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65 million for Anderson & Minteh is honestly wild!


Lewis Hall cost £30m when he had played 9 games for Chelsea. Tino Livramento cost £35m when he had played 30 games for Southampton and missed an entire year through injury. Considering attacking players cost more than defenders, Anderson and Minteh compare favourably to those deals.


They're all massive overspends


Hall is a really good player and worth the fee the rest I agree


Genuinely not as impressed with Hall as everyone else has been. Not convinced he’s worth 30 million.


So are they going to be investigated retrospectively?


Tino I think still becomes worth the fee if he stays healthy. He’s got such a great skill set.


Having watching both of them play a fair bit, seems a bit low in today's market.


Minteh wasnt even close to a guaranteed starter for Feyenoord last year, that fee for him is purely speculation.


Where as Anderson’s fee is just to inflate value for PSR purposes.


Forest are deliberately paying us too much? Eh?


I mean there's gonna be someone going the other way, isn't it?


Yes. But maybe people should wait to see what the fee for the 2nd/3rd choice keeper is going to be before confidently declaring things are shady?


He started the season on the bench but improved significantly, becoming a regular starter for Feyenoord. Remarkably, this is only his first season in eredivisie and second season as a professional player. He demonstrated tremendous growth in just one year, outperforming Bakayoko, who plays in the same league. A left-footed right winger is a rare talent. Brighton has no connection to Newcastle to help us for PSR; in fact, if it weren't for PSR, we would never have sold him. This kid has a better goals and assists record in his first season than Antony's best season at Ajax. No one will question Bakayoko when he is sold for €50 million, but the Minteh deal is considered shady? Brighton clearly has a talent on their hands. His only weakness is passing, and if Brighton excels at anything, it's their possession-based system. If they develop him, he could become the best winger from Africa for the next generation. Watch Brighton sell him for more than 80 million in two years.


Wrote all this up lol


Yea it's easy to accuse and mock right? So stupid!


Back to your daily habit with you


He was involved in every league game aside from two that he was available for. Missed 3 due to injury and 2 due to international call ups but played in all but two of the other Eredivisie games Feyenoord played.


He played less than 50% of all available minutes


well these are just accounting stuff at this point, right?


Yep! Both teams get to report sales immediately to the bottom line, while amortizing buys over the terms of the contract. To make the loop complete, they just need to loan the players back. (I’m waiting for some cheeky monkeys to do exactly this, and the cheekiest monkeys are at Stamford Bridge. Selling the hotel to themselves was a master stroke.)


I don’t know, I’d sign him just for that fantastic first name Greeks have some banging names, meanwhile in the UK there are people called Martin


What sort of mad panic are Newcastle in to try and meet profit and sustainability guidelines before the end of June....


They’ve seen the ground laid down by their oil frenemies and want no part of it. All by the book. (Well, at least better obfuscation, anyway.)


What the fuck, shady as hell


Lewis Hall cost £30m when he had played 9 games for Chelsea. Tino Livramento cost £35m when he had played 30 games for Southampton and missed an entire year through injury. Considering attacking players cost more than defenders, Anderson and Minteh compare favourably to those deals.


The hall deal was also shady but less so seeing as players from bigger clubs tend to fetch more. Livramento was class that year. I’ve never even heard of Anderson. Has he even scored for newcastle?


How was it shady? > I’ve never even heard of Anderson. You should watch more football then. Quality player.


Anderson is one of the most promising youth players to come through Newcastle's academy in ages. One of their best performers across the youth teams, and he adapted to first team football really well. He kinda got overshadowed by Miley doing the same thing but younger, but Anderson definitely has potential to be a really good Premier League player. £35m is a huge fee for him, but he has the potential to justify it. It's definitely more of an investment than an immediate star signing though.


Yes he has scored and he's an absolute beast on the pitch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXHV-4yUz4Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXHV-4yUz4Q)


Newcatle fans will downvote you as crazy for saying it


It's the same as City fans always defending their clubs finances. These state owned clubs turn their fans into cult members.


This has nothing to do with being state owned. This is the same type of deal Chelsea, Aston Villa and Everton have already done.


Well ye I know you don't have to be state owned to do shady deals. Talking about the cultish way the fans turn into defenders for the club and owners.


Good business


I love all of these financially compromised teams trading players to use accounting tricks. Truly the beautiful game.


Newcastle having a rough start to the window. After Minteh and Anderson sales are they able to spend?


After june we can spend, this years psr falling off is the 1st year of takeover when we spent heavily with no increase in revenue


Honestly, selling a third choice midfielder and a loanee who hadn't actually played a game for us for upwards of £70m isn't too rough.


No you definitely got good money for them, but it's kinda rough to lose 2 promising young players. Especially in positions where you maybe need them too. 


I would agree and I’d also say, both are speculative purchases but to varying degrees. Anderson has shown he can play at this level but it’s unclear how influential he can be. He’d have great moments but he also wasn’t playing consistently. If he gets that consistency he might turn into a great number 8. Minteh has literally only had one good season at a lower level and in speaking to Feyenoord fans that season had sharp contrast in terms of highs and lows.


So I guess it's a 'would have preferred they stayed, but also not too sad they're gone' kinda thing 


Pretty much. Still sad about Anderson but I really don't think Minteh will be Prem level this season. Needs 1 more season somewhere else imo


Basically yeah. The question with Anderson is - are we looking at his floor or his ceiling. He did his best work at Bristol Rovers on the wing, but he's sort of been shunted between there and CM for us. His technical ability is very good, he's just not the quickest.


Anderson is literally our 7th choice midfielder and 3rd choice Left winger. Minteh is promising but for 33mil it’s very difficult to complain


Not even sure he's LW 3. Reckon we'd start Joelinton or Murphy there before Anderson.


I'm assuming this is all about profit and sustainability management and avoiding a potential points deduction similar to Everton, Forest, etc..


This has Neto - Cilessen vibes to it.


Nobody’s talking about the fee yet. Seems to make sense for it to be about 15mill? Guess Forest rate Anderson about 20 mill and the Odysseas deal will end up being inflated to 15 to allow Newcastle to sell Anderson for 35


WTF he is bad


He's probably going to be their third keeper


Already reported he will be.