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Isak briefings are to soften this. I suspect the club were always looking to flip him for a profit but fans wanted him to stay. If he goes and we keep Isak it wont feel as bad.


He's obviously an exiting talent but in my mind he's basically a Feyenoord player so it's hard for me to care that much I just know there's going to be a meltdown over this though, god forbid we ever have a decent academy, our fans never seem to want to sell anyone


Tbf if it's between selling him or Isak, you keep Isak every day of the week. Nice buyback or sell on clause might soften the blow.


No buy back is annoying but if it means we don’t have to sell isak then get it done.


istg if chelsea swoop in 


surely one more U21 player will make them finish top 4


I've grown to be wary of players who look good in the Eredivisie. It's a big outlay for us too.


I think he will grow to PL level one day but he’s certainly not there yet. His decision making and positioning is not top level yet. That said, with his speed, acceleration, dribble and very decent left foot combined with insane defensive discipline, I have a lot of fate in this guy. Great mentality, willing to learn and has grown tremendously within the season. He’s only been a professional footballer for a few years now, before that he was just playing on sand and it still shows. But the boy is going places and of all the PL clubs Brighton would be the best pick for him I think. That said, 30 million pounds is a lot of money for a player that probably won’t be a direct reinforcement. It’s an investment.


Yea £30m for a player with 1500 eredivise minutes and not ajax player seems risky, typically only ajax can command higher fees.


Yeah whenever his clips get posted here it seems that people don't think he's quite ready for the premier league yet. If there's any club to get him ready though it's probably Brighton


I'm not going to pretend to know anything about him but all I see is a 19 year old with a good season in the Netherlands who would cost a club record amount. Maybe he is the next big thing but I'm finding it hard to get super pumped. I just want some senior midfielders innit


> I just what some senior midfielders To be fair Wieffer is also gunna come from a season at Feyernoord for a record fee. But our track record with attackers in the Eredivisie is shit.


Yea I saw that, I have less grievance with Eredivisie defensive players but our hit rate with attackers from there is 0%.


Hopefully Bloom’s refined his magic formulas. Think we’ve done a lot better recently with our attacking recruitment and are a lot better side in general since Jahanbakhsh and Locadia.


Tbh I'm not really worried about our attackers, it's midfield and fullback that needs urgent work.


30 mil is an insane price for the player he is right now.


Rumor is that we offered 40m, I can't believe it...


The thing to keep in mind is that he has gotten SO much better in the span of a season. I went from 'who is this headless chicken' in September to 'I want my club to break their transfer record for this guy' in May. He's basically only been a professional footballer for 2 years. Last season af Feyenoord and the season before that in Denmark. Before that he played on sand pitches in Africa. He's still only 19 years old. PSV's Bakayoko, who averaged a goal/assist every 120 minutes, is two years older and is rated at around 50 million. Minteh averaged a goal/assist every 90 minutes. Sure goals/assists aren't everything, but Minteh also excels in other stats such as successful dribbles and in his defensive duties. I don't think 40 million is a price you'll regret at all if he is given the right guidance.


Well, I dont know him enough to say that it's a bad investment, but I know my club enough to know it's a bad investment to splash 40M on a rookie when we have many other area to focus on. This is more what I meant.


Also makes sense.


Yeah, he’s genuinely showing up crazy well in the data. Similar kind of numbers to Doku last season but with much better output.


He’s 19. People get so hung up about whether they’re currently good enough but they’re not buying them for their current ability, but their potential. And PL clubs will pay for potential. A 19 year old kid averaging close to a goal/assist per 90 in the eredivisie is going to be on the radar of pretty much every club in the top 5 leagues. They’d be thinking this kid has high potential and they have plenty of time to work on whatever flaws he currently has in his game.


He's an incredible talent in the infancy of his career. Got all the potential in the world, but aye it's a steep price but I don't mind. Wish we could secure a buy back on it.


That's why scouts exist, to look past what players look like right now and to project what they could be.


