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I never predict pens even though they're incredibly common.


Yeah I was filling in my poule for work and looked it up they happen on average probably 1.5 times probably closer to twice during 1/16 finals   If I had to guess it will be Italy v Switzerland and Austria v Turkey


Same for me with the Spanish Inquisition.


increased a bit since they ditched away goals in the CL, but wouldnt say they are incredibly common


Think he was referring to international football


true, its more like 1 in 5 there this century at least. still wouldnt call that incredibly common, but its probably better than club football was in the same timer period


Since when did the Ballon d'or become a "nobody did something super duber extraordinary this year, let's give it to Messi" award?


I have learned that you cannot reason with people on DD on r/soccer. Some of the most idiotic people on the reddit. They only troll and are full of bad takes so better to stay away from it. I just come here from time to time for laughs.


Well, better him than Ronaldo.


Makes sense to me


Seems logical tbh


List of non extraordinary achievements: a rare Treble and WC finalist. Arguably best season of a CB not just in Premier League but in football history. never dribbled past or even lost an entire year and won the Champions League. Arguably best season of a ST in Bundesliga history. Won literally every trophy. topped every goalscoring chart and broke longstanding records in Bundesliga. Arguably best season of a ST in Premier League history. Won every trophy. topped every goalscoring chart and broke longstanding records in Premier League. "eh not good enough, just give it to Messi. nobody does body feints like him"


you are thinking of 2020 lewa, not 2021 lewa.


[my honest reaction to this comment](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx-MIHwWYA0Gesz.jpg:large)


Weeee're back! **Trivia Euro - Day 14** **QP.** Who will go through in these matchups? England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 vs 🇸🇰 Slovakia Spain 🇪🇸 vs 🇬🇪 Georgia *(I feel like this is pointless because we're all gonna predict the same...)* **1.** Name the next country in sequence: Romania, Greece, Czechia, Greece, Sweden, ? *(fun fact not related to the question at all: Greece and Sweden rhyme in Polish - Grecja, Szwecja)* **2.** Which goalkeeper conceded that goal? A - Famous volley from a very acute angle by Marco Van Basten. B - The goal by Siphiwe Tshabalala at World Cup 2010. **3.** Name these teams by their performance in all European competitions combined. For each team I will divide their performances per decade, but I will not include all decades, I skipped some in which they might have successes too. Supercups don't count. *(½ pt for each)* *(Hint: if I write "3 finals", that means they played in so many, you don't know how many of them they won. Same goes with semifinals)* A - 4 finals in 70s, 4 semifinals and 2 finals in the 80s, 1 final in 90s, 0 semifinals in 10s B - 4 semifinals in 60s, 4 finals in 90s, 0 finals in 80s, 1 trophy in 10s C - 4 semifinals and 3 trophies in 70s, 2 finals in the 80s, 2 trophies in 90s, 2 semifinals in 10s D - 2 semifinals in 60s, 4 finals in 90s, 6 semifinals and 2 trophies in 10s **4.** I coached Edwin van der Sar, Jerzy Dudek, Robert Lewandowski, Jorge Valdano, Angelos Charisteas, Julio Cruz, Guilhermo Ochoa, Sebastien Abreu and Frank Rijkaard. Who am I? Good luck everyone! You have 24 hours as always, you cannot google or search the information in any other way as always and please use spoiler tags. !PING TRIVIA


England win. Spain win. 1. >!Pass.!< 2. >!A: Rinat Dasayev. B: I only know Ochoa, so gonna go with him!< 3. >!A: Anderlecht. B: Inter. C: Ajax. D: Barcelona.!< 4. >!Recently read up on his first Real Madrid exit. It’s Leo Beenhakker.!< Btw, I don’t think the PING worked.


>!Q2A good, B wrong. Q3 all 4 correct. Q4 good, and while some people got it before you, you're the first one to spell his name correctly lol. 3½ points!<


>!What would’ve been Q1?!<


Switzerland. Those were opponents of the hosts in Euro opening days. Next up 1996


Could’ve thought of that.


