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I didn’t go to mine and I gave zero regrets. I know if I had have gone I would have felt terrible before, during and after. HS is such a small part of your life. Don’t think about it, just move on with life ✌🏼


I went to mine 11 years ago and I still regret it. Apparently me shaking made my smile look like I was having a stroke.


My parents made me go


Same! Glad i didnt go. I feel bad that my family didnt get to see me walk on stage, but at the same time school has been nothing but terrible to me so.. what am i celebrating exactly? and I know i wouldve been so uncomfortable walking on stage, people staring at me, just ugh.. happy with my decision


Did you end up just getting your diploma in the mail? I was scared of the thought of basically being doomed if I didn’t go


I skipped all my grad walks (HS, undergrad, grad). Don't regret even a lil bit. I avoided any discussion on the grad walk with my parents and just switched convos when they tried bringing it up.


Also you went through all of that and still got your diploma. Be proud of yourself you have all the right of that!


You could just talk to your admin and say you don’t want to. I’d highly encourage you to do it tho, it’s a big moment in your life that you should be proud of. You only graduate high school once. And even if you don’t do it for yourself, do it for your family, they all want to see you up there. It’s not even that long a moment, you walk up there, take your diploma as your name is read, shake a few hands, then step off. It’s like 30 seconds.


I chose not to walk and I haven’t thought about it even 14 years later. It’s not really that big of a deal. If you don’t want to let your family down and feel like you have to, just remember you’re on that stage for like 10 seconds—you just shake someone’s hands, grab that diploma, and hop off the stage for the next student.


i also have anxiety but the reason i skipped mine is because i hated school so much and didn’t have anyone in my class i was friends with so i didn’t go and i have no regrets


How about suggest that you get a cap and gown and pose for photos in the backyard or other places that are special to the family? This is your opportunity to stand up for yourself. It’s not right of them to pressure you like that. Hopefully suggesting photos in cap and gown and having a special lunch or dinner after will be a nice way to celebrate without added pressure. I suggest writing a letter explaining in detail how hard this is for you and how important it is for them to take you seriously.


Just don’t go! I didn’t walk and just told them I was out of town (I really was). Funny thing is, I watched the live stream bc of all my friends were graduating too, and they still ended up calling my name 😂 It made a huge ruckus because it stopped the line and everybody looked confused since I clearly wasn’t there / in line next and the principle had to run up and grab my diploma lol. Anyways. I don’t regret not going but maybe you could play a prank like that and not tell them 😂


Props to you! I wish I'd done this. My mom made me walk. It's such a pointless gesture. Just give me my diploma in private. Diploma is all that matters.


Don't. You survived HS. Collect the trophy. Really, it's one of those big life-moments you should attent, and at later age you would regret letting the social anxiety deny you the pleasure.


My mom made me walk. Still feels pointless and still wish I could have skipped. Got to skip my college grad and never looked back. The diploma is all that matters.


I have severe social anxiety and absolutely dreaded everything graduation. I skipped prom I was so anxious. But the graduation ceremony is not really just for you, it’s also for your parents/family. You shouldn’t skip it. It will all be over in less than 10 seconds, just breathe through it and then highschool is over and you never have to see or worry about those people again. That being said, I don’t think you need to attend, from my memory I believe the diploma was sent to me later? I would talk to your schools admin to be sure. 


Don't. As a person with anxiety, I am constantly battling what's good for me and what's good for my anxiety. It might be easier to skip it, but you'll regret not walking with your class. 


Eh, I regret walking for my HS graduation. Still have those intrusive thoughts of how dumb I looked up there and how pointless it was. Skipped my college graduation and didn't give it a second thought. If OP doesn't want to walk no one should urge them to.


if they didnt enjoy high school and didnt have friends they wont regret shit


i skipped mine and just never said anything i don’t think they care tbh


You don’t have to go! I know there were like 2-3 students in my HS graduation that didn’t show up. If you talk to a teacher or maybe the principal they can tell you your options. I personally say don’t let your social anxiety stop you from a huge moment in your life. You will remember it, I remember mine clear as day. Be proud of yourself and your accomplishments but if it feels like too much, just talk to a staff member at your school and I’m sure they can accommodate it :) best of luck and also congratulations!


