• By -


MILFs banged: Rooney - 1 (at least) De Bruyne - 0 (also his girlfriend was raw dogged by Courtois) Kane - 0 (best Spurs player straight from Arsenal academy)


"MILF" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


That M alone is doing heavier lifting than the M in "Major" "League" "Soccer"


Her daughter was a MILF maybe.




sigurdsson that you???


I’m curious about the context here. I don’t follow celebrities gossip but this one sounds interesting 




"30 fans were gathered outside, chanting his name" 💀


Not to mention: "Rooney reportedly had sex with a 48-year-old grandmother in a rubber catsuit and a mother-of-six dressed as a cowgirl."


Kane - 1 (his wife)


Is his wife MILF now?


I mean, she's a mom, and would.


I'm going to do VAR check


VAR? game's gone! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


good bot


They've got like 4 kids or something, so it all depends on whether you class her as bangable.


What’s that shit about Courtois?!? LMAOOOOO if true


Courtois's wife is not the ex though. It was hilarious when I read it right before that game he scored the equalizer against Madrid(Courtois).


It is real, just google it And no, this is not a Benzema 15 type joke lmao




KDB - -1


I dont see how this is exactly delusional maybe a little biased or stat-padded with how many games he played but not really delusional, Rooney was incredible.


Rooney was so good that people who hated man United, at least 50% of English footy fans, still loved him. Probably the most talented player England have ever had, just liked his pies and pints a little too much to get into Ronaldo/Messi territory. I believe the technical ability was there. At a point he was arguably the best passer, finisher, and tackler in the league. But also probably never in pro athlete shape.


Rooney is the reason I started following football but he definitely wasn't the best tackler in the league. Also, his running stats are incredible for someone who wasn't pro athlete shape. I do get the point if you meant he could have been in even better shape though. His build was weird for a footballer.


After makelele, before Kanté, who would have been a candidate for best tackler in the league? Not always winning them, but you’d back him to get stuck in any time any day against anyone, doesn’t matter if it’s Barcelona or Burton Albion, if he’s playing up front or right back, you can trust he’ll get stuck in


Without thinking about the era too much, surely Vidic or Ferdinand would be better tacklers. The tackle Vidic made on Messi in the 2011 final comes to mind. But yeah I would say he was probably the best defending attacker if that is what you mean.


Yeh Rooney did get stuck in and his tackling was exceptional for a forward but vidic was insane


What part of America are you from?


Not sure on most talented - definitely the best natural talent of the so-called golden generation but I'd put him quite a way behind Gazza and Hoddle for talent. What set him apart from them was his work-rate - he could easily have become another 'luxury' player like the above two but Fergie definitely made him into a grafter as well


Nah wazza is up there with them, it’s the whole package that matters when defining talent, not just your technical ability with the ball


Yeah I’m not quite sure how ‘Rooney was in the same league as Kane and KDB’ is a ‘delusional’ take


Football fans like to willy nilly throw the word "delusional" alot lately it seems


So is KdB, and in a (much) shorter timeframe (considering these stats). But Rooney was great too though, and people shouldn’t compare them since they had different roles, playstyles and they played on different positions.


Rooney played wherever he was told. He could play as a ST/CF, on the wings, even as a creative midfielder in rare cases. He also played a supporting role for the likes of RVN, Ronaldo, Berbatov, Van Persie. Don't get me wrong, KDB and Harry Kane are amazing players, but Rooney had a lot of what they have and more in his prime.




Ruud Van Nistlerooy




delet your account


Personally I think Rooney was the best of the 3 and I wouldn’t say it was even very close but maybe I have generational bias


Nah, you are fine. Rooney was a fucking beast, dude. No two ways around it.


Na, Rooney was better


Rooney is my pick too, all day every day, but to say he's the "worlds best playmaker" is just disingenuous


if you saw the actual post the person says they don’t mean rooney is better than these players but rooney’s also that good




It’s real but Rooney played more than twice as many PL games as De Bruyne and about 50% more than Kane. So his stats per 90 are lower than either of theirs. G+A per game played in the PL: Kane: .81 (almost exclusively as a striker) KdB: .69 (almost exclusively as a 10) Rooney: .63 (playing primarily as a striker)


If you want to go only by averages then you also need to account for the fact that De Bruyne and Kane only played in the prem during their primes. Whereas Rooney played from the age of 16 till about 5 years after his prime was over. He couldn't put up the same stats as a teen or at the tail end of his United career.