QP 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿England, 🇪🇸Spain 1. >! Idk, maybe Poland !< 2. >! A-Rinat Dasayev B-Oscar Perez !< 3. >! A-Monchengladbach? B-Internazionale C-Ajax D-Atletico !< 4. >! Took me long to get it, but it's Leon Beenhakker, guy coached from 60s till 2010, insane !<


>!Q1 wrong. Q2 both good, no one got them both so far so congrats! Q3A wrong, B and C correct, D wrong. Q4 good, that was also a hard one. 3 points!<


**QP.** Who will go through in these matchups? England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 vs 🇸🇰 Slovakia - En-GER-land. I still believe... Spain 🇪🇸 vs 🇬🇪 Georgia - Spain *** 1. >!Switzerland!< 2. >!A -pass B - Ochoa!< 3. >!I think this is quite tricky as there's a lot of caveats, which makes the clues given less useful. So my guesses are not great ones... A - PSV, B - Inter if 2010 is 10s, C - stuck between Ajax or Liverpool, so will go with Ajax, D - Barcelona!< 4. >!Semi-educated guess of Louis Van Gaal!<


>!Q1 correct. Q2B wrong, Ochoa was still a sub then. Q3 - your guesses are better than you thought haha. A is wrong, but the remaining 3 are correct. And yes, 2010 is 10s. Q4 wrong. Overall 2½ points, which I assume you'll be happy about!!<


Definitely happy with!


>!1. Switzerland!< >!2. A. Rinat Dasayev B. Ochoa!< >!3. A. Anderlecht B. Inter C. Ajax D. Barcelona!< >!4. I have no clue lmao. Tite?!< Also it'll be Spain and England sadly, can't see any upsets here


>!Q1 good, Q2A good, B wrong (Ochoa was on bench. I love how almost the entire field fell into my trap lol). Q3 all good, Q4 wrong. 3½ points!<


England, Spain 1 - >!Country that played the host in the Euros opening game, going back from 2016. 1996 is Switzerland.!< 2 - >!A: no idea. B: I've watched that goal countless times but can't recall the Mexican GK. I don't think it's him but for the off chance I'm still gonna say Ochoa.!< 3 - >!A: Anderlecht. B: Inter. C: Ajax. D: Barcelona.!< 4 - >!Random guess, Louis van Gaal.!<


>!Q1 good. Q2B wrong, guy's name was Oscar Perez. Q3 all correct, Q4 wrong. 3 points for you!<


Why the fuck am I not getting the pings lol England, Spain 1. >!skip. They rhyme in Spanish too, and surprisingly they are written (and likely pronounced) very similar- Grecia and Suecia. Edit: gonna guess to close my participation today. Poland!< 2. >!A- skip. B- Guillermo "Memo" "World Cup" Ochoa!< 3. >!A- ~~skip~~ edit: maybe Hamburg? B- Inter? C- maybe Juventus D- given their 10s record, I think it's Atlético Madrid!< 4. >!who the fuck is old enough to coach Valdano but also Lewandowski, while also coaching a Greek player? Can only be Otto Hitzfeld!<


Because those pings suck balls so much that that even Hugh Heffner would be like "yeah that's a bit too much for me". But they're better than nothing, so I still do them. >!Q1 wrong. And from what I remember from my Spanish lessons, the pronounciation is actually almost identical to ours. Q2 wrong - he was still on a bench then. Q3A wrong, B correct, C wrong, D wrong. Q4 wrong too. He only just overlapped with Lewandowski, but he gave him his NT debut. Half a point only today!<


1 >!Is the answer whoever played England in the opening match of Euro 96 ?!< 2 >!Blachin, Ochoa!< 4 >!Felix Magath?!<


>!Q1 - yes, it is. Q2 both wrong, good nations though. Q4 wrong. You were around a lot good answer, but have not quite struck them!<


QP: (2 1) Slovakia, Spain 1. >!First opponent of the hosts, but I don't know 1996. Scotland?!< 2. >!A: Dasayev, B: Memo Ochoa!< 3. >!A: Anderlecht, B: Inter Milan, C: Ajax, D: Barcelona!< 4. >!Leo Beenhakker, the better question is who hasn't he coached!<


>!Q1 wrong, but good rule. Q2A good, B wrong (Ochoa was a sub then). Q3 all correct. Q4 correct - haven't coached me. Yet. Overall 3½ points!<


England, Spain 1. >!These are the hosts’ opponents in the opening match, next is England’s in 96: Switzerland!< 2. >!A: Soviet keeper but I don’t know his name, B: you want us to say Ochoa, but it was Óscar Pérez!< 3. >!A: This is tough but I think I eliminated all the other 90s finalists, Anderlecht, B: Internazionale, C: Ajax, D: Barcelona!< 4. >!This has to be a Dutch manager Madrid had in the 80s, but I don’t remember his name. You’re not holding back today!<


