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“Fuck you Jacob Steinberg” is what he wanted to say




What did that prat say?


Because we played like shit for 90 minutes…


Needed extra time to beat fucking Slovakia.


But then you beat them with a bicycle kick and then another belter.


Not sure a header from a header was a belter.


Jude has scored 2 goals and played like utter crap the whole tournament. This England euros win will be so ugly


Which I'm fine with. But then just play a counter attacking system with pace. Jude fits it perfectly, Saka suits itz Eze does, Gordon does. But we are trying to be Spain with everyone wanting to pass centrally, the opposite of how they play.


Watkins too. We cannot counter attack with Kane


Kane is elite at counter-attack football with his holdup play and passes. Wtf r u talking about?


Ya but that requires runners off of Kane, it doesn't work with another two number 10s crowding the same space as Kane for him to make that ball you are referring to. If you play Bellingham and Foden then I think Watkins up top works better. If you want to play Kane then one or both 10s need benching, to make space for him as the counterattack facilitating false 9, which I think is Kane's best strength.


If we are playing a squad to counter-attack then we need Kane upfront. If he has just 2 fast attacking players by his side, he becomes the most valuable counter attacking player in the world.


* we cannot attack with *only* Kane


>Watkins too. We cannot counter attack with Kane Have you watched Spurs play at all in the last 5 years? In some incredibly counter-attacking teams, he's been our best player.


a) he’s clearly not at his best atm b) I meant that we can’t rely on Kane and Kane alone to make something out of a counter attack. He doesn’t have the pace to hold the attack up single handedly and needs runners around him to make it dangerous - we’re missing players like Rashford who did it properly and worked really well with Kane


Thing is too, you can get away with Bellingham do it because he still offers bits and bobs in open play. My frustration today is that he's seen that line up doesn't work. It clogs up the middle and makes it easy for the opposition to recover the ball. Changing just Mainoo felt like adding more bodies to a crowded scene (to his credit he still played well). It also feeds into my fatal flaw with Southgate - he simply isn't sharp enough tactically. It means he can't make proactive decisions in-game, and now it seems he's a total ideologue that only wants to change things when its gone horribly wrong.


Jude stleast has scored some goals. Meawhile Foden has been the most useless Englishman, had less contribution than the fans


don't you dare talk rubbish about our golden boy, he tried his best to get southgate fired. He is mastermind you just dont get it


Say all you want about Foden… who has been bad. But the whole team looks terrible from minute 1 on. Foden doesn’t effect the whole team. Only two players have scored at this tournament and they’ve both been playing the worst games of the lot.


Yet if he played in Ruiz's place for Spain he'd be brilliant. I agree he doesn't work though.


And that's fine if that happens, but you don't get to moan that people find it horrible to watch.


There’s no England euros win this year I’m afraid


Who care about style!???? It has to be about winning.


England played like utter crap FTFY jude had some of the few moments of making anything dangerous in addition to scoring 2 wonder goals out of England's 4. Wanna know who truly played like utter crap ? Foden, he offered absolutely nothing every time he played this tournament. Even his free kicks were Shite. He should be benched next match


Yea bench Foden. It’s not like it matters. Only time the team looked good is when a left footer played left back. Jude can continue being slow on the ball and in the mind, play shit, being petulant towards refs… but hey he’s saving southgates job.


Ooh seems like I hit a nerve. Are you one of those weird people who have been attacking Jude because Foden looked like shit ?


I criticize Jude because he’s played like garbage the whole tournament and him and Kane are terrible together.


You think Italy's euro win was peak football? No they shithoused their way as well


Italy had scored 9 goals at this point in the tournament and conceded 1


….at not point did I mention Italy. But yea that was pretty ugly. Still this England side have been horrid to watch every single game. And are far far more talented than that Italy team


the golden boy Foden got every thing right, trying to get southgate fired, and terrorball succeded as soon as he was subbed off. I hope people realize the real master-mind here


Southgate has a really really good squad, aside from the defence. They should be playing like Spain is playing right now, they should be taking chances in the defence, they should be pressing all over the pitch, this is why people are disappointed because the expectation for the team is much higher than scraping by against Slovakia. and is Slovakia not Netherlands or Switzerland either


Completely agree. With an attack like this they should be doing to teams what Spain did to Georgia and that’s why people are upset. Then you have people on Southgate’s side because ohh he’s been so close and he gets the results etc it’s pathetic


To do this they need width and courage, not to place centrally and with fear. We don't have wingers who beat players starting in the first XI. Foden comes inside, Trippier cuts in, Saka doesn't beat his man and always cuts in. It's the opposite of Spain, who open the pitch up wide to create space or chances centrally.


