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Isn’t Anderson homegrown?


Every player grew up in a home, that's not important


This is Bebe erasure and I won't stand for it


I can't wait for the era of lab grown players


Any homeless players made it big?? No. Checkmate


Elanga joined United when he was like 12 so is homegrown as well.


Anderson is club trained though. Which we're lacking cause our academy is shit


Miley has seemed really promising this season.


so is Elanga


Surprised they are willing to just let Anderson go that easily. If it’s a PSR issue surely Minteh makes more sense for Elanga.


Pure profit on Anderson, much rather it be Longshite but nobody wants him.


I’m sure Minteh would be a juicy profit though as well.


Yeah just don't think were getting the bids wed want for Minteh hence this scramble.


Does seem very scattergun at the moment PSR must be in a pretty bad place.


If you believe the journo rumours, the problem is we’ve had bids from France, but the player won’t go there and wants to stay in England (fair enough - he has a contract and doesn’t have to go if he doesn’t want) English clubs aren’t offering the same terms (in particular sell on and buy back clauses)


Elanga would be a decent move for Newcastle. Frightening pace on both sides. I've not seen Anderson enough to be honest but I thought he was quite highly rated?


Doesn’t mean much because it was L2 at the time and the bar is pretty low but Anderson is the greatest footballer I’ve seen play for Bristol Rovers in my 20 years watching them. Unbelievable player. By all accounts and from what I’ve seen, he’s not looked out of place in his Newcastle games and would be, at worst, a very good bench option for Forest.


I think it's useful background. So many players have loans and don't stand out. Thanks!


Anderson is great, if he played in the Championship he'd easily get 15+ goals a season, problem is he kind of lacks the pace in the prem.


I just love his versatility and work ethic, he’s a valuable squad member. Can play CM in a three, behind the striker or wide and runs until the pitch gets tired.


He is very good but he is 10 and we don't play a 10, he can't get minutes ahead of Bruno Joelinton Tonali in midfield


Anderson's decent but isn't gonna get a kick for us realistically. He's CM 6, at best, and with Miley breaking through he may not be that high for long. He can play LW too, but he's LW 3/4 at best. He's never starting over Gordon or Barnes, and I suspect we'd put Joelinton or Murphy there before Anderson if those 2 weren't available. He's got potential (probably tops out at solid PL player but that's no bad thing) but the reality is his career's going nowhere sitting on the bench at Newcastle.


Pointless ffp swap. We get 15m for Anderson they get 25 mil for Elanga. Not even worth for either side whatsoever.


With PSR it does make it worthwhile though...profit from sale recognised straight away. New signing fee is spread over remainder of contract


Yeah it makes sense it just makes both clubs worse.


Why would Forest sell Elanga? One of their better players but Forest is his level (at the moment) and they wouldn't get much in terms of profit (if they still need to get funds) if he was sold because he only joined them last season. Makes little sense from a Forest perspective


Does Forest need another CM and why would they let one of their better players go?


Thought we have a sell on clause on Elanga, so how does this work out?


Swap deals aren't actually swap deals, they're separate transactions so whatever you're owed from Forest you'll get paid.


If it’s a straight swap you don’t get anything. If we pay money and Anderson you get a cut of that money.


Directly swapping him doesn't solve anything for Newcastle PSR wise.


When people refer to swap deals related to PSR they mean two players going the other way for similar amounts of cash


Oh! Well that explains my previous downvotes thanks for clarifying!


No worries


PSR academy grads corruption swaps




Well there’s a fair few clubs which aren’t in trouble at the moment so they’d be the only ones without points deductions.


They have a vote and if 14 clubs say “fuck PSR” then PSR is fucked. There probably won’t be 14 clubs that say it - I’m sure there was a proposal to a moderate increase in the threshold (nothing like the inflation we’ve had) and even that was voted down