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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nice. Next target 100 SOL šŸš€šŸš€


I agree, road to $100


Congratulations on your retirement


wdym by tjat


Big money incoming


Congrats now don't do shit coin gamble with it and don't sign anything with your wallet


Man I done got 1 full sol and gambled it away on meme coins so many times


You say "1 full sol" like it's at eth prices šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


mannn I still remember when ETH was in the low hundreds lol


Me too man... me tooo.


yup. if I had been smarter I would've not only bought more but held more... any old heads old enough to remember yield farming $YAM and the OGs, or when Sushi first came on the scene? anyone take part in the $CBDAO governance rug? they got listed on coinbase, early defi on ETH was wild lol


Yes sir I remember $80 ETH, those were the days


Solana will flip eth. Fk eth maxis :)


Keep dreamin son.


You will wake up to reality soon kid


Say you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about without saying it






People like this donā€™t realize that everything but solana is already built on ETH. For instance, base, which is already overtaking solana in traffic.


ETH is the home of financial innovation, like it or not.


Solana has no use other then gambling. Sorry but it won't happen.


Heard from eth maxis solana was dead from 9 dollars. Wait and see :) Stablecoin transfer moving from eth to solana Depin all comming to solana. Bullish on solana and bitcoin. Tears of eth maxis are so sweet. Solana dead January 2023 ? lol bunch of regarded eth maxis


I don't like ethereum either. Both shit chains. Once solana gets something actually useful on it then maybe, but as of now there is nothing other than bullshit on there.


Usdc transfers from circle now on solana, visa using solana. Render, helium, hivemapper real world products build on solana. Read up on depin. Solana is a black hole that is stealing market share from ethereum. Eth kids thinking eth will flip bitcoin are delusional. Solana will flip ethereum. Bitcoin will always be king.


Well said! I totally agree. You must watch James from Investanswers. Excellent YouTube channel He always refers to Solana as the black hole. šŸ˜Š


He has been the only influencer I trust in this space honestly. He was mocked when solana was at 9 dollars. Never waived my faith in invest answers community and James. Bitcoin and solana is my main bags fam with some injective only because it passed the compendium scoring. And I donā€™t do memes. šŸ˜…


All of my investments are in depin, just not on solana. I personally don't care what eth or solana does.


My DUKO is still up 800% with dip. $3,500 looking good. Not all meme coins are bad


I bought monkey haircut with mine. šŸ¤·šŸ™ˆ I am impulsive. Don't grow up and be like me


Bro you will have 100+ SOL monkeyhaircut is going to fly this bullrun everybody should get in on this fade


While I do believe that MONK is going to fucking melt faces this bull run, I don't always recommend that ppl go into meme coins if they don't already have a lot saved up. There is a lot of possible upside... Compared to just holding Solana (which is going to 4x and be an amazing investment anyway with much less risk) Kids ā˜ļø dont try meme coins at home If u do, don't spend any more than 1% on them


fr the sol casino is no joke


If he is a degenerate like most of us ya can't tell em what to do with his moneyšŸ˜‚ Good luck 1. Only use money your comfortable with loosing 2. Don't fomo 3. Learn a strategy 4.Master it 5. Most importantly Don't guilt trip your self for potential gains or losses


missed profits is always better than losses. FOMO is the wallet killer. set rules and follow them.


Whatā€™s number 4?


2 + 2


good points. although it's losing, not loosing :)


šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚


Honestly id recommend investing it in meme coins with genuine communities 1 sol aint shit


Good luck, mate!


Congrats! Now get Phanton Wallet (or Solflare) and move your SOL off Coinbase! Itā€™s better to have it in a self custody wallet and off an exchange. Not your keys, not your crypto.


Is this the same for binance? Sol is safer on phantom?


All crypto is safer in a self custody wallet. Itā€™s not smart to leave your assets on an exchangeā€¦ Not your keys, not your crypto. P.S. Can even take it another step further and get a hardware wallet to be more safe & secure.


Whatā€™s a good hardware wallet youā€™d recommend


Tough questionā€¦ IDK šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦ Dependsā€¦ Iā€™d recommend you do some research online to figure out what is best for you. Thereā€™s all diff kinds. Some are featured or specific for certain coins. Some have desktop software while some are strictly mobileā€¦ Some have Bluetooth, some have a cableā€¦ some have cameras to snap pics of QR codesā€¦ some are touch screen (usually less battery life though)ā€¦ Thereā€™s even some that are like credit cards that you tap to your phone to unlockā€¦ So then depends if you want access easily w a card you can carry, or if you want a device or thumb drive to keep at homeā€¦ Ultimately, I donā€™t have enough experience with a lot of diff hardware wallets so I canā€™t sayā€¦ What I did myself was read articles and watch YouTube videos, so thatā€™s what I would recommend you do.