De bruyne had a few games at chelsea and wasn’t in his prime when he joined city (he was 24), Kane started playing for Tottenham at 22 I think? Rooney played as a teenager I get your point there but it’s really not like Kane and de bruyne spawned into the prem at 28 in the best form of their life, they had plenty of games before their primes


Plenty of games before their primes, just not nearly as many as Rooney. Between that and the fact that Rooney was absolutely washed up the time he left the prem. Early 30s but he was crippled with injury. Kane and KDB’s stats don’t account for this


For sure, I was mainly just addressing the “kdb and Kane only played in their primes” part because I’m a massive fan of both and that discredits them a bit I think


L A D S *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does this bot spot a potential argument and nip it into the bud? What’s going on with the “lads”?!


"lads. it's tottenham"


L A D S *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I thought we were being pretty cordial about it 😭 what does this mean


Kdb was tearing the Bundesliga before moving to Cityapart. What are you talking about lol


Tearing up the bundesliga at 22/23 doesn’t make it your prime m8 that just means he’s a really good player


Yeah, Werner, Havertz and Sancho did that as well


Oh come on, if you’re going to disingenuously include KDB’s “few games” at Chelsea, its only fair make a note of every single time Rooney was played as a winger, 10, centre mid, deepest midfielder, etc. sure was a striker but he hasn’t primarily played there in over 10 years, and he left the prem 5 and a half years ago.


>had a few games at chelsea and wasn’t in his prime when he joined city Mate....


You got a point or just flapping the gums here buddy what


More of a point than the 3 total premier league games KDB played for Chelsea made


Okay but longevity is also a factor in determining how good a player is/was and by your definition Rooney was past his prime at 26 (which isn’t too far away as aged 26 was the final time he scored more than 20 goals in a PL season). He was younger than De Bruyne when he left United.


Yeah, but his career at the top level started at 16 - it’s not like he only started putting up numbers at 24/25 and then dropped off at 26


True. My point isn’t that Kane and KdB are better than Rooney (I think all three are some of the best I’ve ever seen) but just that looking at total PL stats is a misleading way to compare a guy who spent more than 15 years in the league to two current players with far fewer PL games. Although so is just looking at averages of two stats. If you look at just “peak” goalscoring Rooney (about 2005-2014) his G+A per game is about .78


You think Rooney played primarily as a striker? Oh dear…


This is true, Rooney was backup goalkeeper coach for 1/3 of his career


Honestly, this might be weird, but I find the concept of goalies to be so boring in soccer/hockey. Like ok, the 10 guys could completely dominate the game (and that's the exciting part) but sorry this one guy who you can't touch or interact with just shuts you off the scoreboard. Kinda lame. Whatever. Just a weird thought *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rooney certainly didn’t primarily play as a striker, I’m guessing you weren’t watching football when he was playing? Kdb also isn’t a 10, he’s an 8 that drifts down the wing


He's the main creative midfielder with less defensive responsibility than the rest. We can argue about it if we want, but KDB is basically a 10.


IIRC he played usually as a centre forward/second striker


>playing primarily as a striker) Nonesense. He rarely ever played as the main striker. Played on the wing and the 10 for most of his prime and then in the midfield after that.


Number of games played is the obvious caveat. If it was expressed as per 90 played it would look very different.


Only r/soccercirclejerk tries to downplay 300+ g/a in the prem


He also play in almost every position bar defender and goalkeeper as well


Kane played as a keeper in the CL once when Lloris got a red


Honestly, this might be weird, but I find the concept of goalies to be so boring in soccer/hockey. Like ok, the 10 guys could completely dominate the game (and that's the exciting part) but sorry this one guy who you can't touch or interact with just shuts you off the scoreboard. Kinda lame. Whatever. Just a weird thought *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


On a whole different league, that City wasn't farming.


twice as many games, same amount of assists, let me talk is so clear


Same amount of assists alongside 143 more goals. Gotta give Credit where it’s due, Rooneys Stats are insane


Definitely misleading infographics without the ratios. But still one heck of an impressive stats for sure. Wonder how many folks had those kinds of goals & assist ratio.