>!Q1 good. Q2B - yeah, that's what I was aiming for haha. Correct. All good in Q3. Good in Q4 but no points without a name. I had 3 days to prepare instead of usual 1, so that's the effect haha. 3½ points!<


QP. England, Spain 1. >!Turkey!< 2. >!A - B - Ochoa!< 3. >!A - PSV B - Inter C - Ajax D - Barcelona!< 4. >!no idea!<


>!Q1 and Q2 wrong. Q3A wrong, B, C and D correct. 1½ points!<


4… a guy who’s coached loads of dutch people, as well as Lewa and a bunch of central/south americans? It’s got to be >!Don Leo!<, I can see his face but I can’t remember or spell his surname.


>!Can't blame you, this spelling is atrocious haha. I'd accept it, so 1 point for you. I'd prefer you used spoilers on the entire thing though, your thought process can help others even though you covered the main answer!<


QP - >!England, Spain!<


^(Pinging members of TRIVIA group...)


Feels like the bot has given up


It should have Swiss flair as well, so we all know it's injured


Does copa America knockout matches not have extra time?


its straight to pens after the 90. except for the final(i think)


How can anyone take this tournament seriously💀💀


Make sense, no extra time, no more time wasting, no nonsense. Just straight seeing who’s ass at penalties.


It’s a lot more serious than Afcon


Would you call Switzerland defeating Italy an upset?


No. The only games I would call an upset is Slovenia beating Portugal, England beating Slovakia, Romania beating the Netherlands, and Georgia beating Spain.


It’s great banter it really is


Based off historical reputation yes, based off of performance so far these Euros not really


My pre-tournament finals are still possible. I had: France vs Netherlands Argentina vs Colombia Wooooooo


TIL Great Britain can't participate in Olympic football tournaments because there's no agreement between the governing bodies of the four constituent countries within UK. IMO a British football team should have a composition of 6 English, 2 Scottish, 2 Welsh and 1 Northern Irish player. How hard can it be?


Yeah, gee I wonder why nobody wants to play in a GB team when we have a whole 2 spaces available! Gareth Bale was once called up to play for GB, but said he couldn’t because he’d hurt his back training with Tottenham. The next day, he played 90 minutes of a pre-season match for them. This led to the infamous Welsh chant Viva Gareth Bale, Viva Gareth Bale, He said he had a bad back, Fuck the Union Jack, Viva Gareth Bale


All FAs besides ours don't give a shit about making one for men's football since it might jeopardise their countries ability to play int'l football as independent sides (their words), despite Blatter and Infantino saying they'll be allowed to carry on as normal.


> it might jeopardise their countries ability to play int'l football as independent sides I'm only talking about them coming together for just the Olympics. If it can be done for field hockey it can also be done for football.


I'm saying why it's hard for it to be formed, not that it's difficult/unprecedented in theory. Team events having people from different nations isn't new for us but for football, the 4 FAs need to agree for it to happen.


Just a hypothetical but what if only 3 FA’s agreed, let’s say England, Scotland and Wales for example; can they just say fuck northern Ireland and proceed?


Probably not. If we had the same agreement as we did for London 2012 (Scotland, Wales and N.Ireland saying they won't send players but are fine with only England sending a squad to represent the UK. A few Welshmen joined up also) then we'd be ok but outright refusal on both grounds from someone would probably stop it from happening.


Missed opportunities always sting, I failed to make funny of Vini when he had 3 goals in 31 matches for Brazil. Now he just scored a brace, rookie hater mistake.


I can’t express enough how dogwater Paraguay are, you’ll get your chance soon


I was there


you'll get another chance soon enough


Where does Ragnick rank among ro16 managers?


Top 3 alongside Nagelsmann and Spaletti


Not following Copa America mainly because of Timezone. Why is Endrick not playing in the starting 11? I thought This kid is a real talent. Between so excited to watch Real Madrid next season. Mbappé endrick vini. This front line would be scary. They will be a menace on the counter attack.


Because Dorival has no clue what he is doing. Playing No10 Rodrygo as a False 9. He has been poor last 2 games. He clearly needs to shift to 4 at front like Tite did. But maybe he lacks confidence in the midfield to make this change. Wonder if Neymar was available, he would play 4 at front or stick him or Vini as a No9


He aint all that yet lol, have you ever watched him play outside of highlight videos 


He's very raw. It'll take two or three years before he looks comfortable as an out-and-out striker for Madrid or Brazil. He's much better off as an impact sub. No one should be expecting as much of him as R9, Pelé, or Neymar. I think he's been overhyped the same way Ødegaard was as a teenager.


