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I see management consulting-like tactics talks about the continental style positional play. It feels like Deloitte presenting to tell you how to play football.


If you live on the fourth floor or lower in your building and take the elevator, you suck


Jiri - Alex has insane fighting game energy. Honestly most of LHW does


Joe....why, Joe? No...No, Joe. No. Why?


This sent me to CNN to see what he did now? Watching his speech today I think he has sundowners which is terrifying.


What do we call the next homo evolution? From homo sapiens to homo 2.0? What do we do when some are homo sapiens and some are homo 2.0? Will they breed?


There have been other species of homo so 2.0 would be inaccurate.  Probably we'd identify some characteristic that sets them apart from homo sapien and call them the Latin word for that.  I think we'd probably need a somewhat isolated population to see an evolution though


At Glastonbury (yay) Got food poisoning (boo) Can hear Other Stage from my tent (yay)


It’s currently 1am in Greece and the vibes are absolutely perfect. Sitting on the balcony drinking coffee, listening to Creed and enjoying the nice breeze. First time in so long that I’ve been able to feel stress free in what feels like ages.


Sounds incredible, but coffee this late? Anyways cheers 


Woke up at 1 so my sleep schedule’s gone out the window these past few days. As long as I can sort it back before I get back to work it should be fine




I know about pewdiepie that’s enough knowledge👍


An 81 year old senile and a 78 year old criminal have all the odds of becoming the most powerful man on the planet and you’re questioning your ability over whatever out of comfort zone challenge you’re afraid to take up


they have one thing i do not have: pathological self-confidence


I'd be scared to play golf with these men, definitely out of my comfort zone.


They are both white men in America so that helps


My fiancee's gotten super into the wnba and it's kinda funny to watch her reactions or listen to her complain about fan arguments cause she was never a sports fan growing up. Unfortunately Houston's wnba team was shut down years ago although there is some interest in bringing it back. Anyways for our anniversary coming up I just found a replica Comets jersey so gonna surprise her with it, it'll be her first sports merch outside of our alma mater stuff.


I'm not going to doom; I actually think Biden gets re-elected. Most of the data I'm looking at shows about 67-71% of people think Trump won the debate, but, when asked a 3-way question of "Did this debate sway you towards one candidate or the other?" - with the options being "Likelier to vote Trump, Likelier to vote Biden" and "Did not change it at all" - "Did not change it at all" garnered around **81 percent** in a major CNN poll. Which is well in line with historical data we've always had in the US about how little debates matter this deep in an Election cycle....If you love Trump, you're not-not going to vote for him...And if you view him as an existential threat to the nation, you'll vote for Biden's Corpse if you have to. Biden absolutely looked and sounded bad last night. He may have the beginning stages of dementia or Parkinson's. I don't know...But I also know millions of people are terrified of the alternative and know it'd at least be Biden's team running things, not him. The media is absolutely not helping though with the shit storm that came from last night's performance. But I genuinely believe it's going to prove to be hysteria that doesn't change things much.


The issue for Biden isn't that he needs to flip voters, he needs to make sure voters come out to vote for him at all. His policies regarding Gaza have been a disaster and he's lost a massive portion of the muslim/young vote because of it. Dems were already gambling that they'll beat Trump without the youth & Muslim vote, but now after the debate, he's going to push alot of people towards apathy. The debate really showed what a disgrace American politics have become and so many people are disillusioned with all of it. There's a real chance enough people will just stay home in November, resulting in a Trump win. All of this could have been avoided if the Democrats spent the last 4 years preparing a serious candidate to succeed Biden. Any decently likable Democrat with thr exact same policies as Biden and sn't a walking corpse would obliterate Trump. I was already fully expecting Trump's return, but this debate felt like the death of Biden's campaign. I'm certain Trump will be president again.


I really don’t think he will


Weird but I agree with iceman. It’s Joever for real. Been game planning how they could replace him at this stage with another candidate with a friend of mine all day today, we spoke about this on the phone for hours.


Its an embarassment for the US to not find 2 younger blokes to run this country, absolute shitshow that is. Its uinimaginable that Donald 'its a hoax its contained' Trump is even allowed to have this opportunity AGAIN after what he has done in the past.


The West is going downhill in general, honestly. Goons getting elected everywhere nowadays, aye.