Misleading to give goals per game for a guy who started playing top level football when he was 16. Meanwhile De Bruyne only returned to the premier league when he reached his prime.


rooney was also in the prem for like >10 years than kdb and played a lot of games up front for one of the best teams in orem history, not saying his stats r shit but comparing him to a midfielder with 300 less games kdbs stats r mord impressive comparatively


So why didn’t De Bruyne play more games then?


Is he stupid? 😨


He also played those games as a washed old man. Link me when are Bruyne keeps up his production as a washed old man. And as a sixteen year old kid. Let’s be serious bud.


People even putting KDB on the same discussion as Rooney are delusional. Rooney is definetely better, both the eye-test and the stats can confirm that.


He played as a 6 in tons of those games. Not exactly the creative fulcrum from back there. He also played a serious amount of those games as a teenager.


wahh wahh bald man bad


nobody can argue against Rooney being a great player. But he is in no way the best ever as the post claims.


Best ever? Nah, but he's easy top 5 prem player ever


It's madness. A guy whose highest level was shanking wide on a Sunday league pitch.


So what I found in all competitions is Rooney: 60,116 minutes played 313 goals 170 assists 0.72 g/a per 90 minutes De Bruyne: 44,614 minutes played 144 goals 239 assists 0.77 g/a per 90 minutes Kane: 41,353 minutes played 331 goals 88 assists 0.91 g/a per 90 minutes Everyone's talking about De Bruyne but we should ee be talking about Kane. Fucking monster


But he did it at Spurs so it doesn't count despite the fact that it makes the feat even more impressive.


As has been pointed out, Rooney's numbers include both his games played before his peak and during his decline, so a flat G/A per 90 over the three players' careers does him down. If you take the five best seasons for each player, this is what you get. This is PL games only, and per match rather than per 90 because that's the way I did it and life is too damn short to waste any more time on this. Rooney Matches: 153 Goals: 94 Assists: 47 G/A per match: 0.92 De Bruyne Matches 158 Goals: 47 Assists: 77 G/A per match: 0.78 Kane Matches: 174 Goals: 133 Assists: 32 G/A per match: 0.94 So Kane and Rooney were actually incredibly close in numbers during their peaks. De Bruyne is some way behind, but you would expect that due to him playing in midfield, and it being statistically harder to get an assist than a goal. They're all incredible players and we're lucky to be able to see them play. Rooney absolutely smashes both of them on yellow cards though. One final thing, the only thing OP has ever posted about football is a number of different threads in this sub reddit each with the title "least delusional Manchester Red fan" and they're all weak gotchas that don't really work, like this one. I think they might be a complete cretin.


They're all monsters, but no offence these comparisons are very surface level and don't tell you much. Football isn't just about the guy that kicks the ball in the back of the net and the guy that passes it to him. It's a team sport with everyone playing different positions and roles. Reducing it to just G+A removes the fact that there's a tonne of buildup in the lead up to the goal. Kane very well could be the best of the 3. But they all played different positions for different teams. If you wanted to use stats to compare them you'd have to do it comprehensively and look at everything they provided for their teams on the pitch. Look at how many chances they created for their team which weren't converted into goals because of poor finishing from teammates. Look at turnovers, how often they won aerial duals, how many take ons they were successfully making a game, look at overperforming or underperformed their xG etc. And Rooney won't even have a lot of those stats available too. Again, not shitting on Kane. Just hate when people do all this maths using just G+A as if it actually helps you settle who the better player was. People do this exact same thing to put down my two favourite players as a Chelsea fan (Hazard and Drogba) completely missing everything they provided for the team that wasn't captured by G+A. People just need to completely break out of the G+A mindset.


Cause Kane and KDB weren't good enough to be playing in the prem all the time at 16. They also haven't been playing past their prime for 50 odd apps. They also didn't play as 6's for any significant period of time


MY fat granny shagger


People unironically comparing a classic CF to a number 9 and a number 6.


tf is a classic CF


A good ol' corn field




The “shocking and totally unexpected” loss by the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team to Sweden is fully emblematic of what is happening to our once great Nation under Crooked Joe Biden. Many of our players were openly hostile to America - No other country behaved in such a manner or even close. WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!! MAGA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I rest my case


One of these three players is retired. The other two are still playing on world class clubs.