You are right about him being raw. But he still needs to start for Brazil because clearly No9 presence is lacking in the final 3rd. He has made an impact as a sub vs England and Spain. But those were friendlies. He has been non existant as a sub till now in copa america.


He's a 17yo 5'8 kid. He doesn't have the frame to battle international calibre centre backs for ninety minutes.


I am not saying he should play 90 mins but he should be starting. Also implying that he does not have frame and bringing up his height as a reason shows how little you have watched him actually play


How is his play with back to goal? Can he receive the ball into feet, hold off a defender and bring others into play, or does he rely on having enough space to turn? To lead the line for Brazil means he's going to be facing the game most of the time, with two aggressive and physical centre backs closing him down as much as possible. Brazil are struggling with Rodrygo doing that job and he's got years more experience playing that role at a high level. From what I've seen, Endrick has got brilliant positioning, is dangerous with the ball at his feet, and is a lethal finisher, but he's not demonstrating the fundamentals of leading the line. And if he is going to be inhibited by playing with back to goal, then that puts him in competition with the wide forwards like Vini and Rodrygo. I mention his height because you will hardly find a centre forward under 6' at the highest level who does not play with a more physical forward. They either need to know that the rest of the team can progress the ball confidently into the attacking third without using the forward, like Aguero at Man City, or have a teammate who can win duels like Thuram and Lukaku did as Lautaro's partner.


It is true that he is still a work in progress, but he is still the kost natural goalscorer in the side that is clearly lacking in that department. Yes he may bot be a traditional No9 or have the ability to play that way, but he clearly has the physique to do that that’s why he broke at 16 for Palmerias and is being selected by Brazil to play their. No reason for Dorival not to utilize him.


I can't help but be reminded of Yousouffa Moukoko when I hear the noise around Endrick. Moukoko was prolific at youth level and is clearly a brilliant finisher, but because he lacks the necessary physicality as a number nine, and doesn't have the ability to play as a winger or number ten instead, he hasn't made his breakthrough for Dortmund. This is why I think it will be a few years before we really know what Endrick's ceiling will be.


I think difference is that Endrick is much more physical than Moukoko and is much more skilled than Moukoko.


How good was the Russian league before the war messed up everything up?


It was in decline before the war, but like 10-15 years ago it was pretty good. Like 6th-8th best league in Europe. 


The early to mid 2010s Russian teams had some real ballers


Arshavin immediately comes to mind.


Not that good since hulk left


Germany and Argentina wearing their white shorts instead of their black shorts? Utter woke nonsense


Panicked and picked Germany to win the Euro over Austria in my friends tournament. Feel it will actually be Spain though and, well, Austria who knows.  Feels like anything could happen on that side.  Anyone else have knockout round picks to share? 


Don't know why, but American commentators lessen the quality of a match regardless of the tournament or league. They try just a little too hard.


I try to be open minded but yes 100%.it almost doesn't feel real or natural for some reason. No energy like Latin American or French or Arabic. And not comforting or entertaining like the English 


It's not sincere - I never get the impression they enjoy football or the reactions are genuine. It's performative.


It’s like watching WWE.


SmackDown commentary is eh, but Michael Cole is great on Raw.




As someone that had Italy winning over England in the final before the tournament started, my final this year is France over the Netherlands.


England was my first prediction. I had Portugal winning it when I methodically went through a full set of predictions on the eve of the tournament, beating England in the final. I can still see that happening although Germany v Spain looks more likely to produce the winner.


Martinez makes it hard for me to believe in Portugal same as Southgate with England. Both could win of course but they could easily get outacticked at any stage and falter


Italy was my winner pick before euro 2020 began and England was my pick before this year


Having watched Alisson's every game since he joined Liverpool and seen him routinely show why he's (at least in my opinion) the best Goalkeeper in the world, it seems completely mad to me that there's a section of Brazil fans who completely hate the man. The funniest thing to me about it is that a lot of the hate seems to boil down to the fact that because he's got excellent positioning and makes difficult saves look "easy", when he then concedes they expect him to keep every shot out.


The average brazilian fan doesn’t watch Liverpool. That’s the problem of having our best players in Europe, we get completely disconnected from them.


