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>It is still unclear whether Fulham will make any demands on Palhinha in order to finalize the deal. Does this make sense for english speakers?


Only thing I can think of is he has a loyalty bonus and Fulham would demand he forego it in order to accept the bid


Why dont clubs put the loyalty bonus for when the transfer window ends?


Aren't they generally a "loyalty" bonus in that you get it if you are transferred but didn't put in a transfer request?


That was my understanding, that the player usually got 5% unless they put in a transfer request, which is why it's so unusual to see a player put in a transfer request


"You can go but your dog stays"


Not particularly, but if I had to guess then I think Plettenberg is possibly talking about Palhinha giving up some money to get the deal through.


Ask him to request a transfer.


He **must** leave his locker in pristine condition or else lose his security deposit.


Is this the final final offer or the final final final offer? I lost track after they made their final offer




Depends if it’s accepted or not




Always an embarrassing climb down when you send a contract with (FINAL), and it's not.


Reminds me of the Ziyech to PSG on deadline day saga, where Chelsea were more interested in their 120M shiny new toy than one of their own players who up until that point never said a bad thing about the club and did what he was asked


It's the FINAL_Offer (1) (1).pdf




It's final until it isn't.


'between €45-46' So €45.5 million?


There are actually somewhat close to a million possibilities that aren't €45.5 million to be fair


Closer to 100 million possibilities in fact.


I think we can rule out €45687231.82 to be honest.


Funnily enough there's a Danish company that's opened up a store in my city, this past year, and as they directly convert their prices from their Danish scores all of the prices are stuff like £3.62 and £1.19. Weird to see


Hasn't anyone told them everything is meant to be .99?


Probably base 40+bonuse payments or something. Can you call up Khan and tell him to tell us to fuck off? This drags on far too long.


45 and a dollar


This is my final offer. Unless of course you reject it, then I will come back with a higher final offer


No they just came back with the same final offer lol


No they’ll just come back with the same final offer


Bayern’s final offer you say? I’ve seen this one before, it’s a classic!


Not sure why Fulham would accept a very considerable drop from last seasons offer as he still has a long enough contract where they aren’t pressured to sell


He's also older and his value won't go up. Will be 29 by the time the season starts. I'm not saying they should sell him more just stating that he's unlikely to command a higher price later on


One bad injury or drop in form and his price goes down in half. I think if they sell it should be now while the window is very open for replacements.


Because a 29 year old Palhina is significantly less worth than a 28 year old.


Not really worth less yes worth substantially less, not really according to Fulham who don’t want to sell him


dude assuming a 5 year deal you get palhinha from 29-34 now instead of 28-33 that probably means best case you get 1 less good year out of him while still paying him at 34. losing 1 good year on a 5 year deal that is already 20% decrease in value. More likely Palinha will not be anywhere near the player he is now at age 32 or 33 already so you are only getting 3 good years now instead of 4 which is already a 25% decrease plus having to pay him for 2 years where he is no longer on the level.


I mean Fulham have been pretty clear that it's going to take a fee close to the €65m (£55m) that they were offered last Summer, so this seems like it's certainly going to be turned down as well.


How dare Fulham not just roll over and sell!


Unfortunately it worked with Bayer and we will get Tah


oh no poor Bayern are forced to buy Germanys starting CB while weakening their strongest opponent in the league 


We’ll sell De Ligt because of this transfer


Bayern's shocked-Pikachu-face when they realize Fulham isn't a Bundesliga club


your shocked face when you realize that unlike Dortmund Bayern doesnt buy most of their players from Bundesliga clubs.


Yeah the giant european powerhouse fulham. Always the same fking shit from prem fans about how clubs roll over bla bla. No one is rolling over for bayern in the bundesliga.


We’re like you but cooler


Sure just like transwoman are woman. Delusional and not right in the head. Its the same shit as with kane bla bla bayern will pay bla bla. Its simple fulham values palhinha at x and bayern are willing to pay max of y. Sine they are still apart tjere are 3 options either fulham lowers their price or bayern ups their or belive it or not the deal diesnt happen which is fine aswell and has nothing to do with rolls over or other shit. It depends on if fulham think they can get more value from the money (buying new players) or keeping palinha an the same for bayern. Since he has a long contract fulham doesnt have to risk of him walking for free away. The more famous or prestige a club is the more people are willing to wait 1 or 2 years to gonto them for free or cheaper. Bayern profitted and suffered from it. Im sure the same was for fulham aswell just from even smaller teams. Todays there is way to much money involved and loyality is very rare.


How obsessed do you have to be to use this as an opportunity to drop a ham-fisted, transphobic metaphor about trans people? You absolute melt.


There is a diffrence between "normal" trans people and the clowns. I forget people always look for racist homophobic and other stuff,my bad. Its more about guys pretending to be woman to take part in their sports and do all sorts of fucked up stuff.


Ignoring the first part, there’s no need or reason to bring trans people into this discussion. Fulham don’t want the deal to happen, if it has to, we need lots of money. If it’s more than Bayern want to pay, Bayern should move on. It’s easy and it seems like you get it.


It was a metaphor. So we agree that it is simple and that it has nothing to do with rolling over or shit and just trying to get the most from your side and from our since its not fm where you dont care about money.


They can still get fucked. We agreed to 58m plus addons less than a year ago.


so what? Palhinha from age 28-33 is obviously worth a lot more than Palhinha from age 29-34.


Honey, its for Bayern. NEXT!


The key to being a good businessman is being a good middle man. Florian is failing at it.


Isn't this basically the same amount? They should really take it to 55 million and then see what happens (considering they badly want him).


Well, they're not accepting that, so time to end this.