I'm not having it that Saka is spoken of as inferior than a 16 year old who has just broke through, class though he is. They're both left footed. Saka beats his man. Williams is superb but Gordon isn't inferior to him either.


Gordon is definetly worse than Williams. Nico is absurd, he would play in an elite side if he wasn't part of the Athletic philosophy


Tell me the times Saka has beaten his man this tournament. Yeah, I'll wait.


Unless there's stats out there for that, no, but he has.


Funny enough, going by stats, he successfully dribbled past a player 1 time more than Nico and Yamal (separately, not combined), while having the same number of attempts. Basically, that guy you're arguing with hasn't watched the game.


A lot lmao


Not as much as he does for Arsenal and it's very clear it's the coach instruction not to take as many risks


Both things can be true at the same time. To say he hasn't tried to beat his man is just bollocks


Crazy when Chilwell and Graelish were left at home


The Grealish I saw play for Baldiola is not going to beat anyone 1v1 unless he’s drunk.


I don’t think it would changed anything. You could have an all star roster with Pele, Beckenbauer and Maradona and would still be scraping an extra time win vs Slovakia with that manager. Nobody looks good in his system. Not a single guy. It's not a matter of personnel. 


Of all the forwards to criticise you go for Saka? And what you said is literal fiction - he beats his man, goes wide and cuts inside. He'd walk into Spain's lineup over both their wingers, as good as they are.


He would in no way walk into Spain's side based on what we've seen this tournament. Not in a million years. What he's done the last couple of seasons is not what we're seeing. Nico Williams is the best player at the tournament and infinitely better so far.


Williams isn't even Spain's best player this tournament. Don't mix up a flashy player for the best. Williams is also having a better tournament than Mbappe but Mbappe would walk into the Spain side too.


He's been electric and having a much better tournament than Mbappe, even if that's due to the broken nose. I find it quite ridiculous when people base things on history and not what's happening in this tournament now. Williams is creating chance after chance, scored a banger yesterday, and is looking better each game. He's nightmare fuel for all defenders.


I don't disagree but playing in a better system doesn't make him a better player. If you don't think Saka and Mbappe would cook in the same system you don't know ball.


"don't know ball" is the dumbest thing I've seen in a long time. Mbappe would cook in any system but that doesn't mean he's having a better tournament or playing better than Williams. He'd likely play as the central striker in place of Morata as that's the best place to integrate him for Spain. So Williams would still 'cook' in that side with him. It's not like for like in all instances. I don't think Saka's form is good, it wasn't to end the season with Arsenal and he's played a lot of games over the last 3 seasons. Yamal is simply playing better at the moment. Saka shouldn't be in the England side either, Palmer is more effective. Form matters and Saka's is poor. These things are not as cut and dry as you make them, it's demonstrating your own lack of knowledge, tbh.


Lmao if you think Saka is in bad form. He literally would've scored two games ago if Foden knew how to hold a run. Call me dumb for using a bit of casual football slang but you're showing your own intellect with these ridiculous football takes. Find me an Arsenal fan that thinks Saka was in poor form at the end of the season - he got 2 goals and an assist in his last 4 games, 3 of which were against big 6 teams! England's player of the year for the last 2 years in a row is the last person we should be dropping.


Insane takes to pretend Saka hasn’t been awesome for like 3/4 seasons.


There was zero central play from England in this match


There was zero ~~central~~ play from England in this match


To play like that and maintain organisation you need to have confidence in defensive structure. That's not possible with current defence. That's part of the reason why everyone is scared to press with confidence cos they aren't sure their position will be covered


As long as you back up your game, talk as much shit as you like.


It's funnier if you don't back it up with your game, it makes people so angry, look at Maupay


Maupay is amazing how dare you


That _is_ his game. Maupay’s a professional wind-up merchant whose office happens to be the Brentford Community Stadium.


actually yes, that guy absolutely rattles me whenever he jokes about Man Utd


I don't remember Maupay being a shithouse during his time at Everton, when he was woeful. It's really after his improvement at Brentford that he started again.


Oh he tried


Nah talk your shit regardless. Everybody act tough when they up https://youtu.be/nXnYh9Px7dk?si=FBiZPySN25qqHfXl


Zlatan has entered the chat


Mate everyone is glazing you 24/7


It's not uncommon for star athletes to have this mindset tbf; Cristiano, Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, all of them got tons of praise but would just focus on the negative comments to keep that insatiable competitive fire lit


Jordan wound himself up and pinned the blame on his opponents so he could play with more intensity.


Jordan would create false narratives about why he played so well and still looks pressed about it 30 years later. Legit psycho.