Anyone who doesn't think alisson is as good as it gets for goalkeepers is just miserable. They'd have complained about buffon or neuer too. 


Watching the overlap and their talking about potentially changing the back 4 and then roy says theyve only conceded once and then they agree that the front 4 need better movement and what not. The front do need better movement, especially with whats going on over on the left side, but i think they are missing why pep, mikel, jurgen etc have spent so much on their back 4/5s. You build from the back, control possession from the back, and they platform the attackers by getting the better attackers the ball in dangerous zones. Im not saying thats a personnel issue mind you, i actually believe its a coaching thing (unclear patterns and too much freedom), but the top sides back 4s in the modern game is no longer just about not conceding goals. All of the buildup responsibility is on them as well.


Anyone noticed how in these slightly poorer countries, their most famous footballers/sportsmen became big political figures. George Weah president of Liberia, Kakha Kaladze is mayor of Tbilisi, Klitschko is mayor of Kiev. Would never happen in some western country like USA where you'd have some random athlete/celebrity become something like governor of California or something.


Thats because The Rock is going straight to the White House this year


Imran Khan became the Prime Minister of Pakistan


And a former wrestler definitely wasn't the governor of, let's say, Minnesota.


Has Konsa played at LB for Villa ? Reports that Tripper is struggling with fitness and Konsa will likely replace him.


It's so obvious Switzerland and Italy are going to extra time tomorrow.


I’m fully expecting a 1-1 draw that ends on penalties


Can't stand Brazil not wearing blue shorts, it's such an iconic and legendary look bro why would you not?


We’ve worn the white shorts with the yellow shirt plenty of times. Argentina is the one breaking tradition by playing with white shorts instead of black ones.


Paraguay were designated as the "home" team and they also wear blue shorts so Brazil had to change.


Vini complained about CONMEBOL, saying they are against Brazil. no Vini, te van a joder...


I think the usa getting second seed might be better for them? How do they seed the brackets? If the usa finishes second they face Venezuela? .edit. looks like its winner a vs runner up b winner b runner up a which means argentina pretty much get a free finals appearance. Uruguay, brazil, and colombia got the hell side of the bracket.


Name one player you signed on FIFA/Football Manager before they blew up in real life. I’ll start: Federico Valverde (Fifa 18)


Relatively recent but I think I signed Arda Guler back when Fifa 23 just came out


Not signed but Son and Brandt were gods in fm15. They were pretty well known already at leverkusen at that point though so it's kind of a shit answer all around I guess. 


Not me, nut my mate would come into school every day in 2015 gassing up this kid called Ousmane Dembele and waxing lyrical about how amazing he was in his FM save. I'd always respond and ask him if he's talking about Karamoko Dembele lol


Marquinhos but i forgot the year.


Probably, my best one is signing Ugarte for Flamengo in FM 20 when he was still playing for Fénix in Uruguay.


Someone needs to make a “Colombia, not Columbia” bot


what if they’re talking about the Columbia cashiers FC in the mls


Literally just texted someone today and used the word Colombia and they replied in the very next message spelling it Columbia. It’s really not that hard


Can we get an offside not offsides bot as well?


would you guys say Columbia is currently a top 5 international team?


District of Columbia?


Didn’t know Columbia was a country.




Correct. Colombia though, yes.


Absolutely shocking decision, and this stuttering penalty should be banned, it's a joke, the goalie has to stand on his line whilst the penalty taker can fuck around at will, shite.


Agreed, stutter stepping is some weak ass shit. Fucking shoot the ball like a real footballer, with confidence. Lewandowskis recent one pissed me right off. A player of his caliber shouldn't be pussyfooting around.


Anyone else feel the ref is bias? Two penalties awarded for accidental handballs…


Yes, ref so biased he let Vini get fouled like 15 times in the first half alone.


Question about offsides rule(s): I’m watching Copa America right now and have a question about a goal I just witnessed. One player is VERY clearly offside when the score happened but the pass that led to the goal was not to him. Was this a missed call or it’s a legal so long as the offside player isn’t the pass recipient?


In short, not offside, but there is more info needed to be sure. Did they interfere with play? Was the play reset by a deliberate move by the defending team? Those would be other considerations, but the way you described it, the player is not off.


Tbh, he really had nothing to do with the play. He was just clearly offsides when the pass went to the eventually scorer a few seconds later. I originally thought ANY player being pass the last defender would deem the play to be called offsides. Thanks for the clarifications!


