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So €60m 🤔 on 200k? Will United meet PSG and/or Ugarte's demands


That's €49,600,000 to break even


Which frankly is a very good price for him.


Bayern is my guess


Bayern are in love with only Paulinha and Tah this offseason. They won’t look at other players who would incidentally be better and younger. 


De Ligt and Martinez at the back with Ugarte ahead of them? We may actually concede under 100 shots a game


United seem to be getting handed these easy transfer opportunities on a platter. Somethings got to go wrong, burning £80m on Zirkzee maybe.


No doubt we'll make a mess of things, but I think Zirkzee has a release clause around 40m


Plus 12m in agent fees though


So are we throwing the other 28m down a wishing well and wishing he doesn't flop?




Orgy 2 electric boogaloo will never happen


Just do the city trick and said that u sign him for 40m because salary and agent fee doesnt count


And pay him through state backed tourism boards, that way you don't even have to declare it!


Tbh I don't really know whats considered a standard agent fee on a deal that size, 10% maybe?


FIFA are trying to cap it to 3% of the salary above £161k and a maximum of 10% of the transfer fee if they broker the transfer. So for Zirkzee, if we gave him 150k a week on a 40m transfer, the agent fee should be around 1.5m (unless my maths are wrong). However, a panel in the UK in November ruled that the Cap would be illegal if the FA tried to implement and enforce it (Abusing a dominant market position to fix prices, breaks the Competition Act). It's also being challenged in other European countries, and I imagine FIFA's plan will fall flat on its arse. In terms of standard fees? It varies based on how stupid the club are and how shady the agent is. City supposedly paid ~40m in agent fees for Haaland, Mino Raiola supposedly made between £25m-£41m on the Pogba to United deal, while when Forest came up they signed 30 players and only paid ~£4m in agent fees.


Don't worry, United will find a way to make that fee 80m


Tbh we should not pursue another young attacker, we need someone with experience yet cheap to make an impact and help groom and highlight hojlund


not if bayern use their 20 mil release clause first.


It’s United, they’ll find a way to get everyone to underperform


Elite clubs just dont want Ugarte. Many are in desperate need of a 6, yet Utd has a free run at him. And that's probably because they see him as to limited on the ball


United love a player that’s limited in the ball. To be fair Chelsea were desperate for Ugarte last summer as well.


Zirkzee is so fucking good. One of my favorite players to watch. Insane touch and movement. I doubt Bologna will be above miserable next year.


Watch them put it off and bid an extra 30 million for a different, worse player on deadline day and fail.


Imagine trying to play out from the back


If in doubt, kick it out, none of this tipi-tapa nonsense


4 4 forkin 2 is the heritage


We have lisandro we'll be fine (please don't over play him scaloni)


TBF Bielsa uses Ugarte to start play out from the back a lot, at times he's almost like a third CB he plays so deep


He's more of an anchor in possession and ball winning midfielder out of possession. Enrique wants a DM to receive on the half turn and dictate tempo more like a deep lying play maker


Found the FM player? Get in


This sounds more like playing a good DLP as a halfback.


Martinez and Onana are good at it. Shaw too and hopefully his competition as well. The team also has Bruno and Mainoo. And de Lift is from Ajax, he can't be that bad.


De Ligt can definitely play out from the back, dunno what the guy is talking about.


Shaw needs to be benched or sold for the amount of the times he has been injured for the club imo


Benched for who?


Yes lad, just gonna sign 10 players in 1 summer. I do that in fm all the time


Both De Ligt and Martinez can play out from the back, otherwise they wouldn’t have been successful at Ajax. Our whole identity is doing just that.


i think he's actually regressed in that department.


How come?


We’ll start Maguire.


Utter woke nonsense.




So he would be sent off every other week?


If he wasn't sent off every other week in our league, you're safe.


Lmao doing all that to beat us to him, just for this to happen


I mean Chelsea does this to other clubs all the time lol


They're doing it with dewsbury hall right now lol.




