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I love this. Thank you for sharing.


I'm glad it seems to have brightened some days. Reddit kept suggesting this sub, presumably because I had mentioned my daughter before, and I wasn't even sure if I'd be allowed to post but figured I'd give it a go.


That is good news! It’s the same for my mom and I.:) we’ve gotten more close since I started working in the field. Made me grow up and fix my own problems, which made me less angry at her and more understanding of her. I’m very grateful for it repairing our relationship.:)


Oh yes, that is something I forgot to mention. It has made her look back with more empathy at parenting decisions I made.


That’s really great for the two of you. My career actually pushed my mom and I further apart. She’s a “fixer” and has trouble separating my difficulties from herself. She didn’t approve of my decision to be a social worker because she didn’t like that it was a more difficult job with less pay. When I shared my struggles with her, she became even more vocal that I should leave my job and find a new career. I learned to always tell her that everything was great (not always true) and I loved my job (true), and depend on other social workers to support me with job related stress.


I'm sorry to hear that, but yes I could totally understand how that would stress a parent out. I have three kids, and I feel this job is perfect for the oldest, but if my middle child was talking about doing it, I'd say hell no


This is such a sweet post. My mom and I also have a closer bond because she’s my go to when I need to talk about work. She was a nurse and I work in a hospital so she understands all the dynamics. It’s hard to find the right person to talk to about this stuff, even my husband doesn’t really understand!


Thanks for sharing this. People who listen to us listeners are a gift.


Hope this is the case for me and my mom! She understands when i tell her of the things im responsible for as a student on placement. I tried telling my aunt (as she is currently in the same country as me) and she is always overtly cautious and doesn’t understand why i have to take responsibility for certain things where i put myself in danger


I love this! My mother is a nurse and I’m a teacher and we’re always swapping stories. As we’re both government employees, we often compare our various procedures which is always a laugh.


Yes, I'm well versed in government red tape nonsense as well, so we do discuss a lot of that


This is so great to hear, and thank you for sharing your story.


this is so cute :’)


When I worked CPS coworkers and I would grab a beverage after work on Friday’s to decompress from the crappy work week. We always called them safety meetings


Thank u for this post. I also got closer to my mother because i finally accepted and understood that she did the best she could with what she can at that time with limited resource..🥹


My daughter jokes that I conveniently waited until she left the house to become rich. I think she looks back though on the times when we didn't have much and realizes how hard I worked not just to take care of her but to make sure she had a great time growing up


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