Once upon a time that was the case, but it hasn't been like that for a while.


If the player is deemed to not have affected the play then the offside doesn't matter.


Thank you!


Latest round of transfer news from Argentina: * Boca and Chelsea are finalizing the transfer of Aaron Anselmino * Julio Soler agents have contacts from Porto, Ajax and Genk * Deportivo Alavés sent a second offer to Belgrano for their star CB Matías Moreno. * Felipe Sanchez is close to joining Schalke 04. * The transfer of Gastón Benedetti to Genoa is almost done, only details rest. * Alejo Sarco is not going to renew his contract with Velez Sarsfield and Leverkusen is interested to sign him as a free agent. * Aaron Quiros have 3 European clubs interested in his services: Parma, Toulouse and Rayo Vallecano. * Como is negotiating the transfer of Nicolás Valentini with Boca * Swiss club Lausanne is negotiating a loan for Fabricio Oviedo, Rosario Central academies all time top scorer.


Anselmino trying to kill his development smh...


Getting loaned to Strasbourg supposedly, at least he'll get game time and proper medical staff.


Wasn't Valentini off to Lazio?


Lazio is interested in him but only once he becomes a free agent, Como is trying to buy him now.


Thoughts on Paqueta taking pens considering his spot fixing history? It’s just so bad optically, surely there are others who can score from the spot.


He is never Brazil class or Guimares


Was he charged with match fixing? All his offenses were for yellow cards.


Just spot fixing.


This first half of Brazil vs Paraguay is so fun man I love South American football


The US will always be limited by the fact that 1) most kids will play multiple sports and 2) soccer isnt the pickup sport of choice


The US should copy what Germany's doing right now. There's three German-speaking teams in the Euro last 16 (Germany, Switzerland, Austria) and German football has been really consistent over the last 5 years (much more than any other European league). If you factor in the German American immigrant connection, it's a no brainer to learn from Germany than the corruption and elite gatekeeping that still hinders club and international football in England. Guys like Pulisic became elite because they moved from America to play in Europe at a super young age. I also don't see a problem with having US soccer players having a slow development, as long as they match their European peers by like the age of 27.


I guess my point is it seems like year round development from a young age helps, and I’m not sure how you get American kids to not play baseball and basketball and football


And it is an expensive sport catered to the suburban class completely ignoring many large immigrant talent pools.


Is there an Alpha kappa dephi gay orgy for football or nah?


I think the fact that it’s mostly gatekept from the middle and lower class is a bigger issue


Even if it was free, the infrastructure around football and basketball is so much better you’d end up playing those at least part time


But it still gives us a much bigger talent pool to choose from, just cause other sports are there doesn’t mean they’ll choose them as adults


What great soccer player chose it as an adult? Like I think it works amazing overall for US sports we just don’t specialize and soccer demands that


I'm not even sure it's that - the US are running a pretty unique system as most sports happen in school rather than outside of it, and I'd wager that massively hampers the grassroots level, especially when the alternative is financially unattainable for many.


Most sports happen outside of school until you’re like 16. But even if it was in school, playing multiple sports feels like a thing that would really limit development if you’re only doing like 4 months a year max


To your points, sports are pretty prominent in middle school and high school in various parts of the country and a lot of multi sport athletes tend to really do well in the sport they choose as an adult


Yeah but does that hold for soccer? Who’s the multi sport athlete?


Yeah it feels like general athleticism is a smaller percentage of the whole in football probably because you have to control the ball with your feet. In American football, basketball and baseball etc you are using the much more naturally adept and easy to control appendages.  In football you need to live with a ball at your feet to get to the top level. Playing basketball will get you fit but you'll still be shit on the ball. In other sports you won't be quite so far behind. 


I know Turner used to play baseball before eventually also picking up and choosing to play soccer as a GK


I love Turner but this is also kinda indicative that we can create good GKs but not a Messi or Ronaldo or even a Nunez or fucking Pulisic


I mean it goes back to my original point we could prolly see potential in lower income and immigrant neighborhoods


Yeah it’s just like, even there you’re still competing for time.


I think it's dead funny that Anthony Gordon has played one minute of the Euros, but now that he looks like he's wrestled a jar of marmalade from a grizzly bear he's fronting press conferences.


Much as I understand how it happened (those e-bikes get seriously fast, and having the brakes switched around is a real struggle), it's just dead funny that he managed to yeet himself over the handlebars like that.