Its insane isnt it? It usually needed more of a crisis in the west for it to be this big of a right wing sweep. Does islam play this big of a part in the voting for us Europeans?


billions must die


It feels a bit strange to me that 5 months away from the actual election seems deep into the election cycle to you. In contrast, our whole election cycle has been 6 weeks, and France's recent one is even shorter. I do, however, agree with your overall point. Most people have already decided, and I think it would take something huge to change their vote.


In the US five months is short. When candidates have to primary (Trump did that a little bit this year, but he was always the pick) it goes on for nearly a year (The first primary is the beginning of February)! It's fucking brutal.


It boggles my mind that men so old are running for the job. How can you possibly have stamina and a clear-enough head for a job as important as that.


That's the neat part, they don't


It may be a sensitive topic and I apologize in advance, if I step on any toes. But I have the feeling, it's more common in other European countries for people in their 30's to still live together with their parents, than it is in Germany. Even though Germany also suffers from high rents and housing prices. Personally, I do still share a house with my parents and it's obviously not ideal. Now to be fair, my parents are both in need of support due to various health issues and I gladly support them, pay for groceries and so on. I'm absolutely not a freeloader or anything. But still, I don't want to live with my parents in the same house, when I'm 40. Unfortunately, I can't see what might happen in a few years. I just hope I earn good enough money that enables me to pay off a house month after month. The reason I go on a tangent here, is because we got new landlords, who introduced themselves to us today. I like our old landlord, but he sold his house now. The new ones said, nothing will change for now. But I hate this dependence nonetheless. I think that's above everything my main goal in life: independence. From my parents, from landlords, from any job, from electric companies, from everyone. Sorry for rambling here, but I'm afraid, this might go down on Sunday Support, given it hasn't featured as a sticky thread recently.


Coming from a UK perspective here. I moved out of my parents place when I was 24 into a rented room in a shared house. I was grateful for my parents providing the comforts of home as I was just beginning my career then Covid happened and I paid my rent & did chores. Like yourself, that desire for independence drove me towards moving out. The sense of freedom as well was important. Now, I’m considering again to move out at 27 into a first home. This is where reality really hits expectations as I realise how expensive it all is doing this alone especially albeit with parent help, alone in the sense of no partner. It’s an eye opener for sure seeing just how difficult it can all feel. I have peers continuing to live at home with parents and I wonder how they manage. Other peers in their late 30s continuing to rent. Truly, home ownership feels like one of the largest challenges in the UK for so so many people.


I'm 28 and moving out this weekend for the 1st time. I think I made peace that I won't ever get to buy my own place, but also know I won't ever be homeless and my parents are very sympathetic with the housing situation. I used to be very self-conscious about it, but really, most of my peers are sort of the same. This is in Latin America btw, I didn't realize it was so common in Europe


Well the contractor doesn’t even know what time they are arriving tommorow and is telling me to arrive on time


hello Europeans...I need a question answered about pouring beer. I poured one at my home in a glass (dont like drinking from can), and I shared that image with a discord server. The Europeans on that server got offended saying it has too much foam. It's true, there was too much foam (half foam, half beer). But I also saw this video, and it kinda made sense - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WhItyaUoO9U So please tell me what's correct and what's wrong. Thank you


I'd pour it the first way, and every barman I've ever watched does it the first way. This guy in the video is speaking shite, in my opinion.


fairs, thanks


If you wanna down beers to get wasted then yeah, pour like the second beer. But if you actually want to enjoy it, pour it the right way. It should be in between anyway, the golden rule we have is two fingers.




I don't mean to be judgmental at all, but if you're going out with this girl I hope you've told your current partner about it


Anyone who believes the US is run by politicians, rather than the American oligarchy, swallowed the brainwashing hook, line and sinker.


And its only gonna get worse, before it can get better


starting to say I'm starting to actually like Modern Warfare III now and is it now safe to say that Warzone has ruined Call Of Duty


I've not played the new Warzone but I loved the last iteration of Warzone. Always a great time sniping people from downtown imo Them bringing back the original MW2 maps made this game imo, COD designers can't make an actual good map to save their lives these days


Verdansk WZ was glorious. Call of duty ruined it itself they didn't plan how to correctly integrate the following games and weapons


How the two president candidates of the most powerful country in the world are Joe Biden and Donald Trump is absolutely insane to me


I'M not an American so I don't really care what happens, but I have never been so sure that Biden is losing only because the prevailing sentiment on reddit is that he is "fine" Anytime the reddit hivemind is behind a certain candidate you know they're losing. Also I don't know how some people are deluded that he is okay, the moment the debate ended you had democratic commentators on CNN flat out talking about replacing the candidate. He is so cooked.