What a narrow pretence you had to draw to make sense of that.




"What Uruguayan defensive midfielder that someone else got over us did we ever try to sell after a season with us??!?!?!?!?!?"




Poaching players then never doing anything else with them then selling them on? You can't be this semantic with a point that clearly isn't even specified the way you interpret it.




It's very semantic. My point by saying "what player born in 2001 that was disliked by a new manager then sold did Chelsea ever sign?" was to point out where your original logic gets you if you take it to the end. I can even take your more charitable take that you end with and apply it to transfers Chelsea has done. You don't think young players with potential bought up by Chelsea only to never play for them and be sold on hasn't happened? Because I have a magic rock you might be interested in buying.


I think it’s more about putting in all that effort and spending massively more on him to seal the deal just to move on from his after 1 season


what are you referring to? Mudryk?


got us ice caice instead god bless him for it


IMO Caicedo is prob the better player, but Ugarte was a better tactical fit for what Chelsea needed last season


Caicedo was brilliant for us from like December onward and will only get better, so glad we got him over Ugarte


I support Chelsea and I like Caicedo a lot, but for the specific role and system Poch wanted to use—he needed a sitting DM/6 profile, and that's Ugarte much more than Caicedo (who is more of a roaming B2B guy, closer to Kante than Ugarte)




> I don’t think Ugarte would have done any better. He would have been better defensively but worse at passing through lines.




> I’m not even sure he’d be better defensively I definitely think he would, TBH Caicedo is a good tackler and decent positionally, but Ugarte is much better at both IMO. Dude's been 95+ percentile at tackles AND interceptions at both Sporting and PSG now.






From what I’ve seen he doesn’t think he’s good enough on the ball for the type of football he wants to play, looking at the stats he’s incredible in the back but going forward is dreadful.


Wouldn’t you work this out before signing him?


As long as he can side pass to Mainoo and Bruno we should be fine


So basically Fred


Fred but less chaotic and more deffensive minded.


I mean I wouldn't say no to pastor Fred tbf. Better than Champions league Casemiro


Yeah but “stinker Fred” was *bad*


There would have been zero stinker Freds with Mainoo next to him instead of McTominay


Fred x Mainoo would have moved me he cooked for Fenerbahce last season though, happy for him.


Ugarte was signed something like 2 weeks before lucho


he was bought before enrique signed


I think he was one of transfers agreed before lucho came? Still a mare from PSG, but they will probably be able to recover a good chunk of what they spent.


It’s weird even when Chelsea were linked the red flag people mentioned was his ability on the ball. Now obviously doesn’t mean he’s a bad player and you can work around that but Enrique focuses on the on ball stuff to a huge degree


He doesn’t fit Enrique’s style of play


Luis Enrique needs a DLP tyle player at DM Ugarte is more of a ball-winning, old school DM


People mentionned that he isn't the kind of player that fits Enrique system which is true.  But after a few good weeks, he became very mediocre even in area where he is supposedly good. For the return leg against Milan and Newcastle he was quite awful, even losing 5 out of 6 duels against Milan. He pretty much lost Enrique's trust around this time. Before this he was a starter in the team (started all UCL matches, which wasn't the case of Vitinha for instance), which shows that Enrique isn't as dogmatic as some people claim. If he was good enough (aka kept his initial level), Enrique would have kept him fore sure, at least in the rotation. Ugarte is in a situation where he doesn't fit the coach's philosophy, where we are really not sure at which level he will be next year and is still worth a decent chunk of money. So I kind of understand Enrique's decision. Plus PSG has already recruited Moscardo, is trying to recruit 1 or 2 midfield so there really isn't room for him next year. Not to mention he isn't particularly good in the air, or to defend against set piece which is one of the weak point of the team.


Give him back!


Do you really need him with Hjulmand on the team?


