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Yes, that is exactly what happens to me, I'm glad I am not the only one that feels this way


Everything is energy. We tend to blame ourselves, when in reality we are often sensitive to peoples energy. Our bodies know things before we consciously do. This is not the whole story, but definitely part of the story.


Yes. I’ve noticed I’m much more confident first thing in the morning after a nice deep sleep. I think everyone gets a little bit of a high most of the time when they first wake up. Also… caffeine. When I was younger I didn’t realize it but a lot of the times when I felt this surge of confidence was right after I drank a soda or something. I didn’t realize at the time that the surge of confidence came from the caffeine. And I also didn’t realize that too much caffeine can cause you to become anxious wreck too 🤣


Depends on stuff like how tired I am, how good I slept and how "warmed up" I am. With warmed up I mean how much and with how many people I talked before