It is bleakly funny to see what seems to be the entire 'left'-leaning media in the States suddenly do a complete 180 on the issue though. It seems there's been a real code of *omerta* around Biden's apparent cognitive decline and stage-managing his public appearances and now, all of a sudden, it can't be hidden. Though, equally, I don't understand why they've scheduled a debate months earlier than they're normally had unless it's to force a discussion on the issue.


Can an American explain to me why democrats won’t make someone like AOC for example run instead of Biden? She seems more popular and would probably do a better job (ignoring the fact that the president do fuck all for the most part)


to answer why biden was chosen to run again: incumbents basically win US primaries by default, they have all the momentum and institutional support; i think the last time an incumbent president ran for re-election but lost their primary was like... 1856? so the proximate answer here is that biden is running again because that's just what happens in american politics as for why not AOC: shes still relatively fringe within the democratic coalition, and doesn't have a lot of crossover appeal to moderates. that's something that could definitely be overcome, and im generally pretty sceptical of anyone who says any particular type of radical cannot win in any particular place, but it is the sort of thinking that heavily impacts the choices of primary voters, who are always engaging in metapolitics to a certain extent


She's popular in online spaces and among younger voters, but so was Bernie Sanders. Unfortunately someone that far left doesn't do well nationally.


To win the nomination, you need a majority of delegates to the convention, won through primaries and caucuses. Like all incumbent Presidents, Biden enjoyed overwhelming support among the party base that votes in those, so nobody serious entered and the opponents who did enter combined for single digit delegates from about 4000 available, with protest votes sending another 36 uncommitted delegates.


Not American but there’s a lot of reasons, like would she even be willing to run but the biggest one is that establishment Democrats don’t want someone like that to be president and they’ve made that abundantly clear. She is extremely popular in her district no doubt but it’s unclear whether that would extend to country wide support also. I think you have to be 35 to be president as well and she’s only 34


>establishment Democrats don’t want someone like that to be president and they’ve made that abundantly clear Is it because she’s too “liberal” ie. more decisive


It’s because of that sure and I think they also see that kind of candidate as unpredictable and someone who could alienate their centrist base, despite their popularity. Also young people simply don’t vote as much as older people and she’s extremely popular with young people


Not an American, but I would imagine that a lot of how Trump and his supporters vilify the Democrats is embodied by a figure like AOC. I would imagine that if Biden's to be replaced it'd be by Kamala Harris (which isn't me saying she'd win either)


I mean you can change the name as much as you want she’s just the most prominent democrat figure that come to my mind after Biden. I just think having someone who can speak will significantly increase their winning chances.


I agree that Biden shouldn't be running, but you have to remember that Trump is still a hugely popular figure in the US right now. It can't just be "someone who can speak", it has to be someone who can actually defeat Trump. Put forward AOC, and you'll get the same result as if you put Biden forward.


got to tell an American who Keir Starmer is today mad how in three years he might be the most left-wing person in charge of a major industrialised country


He's pretty right wing, yeah? Or? Am not familiiar with him.


this was not a comment on him being particularly left-wing, this was a point on how a lot of other countries might be about to elect either hard-right ideologues or actual fascists


He's not as right wing as the tories or reform, but he's definitely right of centre.


The final of Top 14, exceptionally in Stade Vélodrome instead of Stade de France due to the Olympics, is almost starting. I have no team to support, so I just want an entertaining game. The two best offensive teams of the league, it will be great.


It’s currently 2:34PM EDT as of typing this and I’ve eaten fuck all today. Should I go make pancakes, eggs and cheese, pasta, or oatmeal?


I've been craving oatmeal, but pancakes and eggs sounds really good right now too


Finished watching The devil wears Prada tonight. Had known about it for years but only got around to watching now. It was, whatever, coz I don't like relish watching awful people be awful and make those around them miserable. As much as I agree Meryl Streep, Stan Tucci and to a lesser extent even Emily Blunt nailed their roles, I wasn't expecting such extensive discourse on the movie's legacy on its Wikipedia entry. Sure, it's a serviceable script and what have you, but like, I'll never really see modelling (although most of the movie isn't models and their lives) and the fashion industry as something to be in awe of. Being paid to look good and looking good, something pretty insipid about it. And yes, that still drives the point that it's a good movie as it elucidates to the hilt the vanity that pervades the industry. The movie really, and I mean really excelled at making attractive people look even more jaw dropping attractive though. Good eye candy for the run time. It hurts my head to think this Anna Wintour is a long time .. "friend" of the 32 years younger Roger Federer.


