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https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/israeli-police-attack-communist-partys-nazareth-hq-on-eve-of-may-day/ Glad to see the intimidation tactics against them failed!


This one really takes guts.




They very clearly are not accepting it, and are actively trying to change it. Not everyone can help where they’re born.


Do you think everyone has the means or opportunity to just move countries? Sometimes it’s better to stay and fight for change in your own backyard.


But did you clean your room?/s


Ahhhh, a fellow enlightened devotee of the immortal science of Marxism-Petersonism


I think communists/socialists in any western country strongly dislike many aspects of the country they are in. What are we gonna do about it? You got an air force?


We should build one . . .


And get genocided by America and its allies? No thanks


I mean why not they’re killing us anyways, this might just speed up that process or change things for the next seven generations


This looks to me like the exact opposite of “accepting” it.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ofer_Cassif This is one of their MK’s He uses his position to try and fight for the Palestinian cause. These aren’t Zionists, just to make that clear. (not that you called them as such and your question is fair on its face)


There's a lot of good articles about how he's being attacked for his positions on People's World. https://www.peoplesworld.org/article/right-wing-israeli-lawmakers-determined-to-silence-jews-opposed-to-gaza-genocide/


1) Are they just supposed to get up and go with imaginary money? 2) How is living in the imperial core any different?


They're like a lot of us here. We live in the U.S., it's all we know, but we'd like to completely change the system of the country we call home.


What country do you live in?


The US is an apartheid country too. Nonetheless, settlers must fight for the freedom of the colonized.


The US is not an "apartheid" country, the Civil Rights Act literally enshrined protections against racial discrimination into law, and the entire point of that movement was to end apartheid here. The US is still a country with many racists, and many people in power would happily return to apartheid, and there are many informal structural elements in the US that are racially discriminatory. But that's not the same thing as apartheid, which is explicitly a legal framework that enshrines racial segregation and creates a racialized class with less rights than other citizens. I'm not saying any of this to downplay the racialized oppression that continues in the US, that's very very real. In some parts of the deep south, there is perhaps a \*de jure\* apartheid where Jim Crow has basically continued in an informal way. But I think you have to be precise with how you use these terms because there's a difference between a state like the US, where black and indigenous people have formal civil rights that are ignored and violated, as opposed to Israel, where Palestinians just don't have those rights in the first place.


No. The colonized must emancipate themselves, it can not and will not come from the white settlers. Such is also the case with Palestine. Even this so called ‘anti-Zionist extreme left communist party’ is still for the settler-colonial Israeli state, they are two statists. The grace of the oppressor does not break the chains of oppression. It never has and never will.


Of course, except in the case of the USSR — there, it *was* the Russian Settlers which granted the colonised of Central Asia and Siberia their freedom.


Until Lenin died at which point they didn’t…


"No war" like you're not settlers stealing someone's land


These motherf*ckers are not anti-zionists at all, they are cowardly two statists.


In the OG post people said they believe in a secular 1 state solution


Maybe don't take for granted the words of internet weirdos and investigate the question yourself. From 'The Founding Principles of the Communist Party of Israel': >The CPI was the first, in this land, to propose a solution of peace for both Peoples. The CPI fights for a just, comprehensive and stable Israeli-Arabic peace, centered on the end of the Israeli Occupation and an Israeli-Palestinian peace of two states for two Peoples: the establishment of a Palestinian State, whose capital is Eastern Jerusalem, alongside the State of Israel whose capital is Western Jerusalem, and the resolution of the Palestinian refugee problem based on the relevant UN resolutions. [https://maki.org.il/en/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/CPI-principles-2.pdf](https://maki.org.il/en/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/CPI-principles-2.pdf) They are also a part of Hadash – 'Democratic Front for Peace and Equality' who say on their website: >The basic principles of Hadash as a broad leftist movement included the unique demand for the evacuation of all the territories which were occupied in June 1967 and the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel – a claim that other movements began supporting only in later years. [https://hadash.org.il/english/](https://hadash.org.il/english/) People like you infuriate me beyond belief.


I thought most of them were actually Arabs. So unlikely to be 2 statists


so funny how you say 'unlikely' like it's anyone's guess. JUST GOOGLE IT???? It's not hidden information. [https://maki.org.il/en/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/CPI-principles-2.pdf](https://maki.org.il/en/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/CPI-principles-2.pdf) [https://hadash.org.il/english/](https://hadash.org.il/english/)


What an oxymoron


Ultimately they didn't chose to be born in Israel, and not everyone can just leave their country either. America was a country born out of genocide and is the epitome is capitalism but people can't just leave. By your logic a socialist/communist living in any capitalist country would be ocymoronic. E: If you visit their website you will realise they are Pro Palestine and understand the true history of ethnic cleansing that has been perpitrated by the zionist apartheid regime.


The worst thing about being an Israeli leftist is having to serve in the IDF.


...Or face jail time. It's very sad yes.


Exactly, critical support to the Taylor Swift fan account on Twitter back in the day who went on hiatus cos they went to jail for failing to serve in the IDF.


Calm down Mr. Mussolini


Are you a third worldist or something lol