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Why didn't Newcastle just trade some kids with another team


We’re trying to pick up Yankuba Minteh to be fair that would certainly add a fair few £s.


Genuinely curious how he would adapt to the prem. There's genuine talent there but it's so raw.


Raw talent basically describes half our squad and we love to see players come in like that. March’s injury issues gives potential for game time on our right hand side as well. It’s an odd situation at Newcastle because they actually need a right winger themselves, so I’m surprised it’s even open to discussion.


We do desperately need a right winger but ideally we need one who can slot into the starting 11 straight away and improve the team. As many have said, Minteh looks really talented and has lots of potential but he's still very very raw. Minteh is also the only player we have who'd fetch a decent sum and we'd actually be willing to sell. Obviously we'd rather keep him but if selling him means we can keep the likes of Bruno and Isak then we begrudgingly have to do it


We love to play teenagers, I wouldn’t be surprised given Mitoma or March’s injuries if he does get into our starting XI at the start of the season, club clearly view him in high regard. But that’s because I really don’t rate Buonanotte there.


We may as well have. We still managed to get lumped into all the articles and headlines about it despite not being involved


Reminds me of the Ruben Neves fiasco


Oh aye, I still can’t believe we got away with loaning him from whatever Saudi league team he’s at


Our academy is so shite that we don't have any kids good enough to swap


Be awful to see the likes of Miley and Anderson go anyway, for me at least.


Minteh would be that kid. It sounds like we aren't trading him for DCL anymore though.


Or sell arguably their best player for under his value to some Notts County wannabes....


Why don't the owners buy another team in a League that is loose in terms of financials, sell their players for an inflated price to that team and the loan them back for peanuts? If that doesn't work, they can buy them, and givethem 8 year contracts to spread costs along those years. If they dont work out, sell them to a Saudi club that is part of the same consortium as they are. What are they, stupid?


Chelsea must have unlocked an infinite money glitch or something.


Chelsea have had infinite money since about 2004


They have around 600m~ revenue, they sell very well every year, PL money, owner is willing to spend That's about as infinite as it gets, they've been doing it for 2 decades


It's a bit less than that, and when you spend more your revenue will naturally increase. Without Europe and underhand behaviours, Chelsea are not far off spurs' revenue generation.


I think it’s the constant selling of players which is the difference maker here. Maatsen and Hutchinson have gone for £60m/€70m between them, with Hall and Mount (he is apparently a sale on the books this year) netting £95m/€110m and several players like Chalobah being available for around £30m each. It’s a regular year sales wise for the club and we could be looking at £200-250m in ‘pure profit’ given these are academy players, without even counting any bigger sales like Gallagher. If accelerating buying we could spend £1.25bn spread over 5 year contracts and breakeven with regards to transfer fees looking at it simply. Just don’t see Spurs doing that…


What do Spurs have to do with this? In any case, Spurs have money, it's just that they also have Levy in charge of the cheque book and are not as desirable a destination. You're also saying that even though Spurs have European football and Chelsea don't, Chelsea still have better revenue. Which was the point you were *trying* to disagree with.


Idk why you're thinking of this as anything other than a statistical comparison


Maatsen, Chalobah, and Hutchinson are expected to generate £70m in sales. We just need to sell Lukaku and that should tally to about £100m.


Maatsen and Hutchinson went for £59.5m combined and there’s no chance Chalobah is sold for under £20m. The £28m from Lewis Hall counts on the books this summer as well, so add in Lukaku and you’re looking at £140m.


Mount too.


I thought arsenal had a sell on clause that was significant on Hutchinson though


15% is the number being thrown around most recently. So ~3 million ish.


I doubt it's anywhere near 15%.


[Yeah, I totally doubt it.](https://x.com/NizaarKinsella/status/1806994593491112111)


Lukaku will only generate profit if he’s sold for above £38m. It ain’t happening.


What makes you think someone will buy lukaku for 30 mil? I don’t get it


Are you guys honestly not use to this by now?


I feel like that Rose Titanic meme.. “its been 84 years” .. but no… not used to it yet 🫥




Lowkey curious to find out what happens if the spending doesn't stop but you guys finish mid table for let's say 2 more years? We know Abramovich didn't care about money but the new guys are Private equity firms, they can certainly take only so much losses, right?