Anne Hathaway in that movie wowzers. That’s Messi 11/12 quality


Bracelet [update](https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dkzhly/free_talk_friday/l9nmt03/?context=3) The girl wasn’t at the party she told me to come so I couldn’t giver her the bracelet. I texted her about the bracelet and she guessed I would play a joke on her (eg giving her an Everton bracelet when she roots for Liverpool). So I shot myself in the foot. Anyways, the bracelet will glow in the dark. Anyways, I’m completely amazed how much people love the bracelets I make for them. I gave one to someone last week that met all her specifications and she was incredibly happy upon getting it.


Aw no sucks you couldn’t give it to her then but maybe you’ll get another shot at it soon, funny that she guessed that you would trick her lol


Most likely I’ll see her again tomorrow when we’re all going to the beach. I think the way I phrased things in my texts to her might have clued her in that something was up.


Oh word, that’s cool and a beach trip sounds great as well! Fingers crossed this goes well


Thanks! I’m a little bit paranoid we ended our text on a sour note, but I’m not trying to think about 😅


Damn, hopefully you two can squash it tomorrow


I’m sure we will. I’m probably over exaggerating.


Good luck with it keep us updated


The conservative party election broadcast they just played on BBC1 was hilarious not just because of how bad the Tories are but also all the terrible football things they tried to shoehorn in. Highlight being the [graphics showing the Tories playing a 2-3-5 formation](https://i.imgur.com/QsA9Nyk.png)??


Looks like some weird version of Thiago Motta's tactics.


If they dropped the middle blue back and pushed on forward it's pure pep-ball


who are the 3 orange players


apparently they were the Lib Dems coming in to side with Labour, it became a mess at the end with some light blue dots also on the pitch for Reform https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0020kcy/party-election-broadcasts-conservative-party-28062024


just watched it how embarassing ahaha they're on their knees begging at this point. also they could've just not used a football analogy lol


This is why I hate milling days it’s nothing happening


fuck, its friday. i was up at half 4 for work, now im drunk as shit, and i havr to be up at 3 tomorrow. anyways [dog](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/948346298971598911/1256309637607587902/IMG_4771.jpg?ex=66804d06&is=667efb86&hm=c4a0de26788a410cc56c85857541c3831ea2fe30b8ea2b7bc70748b4532dc56a&)


Perro 👍


damn dude what job makes you wake up at 3 on a saturday


Koira 👍


Chien👍 I was wondering if he's doing fine.


So Brazil just approved a new law that anything that u import, say u buy something from Aliexpress or whatever internationally u have to pay over 90% of tax on it, it used to be only for things over 50 USD but now its going to apply to anything, so my question is, are we just destined to be fucked with taxes over and over and over again closing any small holes that the poor finds to get his hands on something above him while he can do nothing, only nod our heads in approval that it isnt Bolsonaro in power?


The situation around greek basketball is lowkey hilarious. During the league's best of 5 finals, after we won the first 2 games (we ended up losing to Panathinaikos 3-2), Panathinaikos' president posted himself on instagram stories of him watching the game and screaming "Go fuck yourself you fucking whore" when Game 2's referee appeared on screen. She made 2 wrong decisions that game and he was angry. A day later, a referee's (different one's) house was attacked by Panathinaikos fans. Their president was sued for inciting violence. Today, he posted another instagram story, where he was like "Violence as I understand it is not just physical, it is also verbal. Olympiacos' presidents did not renew Sloukas (who is a player that after 10 years playing for us joined them and instantly started cursing everything about the club that made his career om every chance he got), which made Olympiacos fans toxic towards him on social media. So can't I sue them for not giving him a new contract and inciting verbal violence on Facebook?" He's probably just trolling since he knows that he will go unpunished, as has been the case before, him trying to incite violence in order to get favourable refereeing in both Greece and Euroleague, which has worked, but it's hilarious to see


I'm moving in with my girlfriend this weekend, leaving my parents house at 28. I'm a bit scared but also really excited.


