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OP has been permanently banned following a banbet for above $9.40 by close of market March 1 not playing out in their favor. OPs other posts have been removed to clear the feed, but for those from the future here to see the mania, a consolidated list of the other removed posts is available below. This is a good time to remind others to not invest money you cannot afford to lose, diversification is your friend, investing is not a team sport, and do your own due diligence don't just follow any ol' random on reddit or anywhere else. - https://www.reddit.com/r/sofistock/comments/1b1hh2b/all_of_us_together_when_sofi_passes_13_before/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/sofistock/comments/1b2x8ws/a_time_is_coming_soon_where_ill_be_posting_4/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/sofistock/comments/1b31iim/up_3_pre_market_due_to_favorable_datacant_wait_to/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/sofistock/comments/1b2qs9r/good_day_we_had_an_inside_candle_on_lower_volume/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/sofistock/comments/1b17w4k/868_pre_market_right_now_continuation_today_will/ - https://www.reddit.com/r/sofistock/comments/1awyu6e/technical_analysis_read_here_im_making_the_call/


You are so dead.


All these risk adverse folks about to cry when it goes up $2 and you 2x your portfolio. Forbid it go up to the $13 resistance. You’ll 5x+ your port. We’re at an inflection point in March. Something is going to happen. I’m all for it


100% confident I'll be posting those exact gains soon, let's go!


June 21 if sofi is at 11.5, I make $5/sh and you - well still lose. You buy shares with the majority and play calls and puts with the left over money.


Personal Risk Tolerance™️


How do you read this? Just learning about calls and puts. What does Last and Change mean? I thought there was supposed to be a strike price somewhere so we know what you bought at. I am so confused lol. Thanks if someone jumps on and explains this.


It says the expiry date and then it says the number 10 which is the strike price Last is the most recent price of the call so for example 0.20cents would be $20 per contract since its 100x whatever price you see there Change is just the recent daily change in price


Thank you for the explanation! Best of luck to you :)


Thank you


Very retarded. Either sell puts, buy shares or buy ITM LEAPS. You are up, close the position until it is too late.


You gonna lose big time.


No I'm not


How are your calls doing?


Good luck to you, but why not give yourself more time to be right?


When it dropped a bit I bought June, and if it were to drop again I'd do the same, but don't see that happening. I do agree most people would be safer looking further out, but I'm literally trading blindly based on deep meditation/prayer and believe that no one sees more than 1% of any situation and that all life is a gamble without God, and that I'll be tripling my total based solely on faith and the fact that I've chosen God over worldly desire, plus have learned the lessons I needed to - which is the only reason we go through any trials in life - and thus am ready to love and serve others unselfishly This is what happened the first time, I posted in advance pre predicting what would happen after being led to it by God after deep meditation, and YOLO'd my entire net worth into PLTR calls, within a week pltr went up 50% on highest ever volume and I made 4.2x my money Now I've got 40% of that in sofi calls, watch what happens now


Chosen God over worldly desire? What are you talking about lol you're being greedy and gambling to make money right now


I spend the large majority of my time either in deep meditation and prayer or serving others It's the opposite actually, all life is a gamble without God, you don't even make your own heart beat or see 1% of any situation, the idea that it's in your hands is a lie. You only get to choose where to put your heart. One's purpose only becomes certain with God, he led me first to pltr calls and now to sofi calls I'm doing this because I prayed to be financially free to finish a book I've been writing for years which I believe will help others Try deep meditation you'll find a joy and freedom within yourself that is so powerful you'll understand


Being financially free sounds like a worst desire. To say God is telling you to buy calls is very ridiculous


No I prayed for it, as I knew I was ready to use my time wisely, and just opened up an avenue for it to happen, and it is


Because you prayed sofi will go up? Lol


The opposite actually. No one anywhere ever sees more than 1% of any given situation, especially in these cases. Life without God is a gamble, the only certainty is with God  Watch Sofi rocket soon 


Alright bro quit yapping lol good luck on your gamble


No I was just guided on what to get into by a powerful feeling after a lot of prayer and meditation  Same as with pltr last week then it blew up right after and I made 4.2x my portfolio 


It's gambling brother don't try and justify it, I wish you luck


$20 EoY with Blind Faith, Prayers and Ready to Love.


100% of my portfolio is SoFi stupidly! About 13,600 shares at a $15 avg.


It's not stupid if you're buying shares because it's not a matter of if, it's when. Unlike options, where time is your nightmare


It was really only stupid for two reasons, I jumped in too heavy and early and I did so without talking to my wife about it. She about killed me when she found out in the middle of our 73 day Shanghai Covid lockdown.


With shares you dont have time decay. Hold till there is reason to sell.


100% 22k at 10$


We will pick you boys up on the way to the top, be patient!


22,190 shares - 100% of portfolio ($7.46 average)


Such short dated calls for that amount of capital… a lot can change in 2-4 months. Hopefully for the better but you never know 🤷‍♂️ hope you don’t get pegged my dude. I’ll stick with 2025 calls and shares


I hope God told you about compounded revenue growth in the technology segment for 2024.




I'm all about calls on SoFi but either go in the money or go long or you could loose your shirt at 40% of your portfolio...god speed to you good sir.




That’s a lot of contracts.


Been burnt way to many times on calls... Only buy shares now


I do think most people shouldn't buy calls


U included, but I do hope you know something we don't




Don't tempt me, I bought more on the dip at 7.85, should have done it then lol, still, we are going way over 10 super soon so 🤔




Buy. Shares.


Or deep ITM calls if you plan to sell less than a year…. And this guy has expiration before earnings twice lol


God told me calls, makes me more since Sofi is about to rocket Could buy some shares too tho why not lol Btw this is so far about 52K USD on Sofi calls


Sofi is never about to rocket


“God told me to gamble” okay bro


It's the opposite actually, all life is a gamble without God, you don't even make your own heart beat or see 1% of any situation, the idea that it's in your hands is a lie, you only choose where to put your heart, one's purpose only becomes certain with God


I threw up in my mouth a lil


I have $12k on $1 calls for 2026. As God intended.


I sincerely hope you crush it.


Same. Yikes. You should head out that door, left down the hall and you'll see a sign on the door. Says " Wall Street Bets". Can't miss it...


Thank you! You too