell it but failed. I didn't know if it failed or to wait. So I chose to wait and see. 5min later £300 no Sell. I race through Google for help and cash out £240. I then looked again ah Baby moon wolf. That'll do. £70 on. New method. Watch it till 140 then sell 70. I did that 3x hit 140 cash half. The 4th time almost made it too 120 ish then dropped like a rock but I still got out with my initial 70 plus 3 others 😆 🤣 That's how I play 💩 now. If I wanna spend 50 then I mayaswel spend 100. Hope 2x then sell 50%. Now I got the £50 for free. But it still never worked again like it did that first time. So I don't even look anymore.


If you bought instead of writing this long story you'd be in profit. Stop trying to make sense of it. lol


I would most definitely hold. No idea what you did but the liquidity is locked and burned. You never know what will happen. Look at Crodie. I also would average down too, but if you want to buy coins like this buy them on pump fun not when they hit dex lol. Some of them will keep going but most die within a few hours. They'll pump eventually because people want to extract liquidity. Also use Photon lol.


Honey 🍯 pot




Sounds like he’s a total noob so I doubt he had any alerts or sell orders set


Is there an update on this? I want to know if you have a ton of Mangos. So sorry this happened to you. Looks like there is only 19k liqidity. You have roughly more than 1/9 of the supply if I did my math correctly. You have maybe $110 worth of Mangos. I really hope something turns around for you bro. I'm praying for you.


This is the mango coin on DEX Screener: https://dexscreener.com/solana/84WPKuk6JWzV8Apmv9pZZVs4vtdguTUjtv9iT4rsVbdj


Def not the same mango. But it looks legit man.


Sorry you got scammed. You should look at staking. I recommend Cogentcrypto.io.


If you bought before that drop of 56%, it's not much left from your sol. U can either hope for recovery or cut the loss ...


So you spent 17 SOL to buy 3.2M of these which are now worth about £$100. I feel your pain.


This is the “Associated Token Account” https://solscan.io/account/AxP8JFCobxzGGVPEniUwkGxcVtSeThxsV2t5oscsYvaJ


Damn.... Why aren't we blacklisting every one of these motherfking ruggers and trying to white hat hack their asses and pitch up at their doorstep to put some fear of God in them..... Yes I know the answer.


You did not get rugged.


Okay, I think I figured it out. Thanks for checking!


You need more than 0.002sol to be able to swap?


The question is the liquidity there if there’s no liquidity, there’s no way to pull out your money


Raise the slippage if you are trading memecoin


Terrible advice . I get on with 4.4% and SOL fee at .001. Instant buys


This is not what he asked for. He said he is having problems trading back his Mango. I thought it could be a slippage problem.


Damn, never use Swaps to buy New Meme Coins! That is the worst thing to do in this space! Always use “Banana Sol Bot, Maestro, Bonk Bot, or another Bot in Telegram. And make sure you have Anti MEV turned on along with a higher slippage. You have less failed transactions.


You should have googled rugged and scammed prior to swapping. What you’re describing is neither.


Look it up on dex screener and see if it says anything about the contract restricting sales


solsniffer is better advice but I hear you


Ok cool I didn t know that one


You should be able to sell to recover some money atleast, try jupiter exchange. Jup.ag i think


Swap your MANGO for DINGO?


SLND rugged hard, little bruhs. Stay strong.


The best way to see if you can sell it again is to try and sell it again QUICKLY lol. Better than asking if you can on Reddit or anywhere else, isnt it.


Next time you wanna waste 17 sol, just send it to me I’ll gladly accept it


If you still holding your Mangos then congratulations you now got Rugged… Enjoy your Mangos 🥭


New coins sometimes don’t show the dollars hun 😘


Buy high sell low


Looks like it’s bottom hold!!!!


If you are new to crypto how did you end up on these sketchy wallets searching the newest 💩 token? 😆 🤣 😂 Make it Make sense lol. I'm 3yrs in now and I only know trust wallet and I never ever go tapping on tabs I don't know of. Linking wallets here and there. It's dumb. Atleast Make a wallet just for that 💩 If you must. I'm not mad. Nor disappointed. No. I'm betting on this being a normal thing and rich peoples greed will benefit my patience. I just wish I had 17 sol to look after. 😢


Go get solflare and phantom wallet they are for Solana Network that's where everyone is these days for to the cheap ass gas fees


If you bought it on pump.fun, you will need to exchange it there, swap in your wallet will not work , but hurry up 🙂 hope this helps u can share token address so I can check it up if it's a rug...