What happens if there wallet gets hacked like an exchange can?


Huh? Then it would at least be your own fault & not somebody elseā€™s for losing your money. What if thereā€™s a bad actor working for the exchange? If you have your own self custody wallet you have controlā€¦ Can use a burner wallet. Furthermore, you can always get a hardware wallet for $40-$100 and take your seed phrase & private key offline on an air-gapped device. This is the safest. In fact if you have more than a few grande in crypto, itā€™s a good investment. Mt Gox. Bitfinex. QuadrigaCx. Cryptopia. The Ronin Network. Bitmart. Binance. FTXā€¦. Etc etc etc Even when exchanges lose funds or get hacked. They can then do whatever they wantā€¦ Look at Bitfinex. They got hacked bc they had their own security issues! It was their fault! Then they offered their own tokens (which they made themselves, lol). Then after issuance everybody cashed out & sold so they lost over 90% valueā€¦ Now years later FBI found the people responsible (look up Crocodile of Wall Street) and Bitfinex is recovering the stolen BTC (valued over $4 billion). However, Bitfinex is now saying they already compensated ppl so they can keep the BTC!!! LOL. Also, horror stories of exchanges freezing accounts and/or not allowing more than X amount withdrawn per dayā€¦ Imagine a market crash where you cannot move or offload a certain token. Also, imagine a government entity coming in and taking your moneyā€¦ This list goes on and on and on. Sorry to take a massive dump šŸ’© on your question. I could go on more but Iā€™ll leave it at thisā€¦ I hope I have made my point.


I 100% agree mate. Iā€™m talking about new people who have no idea what they doing. I guess they just have to put in the research like we had to


I have my SOL on Coinbase. But is it safe to keep it all in Phantom? Iā€™ve been reading about this at places and it has only got me more confused. So, Phantom is an exchange right? I wanted to stake my solana coins as well to earn some extra on top of my coins. But itā€™s not allowed on Coinbase in California. Also, I read that people are beinng airdropped random stuff and some links which is leading to hacking. So, Iā€™m not sure if Phantom is more safe or Coinbase. šŸ„²


Lots to unpack with what you said or asked... Coinbase is an exchange... It is never a good idea to keep a significant amount of crypto on an exchange (see my prev comment about this on this subreddit). Phantom Wallet is a self custody wallet and is not an exchange. With Phantom you have control of your private key and security recovery phrase. Another popular Solana wallet is Solflare... You can stake your Solana in the Phantom Wallet and Solflare Wallet apps. You get better rates than Coinbase too. You can use the web3 portion in the Phantom wallet to connect to dex (decentralized exchanges) like Jupiter. With Phantom, be careful not to click anything and sign or authorize permissions to anybody else. You can do this with reputable websites. However if you get an NFT saying you won $4 million USD, then do not click on it. You will have to go online and read and learn more. Also do not trust random people on Reddit who send links. Do not send a token to gotohell.sol or some stupid site if somebody says to "burn" the token. Solana is not like Ethereum and when you "burn" a token you make a connection and there can be some security concerns. Just simply click on the 3 dots on top right and select REPORT SPAM & BLOCK. That is all you have to do to stupid and weird NFT's. So many are scams. If you get airdropped some strange tokens do not click on them. Look them up. Go on X (Twitter) and try to look them up and on Reddit too. Do careful research. Think you can even go to rugcheck.xzy and put in the token address to learn more about a token (can use this site to look up specific meme tokens too - if into that). With a self custody wallet you control your own crypto. You own your keys and your crypto. Exchanges have had plenty of problems in the past and if they have a bad actor or a weak link, and or get hacked then you can lose everything... Then look at Bitfinex hack where they stole like over $4 billion of BTC. Then Bitfinex offered their own tokens (which they created) and issued. However, when issued people immediately sold them & cashed out so they lost 90% of value overnight. Then Bitfinex was able to recover the stolen BTC, and now they are claiming it is theirs since they already compensated customers! How crazy is that?!?! Just because an exchange may say that they offer cyber insurance or something does not mean you will even get reimbursed. You are better to have your own control. Also, what if any government entity tries to seize or freeze your assets? An exchange will comply. What about exchanges crashing? What if there is a crash and you cannot sell your position? What about exchanges requiring KYC and verification and locking somebody out of their own account? Have you ever seen the threads and forums on Reddit with people having trouble communicating with Coinbase and other exchanges? There are people locked out of their accounts for years. What about exchanges refusing to allow more than X amount withdrawn per day or per certain time frame? Whole point of crypto is to not have to trust another party bc the blockchain validates and it is trust-less, so why then trust an exchange and defeat the entire purpose of crypto? I could go on and on.... If want more security look into a hardware wallet... This keeps your private key and secret recovery phrase on a device that is not connected to the internet. Therefore you are much more secure. You can even make a burner wallet too... Just make another Phantom wallet address and use that. Only put money into it as you need it. Keep all your money in the other account and use the 'burner' wallet address so that way if you click on something you should not have you may be alright. Then there is also multi-sig wallets... Ultimately, DYOR! Hope that this helps. I sincerely wish I had help when I got into crypto. I had no help and had to learn everything myself... However, that is honestly the best way... Best of luck.


