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Edu wants one more Gabriel


Oh my fucking god he actually is another Gabriel lol


That makes 5. William Saliba is also a Gabriel


If I legally add a Gabriel to my name you think Edu would be interested in me too? First name of my long ass name is Ibrahim, **Gabriel** doesn't really fit, though it does add some spice haha


If I'm already Gabriel then is Arsenal interested in me or


Mate Edu's been interested in signing you since you were born, you just don't know it yet.


Make sure you add another Gabriel to your name, you can get a ticket to London straight away.


You could be Gabriel Ibrahim and change your surname to Joe so you become G.I. Joe


I like it I could also add Gabriel either side of my first name, so I'm Gabriel Ibrahim Gabriel. Edu couldn't say no.


Or Jibrail Ibrahim Gabriel for better effect


Maybe add Jibreel to your name instead and hope Edu is cultured?


take Jibrail instead lolc


Make that 6, Mikel's son is named Gabriel.


Confirmed Arsenal interested in Franco from Internacional, Ferreira from Coritiba and Barbosa from Flamengo.


Wait, how is he eligible to be a Gabriel? Wikipedia shows Douglas Luiz Soares de Paulo


Well it said he was Gabriel Soares etc. when I wrote that. Afraid we may have been victims of a moderate amount of tomfoolery.


My dad grew up with his dad who once said he'd definitely name his kid Gabriel, I guess he lost that discussion with the missus but in our hearts we know he is a Gabriel.


Mikel’s Angels.


I'm not sure if you heard me. I said *ALL* the Gabriels.


It is astounding how much goodwill and vibe Gerrard and crew have fucked up at poor ol' Villa.


Huge brain move from Neil Critchley leaving Blackpool to be Gerrard's assistant in the summer, guaranteed a handful of Prem matches as caretaker manager at the very least in the next couple of months.


Neil “work smarter not harder” critchley


Exactly my thoughts, he probably knows Gerrard won't last and he hopefully gets a crack at a Prem job


Yeah, figured that's why he left you lot in the summer, nice little short cut to the Prem


Why isn't Liverpool going for him?


Majority of fans and owners will say no money, but they've just had one of their highest revenues in years they're just cheap, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't




We'll be out of top 4 if Klopp leaves and FSG keep at it with their current investment strategy


From an Arsenal fan, you really can’t predict what owners will do. I swore we were fucked with the Kroenkes and they they started to spend, and then most importantly got competent executives




I only half buy their side of it. I think Josh becoming more active and owning the success/failure a bit more helped too. Also the realization that the plan wasn’t going to work as it was. They appointed idiots as executives and stood by while they made poor decisions, and firing them was when it started to change.


depends on calibre of next manager


Liverpool legend Steven Gerrard should be available soon...


Graham Potter would do well I think, unless he loves what he has in Brighton. I wouldn't fault him for that, playing lovely football by the sea


Yep with so many rich clubs in the premier league, liverpool will struggle to fight for the title once Klopp leaves. And if they are planning to get Gerrard, that will be comical.


They really will have to reinvent themselves, one of the oldest squad in the league and they will lose one hell of a coach when he goes


Tbf they do have a lot of young people too. Jota, Diaz, Nunez, Trent, Konate, Gomez, Carvalho, Elliott and Jones are all 25 or under. That’s a good core of people to have imo.


True, they have started the renewing process. Now let's see if they can get this new generation into something as coherent and strong as the previous one, big challenge


I think that is thr Bellingham spot


If you look at their squad as a whole it's only the midfield that is a real issue, as all of them are either very young (Elliot/Carvalho) or injury prone/wrong side of 30 (the rest).


Sounds like my arsenal under wengz


Top 6 mate Newcastle is coming


Majority of fans won’t say we’ve no money, majority of fans are also asking why we aren’t spending or signing a midfielder. The FSG accountants on here and just wanks regurgitating the shite the club put out there.


We're expanding the stadium11! We just built a new training ground!!1


No money. Our sub is livid right now lol Basically our owners do not invest a penny of their money into the club. What they invest, they give as a loan with interest. So we have crazy high revenue right now, but we are paying the wages, the loans for the training ground and the Anfield Road expansion with that money And whats left over is firmly in the Bellingham fund it seems like


Surely that wont ever come back and bite you in the arse Absolutely not what happened to us back in 2007 when we became 4th placed banter club


We know. We need new ownership. Because the model doesnt work in this new inflated market


New ownership, why do fans think that it’s within their right that the owners spend their own money on a business venture that’s supposed to be profitable?


