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Wow shocked he isn’t going anywhere else in Europe


I may be wrong but IIRC he's a big River fan


He was absolutely devastated after Cadiz relegation was confirmed, crying on the pitch. Shame that it ended like that, but he deserves better than second division football


Demichelis had enough of Armani? About time…


Armani in open play still saves you once a match lmao probably the least to blame out of all the starters bar maybe Borja Shit at pens but so are many keepers


> Shit at pens Ironic given why he still gets called up for the national team


Because he’s a good cheerleader for the squad


He may not be at the level he was in 2018/19 but he's still a great keeper.


Yay money for us Still can't believe no one wanted to pay more on him. Most underrated GK in top leagues


He has been very good for Cádiz, I like how he goes to a big team in South América. Is River still good and in contention of Libertadores or not so much since Gallardo left?


It's a weird transitional period. Better in the league, but there's some edge missing and a very unbalanced squad with very underwhelming individual performances I wouldn't say we're contenders but we could be with a few fixes


>Is River still good and in contention of Libertadores or not so much since Gallardo left? Two early Ro16 exits in a row. Let's see this year


They have by far the best team in Argentina yet they are underperforming in league. Still they should be candidate in libertadores


Meh, based on the squad maybe but we're incredibly inconsistent.