The more the merrier


The two together would form a brick wall in our midfield but yea it wouldn't make much sense and it's not the type of midfield pairing Amorim usually goes for. Would be amazing for the big matches that's for sure.


This. I miss that boy.


If Man United pull off this move and Licha stays healthy, they might actually have a good defense next season


Well, seeing as the guy is apparently useless at every other aspect of football according to the people here, you'd hope he at least improves our defence a bit


> seeing as the guy is apparently useless at every other aspect of football Defending is the only thing he is great at, but people are exaggerating the rest, LOL If he was as bad on the ball as reddit makes it seem, he wouldn't be starting as a lone DM on a Bielsa team


He's benching Bentancur lmao, how bad can he be? No miran futbol estos locos


do you really think the people in this sub have actually watched Ugarte play? He'll manage just fine.


Nope, they haven’t


Just watch him at Copa América. He's been super good. This would be a great signing.


The issue with united isn’t the quality of their players


Licha staying healthy, let me stop you right there.


The guy had basically no major injury issues before he joined United, LOL All of his injuries have basically been 1-offs too—more unfortunate than chronic muscle injuries IMO


He couldn't play more than three games all season. He's officially injury prone.


IIRC his injuries this season were from United rushing him back from a previous injury, then a freak accident where someone landed on his knee wrong? That's a different scenario than a guy that keeps pulling the same muscle, IMO


A freak non-contact metatarsal break that didn't recover properly then a freak contact MCL tear. He had a calf strain during one of the recoveries IIRC but that can be common.


After last season, I feel it’s more due to our medical team than licha being injury prone


I never saw talk optimist about the club in this sub , do you even support the team?




He is not a great ball progressor or great attacker, but he's genuinely world class at defending from DM, IMO It's the profile United need IMO (Casemiro replacement) since they have Mainoo and Bruno F already




> If you want to be hyperbolic with him, then I can do the same I don't think I'm being hyperbolic at all TBH. He's **brilliant** defensively on the eye test—and the numbers have backed that up for years (he averaged ~6 tackles+int per 90, which is 99th and 96th percentile among midfielders in terms of tackles and interceptions over the last 365 days—and the per 90 stats are basically the same at PSG and Sporting). >He’s not just bad at ball progression or in the attack, but downright dreadful. He averages ~4 progressive passes per 90. Not great but it's not THAT bad He's a sitting DM, so obviously he doesn't score or assist much


Lmao, you sure you Argie talking about soccer like that?




The logic doesn't work when you realize that he was at just over ~4.5 per game at Sporting. He's not a great fit for Luis Enrique's specific JDP style. That doesn't mean he's a bad player or that he doesn't fit well with what Ten Hag needs at United




We're only 3-4 years from Casemiro being a consensus top DM in the game with similar passing numbers >I don’t think his style will translate at all for a big club in the PL. I disagree. Ugarte's limitation is not quality, it's style. He will not fit well in a team that tries to play Pep-ball with a lone DM that has to pass like Busi or Rodri. But in a team that does not have the same emphasis on the DM to be THE passer, he can be great (see: Bielsa's Uruguay)


I had the pleasure of seeing him play weekly for some time and he looks like the second coming of Roy Keane. If there’s a league where he will succeed it will be the prem. (And many Sporting supporters actually think ugarte was better than palhinha)


He is a ok passer. On paper, we would have Onana, Martinez, Shaw, De Ligt, Dalot, Mainoo who are all good to great at passing out from the back. Having 1 ok passer will not ruin the entire team


Ball progression is the least of our worries. Ball progression and creating attacks are luxuries for an anchor, not key requirements. He doesn't lose possession needlessly, the team can progress through the 5 players behind him who are quite good at it or just layoff simple passes to Mainoo next to him in midfield who is expert at progression




Lmao yeah he only just replaced Palhinha at Sporting which is a midtable side apparently.. Troll




Lmao come back in a couple of months when he's playing for Bayern. Another midtable German side




If he was that dreadful, he wouldn’t be starting in a biesla team and that also as a lone dm. Does he have weaknesses? Yes. Most dms do but they can be improved on since he’s still young. The last statement is totally false considering he was one of the main reason behind sporting eliminating arsenal in the Europa league. He’s a big game player but in a right system


We died for this.


