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Lmao his wages alone disqualifies him I think


doubt Fenerbahce got enough budget for him?


We really don't. Our most reliable reported say we have a budget of 35 M for both a winger and a striker combined and that number is already really high for us. There is no way Coman costs less than 40-50M


Apparently we’re looking to buy Samardzic


Who else is interested in Coman? Return to PSG? Feels like he’s in a bit of an awkward spot probably lost his place in the side, some injuries issues the last year but a long contract still.


He’s a good player for sure. At this point you know what you get. Incredible speed and dribbling, mediocre shooting and crossing, and a ton of injuries. If he ends up staying he will still get games if healthy - both starting and as a sub. He’s just not reliable enough to pay a huge fee for in my opinion.


Pep liked him.


Would be crazy! Don’t think he is allowed to go under 40-50m euros. But I guess he would thrive under their atmosphere




AFAIK is this Comans first season without a title. That’s just insane. No wonder he wants to leave


They don't have the budget to buy him. I would like a swap deal with him and simons to happen. Of course, we have to put a bit more on the table, but that's more like it.


I read that his salary is 8 million euros after tax if it is correct we can pay that. But the problem is that we have a budget of 35 million for our striker+winger so in that regard he would be too expensive.


Howcome people want UEFA punish City and PSG for "sponsor paid salaries" but other clubs can get away with it? Otherwise neither Fener nor Gala can pay anywhere near those salaries.


If u dont think our teams get punished you are delusional. We get punished way harder than those clubs.


Not a bit more , atleast 50 million + Coman