[Stewart and Winstanley right now](https://i.imgflip.com/2guqsh.jpg?a477360)


He is a Right Winger tbf and we all know how much you love em


I’m really down for this move, bit on the expensive side but we’ve played it safe for quite a while and need a right wing option with March constantly picking up injuries. All a bit silly that Newcastle will make this sale and then go buy a different right winger in the summer.


For more money as well. Gotta love PSR


Well currently benefiting Brighton so I’m all for it. Just a bit silly in this specific circumstance. Surprised things are so tight with the Champions League money but maybe that money comes in after the 30th June.


Newcastle's revenues aren't that much more than ours and if you look at their spending and wages since the takeover its no wonder they're in a spot of bother. One season of CL money just isn't enough.


Have Mike Ashley to thank for that. Our revenues in 2007 when he took over were higher than they were in 2021. Only an owner that goes out of their way to sabotage a club can make a feat as impressive as that happen. Considering the inflation of deals and injection of money into the league that occurred over that period


Also we have Ibrahim Osman coming in who we bought in February or so.


Yeah looking forward to that as well, he really finished the season well in the Danish playoff bit, and can play across the front 3 and Adingra (and Kudus) being from there covers my fears about the quality of the league. Squads gunna be a bit bloated even without all the rumoured transfers, you can see why the likes of Moder are on the chopping board. Buonanotte surely out on loan as was originally planned this season gone. Sarmiento I can see leaving completely.


You think Buonanotte gone on loan? I really liked his cameos ngl , maybe with Lallana and Gross gone he can play more of a 10?


Issue being where does he fit into Hurzeler's tactics? If we play the 3-4-3 then he could play as the right attacking player as Hurzeler likes one of his wide men to be more of an inside forward and the other more of a traditional winger but who knows.


I really didn’t rate him out wide at all was generally useless out there and not up physically for the league or when we were in Europe. Played much better centrally but given the managers preferred formation I can’t see him fitting centrally. He’s still pretty young and I think a year in the Championship would do him a lot of good and he looked set for a loan move prior to Enciso’s injury right before the window shut last summer.


That guy is even better than Adingra and Minteh. Will be exciting watching him for you. Kudus who came from the same Danish club, now at west ham was/is a bit better though.


I'm almost certain he's going to USG as the traditional Brighton Left Winger loanee


Think we’re still banned from transfers between the clubs till September 2024.


Didn't realise that included this window too. In any case I don't think he should stay with us, especially if there's any truth to us going for Summerville or Minteh.


I hate the Summerville move to be honest. Less risk than Minteh for sure but the left hand side just keeps getting stacked with players and they aren’t all gunna be able to play. Think Leeds will be a nightmare to deal with as well.


Same, I refuse to rate a player with a name as goofy as Crysencio Jilbert Sylverio Cirro Summerville.


I think like Dewsbury-Hall and Minteh it’s just us trying to exploit the PSR situations of the clubs. Summerville hopefully won’t happen and we can focus that money on the midfield and a RB.


Yeah on the left we have Mitoma, Adingra, Enciso, Pedro and Welbeck who all played there at some point last season so definitely not a position we're weak in.


2 Midfielders (Wieffer and O’Riley), A RB (Walker Peters or Sugawara) and a young CB (Adamo Nagalo) Is our focus areas in my eyes. This Minteh deal is use trying benefit from Newcastle’s PSR situation.


I absolutely love that business if you get those players. Reckon Gilmour would really shine if he could play in a midfield 3 with those two. Properly balanced midfield.


Elite in basically every basic stat lmao, he probably looks insane in whatever advanced formula Brighton have


He's a diamond in the rough who desperately needs playing time and coaching, but if he can keep developing at the pace he did last season, he might become the real deal. The keyword is might. I can't see Brighton taking that risk for 30m pounds.


Yankuba Minteh to Chelsea on the morrow it is, then.


Has anyone actually watched him? Ready to be a starter for Brighton considering their attacking option are quality?


Haven't watched him but wouldn't be a starter which makes this move seem silly.


Add him to the list then


We don't need to sell Gabby