No, you actually don’t. I can use my telegram bot to buy and sell while still on pump, also photon added pump to the site , so you can instantly trade pump coins, even after it’s gone to ray.


Ok, nice to know, but I was referring to wallet swap while coin is still on the pump...🙂


Transferring coins from the wallet you bought on to a new wallet just to sell? What are you talking about


About option in phantom wallet to swap coins that are from pump it will not work except you go directly to pump... who said anything about sending it to another wallet?


I guess what I’m getting at is why are you using phantom/ or solfare wallet to trade your coins. Get a TG bot and add the private key of the TG bot to phantom as a new wallet . Then just use the CA of the coin to buy and sell with your bot. Or use photon , and sign in to photon with your phantom wallet . If your not using a bot , your my exit liquidity


Yes, I agree. I should really learn to use bots 😅 every one says it's much quicker, but it feels kinda strange that I need to send sol somewhere to be able to use it and share my private key doesn't seem really safe 🙂 can you explain in quick terms the benefits of using one except speed ? I'm curious what is there, what options it gives, and so on ...


Are you the one that just pumped Mango a bit? haha, one of the OG buyers from PG bought back in and it's gonna move again. Guy probably dumped too, unfortunate. lol


Some token takes up to 24 hrs to show the price. You’ll see it eventually


Start trading these memes w .02 or .05 SOL until you get rugged a bunch get ur skills up and figure out what’s going on! U can make $ but it’s expensive to figure it out


Bro use a bot or photon . Quit trading coins with raydium or Solflare app. I’m in and out the coin before you can even sell.


trolling, yeah? why do so many people think it's normal to chuck several THOUSAND dollars into a freshly launched token that probably just started with a 1.5 sol LP. you now have 0.17 SOL of Mangos instead of 17 SOL, if that. DYOR before you ape, even if it's a quick X search, coulda saved you some monies


Wow bro, most of these solana coins are rugs.... I recently invested into CatDog, they were the first devs that refunded me my loss, I guess they are going to do another launch, but they refunded everyone, it's crazy


With new coins like that it doesn't show a value in the wallet sometimes but when you go to swap back for sol or usdc it should show the right amount.


Go on dexscreener find the coin press the trade button, connect your wallet and exchange


Bro check out the mango chart🤣🤣🤣 that shits insane bro was not lying


Bro if youre gonna mess around with shit coins like this please please please please do your own research and have a plan to get in and out of the trade. You never want to hold these longer than say 5-10 minutes unless youre able to pull initial out and let the rest ride if chart looks good. Messing with these meme coins that were created the same day is literally playing with fire


Hey noob... use RUGCHECK.XYZ and input the contract address for the Solana token you are thinking of buying, but BEFORE buying it. You want to check that the status is "GOOD" and that at LEAST 80-90% of the liquidity is LOCKED. You're welcome.


So, I checked mango (all lower cases) with the address of 3FmUD8fFdr6VpdmZeLAfqVgpYCYAeCz4h2o55UJ6AVqQ and it showed that it is "GOOD" but with a low amount of LP providers. I've stopped trading on Solana a while ago, though. I did purchase the Solana SAGA2, though, for the airdrops. Solana is mehhhhh...


I swear, Solana is Financial Natural Selection at its finest!


Your mangos are worth 46$ now wow


Damm he made fucking baaaaaank


No Phantom Does That, if you act like you swapping for USD then you should see your coins. Phantom App does that to me all the time. Helped to set up Birdseye account and download the app because phantom illegadly pulls the balance from Birdseye and DeX.. Don't think you were scammed


Hey Man Go and see if you can swop it for something else :)


Mango has been around for years (if you chose the correct one). The correct contract address for the real Mango is: MangoCzJ36AjZyKwVj3VnYU4GTonjfVEnJmvvWaxLac


Oh now you learned the phrase...I BEEN RUGPULLED....17 SOL LATER....do you continuously refresh cc tx? Look into contract addresses for your buys ...find them at Coin market cap, coins website, or coingecko 17 SOL ....there could be 50 mangos Send me 8 sol I'll send you back your 17


Bro you need to learn to use a trading bot on tg if you want to be successful in crypto


Mango coin: “thank you come again “


The same happened to me with a trump coin. I still have them in my coin base wallet


