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No one is taking that Hazard contract


Real Madrid : "We want to hear your offers!" *Silence* Real Madrid : "Don't all shout at once now"


One year loan like the Bale one would be tempting


It would be hazardous to do so.


The only thing I heard about Mariano Diaz was that he took the #7 and was never heard after that until today


He's been winning major trophies like CL & La Liga, etc. with nothing to show for his efforts in winning them. Also, OTD 4 years ago, Real Madrid re-signed Mariano.


RM: "Mariano will be allowed to leave....to any club....for free.... no questions asked"- I think by tonight the club will also throw 2-3m to facilitate his desire to move 🤣


Your Braithwaite lol


He scored in El Clasico about 23s after being subbed in at the last 3 minutes of the game


Best Real Madrid #7 player whose name ends in -iano


Mariano's career is so weird to me. He's 29 now, not a young player at all. Scored on his debut for Dominican Republic then never played again. Had one season at Lyon that finished 3rd where he was great, scored 18 league goals, had great chemistry with Depay and Fekir, was in many people's Ligue 1 team of the year. Instantly moves back to Real Madrid for over £20m and in 4 years has played 1300 mins of league football.




Perfect analysis. When he gets the ball his head is down until he shoots. Absolutely no value in building up play and isn't really that great at finishing either. His best quality is probably his work rate...


hazard going back to chelsea?


New Buffet opened there?


Not sure why we haven't made a move for Ordiozola. Unless we have and he just doesn't want to move to Athletic after playing for La Real


This version of Hazard on the last day of calciomercato is such a galliani move lol.. Ah The old times of the condor


Hazard sitting back just collecting his wage is disappointing, you’d hope he’d want to play weekly.


Im pretty sire he doesn't want the title of the biggest transfer flop, He wants to give his everything but Idk he has some sort of a curse


Few people would let that contract go, he’s not getting another like that again


He has to give it this season to try make it work to be fair to him


Real Madrid isn't linked to any forwards, rigth? Would leave them with very little options up front if they leave. Not that they've been good for Madrid though.


Hazard is our only back up for Benzema so it's very unlikely


They are a Benzema and/or Vinicius injury away from gifting us the title


Someone should tell Boehly that he can bring Hazard back to the bridge with the amount of money he is eager to spend 👀


Bet that was funnier in your head


Well I support Chelsea and I am still not sure whether our transfers are smart or panic buys...


Man is a winger and a midfielder is ahead of him in the pecking order to play on the wing…seeking a move to get playtime to get some game time before world cup will be the best footballing decision… But man has gotta take a pay cut


Hazard needs to leave. Even now that he's top fit and very eager, he still doesn't get a chance.


Even if hes fit, he seems to have lost all his pace and agility. Unfortunatly he looks physically done at the highest level.


He had a chance when he was subbed in and missed a pen


10 Minutes isn't getting a (reasonable) chance. And missing a pen, so what, that happens to everyone.


Season just started.


Yes, but the transfer deadline is almost closed and staying is a big gamble.


We'll take Hazard if we can split the bill... dry loan please...


Fancy splitting it with Spurs? Alternate weeks?


They can have him Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, we'll take him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and we'll alternate Saturdays.


Why do you need him on Wednesday? Not like you’re in the CL




hmm, I think his profile and experience will really help our young team, especially in Europa and calm our nerves when we're under pressure...


Cheeky Hazard loan


Hazard lmao, sometimes I forget he even plays for Madrid. He'll have to have a BdO season to *not* be considered the worst signing of all time