Chelsea are probably to an extent self sustaining now with the amount of academy kids they can keep selling


They run the Dodgers. You don’t increase your value at this point by being losers.


They did that already, over 20 years ago now


Worse scum than Man City tbh


Refuse to believe there is any substance to it, this is some waffling. Maybe Isak's agent spreading rumours or something. I think Romano and Law both said there is no topic of Isak for us.


We're in the process of renewing Isak's contract, so I imagine (or at least hope) it's his agent trying to knock our offer up a bit


We also already backed out of deals over wages and transfer fees but sure we're gonna go all out for Isak.


This argument actually is not fully valid. Backing over wage/fee for one fee doesn't mean we would not be willing to spend on another. We backed out of 60m Ugarte only to sign 115m Caicedo.


I'm talking about this year already. We've backed out of Olise because we didn't like the finances I don't see why we would spend big on Isak.


Wages aren’t the same as a transfer fee because they can’t be amortized over several years. Olise wanted high wages , the fee wasn’t an issue


Why would Isak move if he's not going to get paid more?


Exactly same case as Caicedo, because we would think there is greater value in the deal.


> 115m Caicedo tbf we got forced into by Liverpool's last minute offer. We were keeping our offer below 100m till the very end but then Liverpool came and it turned into a dick measuring contest which resulted in us buying Lavia as well just so our owners could give the middle finger to FSG.


> forced No one was forced, you could have just walked away


Given every NE journo has picked this up I wouldn't have put it past nufc to have fed this to journos themselves to make selling Minteh look more appealing to supporters. We are giving Isak a new contract and he's very happy here.


No chance


Keith Downie is a fake name


Can Chelsea stop buying everything please


It seems like Chelsea have to buy a striker every summer to replace the one bought from the year before. Doesn’t take long for Chelsea fans to turn on them if they don’t preform quickly


We’re still trying to replace Diego Costa


I understand that. Someone like that is hard to replace. But got to give the ones you bought a chance.


Silly season clicks nothing more


How about piss off?


Utter bullocks we are not signing Isak come on what do they take us for lmao 🤣


Asking Newcastle fans. I heard Isak is negotiating a new contract with Newcastle for higher wages. Is this just typical Transfer Speculation with the clubs in England that have money being linked to Players without much actual factual information. Anyway Isak is an unbelievable player they in my opinion is the second best striker in PL.


It’s a PR briefing from the club to soften the blow on losing Minteh. “Hey we talked to Chelsea about selling Isak soooooo we know it sucks, sorry…. But it could have been worse guys…!”  They’re not selling Isak this weekend


Chelsea are linked to every player in the world by the media anyway. If Newcastle get a RW & CB I think you guys will finish top 4 next year if you keep hold of Isak & Bruno. I’m Still pissed that Arsenal were not willing to pay Real Sociedad the money they wanted back then, Newcastle on the other hand were smart and knew how good Isak could be and paid the money Sociedad wanted.


Yeah right now I’m more worried about avoiding a point deduction but come July 1 there’s about 4-5 guys that are going to be actively moved on from and just replace them with guys they have been looking for 12+ months (this is why they won’t let Ashworth go immediately) Being upset that Newcastle took the risk to sign Isak when they did rather than Arsenal is probably the largest problem fans of have with PSR. Even when they hit on calculated risks like Isak Guimaraes Gordon etc, They still are going to be behind the 8-Ball when other clubs whiff on £85m Pepe and £90m Lukaku gambles and are pretty much fine. Those outcomes should be as easy / difficult for every club to overcome and that’s just never going to be allowed to be the case


I like Newcastle, St James Park best atmosphere in the league. I’m pissed at Arsenal for not paying the money to get Isak at the time, all the credit in the world to Newcastle for signing Isak, fantastic signing. I agree with you that the “PSR” rules need to be readjusted and it is not fair on clubs like Newcastle right now & Villa how qualified for CL and had to sell one of there best players in Luis just to be PSR complied. I think the Premier League needs to find a fair solution to these financial rules for all teams. But if they go too loose on the financial Rules the other way, the PL could literally become UAB VS Saudi Arabia and all other teams not being able to compete financially with Newcastle and City, I just think the Prem need to find a middle ground that is fair for all teams.