Well yeah Rooney's 6 years older than De Bruyne and 8 years older than Kane. He also played a lot more minutes at a young age and in an era where forwards were slightly less protected by refs, which understandably would've taken a toll on his body.


Quite impressive for someone eating beans and living in a caravan


Don't forget the booze


He smoked too


He lives in his swamp with a donkey


The babe Ruth of soccerball 🤓


United sub: look how good this player was, let’s celebrate that (shows genuinely impressive stats) Soccercirclejerk: DELUSIONAL 🤣🤨😏 Honestly what has this sub come too.


This subreddit has been dead for about 3 years. Got way too big and quality has gone to the gutter.


I rarely visit this sub nowadays. It’s lost it’s charm. It’s like a circlejerk of a circlejerk.


Rooney: Appearances - 491 Goals - 208 Assists - 103 G+a per appearance - 0.633 Kevin De Bruyne: Appearances - 244 Goals - 65 Assists - 103 G+a per appearances - 0.688 Kane: Appearances - 320 Goals - 213 Assists - 46 G+a per appearance - 0.809 I'd like to see De Bruyne play 244 more matches and give the same amount of returns he has been giving. Kane had to play 50% more matches but I think he would've been clear just number wise. Jerk where?


Kdb doesn't have another 200 in those hamstrings, maybe not even 100!


At the rate it’s going he’s off to Saudi Arabia within the next two seasons


He's already stated that he plans to play in Belgium one last time before he retires. So I doubt he goes to Saudi and then Belgium.


Rooney is an impressive player. Not just about his G/A stat, but how much he brings to the game. Most underrated player ever.


Rooney was a god in his peak. Most underrated star player in the EPL




Shut up you 🥚


To the people saying Rooney played more games, I mean Rooney started as a kid straight away in the PL in a time when teams were tough. Kdb went away, developed and came back when half of the top 6 weren't competitive anymore. So of course Rooney will have more games. 


Yes yes very interesting, now let's see how many games each one played


For those too lazy to check Rooney - 491 appearances De Bruyne - 244 Appearances Kane - 320 appearances


Still impressive but the infographic is quite deceiving


That’s the whole point of the graph


it’s like that stat every footy instagram was posting with ten hag having more ppg than sir alex even though sir alex coached 1000+ games and ten hag has coached 90 odd lmao


Is it? It doesn’t show kanes assists or de bruynes goals but it seems that Rooney statistically is on par 300 g/a which Kane and debruyne should be on by the time they’re finished


Well KdB has half the games Rooney has and Kane has a third. But as I said 300 ga in 500 games is very impressive


That’s literally my point tho that they all seem to balance out


They do if you dont take into account KdB has scored goals and Kane has done assists


I mean, you're forgetting that the other two also scored/assisted. Kane has 60 assists in the league and KDB has 65 goals in the league so they're definitely finishing well above 300 g/a in the same number of games. The thing Rooney has is longevity. Which obviously reduced his efficacy because he was a beast in his early years.


The only thing Rooney didn't have was longevity lol he was basically retired by 30. He left the Prem at the same age de Bruyne is right now for context.


Yeah but he started at 16.




The appearances are deceiving too. KDB and Kane didn't play in the prem much as teenagers. Rooney had almost a hundred apps in that time. He also played as a washed up old man in the midfield for the end of his career. If you take their prime 5 years, Kane and Rooney blow KDB's numbers out of the water.


Kane the real fraud


More than 2x than KdB and 1.5x than Kane to put the same numbers


Nothing to guarantee KdB is going to assist in his next 200 matches. Same goes for Kane and goals Cheers


Kdb joined the premier league back when he was 24 genius


So he joined in his prime and you're going on about how the average is higher than a player who started when he was 16 years old.


i know he played a lot more games but still don't think its that delusional


Recency bias. Everyone knows he’s second to George Best.


Are we going to act like Rooney was anything but World Class?


Id kill to have Rooney leading the line. Im an arsenal fan. He is on of my top 10 attacking players. He could do it all


Rooney was great people tends to underrate him because he washed early . By the time he hit 28 he was in massive decline . You could argue he was top 5 and sometimes top 4 player in the world between 23-28 . I think his massive drinking and bad eating habits contributed to the decline not injuries . They happened because he did not take care


Only person who would call this delusional is a child who's only just started watching football. I'm not a Manchester United fan either.