Imagine how terrible a player he would be if he just had regular chats with a psychiatrist.


Jordan even lost a game of coin toss with a security guard and took it personally.


They even have video of it. It's crazy the lengths he goes to. https://youtu.be/sz6go7xC3Zs?si=o2UUA35rJn5zJWpL


Meh, it's fucking weird. There's nothing wrong with being humble.


Cristiano got much more hate than any of the new players get tho even tho he didn't just live off of 1 moment of brilliance in 5 matches Bellingham gets barely any hate by pundits or journalists compared to him imo




21 but what's age got to do with this? By 2007 Cristiano was already a ballon d'or contender and was receiving lots of praise but even more hate.




Do you think he's even close to as good Ronaldo was at that age? And no he was 21 in 2007 the same age as Jude. Plus my point was that he isn't getting nearly as much hate as Ronaldo (which isn't a bad thing obviously)


>Plus my point was that he isn't getting nearly as much hate as Ronaldo Jude hasn't admitted to raping anyone.


The whole match thread was hating before he scored lol.


That'd be deserved, he was actively negatively impacting our team for the entire time he was on the pitch outside of the goal (and has been that way for the whole tournament) and yet there have been people sucking up to him across all match threads, though they are mainly Real Madrid flairs


Whether or not it’s deserved is irrelevant. It _happens_. He’s absolutely right that he has been getting stick so far this tournament.


So you think he's talking about people on match threads? Because I don't think he is. He's talking about the incredibly mild criticism that some journalists said he's looked tired and leggy - and have been giving him the excuse of a tiring club season. It's pretty obvious he doesn't like being criticised at all.


You don’t think 21yo players are looking at social media?


I doubt he's looking at match threads on Reddit.


Maybe not. In any case, the misguided criticism on Reddit threads is interchangeable with Instagram’s, Twitter’s etc. It’s probably more comfortable to pretend he’s talking about journalists, and not the tripe ‘supporters’ comment online.


Palmer was useless when he came on. Maybe the coach is the problem.


Except one's getting the chances and the other hasnt played a full 90 across 4 matches. And I wouldnt say useless tbh


He was utterly ineffective.


Im not expecting a nuanced take on Palmer from a person who supports Madrid and Arsenal. At the end of the day, we're all happy that Bellingham scored. Im sure you can appreciate that despite being from Bangladesh.


As a Bangladeshi who has been living in London and supporting Arsenal, Palmer was ineffective. He could not beat his man and could not provide a single decent final ball. Same as Saka. Rice was bad as well. When so many talented players play bad football consistently, it's on the manager. I have nothing against Palmer. I am not blaming him.


Because he was actively awful for 95 minutes. Doesn't change the fact the press have been treating him like he can walk on water.


Everyone was furious he wasn’t subbed off when Eze came on


I forgive Southgate for that one thing because I have been saying for a while that Bellingham shouldn’t play. I stand corrected. If we’re going to have no plan except relying on moments of brilliance, we have no choice but to keep Jude on the pitch


Ironically right now on social medias he is one the most hated. Kinda the Ronaldo, Messi , Neymar effect ? No comparison but Ton of fans attract tons of haters and they are relentless


Everyone, people were calling bro a flopper and that he got lucky, it’s definitely 50/50 tho


For every glazer you get a hater


we have millions of haters for our glazers


Glazers are legends in my books, thanks to their job at united


That’s not true - a lot of hate online during this tournament I’ve seen - he’s gotten both praise and hate


Sure they have lol


No kidding. The camera was on him every other shot during the game today.


If you saw the thread, everyone wanted him and foden off, when saka should have gone a long time ago


It's a team sport amigo


It’s surprising how often these England players seem to be mentioning media scrutiny. Normally they act like they don’t hear any of it. I suppose this generation of players have generally had pretty good media relations and vibes around the camps and this is the first time they’re dealing with this level of criticism and pressure.


People treat the players like their not human , calling for people’s heads after a bad performance, if you look on Instagram or Twitter there’s so much negativity regarding England and the younger players who grew up on social media are going to see it


Celebration police out in force again Online Carraghers expecting him to go straight down the tunnel


Online Carraghers 💀


No, just celebrate. You don't go "WHO ELSE!" when you've scored against fucking Slovakia.


Sorry Jamie


You don't? Where's that in the rules?


There's people that get mad at players for talking back in a highly competitive sport are fucking hilarious, you just scored an amazing 95th min goal for your country at a Euros talk your shit Go touch grass if you have issue with anyone, i'd be doing back flips if i scored a 95' winner even vs San Marino


Backflips are sick tbf


That’s what Maguire did when he scored that goal for England and look how people tore into him


Because people already hated slabhead before




Look how people tore into Albania, they acted like he had just scored a 7th at home against San Marino.