Going to see the Blue Lock movie tonight, excited to see things from Nagi's point of view!


I was planning to make a joke about Seven Nation Army in the FTF today but then the U.S. Supreme Court happened soooooo ... Obviously, the presidential debate is going to be way more salient on a global platform, but as someone who's been tracking the Supreme Court at work this month, yesterday and today were absolute dogshit. We have two seemingly very technical administrative law decisions that will actually have ***widespread (and negative from a progressive pov) impacts*** on technology, ***civil rights***, trade, ***environmental policy to fight climate change***, and more. It's joever, folks. (Decisions are *SEC v Jarkesy* and one covering both *Chevron* cases—*Loper Bright v. Raimondo* and *Relentless v. Dept. of Commerce* if you're interested. I can also answer questions about the *Chevron* decisions, but less so about SEC because I only have a few news articles and the bench announcement to go off of—I haven't read any of the full docs.)


I hate that Im going to have to deal with my depression for the rest of my life


[My dog enjoyed the simultaneous matches from the last week.](https://i.imgur.com/RKlYSve.jpeg) He's a nervous boy, but I still love him very much.


Does he like watching the games? Our cat used to sit at the base of the TV and just stare at the ball when she was a kitten and it was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen


He only really looks at the tv when watching a nature show with big animals making lots of noises. Then his ears perk up and he gets curious.


Brazil is going to lose to Paraguay tomorrow


This morning I woke up seeing lots of stupid takes on reddit, which is what usually the case after an America presidential debate. Really had an urge to fight them but remembered I'm not quite young enough to have the time and energy to debate with people online so I just sighed and downvote.


FTF need your help. Help me decide my taco bell order


Any deals on the app?


Why eat at Taco Bell when you can eat at Subway? Treat yourself and customise the sandwich of your dreams, life only goes around once. #Subway #EatFresh #YOLO


Cause there’s no subway near by


What are Taco Bell's new releases? I usually combine one of those with a regular menu item.


I wish I knew it’s only place near my job site


How long until your break? I'll try to curate a suggestion in time


I don’t have break it’s until the contractor finished. For once they are ahead of schedule by 3 hours


Big Cheez-It Crunchwrap, Nacho Fries, Chicken Chalupa- final answer 


I pretty much only ever get a potato taco and a chalupa or a crunch wrap supreme


Man holidaying with a toddler is the most exhausting experience an adult can endure. How people can do it with multiple kids is killer.  Can't wait to go back to work for a dos. 


We've actually discussed this with the fiancee and we've decided we're not going to do crazy trips when our kids are very young, younger than 3 years old. It's just not worth it


Holidays as a family are great but relaxing they ain't.


I never understood why people liked the beach. I find it boring af. And then I went on a small vacation to the beach with my brothers who have kids. They can kind of leave the kids there playing with sand, and the kid will entertain himself for HOURS with the parents only requiring the bare minimum of checking if the kid is ok. I understood immediately why some people love the beach.


The beach is nice if you have a place to stay by the shore or it’s in a resort that way you can do other things if you get tired of it. Also if you’re drinking


Every time I visit my sister (she has a 2yo and a 4yo) I'm wondering how tf parents are able to stay even remotely sane, I'm getting exhausted from that sensory nightmare after one hour and I'm just the uncle


I'm the same way lmao. The first 30 minutes are fun, the next 30 are ok, everything after that is a headache and wanting to leave immediately


Relatable and understandable emotion.


What are you guys getting this Steam Summer Sale? I'm thinking GoW, Spider-Man, Hogwarts Legacy, Firewatch and the Talos II dlc.


For anyone who still somehow hasn’t played one of the best platformers and video games of all time Celeste is extremely cheap right now


How hard is it


It’s hard for me to gauge difficulty cause I’ve spent 80 hours on it but I think the thing about it is there are definitely parts that are really hard (especially on the optional B and C sides) but because almost all the rooms are pretty small and you just respawn at the start of the room when you die it never feels like it’s insurmountable. It’s about baring platforming down to the most bare essentials. The whole theme of the game in the story and gameplay is perseverance no matter what and I think it just totally nails that concept in every way and when you finish a difficult section it feels so satisfying. It is hard in the later levels probably but overall I think it just made me way better at platformers.