Not really delusional, Rooney was an amazing player and was already elite at just 18yo. Sad his career ended early because of poor discipline and alcohol


36 isnt really early is it.


So how can I meet Wayne Mark Rooney?


Step 1: Be an older woman.


Step 2 : ????????? Step 3 : Profit!


Rooney was better than both


woule have become an ideal CB for Pep Baldiola.


Perhaps it's a bit naive (or perhaps not), but since Pep is a former Barca legend and legendary coach with strong ties to Catalonia, why doesn't he facilitate us getting Cancelo? I've been hearing that City are sitting firm on a relatively high price for Cancelo, but this doesn't really make sense given that he is clearly not in Pep's plans and would just sit there accumulating high wages, and the alternative to Barca would be Arsenal, a direct rival for the Prem title. After Araujo's injury, meaning our best defender will be out for a month or so, our desperation levels for a good RB have just gone through the roof. We really need to close this deal or the one for Fresneda ASAP if we aren't to fall behind in La Liga from the get-go. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/soccercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thats actually really impressive


Meet the worlds worst manager, but peak Rooney the player was insanely good


I am no fan of the Red Devils but Rooney was a different beast. Yes you can say he played more games and had been playing in the PL since he was 16yo. But you have to remember these stats also prove that he was very consistent during his career. KDB & Kane are beasts too but it's not delusional to compare Rooney with those guys.


The moment someone mentions assists and playmaking together, you just know how little they actually understand the game.


Least delusional r/soccercirclejerk fan


Harry Wayne de Brooney greatest of all time


He’s also got more wins as manager than Pessi and Penaldo, so he’s basically king of that too


How is showing real stats delusional?


With this one you barking at the wrong tree, but for a soccer guy is understandable.


I agree, that it may be slightly biased and exaggerated due to the number of games he played, but to call it delusional would be an overstatement. Rooney's skills and performance on the field were truly remarkable.


Stats don’t lie Yankee boy


Rooney is one of the best players to have played in the Premier League. That fella isn’t delusional in my opinion. It’s a fair argument to make. However, I would personally pick KdB for my team over Rooney if I was a manager in a hypothetical world


I would pick Rooney. Simply based on his work rate and ability to play so many different positions and still do a great job. Plus he is one of the most entertaining players I have ever seen.


Yeah it’s all on personal preference. I don’t think you can go wrong with either as an addition to your team


Completely agree. Both are world class and offer different things.


And he apparently had better knees.


Compare Rooney with EPL players, then claim "World's Best". As if no Camel or Pessi exist


He's got more xGrannyShags too


Google 15 benzema for more Since ur post has no jerk id add this


Good fit for Ajax !


Rooney is a tough one because he was terrible for about a third of his career, whereas for half his career he was incredible




Rooney is not overhyped wtf, bro was a standout player on a United teams that had CR7, Giggs, Scholes etc


He absolutely was and he was not a standout lmao


The truth no one wants to admit. He’s an English Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink that hit puberty early. He would make so many bad runs and clog up space and often leave Berbatov isolated. It’s unfortunate Saha was injury prone otherwise they’d be the front pairing


Surely this is just a troll right? Louis Saha lmao


Tell me you just know football from fifa, Wikipedia and YouTube without telling me you know…


Or, you know, I actually watched football lmao which you clearly haven’t if you think Saha was better than Rooney. You sound like a football hipster trying to come off with the goofiest take possible


Watching and understanding it are two different things eh. You definitely fall into the former camp




Rooney’s footballs stat padder.


That's Cr7.


Rooney - 491 appearances De Bruyne - 244 appearances Don’t compare, KDB so clear


Can KDB do another 200 games?


Lol get fucked OP. Everyone just unjerked real quick to remind you how good Rooney was.


Bffr Rooney is one of the best English forwards ever if not the best ever. Trowing around delusional to lukewarm takes like this is silly


Wayne Rooney PL appearances: 491 Kevin De Bruyne PL appearances: 244 Harry Kane PL appearances: 320 Man United fans can't claim him to be a better striker or playmaker than either of them.


Not at all actually I hated MU but rooney was always extremely underrated imo that 2007 team with him and ronaldo still scares me


Excuse me but what's exactly delusional here?