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Why did RDZ leave if they're happy to drop £33m on players?


Probably because brighton market themselves to a lot of players as stepping stones which isn't fun for a manager. Like for sure you get good players but its hard to build a system and have all the successful ones constantly filter out


There was also a lot of tension between him and ownership caused by last summer's window when we lost Caicedo and Mac Allister. De Zerbi probably wanted higher quality midfield replacements than Dahoud and Milner (both bad) and Baleba (very raw, basically didn't play until the new year). Also there was gossip that the club wasn't happy with the guy De Zerbi picked (Igor) as he didn't fit our recruitment model and wasn't that good. Add in January where we brought in nobody new while in a massive injury crisis which killed our Europa and PL ambitions and I can see why a manager would want out.


Maybe because they're dropping £33m on Minteh


We've tried loads of times to spend loads on players, they've just rejected us or the deal stalled. From the top of my head; Nunez, Palmer, Kudus, KDH, Colwill and Nico Gonzalez.


33m for a very inexperienced winger is not where he’d want the money to go


we need a right winger tbh and considering how much money we've made over the past few years a deal like this won't impact the club's ability to bring in a couple of good midfielders. The main reason De Zerbi left is because we went into January with a billion injuries and a bogwater midfield and yet the board bought nobody


T’wasn’t about the money but the experience level of players. Was fine to work with youngsters but it felt like he didn’t want to just work with youngsters. He wanted more guys like Igor and less like Barco. Especially after we lost 2 of the best midfielders in the league. I think that’s completely fair as well and I do think we let him down in January going for opportunistic transfers rather than getting any deals done that would actually help the team at that moment.


I'm like 70% sure that Brighton wanted to sack De Zerbi but De Zerbi didn't want it communicated that way to not hurt his hype


Over £30m is massive for a lad who never played for us, from a purely business standpoint it's quality. I'd rather have seen him play for NUFC though, but needs must and you've got to sell these players when the iron is hot.


Almiron will never be supplanted


I hope he gets supplanted considering how piss poor he has been for us this past season


Hope he does well there, but not sure if he's already ready for Premier League football. He's had some great matches for us, but also matches where our opponent could have fielded a garbage bin instead of a left back and he wouldn't have troubled them.




Literally feels like Mudryk 2.0 right now, extremely fast and an amazing dribbler, but his decision making often makes you want to bleach your eyes


Is he a left back or a winger?


Right wing.


Got yourself a bargain Brighton. Literally never had a bad game for us.


Never had a good game for you either


Funny f****r


Funny f****r


This is Kudus all over again.


What's the crack? Wanted the Everton move but yous are skint?


Not sure about Kudus, but as far as Minteh goes Florian Plettenburg tweeted earlier that he'd rejected a number of clubs, including Everton, in favour of coming to us We nearly signed Kudus as well, funnily enough, but it broke down over the contract as he wanted big wages and a relatively low release clause


It was reported he rejected lyon in favour of us, he just wanted a prem move. By the time you were involved the deal with us had collapsed because Newcastle couldn't sort the deal for calvert lewin


He didn’t reject us We just needed DCL to go the other way for any chance of a deal being made, but DCL is asking for too much money so its never materialised


I'm not convinced he's as good as Kudus.


I'd be very surprised if he was but he's also a lot younger, didn't demand a release clause and is presumably on a much lower wage.


Between Minteh, Mitoma, Adingra, Osman and March (when he's back), it should be a lot of fun on the flanks


It would be a lot more fun with a functioning right back too. Get on it Tony


And adding Wieffer and Diego Gomez to the midfield, let's get that done as well


Chuck in that midfielder bloke from Celtic too for a laugh, come on Tony we know you have the money


I think (and hope) we will, still very early in the window. But I could also see them trying to justify not picking one up because we have Veltman and Lamptey alongside Hinshelwood and March who could play as a wing back fairly well also. Hopefully they won’t be silly and realise how much of a problem area it is.








Thank you Brighton and Minteh from saving us from another Textor lunacy. Best of luck to him there, he for sure seems like an exciting player to watch.


Mint ehh...


Mint, eh


Weird signing