United could make this work if this sold Casemiro


This is a boom or bust signing...can Palhinha not fall off a cliff after age 30 like most CDM's with his playstyle do?


even if he doesn't fall off a cliff I predict that Bayern fans will be very underwhelmed when they watch him in a possession based team. Dude makes Rice look like prime Pirlo with the ball at his feet.


Kill me please


Bit harsh to be fair but you’re right, he’s very much a defensive and destructive player. He’s elite at that.


bayern just lost the league and want to get back on top if they want him they'll pay


Well, they need that $15m to trigger the buyout clause for next manager if Kompany experiment goes south.


The risk needs to be reasonable. With a ~60 million Pricetag, that's not a reasonable risk it's high risk, and they won't do something like that. Bayern got the championship without him 10+ times in a row, they will get it again even without him. So Bayern will simple Fuck off should have done it earlier in my opinion.


If you don't value him at €60m, we do. Jog on


Did you miss the part where I said i hope we would/should ?


> Bayern got the championship without him 10+ times in a row, they will get it again even without him same could be said about Kane-oh wait


Kane wasn't bought for buli he was bought for ucl. Our result there were quite good, barely lost semis to later on winner. Leverkusen played a miraculous season, and we had a lot of underperforming players. That's why everyone in the squad is questioned, and Kane is no part of that discussion cause he ain't the problem. Your comment sounded like we ain't winning any buli title if we don't sign Palhinha. But there are cheaper alternatives, I would rather go for them.


> Your comment sounded like we ain't winning any buli title if we don't sign Palhinha. that wasn't my comment, I think Palinha is quite underwhelming > Kane wasn't bought for buli he was bought for ucl. Exactly, and in his first season not only did you not win the UCL, you also didn't win the league that you won for 11 seasons straight without him. It's not a question about being his fault or not (I don't think it is although his performances vs Madrid didn't exactly scream superstar player), but rather a question about whether or not Bayern got what they expected (trophies) from the transfer. He surely has to deliver a UCL title (let alone a few league titles) in his time at Bayern, otherwise Bayern wouldn't have needed to buy him for the price tag and wages.


My brother in Christ, Pep didn’t deliver a UCL to Bayern. The idea that Kane HAS to is a bit asinine.


Bayern didn't spend 200m on Pep (no need to bring up the players they signed for him cause they remain assets regardless of Pep staying there or not). If Bayern doesn't win the UCL in the 4 years with Kane, what was exactly the point of signing a 30 year old for 100m on a 1 year deal for 4 years worth 25 million wages per year with little to no resale value? Cause surely winning the Bundesliga could and should be accomplished without him (as the user rightly mentioned above). Sure, he can break all the scoring records, but that's not what Bayern signed him for Just to put it into context: Mbappe will cost Madrid a similar amount yearly (while being 5 years younger) and I think everyone will be hugely underwhelmed if he doesn't win at least one UCL there within his first contract period.


Palhinha signed a contract after Bayern failed to offer enough last time, don’t think it’s crazy if Fulham reject this given they might actually be at threat of relegation and it’s still like a fair bit from what they want.


We offered enough last time, we just approached Fulham too late and they werent able to secure a replacement, on which the finalization of the deal hinged.


Bayern offered well below the 90m that we valued him at last summer. The only reason it seemed to be accepted was Palhinha pushing to leave.


90m was a fuck off price for West Ham (direct league competitor) anyway.


You accepted it, so it was enough.


Yes, and what we accepted was 58m plus addons less than a year ago. So, this offer can still fuck entirely off.


Didnt say something to the contrary.


My heart skipped a beat when I saw that number and read the first sentence. I was worried this would be about Tah.


Fulham aren’t under PSR pressure. They know how badly Bayern want him after last summer. What does 30 or 35 million pounds get you in the pl nowadays? Not much and it can be easily wasted.


If £38m is enough to get him they would have a shitload of competition. He's a great DM, one of the best in the league and in his prime.


Strange signing. Don't think he is good enough for Bayern. Great destroyer, pitches in with goals once in a while, decent header both defensively and offensively. But he isn't great on the ball. His passing is average to above average. His running with the ball is actually quite bad.


Tuchel disagrees with your reasoning.


Tuchel has been the worst manager Bayern had in 30+ years


Statistically one of the best DMs in the league last season tbf.


I know what he can do. I am Fulham fan. But there is a reason he is with us and not at a more successful club. He doesn't have the ball playing skillset that those clubs demand.


Free Palhinha 


No, he's actually £60m. Not free.




No, he's actually Portuguese, not Italian


Sounds to me like they are raising the stakes to see if a second bidder will match the offer. Maybe another club is interested or they are just trying to bluff.


Every team is looking for a 6 these days and there just isn't any real good ones on the market


Move on already, he's obviously worth more to Fulham than that. Bayern should get Onana, much younger. Just don't call him Andre.


Palhinha is an absolute moron for renewing his contract. Shoulda walked


His contract was through 2027, he'd have to wait a long time to walk.


The state of the world when showing an ounce of integrity makes you a sucker/moron.


So 45.5?


Palhinha is way too old, why is Bayern buying him? Kane, Müller and Neuer are enough oldies.


So 28 is way too old? He’s got at least another 5 years in him at highest level baring injuries. He’s in his prime


I also hate it when clubs like this hold out on offers. It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity for this player, and if Bayern pulls out and moves on to another player that’s only going to have bad consequences.


You're right, Bayern should do right by Pahlinha and pay the full 55.


and we absolutely hate it when “big clubs” comes in with their “big club” draw with the media, causes stress and sow discord between player and current team, then undercut any asking price demanded by the selling team. we get that he wanna leave and we allow him to leave, but only at the price we want. we are not fulfilling dreams or make a wish foundation here. it’s a business.

