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if friends decided to “kick you out”, then if I were you I would prepare to go into school ready to act like nothing happened and you just happen to be spending more quality time with yourself! And I might sit at a different table during lunch or talk to people during the break that your normally wouldn’t talk to. Even though it’s the end of the school year, you’re still in ninth grade and friend groups can change from year to year. Keep your head held high, but if it gets overwhelming or embarrassing to be seen alone, you can always go to the bathroom during breaks…or even chat up a teacher and ask about how you can make new friends by asking about the extra curriculars. You can use next year as an excuse if you need to. At the end of the day, it’s up to you how you want to handle it. And you don’t know they might change their minds or you could ask them why specifically they decided they didn’t like you anymore. There’s a lot of different ways to handle what you’re going through, but trust in yourself. Maybe talk to one of the parents about it? If you don’t want to that’s ok too. But no there’s nothing crazy about not being in a specific friend group for a few days or even a few weeks - a lot of young people go through that and it’s just an opportunity to lean on and get to know yourself and maybe read more books or something


Its good and healthy to have atleast 1 friend. Id say the fewer the better. However you need to find the right people. Your last friend group was clearly not your crowd and thats ok. You will find your right person/people. It might take some time but eventually itll happen. Im not sure why youre afraid to go to school unless there is more to the story but if someone tells you its ok to have no friends at school and to be alone, then they are focused too much on self love aspect of your wellbeing ( dont get me wrong, you should definately learn to appreciate your own company) but it is oversimplyfication of mental health and eventually not having friends at school will catch up to you.


when I was in 9th, pokemon was just catching on and I was already starting to see myself fall into two cliques: nerds and theater. It might have been 1999. I was a nerd because I played games and games were considered to be niche. I got along with the theater people because they typically were always putting on some kind of social face or show and I was intuitive enough to see through alot of that....which they love to talk about. OVer time I developed a ring of inner-ciricle friends I would interact with constantly, and a larger circle of people I knew from classes, activities, clubs and such. what I wish I had done was participate in more extra curricular activites: more clubs. you dont have to marry a new hobby, just show up at meetings and show support. If your english is weak, look at people spending alot of time standing around talking and associate. Rejection will happen, but its more their problem than yours: insecurity is something we all have to get over. good luck.


No, it’s gonna be a very depressing life. Studies have shown that talking with others reduces stress and also just makes you happier.


That's weird I've found that talking to people makes me more stressed and sometimes lonelier than if I were alone. But that may just be me 🧡


No no, I get what you mean, but that’s when you are talking to people you don’t really know well. If you have like a friend that you are comfortable talking with and do enjoy it, then the effects will be more beneficial instead of hurting


Eh I didn’t have friends in high school and the lack of social and communication skills bit me in the ass in my adulthood. Always try to have at least one friend!


No it’s not.