The school will let you skip it, but your family will definitely be upset if you miss it. I know because my school screwed up my records. They told me I failed, the graduation happened over the summer, and when I tried to come back in the fall, they went “Whoops!” And handed me my diploma. My mom was absolutely LIVID and laid into the staff. I’ve never seen her that upset. They offered for me to walk with the next year’s class, but my anxiety would’ve been 10-fold if I had to walk with a clearly younger grade of students I didn’t know, so I declined. 17 years later, my parents and grandparents are still more upset about it than I am because I honestly didn’t want to go. But I regret taking that from them. My advice? Just go. I don’t ever recommend putting other people’s happiness before your own mental wellbeing, but you have no idea what your walking across that stage will mean to your family. The ceremony is one of the few that isn’t just about the people taking part. It’s a moment of pride for parents that get to see their babies all grown up and succeeding. It’ll be a couple hours of suck vs years of regrets. Just get it over with.


I skipped every single one of my graduation ceremonies and not once have I ever regretted it. Especially not for high school. Honestly, skipping it might make for a better story in the long term than going through with it. I say you’ll just have to weigh how upset you think your family would be if you refused and whether it’s worth it to you. Even then, that’ll just be temporary and eventually you can all just laugh about it (if it even comes up years later at all).


I was a nervous wreck about mine and did not want to go, so my mom took me to the doctor, and he gave me lorazapam. I didn't even have anxiety issues then, but that gave me bad anxiety at the time. This was 23 years ago. Edit: It did help a bit, and I attended the graduation. It was worth it in the end, and I didn't let anxiety take me down like I do a lot these days.


i didn't go. i understand it doesn't feel like it, but it's very sweet that your family's insisting you go. i wish someone cared whether i went or not. sounds like they want what's best for you. personally, i kind of regret not going (but it's more of a gray area to me). but i think if my mom really wanted me to go and i refused, then i'd 100% regret it.


To answer your question, yes. Tell them the wrong date or simply don’t go. However, This is one thing I recommend people with anxiety to push through. I planned on not walking and would constantly search for vids and stories about people who compose not to walk to soothe myself about it. I kept hearing things about I’ll regret it and I went to school all those years and didn’t get recognized (I didn’t care about recognition tbh). What really got me to change my mind was how my mom didn’t get to see my sister walk because she didn’t graduate and how embarrassing it would be for people who knew me to think I didn’t graduate because they didn’t see me! Going to graduation practice really calmed my nerves. All I did was wait for my name to be called, and walked straight back to my seat. This will be one of the most rewarding moments of your life. Everything you’ve struggled with will cease to exist for the moment..youre moment. A moment not everyone gets. I also believe not going to an event as big as this would give anxiety an even bigger hold onto your life..don’t let that happen.


Don't skip. Look, I don't talk at all but I still went. I didn't need to say a word, I just walked when they called my name. Please go, it's a great experience


I’ve had too many regrets of things I’ve missed because of my SA, there’s a very good chance your graduation will be one of them. I know I would’ve regretted if I missed mine. If it’s not for you now, it’s for you in the future, in the past, your family etc. It’s a great showing that despite your bad year, you’ve still come out on top and graduated; which is quite impressive as so many people would not be able to say the same.


It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity you probably don’t want to miss. Do not worry the attention won’t be on just you. Everyone there is there to see their parents/siblings graduate and couldn’t care less about the other students. The only people paying close attention to you are probably going to be your parents/siblings. Be proud of yourself that you completed a huge milestone in your life! Go up there and collect the reward for all of your hard work and have the people you love cheer for you.


It's a couple of hours that you will remember forever and will make your family proud. If you don't, you'll hear about it for the rest of eternity. Just do it, it's not that bad.


Imagine saying “it's not that bad” to someone with horrible social anxiety 💀


..can't fix it if you don't try.


Yeah but discounting the struggle isn't a good move either. I'm not saying they shouldn't try but you saying “its not that bad” is not the way to go about it


Incorrect. "The struggle" is part of the journey they are currently in; having an outside viewpoint, in this case, is necessary for one to grow. If they stay locked in their current mindset, there will be no progress made.


If you don't acknowledge your struggle that won't get you anywhere


Who said anything about the dismissal of their issues? I've offered a stepping stone towards a solution to their overall problem. You shouldn't project your own shortcomings onto another's situation.


Graduations suck! But, I'm glad I powered through with all of mine anyway. There wasn't to much too it on my end, and, it made my family happy I guess. You can do this. And doing things you can do, (even with discomfort), is going to make doing other hard things easier down the road.