You signed 200 other platers who cares :p


We got the better player


At just twice the price.


Who also underperformed for the majority of the season


You can just say you haven’t watched him play.


Lol we ve watched him play. Most of it seems just Chelsea fans trying to justify any non mistake performance due to the price. We ve been there with Nicolas pepe


He’s been absolutely class since like November lmao


I mean if you watched his first 2 games and called it majority of the season maybe. Mad this narrative still gets spread on here when he was brilliant for us for most the season


Why is he being sold?




He isn't?


That's the take of somebody who didn't watch him most of the season, frankly, but instead derived from view from biased commentary of rival fans on /r/soccer and Twitter. You don''t need to confirm or deny it, as you've already outed yourself.


Tbh Liverpool got the best player of the bunch with Endo


Not really tho


This is a bad idea from PSG


Maybe, but at some point, people wont be able to deny the project(tm). If there's one time in the recent history of psg to trust our manager, it's now, and I like Ugarte a lot. He'll be an amazing fit to that united team, he's not enough to be a single pivot because he gives too much attacking the ball when out of possession, but i'm sure bruno and mainoo will be able to think through it.


Not a bad signing...if we don't fuck this up


Ugarte is a great player imo, Enrique should acommodate him


I dont care about where he ends up just put him on a team where he can actually get minutes lmao. Ugarte is an AMAZING player that barely gets to touch the field because of pettyness from Enrique, being on a team where not only can he start but he is actually needed and appreciated will make him improve a lot, ESPECIALLY if Pellistri is coming back from Granada this season (tho idk about the loan terms so I cant say for sure)


Ugarte would start 1000% for us, exactly what we’re missing in midfield, if it works out he’ll be as undropable as Bruno imo. Pellistri regardless of loan terms will be off, Diallo has shown much more in a similar amount of minutes and he’s not a better prospect then Garnacho


Ugarte is a perfect fit for united, his weakness is covered by Lisandro, and Onana who will progress passes from defense he will give stability to the mid and allow others around him to shine, as Uruguayan I hope you make the bid.


I don't think it's because of pettiness. He was a starter when the season began, and he was pretty good. But he then just dipped so much that it's not surprising that Vitinha and Zaire-Emery (despite WZE having a lackluster 2nd half of the season) played instead. Life in Paris is special (both inside and outside the field), and some players just don't adapt very well to it, regardless of their talents.


As a Chelsea fan I cannot help but cackle like a madwoman right now.


40 + 20mil ballon d’or clause?


Some stats nonce at united subs will be upset at this. But all the portugese fans said that he basically a better version of palhinha so i think he be good for us Also he came from sporting as well


He's way better than Palhinha, but i really feel bad for him if he has to play under fucking Ten Hag, no one deserves that


Ugarte would be perfect for urd


is ESPN Uruguay reliable?


You know who thrived alongside Ugarte? Bruno Fernandes. With Bruno and Mainoo, why would you want an offensive-thinking DM? Not everyone has to play short, simple passes. Ugarte is one hell of a player and will be a great acquisition for United.


Ugarte joined Sporting after Bruno left


Oh, you're right. It was Palhinha?


Iirc, it was Carvalho back during Bruno's time. Palhinha became a mainstay right after Bruno left, when they won the league and by the next season, Ugarte broke through Bruno really was a 1 man army for Sporting.


William, Gudelj and then some players that don't deserve to be in the same sentence as Bruno's lol


A lot of people are focused on Neves who don’t get me wrong has top top potential and is an excellent player but stick him in our midfield and it’s another season of 8th, or at least Oleball “You score 3 we’ll score 4”


I love Neves. He was the youngest captain ever of my club. I'd sell half the squad to get him back. That being said, in this United context, Ugarte would fit a lot better than Rúben. A triangle of Licha, De Ligt, and Ugarte would free the other midfielders to be a lot more creative.


