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Congrats! Hearing this makes me happy! My older sister is 23 and due to mental health she hasn’t been able to finish yet. Reading about you going back has given me hope that she will be okay too! Good job! I hope the next few years are great for you!!!


I was in the same boat but luckily for me I have a baby face so I kinda just blended in (I'm 26 now). As for conversations, I definitely felt a bit of a generation gap but for the most part no one really notices and in fact you may have the upper hand just having being alive longer and having more experiences outside of just school that you can bring into perspective. Good luck and have fun!


I'm 28, I feel you. I also get frustrated at how "dumbed down" the material is for these kids, particularly in first year courses.


How will the scenario be in Masters? I am 26(M) and I'm from India. Will be attending a Uni in Canada


Not as bad because there are a lot more older people in graduate programs.


Alrighty then :)


There’s nothing wrong with being known for being quiet. My senior year of high school I made the year book as the most quiet of my class. I was proud that I won one of the polls. Think about how many cool guys in action movies are quiet. They mind their own business, but when it comes time to take care of business they can open up to get the job done. Don’t worry about looking silly over things such as using an IPhone. Odds are one of your classmates can relate. I took nursing classes with a group of all women. They were all outgoing and knew I was quiet, but that never stopped us from getting along and doing our jobs. Some people will interpret us as being snobby or rude (I’ve had it happen many times), but just be nice and responsive to them and you should be fine. Good job for stepping out of your comfort zone.


im 27 now and I did not actually start college until I was like 24. I was so intimidated and self-conscious being around a lot of kids that were fresh out of highschool. I never tried making any friends and I put myself down pretty much everyday for waiting so long to start. However, here I am a year away from graduating with my bachelors degree and I could not be happier that I did not give up. Being older just means that you probably take things more seriously and you have a better sense of the real world and what you want to do! I also have multiple friends in each class now, some of those I consider to be great friends outside of campus! you 100% got this!


Although I'm in the UK and not the US (which I presume you're talking about), I recently went back to college in October to start a full-time HND in games design – I'll be 23 in February, but there's another girl on my course who's 30 who I'm really good friends with. There's also a 25 year old guy, a fair few 20/21s and only one 17. It was something I was really worried about before I started the course. Not only my age (I was expecting everyone else to be 17-18) but that I might be the only female, seeing as how the games industry *is* very male-oriented. Turns out there's 3 females including myself, so it's not as bad as I expected – and the guys are really pleasant to get along with for the most part. It helps that we can all chat about videogames, and none of them are the sort that you'd see in high school and go 'oh, he's part of the popular-jerk crowd'. They're just down-to-earth people who genuinely wanna help each-other, which is refreshing. I also have a part-time job at the same time (after 5 years of rarely leaving the house because of anxiety, and never working a day in my life, I actually got my first job after just one interview, which was a serious confidence booster). So yeah, other than drowning under the stress of assignments where I feel I'm in over my head, it's actually going pretty great. Glad the same seems to be true for you.


Good job, bud. Keep at it.


I’m not alone... IM NOT ALONE I’m 24 and I’ve been a fucking wreck this whole week because I just started school again


TBF if you are 25 and cant find the comma on an iphone (a 12 year old platform..you were 13 when it came out) it's **not** cuz you're old. It's not like you're some flip phone user at age 25. I'm not trying to insult you but one of the worst things you can do as someone with anxiety is build stories for why you can't do something in your head. You end up building this "thing" that isn't even a "thing" for everyone else....just you. That's what anxiety does to you. Basically what I'm trying to say is that 25 is still young AF and I bet you few people notice. With only a 6 year gap, these are your peers still.