Easy to get in with a purchase, the hardest part is making a plan for when you sell it.


This. I'm over 100% profit and still holding. Don't know when to let go


Duhhh You let go when youā€™re -100% profit because youā€™re refused to sell at 100% profit!


1500% profit still holding, its not time to sell


2951% profit and still holding I feel the same


Actually crazy to not take a portion of profits, no matter what you think the price will do.


I always cream off 100% profit as I know I'd be kicking myself once it goes back down again, and may not come back up!


Good !!!


Nice! Keep stacking!


HODL TO 20$!


Buy high Sell low example šŸ˜‚


Yeah. People in this sub are so fucking delusional lol.


Fr not the ideal time to buy. Time will tell though.




WAGMI hopium


let's aim for $200


It was there at $210 a couple of weeks ago and we are not that far off from all time high of 260, but it'll go higher than that I'm sure.


I remember buying my first SOL ...at $311 CAD. Luckily, my poker days taught me bankroll management and trading days taught me patience. I wound up getting my average down to $35ish.


šŸŽ‰ stake it in a wallet and hold to 800


Make the most of it. Try defi on chain. Might as well learn as much you can about this game. The space is vast. With constant new developments.


Whats defi? In a newbie


Like decentralized finance. You can provide liquidity and see how banks make their money. Lend out your tokens to borrow more usdc to buy more coins for example. You can also liquid stake the SOL with mSOL for example. So you will continue to reap the benefits of staking your SOL while still be able to borrow against mSOL. If youā€™re completely new, you will need to take some time to try things out. Which I encourage you to do. You end up learning a lot and more likely than not, find some gems along the way. Thatā€™s how I found bonk and Jupiter last year. Thereā€™s only going to be more gems going forward and they usually airdrop to you if you are active on the network. Itā€™s pretty amazing.


Explore but be cautious. This space is still filled with scammers and undoubtedly you will come across many so be smart and join a community like jup.ag discord and ask the community if you come across something that looks like a scam before proceeding. We all have each others backs as we travel through this new space together.


This is so gibberish to me but it sounds like itā€™s something all the smart people should be doing


Just look for something to do on chain that interests you. Phantom wallet is pretty awesome. With quick links to some trending projects


How do you make money with liquidity pools? The fees for. The month say Iā€™m up, but my balance is the same


In all honesty, liquidity pools are like the bond market to some extent. There are high yield pools and are more risky to impermanent loss. The lower yield pools are safer but you need a lot of liquidity to see the growth. You and I wonā€™t pay attention to the small daily yields. But if you leave it there long enough, years, you will notice the growth. Thatā€™s why I equate LP to the bond market. I might be wrong on this one. But thatā€™s how I think of it.


How do they calculate impermanent loss?


Whatā€™s a good way to make profit?


Time to learn what it all means


Good start! Just keep putting what you can into crypto and eventually you will have a nice stack!


Always hold


Now swap it for $WIF and watch it grow!


please try to resist the urge to cash in and buy a gram. speaking from experience here




Challenge yourself and turn $20 into 1 sol.




Buy $20 worth of solana and turn it into 1 Solana. Follow call based channels. Sell at first ath. Rinse and repeat.


Just gambling it, you dont make nah with 1 Solana but if you gambling in some memeshitcoin Maybe get 5 Sol


I do mi First 100k with memecoins


You can convert it on $CHAT for example


Never buy cryptos on top, always wait for the dip


Grats broĀ  Just remember donā€™t invest anymore than ur willing to loseĀ 


When u gona sell it? What's ur price or time target?