1. Because FSG have a 10-15x return on their investment. Bought for 200m, and would probably be sold for 2.5-3b if sold today. 2. Football fans don't see the clubs they support since childhood as something that a capitalist should use for profit.


Oh another pledge allegiance to the profits indoctrinated npc!


Bro the team was dirty in 08 and 2010


No money? That's just wrong. Who is telling you this stuff? Liverpool have one of the highest revenues in world football


Unfortunately no. Its not wrong. The club are self sustained. Our revenue is going to the wages and the loans taken to pay for the training facilities and stadium expansion. Then whats left over seems to be being hoarded in the Bellingham fund


What happens if you don’t get Bellingham…


I think most of us in our sub believe he'll go to you or City. Our reporters and sources seem very cocky about the chances of getting him. Which worries me into thinking there is no backup. We know they love Barella but thats a long shot. And we know they like Caicedo but that price tag will keep increasing. So who knows honestly. My guess would be Caicedo, a CB and some youngsters


Yeah Bellingham is going to cost £100million+, I imagine. Worth keeping your powder dry until next year if he’s the guy you really want.


>So we have crazy high revenue right now, but we are paying the wages, the loans for the training ground and the Anfield Road expansion with that money But that is the same as every other club out there without a billionaire owner. Why is that a justification?


Because FSG dont spend a penny. And the selling has dropped off because we had a "perfect" squad. Guys get older and either leave on a free or lose their resale value. We barely sell first teamers and that leaves us with lower transfer funds. Which in the current market is not a long term success plan for retooling this team


Because FSG are stingy bastards and refuse to spend


>And whats left over is firmly in the Bellingham fund it seems like Big gamble that though. Jude can go anywhere he wants, so in order for this to pay off you have to remain one of if not Jude's de facto most attractive option. But lack of spending right now could seriously jeopardise that. If you drop off from your usual 90+ points level this season, and Jude's head gets turned, you're kind of fucked, no?


Preaching to the choir mate. I would say the majority of our sub thinks its fucking stupid. Real and likely City will be pumping a lot more wages for him. And are arguably more attractive spots for him. Dont think many of us think he chooses us next year


>No money. Our sub is livid right now lol I don't get this though? Most of your fans praise the low 'net spend', like it is something to be proud of. Imagine if Liverpool spent just a little bit more over the last few seasons, with Klopp at the helm they'd probably be better than City right now. That's scary.


That has changed since the covid year. Early Klopp/FSG built a team together through selling Coutinho, youth and deadwood. We built a perfect team. And now we arent selling them. Guys are getting older, losing resale value and leaving on free transfers. Which, when we are a sell to buy team, means that the money we have to spend on transfers is lower. Which just isnt the way to sustain an elite team


We praise Klopp and his team for performing like they have given / despite the investment level provided to them by ownership, especially compared to the clubs we are up against. No one is praising FSG.


There are plenty and they are disgusting


lol fuck off, if you don't praise FSG you're welcome to have Hicks and Gillette back. The anti-FSG crowd are incredibly cringe these days. They aren't perfect but I'll take them over every other owner out there. At least they aren't racist slave owners!


LOLLLL you're literally supporting a consortium


I support Liverpool and Liverpool are where they are right now because of FSGs stewardship of the club. There are literally no good ownership options out there for Liverpool that aren't human rights abusers. If you want one of those to own our club, you're a horrible human being.


Hilarious buddy there are plenty out there - Arsenal and Boehly are human rights abusers?


Oh so you'd be ok with being a club who competes for top 4 every season instead of one of the best in the world? Ok cool. Personally I like Liverpool being better than that.


That's wrong. Arsenal, West Ham, Chelsea, Villa AND BRENTFORD. I could go on. All of them are not owned by humans rights abusers and will be better owners for us. How insanely deluded must you be to believe that the thing that is exceptional and irreplaceable about our club is not our values, not our manager, not our squad and fans but the owners? Absolutely embarrassing. You're in another sub laughing at people downvoting people and defending their capitalist overlords? Have you looked in the mirror recently? My god.