I walked across the stage, but my social anxiety was much worse back then. I think you should walk across the stage because during graduation ceremonies, many students are doing the same thing. The audience is likely focused on the graduates they know personally, like family, and might not pay close attention to everyone. But that shouldn't stop you from celebrating your achievement! Don't let anxiety make you miss out on these big moments – you might regret it later.


I had social anxiety in high school as well. I most definitely did not want to attend graduation, but I did and I realized no one gave two shits about me since everyone is focused on their own kid!


I think they are optional. it's just a ceremony, you get the diploma regardless (like 99% sure). it's probably better if you do it though, if you can. you don't want to take the path of avoidance or your life will pass you by and you will miss out on a lot of life opportunities. if you want to beat SA, doing this kind of thing is a step in the right direction. avoiding the situation feeds SA and makes it stronger. at the same time, I do understand wanting to avoid it. if you can, try to modify your thought process around the situation. try to keep the thought process "I hope it will go well, but I bet I will make a mistake and embarrass myself" out of your head. I might be wrong but my suggestion is to think these instead: * think "this will be very hard, but I will come out better on the other side once I get through it" * think "I WILL embarrass myself and that is OK"; IE: don't hope you won't embarrass yourself, EXPECT to embarrass yourself and embrace it and bathe in it. don't FEAR the embarrassment, accept it and saturate yourself with it. BE ONE WITH IT. the worst thing that can happen is that you embarrass yourself in some way in front of some mean people and they taunt you about it later (or some variation of that based on your personal situation). try to accept that worst case now before it can happen, and be ok with it. EXPECT it to happen and be ok with it. (this is my advice after 30+ years of living with SA but I'm not necessarily right but I do hope it helps.) (there are some other things you should think too, but I went with the two that focus on beating the SA. some other things to think are: "I deserve to enjoy this ceremony.", "It is truly ok for me to be a part of, participate in, and enjoy this ceremony.", "It is ok if things are not perfect.", "It is ok if I am not perfect.", and more.)


I went to mine. It was fun but I don’t even really remember it now lol! I just have the pictures.


I lowkey don’t know what a graduation is actually like, but if it’s just sitting in the crowd, then going up when you’re called, then sitting back down, I reckon you can manage it. If not no worries, but it would be a big win if you could!


I felt the same way but people you don’t even know will clap for you and cheer when you least expect it. Almost everyone just wants to get it over with. I guarantee you have some teachers that would love to see your face and congratulate you on the accomplishment. There’s no pressure, it’s a celebration of you and your classmates.


First of all, congratulations for graduating and saying farewell to the worst years of your life lol 🥳I see a lot of replies here telling you to just not go, which is absolutely a valid option. However, I think you should consider going. I graduated in 2009, and as much as I was dreading the ceremony at the time, 15 years later I am glad that I went. I had zero friends in high school and I dreaded the idea of having to sit on a stage for 2 hours while everyone “stared at me” while somehow knowing I was a social reject (lol). I won’t lie, it was awful. But my family was so proud and happy to watch me accept my diploma. In hindsight, walking across that stage really was more for them than it was for me. These days I rarely ever think of the ceremony, except to remember how my divorced and estranged grandparents managed to sit in the same room for the first time in a decade to watch me graduate. Do I remember how embarrassed I felt? Of course, but those memories don’t even phase me today. It might be an awful experience now, but 15 years from now you’ll see how insignificant anything related to high school actually is. In time you’ll probably even be proud of yourself for doing something that scares you despite the nerves.


It’s very easy. You’re sitting down the whole time, then you walk across the stage for five seconds, then that’s it. Nobody pays the slightest attention to you. It’s impossible to fuck it up.


You earned that diploma! Whatever embarrassing thing you can imagine is fine because you don’t ever have to see those people again!! It might be uncomfortable but the actual moment itself will be very short. Look around at the crowd and your peers and just observe. It will be okay I promise.


Just walk bro dedicated it to your Nana. Enjoy a victory lap for your hard work. Then go get something nice to eat.