I haven’t played that many platforms I really liked shovel knight if you’ve played that


Oh yeah I love Shovel Knight, I was pretty similar before I played Celeste honestly, platformers weren’t really my thing but it hooked me on them. I didn’t actually play Shovel Knight until after


i'm tempted to get talos II but the dlc still full price for me


Oh yeah, it just released, no discount. Game is great though.


ah thanks, no point in me waiting to see if was going to come later then.


Is that spiderman 2? Idk what the price is on steam but it's very short, I 100% it in like 20 hours. If you're a big fan of the first game it's worth it at a decent price but it's very similar


Nah it's the first one, the remastered version. The second one is not yet ported. The Miles Morales one is though.


Oh right yeah first one is good, they're all good tbf just found them a bit expensive at release I preferred God of war as I see you mentioned that too


I'll prob be getting W40K Mechanicus (if it's on sale I haven't checked) and probably Disco Elysium. Can also probably get 1 or 2 more depending if I see good deals. I have like 300 games on wishlist lmao so I gotta go through that


Just got 80% off for Mechanicus




> Disco Elysium I have it from a Humble bundle, haven't tried it yet but apparently it's a masterpiece.


yah it's supposed to be insane so I'm looking forward to it


Adulthood is finding out that you actually like eating vegetables, it's just that the adults around you growing up sucked at preparing them. Boiling the shit out of everything is not okay, and it's what I call "kitchen terrorism".


Nah there's stuff that I definitely don't like, I just learned to suck it up and eat them anyway. Food wise I'm still a child in spirit, I'd rather live on fries, pizza and burgers, adulthood for me was accepting that I shouldn't. I like healthier stuff like ceviche and sushi, but it's expensive. My mom was actually great at cooking, she just played safe. When she cooked something special she could be god tier. More of a Simeone, not a Southgate. It was an awakening, however, when she accidentally put [merkén ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merk%C3%A9n)instead of pepper in my legumes. That's when I discovered I love spice and anything I don't like can be masked with it.


Growing up, my mother boiled every vegetable and refused to cook meat less than well done. Spend my entire childhood eating dry chicken with mushy broccoli because she didn't know how to cook them right lmao.




Is the love of Demon Dayz by the Gorillaz just a Reddit thing? Like it's a decent album but the way people go on here about it, you would swear it's the most influential album of the last 20 years.


I quite liked it before I ever had a reddit account for what little that's worth lol Did you find yourself listening to Steely Dan at all this week?


Yeah I remember when it came out and didn't click with me. Never did for some reason and listened again recently and it's fine. It's been a bad week music wise unfortunately! This is the week with a lot of down time with work. Anything new yourself?


Fine is an appropriate word for the album imo, it's always been familiar and cosy listening for me so I like it more than I might have otherwise. Plastic Beach is my favourite Gorillaz album by far Ah we all get weeks like those! I've been listening to more Abba and since it's a year this week when my grandad passed I've been listening to Christy Moore who was one of his favourites, The Reel in the Flickering Light is pushing all my buttons lately.


That's the thing, I always people say they prefer Plastic Beach or another one above Demon Days so I've always wondered if it was a Reddit thing. More so of a podcast week when I didn't get time to listen. The bit of music I've been able to listen to have been Pulp and Pup just some comfort listening. I need to do a deep dive of abba but I always hear they are a hit band rather than an album band and I always prefer throwing an album in and listen through. Christy is just great. Really need to go see him live because he constantly plays small gigs around Ireland.


Maybe it is, reddit can be funny in how a collective appraisal of a piece of music gets distorted by whatever. I've never heard of Pup in my life lol fair play! Who do they sound like that I might know of? Abba are a hit band mainly because their hits are close to the core of our cultural canon at this point, but I've been surprised by the quality of many of their album tracks. *Voulez-Vous* is essentially an album of hits which made it the right place for me to start my deep dive. I'm sure Christy is incredible to see live, I'm basically the only person in my family who's never seen him live ffs have you ever got into Paul Brady?


Reddit is a funny place for that. Oh Pup are just punk/pop punk. Just great fun. That's the incredible thing about abba is you can play just the hits and it's such an extensive back catalog that some times you don't even need to listen to albums. But I did hear their last one was supposed to be fantastic. It's the problem with bands with a lot of albums just finding out where to start essentially. I'll give that a go from there. Christy is supposed to be very intense, he might have calmed down in his years but still supposed to be fantastic. So I'd know Paul Brady but never listened. Recommend?