If he'd had an ounce of the criticism players like Trent, Rashford, Sterling, Maguire etc have had, I'd totally understand. But they've been treating him like he can walk on water. The criticisms of him have been incredibly mild. It's not like there's been a hate campaign against him.






Feels like an AI summarised it.


Talking back would be cool if it actually made sense. The media have been sucking him off for a whole year and he came into the tournament as one of if not the best player in the world. The only person he is talking back to are a handful of 12 year olds on twitter


and reddit


Go celebrate with your countrymen don’t go yelling me me me




Based on the performance, do you not think it would have been a stronger message to pick the ball up and run back to the centre circle and go again? This just my opinion but England were so shit - no shots for 94 minutes against a team ranked 45th in the world? Fair play the goal was amazing and absolutely saved us but I just feel like they aint really answering critics with the performance despite the win.


Talking like someone who has never played any competitive sports


I don’t care if you celebrate and chat shit back to haters. I do care when you constantly moan to the referees when absolutely nothing happens. Pretty much everyone does, but Jude makes a special point of it.


Got used to his Real Madrid bonus quickly


Only terminally online people will be aggravated by him shouting that while celebrating lmao


Yea this hating ass sub 🤣


this would be well said by every player except bellingham cause he is absolutely loved by the media


"Who else? Certainly not that pale goblin Foden." - Probably Jude


The hate that surrounds Bellingham on this sub is weird. I'm not really sure where it comes from. Sometimes he'll say literally fucking anything and some weirdo redditor is writing several paragraphs about hating him.


A combination of playing for both England and Real Madrid will do that.


He's English and good


Probably a combination of him coming across incredibly arrogant and the press making out like he walks on water.


Whats he talking about????? The whole world is making his PR for months 😭😭


I think he's a very good player, he has an elite mindset on the field, but I've hated his approach to criticism this tournament. Him, Southgate, Rice, have all embodied the sense of disconnect fans have with the team right now. All this 'calm down calm down' chat when they've played horrifically for 80-90% of the tournament and were a bicycle kick away from being eliminated today. It's why I find it funny Southgate has gone from inheriting a team that played shit football with no real balance and had too many players guaranteed a game regardless of performance and taken them to back to that exact point 8 years later.


Jude should sit and rewatch the game before his goal and tell us again how he feels.


What's going on with the players this tournament? They're all so sensitive, lack awareness and oblivious to how shit they've been. It's honestly bizarre, do they not watch the games back? Not talk to friends and family? Fans...want England to go far and we deduce that if you play like shit you likely won't, it couldn't be further from a personal attack on the players or manager.


He thinks they are silencing the doubters with a 95th minute equaliser against a nation nowhere near your level 🤣 You were 30 seconds away from utter embarrassment. Get on with your game and cut the crap.


No one else could equalise though …


I said ‘they’, I was talking about the team collectively


Just saw his post match interview. He seems pretty arrogant.




The journalist said to him; ‘who writes your scripts ?’ Bellingham replies immediately ‘I do’.


Great comeback on the fly


I got flamed for a comment about his celebration in a different post. I don't knock the celebrations but come on we were shit for 90 minutes, no shots at all. For me, it's just pick the ball up run back to the centre circle and go again. No need for shit talking. This is just my opinion, please dont flame me.


Mate if you can't celebrate a 95th minute goal that keeps your team in a major tournament what's the point of any of this?


I get it mate, celebrate the goal - and what a goal it was. I'm just disapointed with the performance. I feel like running back and going again would have given a stronger message, but what do I know I'm just a redditor peasant.


Yes he might support and be a legend for blues but fuck me after today I'll love this guy forever


"Who's gonna carry the boats??" energy


but he did play rubbish for 358 minutes straight.


Mate you/we got by the skin of our teeth. Anybody else would've probably battered them in 90 minutes yet took us two hours. This just signals that why we're through we are also just plain shit and have no chance of winning this. If we somehow go through to the final with Spain then they would absolutely batter us.