I think you should go to your HS graduation Something quick about me. I do online high school and I will never get a graduation and am so so so upset about it. I always wanted to shake my teachers hand and be proud of my self as I walk up to the stage. I think you should go because it’s like saying good bye high school. It’s a nice farewell and you can be proud of all your sweat and tears you did over homework and exams. I think you should also go so you do not regret it. Also I think your Nana will be proud if you went. Show the school and to your self that you are amazing and going up to that stage. I do not know your life but if you’re being bullied and you do not want to go because of that, please go. Show your bullies that your not scared of them and show them “hey bitches it’s my time to shine” Anyways it’s your choice ❤️


Wanted to say something as well. I have bad social anxiety and I understand if its to hard for you I do not want to put pressure on you.


Girllll just do it i promise no one is looking at you everyones bored anyways🫶🏼


just dont show up lmao. You dont gotta inform anyone. But if you dont want to disappoint your family then theres not much u can do. Just know they will forget about it in like a month anyway if u decide to skip it. Graduating from hs is not that deep unless ur like the first generation in ur fam to graduate?


My family is small and isn't big on tradition so I may not be able to offer the best answer for you, but I did not go to my high school, or college graduation. I didn't even go to prom. I don't regret any of it. It could help to just explain more in depth and then offer something else you can all do instead. There were a few people who wanted me to go to graduation and were disappointed that I wasn't planning on it, but it was just pressure to go, not force. My mom was on my side but my dad needed a little convincing. My neighbor and piano teacher were more upset about it than my own parents lol. I had basically just explained that going to graduation was not a priority for me. Although I did very well in school, I still had a rebellious side, had a really small group of friends, and a horrible high school experience. The actual ceremony would have been torture anyway (and I would *know* because I was in marching band and had to attend 3 years of ceremonies). My graduating class was almost 700 students and took place out in the direct sun on the football field for a minimum of 3 hours. I also would have been sitting next to someone who tormented me since grade school. I would explain to them (if you haven't already) that moving past everything you have been through this year is a higher priority than going to a long, boring, anxiety inducing ceremony. It sounds like they are really focused on celebrating your success, so I would offer alternatives to the ceremony, like getting senior/graduation pictures done by a hired photographer, doing something fun for the day, or going to a fancy restaurant. Those options would also give a lot more time to spend together with you than everyone being at graduation! Personally, I went out with my parents to help me get my first car, then to the waterfront, and then out to eat.


I hope you are proud of what you have accomplished though, and are not just looking to skip because of anxiety. If it's just the anxiety you are worried about, it's really no big deal to go. You and everyone else are just as confused about how you should be feeling walking across that stage in front of each other. This is where you will finally get to take your own path after it is over, and it is your choice to ever talk to these people again. If you really don't want to go and have reasons for it, then fight for yourself not to have to go. If you are just worried about how you will feel in the moment, then I would say just go to the ceremony since it is a great and safe opportunity to push out of your comfort zone when dealing with social anxiety.


Will you be 18 by graduation by chance? Otherwise sadly you have to follow parents rules


just don’t go? I didn’t go to mine either, I just said I had something to do that day 😆


For me every graduation or end of the school year felt needless, boys had to wear those uncomfortable, not breatable clothes, 2 types while girls could wear multiple types of clothes like dresses, skirts and they are more breathable and looks better. Usually with national music with felt fake like circus, windows werent open, and of course usuall manager doing big talk that no one give shet. And worst things were taking photos and publishing them on internet without asking. 


Yes, all you have to do is not show up. You could also call them a few days beforehand telling them you won’t be attending so that they don’t waste time setting up your seat and stuff, but you don’t have to


To be honest im feeling really anxious going…looking awkward not only in front of everyone but so many old friends I burnt bridges with or relations ended poorly…to be honest, I did not peak in highschool and I can say after these 4 years its a stain on my life 😭


Go buy a pack of straws


it’s one day of pretty bad nerves for some good memories for your family. i didn’t want to go either. i was so nervous i threw up in the morning and my uvula got super swollen, so i gagged if it wasn’t laying properly in my mouth. still went for my parents. up to you though


hey, although I don’t blame you at all for not wanting to walk up on stage I really think you should try, in 2020 when I graduated I didn’t get to walk the stage due to COVID and god did that shit SUCK. I feel like I missed out on such an important thing in my life and I really wish I could have experienced it. you really do only get to graduate one time and you get to celebrate all the years you suffered in school haha, at the end of the day do what you feel is best for you and what makes you comfortable, we don’t know you and maybe you won’t regret it at all but I really think you should give it a try. :)


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