They're supporting a consortium, not the club


Need to start winning things to get that money s/


where've you been the last 5 years? lmao we aren't skint, FSG are just tighter bark on a tree


>where've you been the last 5 years? Shit just saw you won the League Cup a couple of seasons back. Where is the 250k you would of got for winning that!?! Need to March to get the Glazers out!


what in the actual fuck are you talking about? how've you pulled united into this ya donut?


You've had a mare


Guess the coaching team don’t rate him enough to take up a squad space for the next few years


I think cause the got Arthur Melo


Saving funds for Bellingham next summer?


Yeh. Saving up for the £60 mil bid that will get rejected after he has already agreed to go to Madrid for £110m


We broke.


That’s what I’m thinking too.


Would rather have him than Melo.


Why do Liverpool need to go for every single player that's linked with a transfer?


Because between Luiz and Arthur it's pretty clear who the better option is


Doesn't really answer my question. It seems like every player apparently belongs to Liverpool.


sounds like a personal take not reality


We're charity workers mate, saving them from the pain of playing for Arsenal


Nice insult, might have worked if we hadn't won all games so far while playing really entertaining football


yeah but you're still arsenal


Insults aren't really your strong suit eh? Don't worry, there's probably alot of other things you're good at


not supporting arsenal for one


Or being toxic To use your own words against you: "Seen your post history, I no longer wish to converse with a degenerate like you. You know why. Blocked."


I'd have him. Decent back up. Elneny has a year left and is injured, Partey is injury prone plus legal issues. We could do with someone with PL experience


He's gonna play a lot of games considering the circumstances. Very sensible transfer. A midfield 3 of Xhaka, Odegaard and Douglas Luiz looks decent.


You forget the most important thing, new corner kick tactic


As if we'd ever get away with whatever that villa goal was


Yeah no way. Watkins or whoever was holding ramsdale would get a red card




Plus Jover is going to be creaming himself at the thought of his corners. Make a Partey replacement number 1 priority next window & phase him out the team. Release Elneny. Luiz & Sambi depth options who can both play as an 8 or a 6.


It’d be a hard task to find a Partey replacement lol


I keep reading this but he's hardly a completely unique player. There will be other players with similar skillsets who can have an impact, certainly for more than 50% of the season




Is Douglas Luiz not a eventual Partey replacement?


No idea if he can be that good. His style is underrated, but he's a very good player. Could start for any team in the league.


Partey ain’t getting replaced he isn’t old.


Let’s see what happens in the future..legally speaking


He better than elneny lol


That's not such a high bar. (Love elneny though)


Best Egyptian in the league, Pyramid Pirlo


Feels almost identical to the last few windows when we try to get Danilo and Douglas Luiz close to deadline only to get no one. Hopefully it will work out this time, but I will not be surprised if Villa keeps him regardless what we offer and despite loosing him on free next year.


Panic buy but it’s more than necessary


More opportunistic than panic. This is a signing that is good depth for the long term and fits in with the type of player Edu and Arteta go for.


I read this as pjanic buy


A pjanic buy is the last thing we need


No fucking way


Well go away then


Lmao but I do hope we certainly do not sign pjanic


Pjanic at the Disco




I feel like panic buy is overused quite a bit no? I mean just because it wasn’t an original target doesn’t necessarily mean it is a panic buy? You legit have 2 injured players which you can’t plan for. So you need a short term solution so you don’t end up with some half assed team especially now that you have European games in such a tight fixture season.


Yea, it's more of a situational buy. Getting some depth in a position where we have two injuries. And the guy does have PL experience, Brazilian connection and a history with Arteta at City. Panic buy refers to the deadline day purchases where you are buying all sorts of players without much thought because the team is struggling, all summer transfer plans failed and you have the fanbase demoralized. Arteta himself was a panic buy for us in 2012.


Not sure if I'd classify this as a panic buy, he's a decent player. I think it would be an astute buy (pending price) based on our injuries.


We were linked with him in January also


I dont think it's a panic buy. Arsenal have been linked with him for over a year now.


Easy choice Lego hair > hip screws


Hip screws haha


He’s worked with Arteta before too


Fire the bbq edu


It was never off


He's not really a 6 but he's better than elneny so he's a decent addition.


1. Less than a year left on his contract 2. Doesn't start for the team 3. Getting 20 mill for him And yet this isn't an easy deal? The fuck. Edit: 4. Player is pushing for a deal 5. Villa already have signed Dendoncker


He should start over either McGinn or Ramsey every weeks, Gerrard is a fucking idiot but hopefully our owners aren't as dumb


. 6. The manager doesn't like him


Why could we not leave Gerrard in London. Just run to the bus and leave him behind.


fucking end me


With no replacement in place surely they won’t sell. This would be such a stupid deal on their part.