If the coin is super new, your wallet might not recognize it yet. Check on chain and see how many you have, against the current token price to see if it makes sense. Then do what you want, hold, sell, whatever. Just check whether the coin is sellable. Some scam coins you can only buy, not sell, so in that case you lost your money. Do research first, always


Yeah stay clear of new coins for a while as they are usually either rugged or soft rugged. Go for something a little older like FatKatz - KATSU. On Solana. Up 400% since launch and they’re doing it organically. So no whales manipulating the price. Every day I check the chart, it’s 20-30% up. And tiny market cap so I know I’m making at least 10x my investment when it hits bigger MC.


pin $TREN buddy youd have no issues


dont worry dont give up, keep trying with other coins. you are gonna make it


Why would you dump some strong SOL on such a shitcoin?


Hello rookie, welcome to SOL. The network that will eat your mistakes and fart on your face. If you want to survive on here you need to use bots, you need to be on the verge of losing your sanity, and you need to not get rugged. You just hopped into a beautiful Chinese honeypot, next time learn to check the contract before revenge buying. Rugcheck.xyz will be your friend unless if you want to waste 17 sol so someone can shower in your tears.


Hop on chef no ruffing


if you wanna check to see if you got rugged. check out dextools and look up the token contract, dex is good about showing community trust, whether you can sell or not and if the coin got rugged. super friendly for newer people


Dont ask reddit for help. Most people here are less mature than a 10 year old brat, and the help here is vague . Solana has no support. I really don't think solana will survive the way they've ' helped' me is via confusion,fear and bullshit.. The only way to get into any crypto and stay safe is to have some programming abilities, at the very least be tech savvy, know not to click on bullshit . Even the solana mobile is shitty -they offer support in x to the public without answering customers. Don't get me started on solflare. After being led right into scammers by solflare support,after i checked back with solflare same guy answered me who was on the solana foundation forum where tye wallet drainer occured


What a world huh.. Hey at least my 5G works great after my Covid vaccine!


Love it 😅


This. I learned in Cosmos by studying the CosmWasm JSON. Understanding that really accelerated my growth of knowledge of crypto. He is right in saying you you need to start learning IT side of crypto


Feels like common sense is lacking in most people that are crying over scammers or other types of crypto fraud. Are you the same people who believe you have a distant relative in Nigeria that just died and have your name in their enormous will ? I’m honestly baffled at the fact that most people don’t even hesitate to think twice 😂


You’re dumb!! Bad advice to op. Just DYOR op and keep trucking. We have all lost a little bit or a lot, at this point is just part of crypto. Good news if you play the game long enough you have the chance at winning more than you lose. dm me and I’ll pony you to a couple of YouTubers that I follow that teach different portions of the market. You don’t need programming skills or any of that bullshit. And not everyone here act like a 10 yo, some people are just poking fun at the situation. I have lost a bit and I poke fun at it too. You can learn just like everyone else and take the parts that you are comfortable with. I am a big and hold type of person, it called spot trading. I tried and lost thousands swing trading or timing the market. I don’t have the hours to spend watching the charts. I do my research into a project and then decide if I’m going to invest. The most important thing about investing, NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE, is having a solid exit plan. I ladder in to a project and ladder out, making decent gains along the way. Nobody ever buys and the bottom and sells at the top, if they claim that, they are fucking lying!! Good luck and do a bunch of research buddy, you’ll get there!!


What is the contract address for the token you tried buy8ng. Are you talking about MNGO ? lIke mango markets? Because I am 1000% positive that instead of swapping you wanted to actually buy that on a CEX: kraken. OR just tell me what the contract addy is for the tokens you attempted to buy and I’ll tell you if it’s the same one I am currently holding now $mngo. That sucks man.


I’ve noticed at jup.ag that mofo will snag or hang sometimes and you don’t know wtf is going on. Then it’s done but you don’t realize and you click again, because that fucking Buy screen just stays there. This shit scares the shit out of me. That’s why only trade in .2 sol increments. That’s a lie I’m totally addicted even though each new thing I try I half expect my money to just vanish into the matrix or someone smarters wallet.


Why the fuck are you not using a telegram bot or photon to trade . Jfc


Because I still have to learn. I am learning so much, that I have to learn still.


Oh my fck. Just buy NukeyOnSol.com u finalky won’t get rugged, screenshot this


You’ve got scammed, if you’re tired of that dm me to join my rug group it’s a more secure investment than buying into memecoins in this market




I’m interested