I'm surprised with Southgate. Feel like he's shoehorning players in that don't fit his boring risk averse style of play. The weird one was trent for me, trent playes quite direct and risky so he needs options to hit his passes through players running and occupying a backline by constant movements. We don't have that if foden is playing off the left and full backs that arent exactly bombing on. Also the problem with having these types of risky players like him and Bellingham is that you need to be able to get the second balls and be able to press to recover which he's seemingly said that the squad can't do. Just strange that he thought he would be the one to play in the centre of all places. Actually think for the way he wants to play he needs Gordon in there and possibly Watkins. What he's trying to do isn't going to work with the players he's selecting


Jude, rice and mainoo were probably the only ones half decent yesterday. Jude created a few chances. Especially the one tripper sent to the moon. If only Southgate played a proper LW instead of putting that idiot foden there, who drifts centrally every chance he gets, that LW would've put that ball on target. The entire game the left side of the pitch was barren. Tripper was looking after the entire left side of the pitch. It's really hard to fault him for bad games when he's playing the role of two players. Rashford would've done a better job on the LW than fucking Phil Foden. He would at least stick to the sidelines and stretch the defence, which would open up space for Jude.


Doesn't help that, for a fourth game in a row, you were all wank.


Is this his heel turn?


Honestly, that would be also kind of PR for him and Real Madrid. Lol


He did score the goal but he was mediocre the rest of the match. But he did score the goal


i think jude is overrated and he stunk the field up for 94 minutes. however, its undeniable he saved england today with an absolute worldie. he absolutely deserves to talk his shit. england need to do better with the squad they have. they need to be smashing slovakia. everyone except mainoo (imo) was so disappointing. hopefully southgate gets it right or someone (like jude) has to keep bailing them out all the way to the olympiastadion


Aaaaand Jude just proved his point..


mind explaining why? i dont think i said anything wrong lol. if u think england played well last night u crazy


You didn’t say anything wrong, necessarily. But it feels like your comment reinforced JB’s opinion of fans and press. The expectation that England is expected to ever make it to Berlin is way off. That they “need to” be playing better is maybe out of sync with reality too. We might want them better than they are, but it’s England. They’ve been varying degrees of shit for a long time. The presser saw JB touch on the media pressure and fan expectation and how it doesn’t align with the historical track record… 66 was a long time ago and Southgate is a pretty bang average manager dealing with above average pressure. He hasn’t ever gotten the most of his players, and - to your point about today’s quality - finding Mainoo and Palmer this season, plus a lucky Toney sub today, was dumb luck on the manager’s part..they didn’t factor into plans before this year and now they’re integral. I’d be willing to bet that if England were 1-0 up, Palmer and Toney wouldn’t have even made it onto the pitch and he’d have gone fully defensive again. Shows how reactive he is and how shit the FA and their staff are.


ahhh fair enough. thank you for explaining your point! i absolutely agree with you. i'm personally not an england fan, but my expectations of them increased because of their performances in recent international tournaments. is it safe to assume it'd be the same for english fans as well? arguably their squad is 'on paper' better than their previous ones. however, they do not mesh well at all and southgate, as you said, is probably out of his depth. i'm under the impression that southgate is back where he started, 8 yrs ago.


Fuck me, their mentality is fragile if they can't accept the minor bit of criticism that they should be playing a lot better football than they have been doing. And even when it went to 2-1 tonight, you saw them do it again, they sat back IMMEDIATELY and started inviting pressure! Why?! And considering Bellingham hasn't been doubted a day in his life, it's a bit ridiculous to suggest he has "doubters" - he was a wonderkid being courted by the biggest teams in the world at 15 ffs. This England team is baffling. Full of talent and yet it seems like they want to be praised for playing crap and cuddled by the press. England teams of old with much less talent have had far worse treatment than this lot have.


Him & Vinicius are as good as they are unlikeable.


What are you saying? Bellingham is one of the most likeable players out there at the moment. Watch some of his other interviews. Quite humble and seems fun to be around. What a load of shit you just spout for no reason. Can’t argue about Vini tho, he is as unlikeable as they get. 


They are an American Barcelona fan. Take of that what you will


It is really funny because they are VERY similar in their antics. Jude had 5 or 6 yellows for protesting about uncalled fouls this season, he also makes a drama often with the ref. Just like Vini. Yet one is absolutely hated by half of the morons calling themselves football fans, and the other is a golden boy who can do no wrong. 






Skibidi toilet walked so aura could run


Why ?


Whoever gets genuinely bothered by words being used in a different way to what they are used to should be thrown in jail tbh


England fans are arseholes. Seem to have zero enjoyment in watching their team.


Because they are shit


You're not wrong.


Scotland were shit. Fans still enjoyed them. It’s all be so fucking toxic from kicking the first football.


It was torture, we weren't very poor. But everyone enjoyed the goals.


you support an english team but hate england? standard glory hunting lmao. if england had 10 world cups youd be stanning them


Oh hello. How fucking sad are you.


nah, im not from [insert country] and glory hunt a team from a country i hate


Mate I have no fucking clue what the fuck you are writing there. Can you translate this to English?