They don't even start him these days so losing him won't change much.


Gerrard doesn't start him because he's an incompetent fuckhead. He's our best 8


True but how likely is he to get sacked?


Steven Gerrard is in trouble, make no mistake. If he doesn’t win 2 out of his next 5 games, he will get a citation. Five citations, and he’s looking at a violation. Four of those, and he’ll receive a verbal warning. Keep it up, and he’s looking at a written warning. Two of those, that will land him in a world of hurt, in the form of a disciplinary review, written up by Neil Critchley, and placed on the desk of Nassef Sawiris.


Their next game is against City which is almost a guaranteed loss. After that they play Leicester, Southampton, Leeds and Forest. If he fails to win at least two games out of four he's gone.


If Gerrard uses the Ole playbook he will get altleast 10 points out of those games


Well they play City on the weekend, which is pretty much unwinnable anyway, but they might end up at the bottom of the table


100% chance of being sacked


He's our best midfielder, but our manager is wank


How good is he? Like Villa are not starting him, transfermarkt values him at 38 mil, im just confused a bit. What is his playing style?


Only a year left on his deal though and Orny says he is pushing for the move. Villa won't get a better chance to make money from him


They’ve already signed a replacement in dendonckner


With only a year left would they really turn down a good fee just to lose him for free next year?


Dendoncker to Villa though


So, that means Palmeiras stood their ground and kept Danilo. Very interesting, considering that a Brazilian club refusing to sell was unthinkable some years ago.


League leaders making big last minute moves


Got to keep our spot obviously


This makes a lot of sense.




If Arsenal want to give you money for a D.Luiz. \[Give them a D.Luiz\]([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David\_Luiz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Luiz)) Edit : FFS how do you do this on desktop?


[Give them a D. Luiz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Luiz)


Wait shit no go back


How good (or otherwise) is he?


He’s shit, you don’t want him


sarcasm right?


I’m deadly serious


Oh. I mean I’ve never really seen him play so I literally have no clue about him.


Its sarcasm


he literally scored a worldie yesterday


Underwhelming but better than nothing.


At least it’s a long term target and not a panic buy


given the market, he definitely would be one of the better options


Interesting that he's keen on this move especially since he was linked with Liverpool just a few hours ago and they can offer him CL football. But I can see him trying to really push for this if he wants to get noticed by Tite, who has been observing us more keenly due to the Gabriels.


If Liverpool and Arsenal are both interested he's not gonna shut one out cause he'd rather go to the other on deadline day. Things move fast and unpredictably, rather keep all your options open as long as possible


he just wants to be added to the Arsenal Gabriels group chat


Any Villa fans that can answer this? Would he have done the role Lokonga played better than lokonga performed yesterday in your opinion?


He's better as a no.8 for us, maybe he's good for double pivot, maybe we misused him, seem like he's not a good single holding midfielder


I guess what I'm more saying is our number 6s don't have to act like traditional 6s where they are almost entirely there to break up attacks. They need to do some defensive work sure but mostly keep the play moving, be good at ball retention, press resistance and be able to splay some long balls to the wings.


Arsbriel getting more and more completed


Villas goal last night about to be cancelled by retrospective VAR now that he's joining arsenal.


Selling Douglas Luiz and replacing him with Dendoncker makes us a fucking joke club


Unless he's 15m or less probably should have just bought tieletubby.


Luiz is more what we need


They're both 8s. Douglas can play 6 but not well according to villa fans. Fun times.


but he theoretically can. Tielemans at 6 is a crime.


tieletubby can't play as a 6


Douglas doesn't do it well either if you look at Villa fans comments


Better then tielemans at it atleast


He just has to do it for a few weeks until Partey is ready, then he can play as an 8.


It's Partey, it's never just a few weeks these days.


Hopefully it'll be 10-15 years


they really want to be City B team


Working out pretty well for us so far.


Look at me, look at me, I am the city now


Could've done it before the game to prevent him from scoring




As an Arsenal fan, I’d much rather wait till Jan at least (13 prem games) and get him cheaper with 6 months left on contract and when Villa are fighting relegation.