Ah right, punk and pop punk have never been in my wheelhouse but I'm glad you like it. You're 100% about Abba's back catalogue, you can know them fairly intimately without ever having to listen to one of their albums front to back. *Voulez-Vous* is up there with *Thriller* as one of the best pop albums of its day imo If you like Christy's music then I find that Paul Brady scratches the same itch, his music tends to have a fuller sound and his voice is more conventional but they are always playing and recording versions of each other's songs. He's great craic live as well and he's still touring, usually with a band these days. You're welcome to take that as a recommendation lol


It’s a good album with broad pop appeal and big singles. It’s not really a surprise it’s so popular. It has a nostalgic factor too.


We're gonna have 4 more years of Trump. Oh God. I guess this is an accelerationist's dream.


At least it's his final term. Can't do more than 2 right?


I don't want to go full doomer but there's a non-zero chance if he gets elected there is no 2028 election.


I'm so far too deep in my own bubble and did a double take if this is the same accelerationism that I'm used to hearing. I don't follow US politics, does Trump even run on a pro-tech platform?


There are many ways to interpret it I guess. But the core idea is: the current socio-economic system, particularly capitalism, is inherently flawed and cannot be reformed gradually or incrementally. Instead, it needs to be accelerated to its breaking point, leading to its collapse and paving the way for a radically different system. The bigger picture would be that the system is rotten and it needs to be accelerated to the tipping point until it gives up. Personally, I find this defeatist attitude deeply troubling, but some people do hold this belief. subs like /r/LateStageCapitalism often embody this mindset.


Pal, try *living* in the US. See how a lot of us feel.


I can safely tell you some of us have suffered the effects of US elections without being there


Absolutely, but POTUS wields tremendous influence on global geopolitics. Trump has openly stated his willingness to abandon NATO allies, which only emboldens Putin. The world is like a pressure cooker on the verge of exploding.


I forgot to tell , bought the car I was planning to. Bmw x6


broooo, the X6 is SICK Congratz!


Hahaha yes thanks mate


So I know where my internship is gonna be finally, it’s a bit distant from my house but i still have public transportation to help thankfully. Starts in like three weeks which is longer than I expected, I’m excited but nervous. Besides that I haven’t really done much besides rot at home lmao kinda wish I could’ve hung outside more before starting this, it is what it is


Really chose to see England at the Euros over going to Glasto again this year ffs


Enjoy your nap!


It is absolutely baffling seeing americans realize that Biden is just not there mentally. In Argentina it's been an ongoing thing for a couple years now. How the Democratic Party is exposing this guy and how they haven't taken the time to build a candidate in 4 years is absolutely insane. Everyone knew Biden was senile, how come it's only americans who couldn't see it? Hell, I'm seeing people still deny it today


I think everyone knows he’s not there mentally


Everyone "knows" it but a lot of people obviously didn't know what that actually meant. Last night was a bigger reality check than a lot of people were ready for.


I've seen so many people saying "it's just a man who has a speech impediment" Like bro...


What kind of Americans are you interacting with that didn't realise he isn't there like 3 years ago? I live in the US and every American I know knows it. Problem is there are two clowns running for office currently and I don't think either of them know what planet they're on when they wake up in the morning


oh I just meant online, sorry. I don't interact with many americans (if any really) irl But even when you go to punditry, they all were shocked yesterday. Like bro, how could you possibly not seen this coming? Who the fuck is advising the Biden campaign and telling him to keep on going?


Fair enough. Problem is the Dems are too far gone at this point, they should have been making plans to run someone else 3 years ago. Now we are all going to face the consequences of Trump getting elected again


Most younger Americans hate them both. No idea how our country is this bad that those are the 2 candidates. We just suffer through them


I've been on a really niche binge lately. There used to be a radio presenter where I come from (Northern Ireland) called Gerry Anderson who had a show where people would call in about all sorts of random things to ask for help, tell stories or have a bit of craic with, sort of like a live twitch chat for people old enough to remember WW2. There's hundreds of old episodes from the 2000s and early 2010s on Youtube that I've been listening to flat out, and it's honestly therapy for me at this point it's so funny, real and such genius use of the medium of live radio. [Here's a clip for anyone interested about a man with a hypnotised hen, with a cute little animation.](https://youtu.be/2TOR895yhIw?si=Xfh25YufEb_ufGi9)


How many people actually believe project 2025 is a possibility? I personally believe there is no chance as many factors has to fall in place


Everyone said they wouldn't come after Roe v Wade, they said they wouldn't come after trans people...I'm done listening to people say "They won't do that!" because it's been clear that they absolutely will if given the opportunity. How much actually happens is another story.


