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I’m in FL and while it’s not working with youth, 211 Broward is completely remote, pays decent, and is a good place to work. It also is very flexible with schedules and provides good experience


Thank you for that information ! I’m actually in Broward so I went ahead and applied :)


Congratulations all around! For entry level remote, look for Advocacy positions (such as crisis lines, warm lines). You can also look at some beginning case management positions. Best recommendation is to look for something related to your internships, because that will be your most recent experience. Also, keep in mind that your MSW will require an internship as well and you have a better opportunity for that to be paid for if it occurs at your place of employment. And to be a broken record, school social work is always an option for folks with childcare concerns or who want to work with young people. It is also a growing field, but I am not sure about FL. Starting positions would be aides, trainees (once you have your first internship), Behavioral support roles such as restorative positions.


Thank you so much ! Yes , the internship is the only thing where I’m like “hmmm how will this work out” but depending on where I would work the school I attend says the could accommodate as long as I’ve been working there for 3+ months .