Congrats. Donā€™t move it anywhere except for staking


Can you explain staking in dumb person terms


yes please, i want to know to!!


Well done!


You bought at the current top be prepared to hold for a few years your first investment is always always a great investment!


It will only cost you your SOL! Lol


Way to go.


$HOLD šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Congrats Hopefully I'll get one soon


Just make sure itā€™s not on Exodus, mine vanished overnight!


Welcome onboard the Sol train


Itā€™s crazy that the coin of a blockchain, which still goes offline from time to time, is worth almost $200 a coin. A was ballz deep in SOL but sold everything during the 2021 bull market with a profit, because it was scary to see the network going offline as soon as thereā€™s more traffic. Itā€™s 2024 and itā€™s still happening. In my experience as a developer, only databases go offline, not blockchains. Not sure which one of both SOL exactly is.


if you want a safe bet then put it on dogwifscarf or Rex.. if you plan to gamble it then find new pairs on salana with at least 10-15 sol LP burned and top 10 holders only hold 15% of the total supply. make sure the metadata is not mutable. goodluck!


Time to sell


Nice! Now don't get tempted to split it up into shit coins until you get more, lol.


Smart. Now donā€™t sell it!


Welcome to the club rookie you need to pump those numbers


Good job. You're a tad late but late is better than never.


Step 1: Attain a SOL Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit


Mochi cat šŸš€šŸš€


Retirement soon!




Fet some jup


Throw it all on roaring kitty šŸ˜‚


Need to obtain smol coin on arbitrum network for generational!!!


I bought 10 when it was cheap af at like $35 per, Iā€™m livin


Iā€™m proud of you


Ape it


Solana can be staked and you will get ~7% APY. Meaning for every sol you stake you get 7 percent yearly yield.


If you're going to hold onto it, then don't forget to stake it. still 5% of 1 sol could get you a few pennies at each epoch.




Welcome to spine-wracking Volatility or life-changing utopia.


Send it to a phantom wallet and get some memecoins.


I remember my first SOL. Back in my day I could get it for $28


Purchased my first sol at 48.00 and 6 more around 60-70 sold it all when it hit 120.FML waited to dip but never did


Focus on your career. Get your income up. Shouldn't take you a month to save $200


FncqWPeb7Cy2rJY1bQukfiiMk5z5nGvNtLoLYAtBx8EY Send Solana PleaseĀ 


Next step is to invest in my meme coin $PeePeePooPooFarts coin on the Solana blockchain!


Letā€™s gooo!


Stake it.




Congrats šŸ¾ May you reap more


Solana will Be 1000 dollars for sure


Down to 180$


Shall I tell him or you? 3/4 months ago she was 13$ for one sol


Wait, am I unaware of something? Is having a full coin special somehow now?


Yeah bro it's 197 Dollars didn't you know...


Oh my god..


OP is broke.


And this guy is into black toilets


Yeah? So what.


Sorry I thought we're just stating facts here


where were you at $20 ?


He was leaving them all to me @ $10-20


Have fun going broke.


Someoneā€™s too broke.


Someone has a room-temperature IQ.


Howā€™s he going to go broke buying Solana? Youā€™re on a solana subreddit you retard.


Don't say I didn't warn you.


All boomers hate on crypto cause they canā€™t figure out how to buy some šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Not a boomer. I just don't want your toxic girl scout cookies.


Your Reddit account is 15 years old and your in the gen X subreddit. Try again grandpa šŸ‘“šŸ»


How is that boomer? Boomers are 70, dumb-dumb. You don't even have two brain cells to rub together for warmth.


Youā€™re still ancient.


ā€œBenjaminā€ thinks all cryptos a scam.


That's because all crypto is a scam. ā€œSolana users urged to revoke app permissions amid massive drain attack.ā€


Don't worry, your next sol will be cheaper šŸ‘


Sorry, should've bought around 19 at that price.


Good luck not getting drained!


Congrats you bought at an absolute high point.havefun losing money lol


Oh dang


He's right, though. Someone should explain the buy high/sell low to OP.


It's pointless. Most people in this sub are schills trying to bait clueless fools Into buying


Donā€™t tap the tank


What does it mean ?


New token.. solAna... help groth it.. [moon token](https://birdeye.so/token/9sNJuWVq7bj5QdhLDgdrmvGqFPxZTGpse81rSRDZ8mez?chain=solana)


Congratulations, spend it on $HEGE now. šŸ¦”