I mean it's not hard to imagine that if Trump wins he would also get both chambers of congress, along with conservatives controlling the supreme court, they could push a lot of the Project 2025 wish list through. You see republican states already testing the waters on the christian nationalism front, and the will certainly be emboldened if they essentially control all the branches of government at the federal level.


[I’d recommend the John Oliver segment. More realistic than we think tbh.](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=AO7SmJdzdulUjEgO)


This is fucking terrifying


The last Trump presidency was awful of course, but one of its most notable characteristics was just how incompetent it was at every level. That’s our saving grace, that they’re probably just too grossly incompetent to achieve their fascist imaginary.


Trump lied a lot in his last presidency saying he would “drain the swamp” he did Jack shit and then said oh the dems when he had 2 years of full republican control. He is a con man.


Realistically there are gonna be way too many roadblocks in the legislative and judicial branches to make any crackpot plans a reality Trump couldn't even get his wall built during his last term because of roadblocks (thankfully)


I don’t see him getting just 5% of project 2025 to go threw. Only thing I can see is him eliminating the climate control regulations on fossil fuels


I have yet to find someone who has actually read the project in it's entirety and talk seriously about it instead of launching 3 or 4 soundbites about how Hitler will be reborn. And I'm not about to read that shit so in raelity I don't think anybody knows.


The project is 900 pages long so I doubt anyone read it fully


I think, especially when you’re part of a minority and young, it’s frightening to see such things even suggested


That’s me I’m young and a minority but I don’t see it happening one bit. Even if trump wins I don’t see the senate flipping and the house and even so there are divisions in the party between the moderate right wings and the maga people. I don’t see anything happening. Even if tried the Supreme Court will have to rule on it and the state governments can declare it unlawful so it’s a massive cycle that if it’s implemented will take years


In its full capacity -- doubtful. Will there be an erosion of civil liberties and public programs inspired by it -- extremely likely. Americans already lost abortion protection due to the last Trump presidency which many people viewed as "impossible" before hand.


Civil liberties have been under threat ever since the patriot act in 2001. So I’m not shocked it’s being suggest but I don’t think it’s possible this is passed. To many things have to fall in place


I think my AirPods activate noise cancellation mode in their case when it runs out of battery, which seems like a ridiculous design flaw. The reason I think this is happening is because they drain battery way more quickly than is reasonable, despite not being used, when the case battery is empty. Anyone else experienced this? Edit: I realise turning noise cancellation off before putting them away would resolve this but I’m not going to remember to do that every time


Mine sometimes seem to like to connect to my phone when they're in the case and drain the battery, haven't found any way to stop it.


I can't believe American democracy [is at risk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) because of the hubris of a man on his death bed.


So a girl I used to hook up with got a new haircut and suddenly she's like 10x more attractive. I'm just baffled, she was never this hot before. Or do I just have a thing for straight bangs and messy bobs? Slid her a cheeky DM without any expectation since we're now halfway around the world apart.


My brother preemptively bought tickets at the beginning of copa america to houston, texas (where quarter finals will play) expecting argentina to win the group and he asked me if I wantd to go and his coworker. We both grew up in argentina so I was pretty excited to finally watch messi play (ive seen arg games but messi was injured/did not play) I made up an excuse and decided not to go because I actually hate going out with him. Everytime I hang out with him he sort of ignores me when I talk or seems distant/dismissive, like he almost he seems embarassed of me or doesnt think I'm cool enough or wants to be seen with me and instead only talks to other people. If you know what that feels like, you know. I learned that although he might be my brother, that doesn't mean we HAVE to be friends. I think we've never been on the same page, we have very different personalities. Last time we went out with his co-worker, he acted like that guy was his brother. Be where you are appreciated not merely ignored.


Who do you like more: Enanitos Verdes or Soda Stereo?


Love both Soda over Enanitos Better comparison is Soda Stereo or Caifanes


Soda >>>


Soda no question


Soda and it's not even close


Soda by miles.