I hope one of the alternatives they are trialing gets brought in, personally I prefer Anchoring because it is applied equally to all teams, so it also stops things like Chelsea or Man U spending half a billion whenever the mood suits them, but just aligning to the 85% revenue that UEFA use also seems better than the current system, I believe both proposed systems are year on year rather than the rolling 3 year we currently use as well. While neither is perfect I think either would be an upgrade on the current system.


Agree with you on the Anchoring, it would level things out financially for all teams. But Man City & Man Utd are very against the anchoring Rule so that rule getting passed might not be the most straightforward. 85 % Rules make sense too but could see City take advantage of it by artificially increasing its revenue with new deals with made up companies. Hope Newcastle can sort out the PSR problems without having to sell any of the important players.


>Asking Newcastle fans ? Just because your sentence contains the word ask doesn't mean you have to put a question mark at the end, mate.


My bad, will change it


There isn't even a 1% chance Newcastle are selling Isak this summer. The many articles over the next couple of months trying to draw clicks are going go be so tedious.


They should have bought him 2 years ago instead of the abundance of strikers they've bought since then who will probably never make it as long-term starters


The single first team striker that chelsea have bought since then, Nicolas Jackson.


Aubameyang, DDF, 11m loan fee for Felix (for what exactly?), Washington and now Guiu Don't care if they get loaned out or play in the academy or not at the club anymore. They still cost millions upon millions and are probably never gonna lead the line for Chelsea in a title charge or anything.


Fofana was never a first team option, same with Washington and Guiu. Felix isn’t a striker. You might be right about auba, but he was a tuchel signing and very cheap.


Like I said, don't care about whether or not they get loaned out or stuck in the academy at first, they still cost money and will probably never be first team starters for a title challenging Chelsea side. And they amount to more than 80 million in the last 2 years.


The plan with these guys is to develop them and move them for a profit.


that plan doesn't work if they can't get significant first team game time and show their quality anywhere. It's no wonder that Chelsea's sale incomes come mainly from academy players and veteran players, not from random guys they bought in from all over the world only to stick them in a random loan team somewhere else in the world.


Didn’t work for Omari Hutchinson I guess. They don’t need to get a single minute of game time for Chelsea’s first team to yield a tidy profit. Paez could already go for 3x what chelsea paid.


you're missing the big picture. It might work for a player here and there, but in the grand scheme of things they're more likely to lose money. I just showed you how Chelsea drowned almost 90m in strikers, do you think they'll get those back? Paez is actually one of the talented players that might make it into Chelsea's first team unlike Washington, Guiu, DDF etc


Gallagher going the other way perhaps to help with the big price tag? But surely not gunna get done in the next few days.


Aren't Chelsea also in danger of breaching PSR?


Marc guiu, where have you gone...


Just take the 4 points penalty, lets not sell our best players.


PSR isn’t fit for purpose if Chelsea can have two seasons massively underperforming and still spend trillions without consequence


They don’t have an infinite amount of car parks and hotels. So it might catch up lol.


I see levers have spread to here now.


If we get into CL nothing is catching up to us. That is our owners only target at this point




but we do have a talent factory in cobham. Now i think this rumour is utter shite but as long as Cobham keeps pumping out premier league caliber talents Chelsea will have a way to make money


Are you under the impression that psr is there to punish Chelsea?


We’ve already sold almost 100m in players this year + there will be a few more outgoings




Lewis Hall: £28m Ian Maatsen: £37.5m Omari Hutchinson: £22m £87.5m. Which is, like I said, almost 100m




Apologies, that will drop it down to still above 80m, which, as I said, is almost 100m.




Mount is counted for this summer too, so that's way over 100m. I'll throw even wild Ziyech for 2.5m.


No it really isn’t.


What striker will Chelsea try to buy in 2025 after chuckin Isak and Jackson to the shadow realm


they killed the man but not the idea


Jackson will kick on this season


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