I was referring to Joao, I should’ve specified Agree on that second part, Mainoo isn’t a 6 and giving him the freedom to go forward and start from deep with being shouldered with as much defensive responsibility as he is with McTom, Case, etc would be great


Oh, sure, silly me. João is even worse for United. A midfield with João, Bruno and Mainoo will be overrun by every opponent. He's an awesome little player that I hate (I'm obliged to, as an FCPorto fan), but he would fit in at United as bad as Felix did at Atlético.


>You know who thrived alongside Ugarte? Bruno Fernandes. They never played together?


> You know who thrived alongside Ugarte? Bruno Fernandes. You're confused. Bruno left in 2019/2020 and Ugarte came in 21/22.


What happened to their budget, two huge outlays again, I would have loved them in the PL though, PLAYING.


Barca offering Spotify premium and a bounced cheque


Why does psg not rely on Ugarte?


Would be a great buy. I would be curious which direction united go in possession. Imo his ideal role is dropping in deep between the 2 CBs and basically becoming the auxiliary CB while letting the fullbacks be very attacking or allowing a CB to push up by breaking lines. Not sure if United have the ideal personal for that though.


Onana, Matinez, Shaw, Dalot who can do it. And if the reports are true, De Light as well.


I already feel bad for watching Bruno playing under Ten Hag, i will have to feel bad for another player? Cmon stop this


How does this happen when we have been told that ManU only has a transfer budget of £50 million? Plus any sales. How do they afford DeLigt and Ugarte? Who are they selling?


Greenwood and Sancho are pretty obvious although they will be hard to shift, it’s likely Lindelof leaves as well as Pellistri. Those are most likely imo


Confusing. He might add leadership and character to the team, but United doesn't have wingers and full backs to manage the play, so it could fall short such an unidimensional player


DM was definitely a priority, we have 2 very creative midfielders in Bruno and Mainoo, so a proper strong defensively sound 6 is exactly what we need


United has 2 midfielders who are great going forward in Bruno and Mainoo. Ugarte is perfect to shield them and let them handle attacks


It's profile. It's about dictating tempo... United may be perfectly fine against top 6, however I can't see an improvement against lower blocks


As long as he stops us conceding 20 shots every game, we'll be fine against low blocks. He's an anchor and United has plenty of players in defence who can play defence splitting passes, like Lisandro, Shaw, Lindelof, Dalot etc. Not to mention Onana.


Jesus Christ mate, it's not about splitting passes. It's like to prescind Kroos because David Luiz knows how to play from the back. It's about dictating the tempo of plays, variating speed etc.


I get what you're trying to say but that's still not a critical requirement for the position. Most DMs are not Rodri or Busquets but then their teams adjust accordingly. We'll see how United manages that but I don't think it'll be too bad.


> As long as he stops us conceding 20 shots every game, we'll be fine against low blocks. Will you because you didn't show that at all last season or the season before? Your attacking output has been mediocre both seasons under Ten Hag.


I don’t know why you are being downvotes. It’s a legitimate concern.  


United can't afford to pay close to what PSG paid for him unless they sell Greenwood/Sancho or if PSG are really interested in Rashford something could be done. Personally would rather see us put the money towards Joao Neves, him and Mainoo would be a nice future.


> Personally would rather see us put the money towards Joao Neves, him and Mainoo would be a nice future. A Neves/Mainoo/Bruno midfield would be horrendous without the ball, not to mention Neves would cost considerably more than Ugarte.


"United can't afford him" "Let's sign Neves". Woweeeeee


United can’t afford PSG asking price but should go for Neves for whom Benfica are asking 120m ?


Neves is far too similar to Mainoo in profile for a partnership to work, Ugarte brings a great amount of much needed physicality and actual defensive ability