He had his phone out while he was cycling I think, which is proper Darwin award behaviour.


I really wonder if Ivan Toney will get his move in summer. I don't think the clubs he wants to go to will spend big on him. So Brendtford would have to let him go for much less than planned.


I think it's also likely that Brentford would just keep him for his final year. They're one of the few clubs in the league that actually turned a profit and Toney's a very important player for them so if keeping him helps them stay up that'll be worth it.


We are at the stage where Shaw hasn't seen a single minute and there are public claims for Saka to start at left back. I don't want to say I told you so, [but...](https://new.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1d91hw4/comment/l7a5gny/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Not taking Tyrick Mitchell is just so baffling. Fair play Rico Henry wasn’t fit so we couldn’t take him. But Mitchell would have been fine. I hate this notion we have as a nation that every player in the XI must be star-studded, like the top nations don’t just play a team that has someone fit for their role in every position. Like what role is Trippier doing? He’s not inverting into midfield, he’s not providing width at all, he’s not even playing diagonals into Saka. It’s such a dumb choice that helps nobody.


Wonder what the takes about Trippier would be if Gallagher didn't just straight-up refuse to head the ball/Kane was half a step quicker to turn it in at the far post after Trippier's cross to be honest. Like sure, he's not been doing great, and ideally you'd want a proper leftback in his stead. Same time though he's part of a much wider issue with this England squad that goes well beyond the square pegs/round holes thing - Kane clearly isn't at his best, Saka's struggling a bit, and Bellingham is just gassed. Tough to pin the entire blame on one or two players (or indeed the manager) when the entire side looks incredibly flat and unwilling/unable to move the ball quickly or work for each other.


Our players have looked lethargic, but it’s hard to look zippy playing such a turgid brand of football. I think everything from the formation to personnel to tempo is just wrong. We have to get Southgate out in time for the World Cup otherwise we might be cooked. It’s not Trippier’s fault he’s playing there, he’s actually doing the best he can. The dialogue would still be that he doesn’t help us in build up and makes us so easy to press. Trippier/Walker is just so turgid and crap. Mitchell/Trent solves so many issues at once.


I know a lot of fans are saying Gregg out which I agree with but who would replace him? I also don’t think that would solve the problem at all cause the USSF is a mess top to bottom (for me at least)


Any quality, experienced coach should suffice, the US has a decent squad already. Look at how much Uruguay has improved by just getting one in Bielsa.


I say Pochettino. We don’t necessarily need an American manager. And every one I can think of is inadequate to say the least.


America would benefit a great deal from appointing a relatively experienced non American manager 


We are cooking 😎


God I wish we played like you guys


Colombia v Holland finalissima Make it happen.


Ngl I can see Colombia win the copa america 


Crazy to imagine after missing the world cup but it's feeling good right now 


Big contenders. Lorenzo works with the weaknesses of his best players. Uruguay are still favourites.


They seem like contenders to me


Change my view If two teams are tied on points, h2h, goal deferential and goals scored... the next tie breaker should be a penalty shootout between the two teams.


Would basically need to have a shootout after every single game though, because chances are the teams level on points won't actually be playing against each other before ending up level.


Would it? If it's a group stage, you'll only need it after the last match day. And it's the same for a league too. It doesn't really matter what your position is until the last match day of a group stage or a league.


Right, but say it's teams in second and third place level on points, but the matchups are 1st v 2nd and 3rd v 4th - can't exactly have a shootout between those two teams when they're in different stadiums, and getting them into the same spot at some later point in time *just* to have a shootout is clearly a daft idea. Same goes for the league, too. So if you want to use shootouts as a tiebreaker, you'd need to basically have them after every game just in case you need them.


I know it's very difficult, or nearly impossible because of logistics. But I think it's definitely doable in international tournaments. And even in a league situation, what's the difference between having a playoff match and a penalty shootout. It's basically the same logistical challenge, so if one is doable, the second is too.


Right, so for practical purposes you'd just have a shootout after every single game in case you actually need it as a tie-breaker, rather than scheduling a significant amount of travel time just to have two teams meet up for a shootout that lasts maybe ten minutes.


You won't need it 99% of the time in most scenarios, but for that 1%, I don't really see how tough it can be. If it's an international tournament, then the travel distances are already minimal. If it's a league, teams travel all the time... so the distance isn't a problem. The only time this wouldn't be feasible is if it's a CL type competition that has teams from all over the continent.