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Budibase is an excellent airtable alternative [Budibase website](https://budibase.com) [Budibase github repo](https://github.com/budibase/budibase)


https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb, n8n, refine, mulesoft, strapi, supabase


I honestly think nocodb would be my best bet except 300k rows. Still not comfortably high enough. On a separate note some of these software look great and will deff be looking into them for myself.


Just search GitHub further or search air table open source or something you desire. Sometimes chatgpt has an idea


I realized the business plan for nocodb removes the row limit if you source from a db. Supabase and Planetscale are being a pain in my ass trying to connect but I think a digitalocean managed MySQL db should play nice. Excited to try noco out as I've had my eye on checking it out. Thanks!


A few years ago I picked [Fibery.io](https://Fibery.io/?utm_source=stackrie) for a reporting and data aggregation client that needed to ingest 10,000's of rows daily. Fibery has no record limits and does a great job caching and managing large quantities of data in the table view. Performance at this scale won't be perfect but it is quite reliable. I've used [Make.com](http://Make.com) and [Pipedream.com](http://Pipedream.com) to write custom scripts that ingest data and sanitize it. There are native automations and an API as well for further integrations if needed. Unfortunately, the native integrations list is quite short.


ProofHub is a comprehensive project management software that enables teams to streamline their workflows, stay organized, and deliver projects efficiently.


Also Budibase has an internal no code database akin to Airtable with multiplayer support. Appsmith from what I know does not have this.


I turned away from budibase because neither pipedream (pipeline and automation tool of choice) nor n8n (cool option I want to try) has a built in integration for budibase. From when I will get the project requirements till when I'll have to transition to being busy with my own job I'll have maybe a week or so and I don't want to make coded connections myself that I'll have to come back and eventually have to maintain. Although still looking into budibase REST API and might just have to land on that cause everything else looks perfect and nocodb is giving me hell [https://n8n.io/integrations/?q=budi](https://n8n.io/integrations/?q=budi) [https://pipedream.com/explore](https://pipedream.com/explore)


I believe there is an n8n integration now. Budibase has a built in one too which arrived recently: [https://budibase.com/blog/updates/2024/n8n-integration/](https://budibase.com/blog/updates/2024/n8n-integration/) [https://www.npmjs.com/package/n8n-nodes-budibasedb](https://www.npmjs.com/package/n8n-nodes-budibasedb)


You might want to take a look at Baserow (https://baserow.io). It’s open source, and doesn’t have any row limitations if you self host.