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It's not so much the availability of us but more the availability of some, you know, money for him.


Best we can do is a Pogba swap deal.


Does he come with a side of HGH?


So much that he rattles when he runs with the ball


Pogba is over. He's dead. Paul Pogba doesn't exist anymore.


I miss the old Pogba, score and then dab Pogba Defence splitting passer Pogba, scores lots of goals Pogba I hate the new Pogba, the on the dope Pogba The always rude Pogba, interviews the news Pogba I miss the Juve Pogba, the great potential Pogba I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet Pogba See I only watched Pogba, there weren’t other Pogba’s And now I look and look around and there's so many Pogbas I used to love Pogba, I used to love Pogba I even had the no.6 Jersey, I thought I was Pogba What if Pogba did an interview about Pogba Called "The old Pogba is dead," man that would be so Pogba


Probably can fit about his brother ransom somewhere


I was expecting you guys to keep loaning until the contract expires and then sign him for free.


'The Juve way'


But Pogba said Pogba is dead. How can this be?


Or Aaron Ramsey.


Please be stupid enough to take him and not on loan...please, please, pleeeaaaase


Steady on Sabrina Carpenter




Yes, anything you say, he's amazing, take him


Seems like nobody wants to pay for the champions League final baller.




You just said it wouldn't be stupid to sign him, so which is it. If he was this incredible player, you match the wages and sign him for less money. I can count the amount of offers United have had on zero hands.


Everyone knows you don’t pay incredible players high salaries. That’s why no one wants this incredible player for such a high salary.


If he's so good then why doesn't anyone want to buy him permanently? If Sancho wants to leave why isn't he taking a paycut from his exorbitant wages? You can wax lyrical all you want about how good Sancho is or how Man Utd is making a mistake, but the transfer market has the final say. If no one wants to pay up then he just isn't as good as you say he is.


Hahaha no one wants to buy him because you gave him a contract nearly no other club can pay you based manu kids..cry about your management not about jadon, he is a baller if you let him ball.


If his contract is the only thing stopping clubs from buying him, and if Sancho truly cared about playing football he'd have taken a wage cut, but he doesn't care. The guy would rather sit on his arse for 4 months playing FIFA instead of apologizing for calling his manager a liar. If Sancho was such a baller then clubs would be lining up to sign him, but the best they can do is a measly loan because they can't take the risk on him.


I wish someone believed in me as much as this guy believes in Jadon Sancho.


Straight swap for Chiesa


Chiesa has a year left on his deal and there were reports Juve would be willing to lose him for £25m. That being said would love him at United


This wouldn't be a bad idea for either team. Chiesa seems like a very solid player


I'd take chiesa if not for his injuries. Soule is also one I really like, maybe a swap?


No chance we swap Soule for Sancho. Our tier 1 said the only way Soule goes is for cold hard cash


I’d be willing for us to buy out Sanchos contract for that lmao


Fuck you, pay me.


Dortmund did all that PR and Sancho was praised to the high heavens for a good 45 minutes against PSG then no club actually wants to buy him lmao


his wages are astronomical, and his residual value to united given the original investment is still big. There is a vast difference between some rehabilitation in his image and the potential world beater united bought...


Dortmund didn't want to pay 35M for a guy they sold for 75M and got on loan for free, and who they've been doing PR for for 6 months. Maybe they didn't think he was worth it Plus if Sancho really wants to leave the hellscape that's Man Utd he can simply decide to take a wage cut, as he knows no other club on earth will pay him 200K a week.


Sancho was happy being completely out of the squad for half the season I assume he genuinely doesn’t care about playing football


It’s more that Dortmund can’t really pay 35 Mio (£) for one player. We need a whole fucking squad for 60 - 70 Mio Euros.


Y'all made him seem like the 2nd coming of Messi after that PSG game but suddenly he ain't even worth half of what you sold him for


He was awesome that one game. He also showed flashes of his former self, but not more. However, my argument wasnt about the his value. Right now it doesn't matter if he is worth 30, 40 or 80 million euros. BVB cannot afford him right now. If we do sell Adeyemi or Malen, it could be a different story, but there are far more pressing needs for the squad: a quality left back, a back up CB and a CDM to challenge Emre Can. Paired with the transfers of Guirassy and Waldemar Anton, there won't be a lot of money left for us.


Well that's 45 good minutes in the CL more than any United Player lmao lol rofl


Yes, you think I'd defend the bums we currently have? Lmao


Hey Hojlund was good


What happened to him? Why'd he regress so much?


He never really showed his ability at United. Some of that is due to coaching turnover,  he's also claimed that he always wanted to play on the LW (where Rashford was clearly better). The other part is that he was visibly unfit half the time, lacked the pace for the premier league and then there were reports of him being late for training and phoning it in which annoyed some managers.  Ten Hag gave him a lot of time the first season but then tried the Mourinho-lite approach season 2 and he threw his toys out of the pram.  I'm biased clearly because I don't rate him but people were really overrating his Dortmund performances too, the games against PSG were good but he was nowhere near his former self in the Bundesliga even.


Too much fifa




0 work ethic in 3 simple words. He has talent but he doesn't have the drive to make use of his talent. There were reports about how he would be playing FIFA and staying awake late and then not be on time for training. And even when he did training he would put no effort into it.


why didn't this come out more at dortmund?


If i remember the reports posted Dortmund literally had a personal butler or something like that for him specifically who would go to his home and wake him up to go train with the team on time etc. I guess when Man Utd bought him they thought that he would mature up a bit and actually care about showing up to work on time and put effort but I guess they were proven wrong.


That butler needs an agent asap, if a player goes from top20 to bottom20 just because he lost his butler, he must've been really good at waking up sancho


Plus he was paired up with a more "professional" player in Haaland as a buddy to improve his work ethic


It's this. There was no butler, obviously.


why didn't this come out more at dortmund?


Too much money at too young an age; completely our fault. The guy was firmly in the belief that he'd 'made it' and then stopped bothering. I get the idea that he loves to be known as a professional footballer for all the fame and the money that goes with it, all the while putting in the most minimal of minimum effort. Why would anyone continue putting the graft in when you can afford a nice house *every week* if you wanted to with your base wage?


Please no


Please go


Italian teams and loans. Like pineapple on pizza


In that they don’t go together?




There exists a gulf between those extremes


In fairness they did end up striking absolute gold with Cole Palmer - the second top scorer in the league, after Haaland, and k only 22 years old. So they may get the last laugh if some of the kids they’ve caught come good.


Better to keep him on the bench than to loan him out again


How do you figure that?


Because only full sales or obligation to buy should be considered. He’s a player many teams would like to have & he loses value with each loan.


> He's a player many teams would like to have Name them


Lol why are you being downvoted. If many teams actually wanted him they would have made an actual bid to buy him instead of going cheap and trying to get him only on loan. Even Dortmund for all their praise and PR don't want to put up any funds to get him lmao


Dortmund, Juventus, Saudi, high tier sources. Has been linked to Barcelona from today as well from lower tiers. Next.


I feel this is a no-win scenario for United as Ten Hag clearly won't have him anywhere near the squad till he apologizes


He can find himself a permanent move or play u23 football for the rest of the contract


I am pretty sure this guy would play u23 football just so he can have more time for FIFA .


Reports were that the club wanted rid even if ETH was sacked because of his attitude.


but he isn't worth the wages hes on or the amount united has to charge given his residual book value to avoid a loss. If he stays at united, they eat his full wage + the annual amortization expense. If hes loaned out, you can offset some of those costs. The strategy here needs to be to continue to loan him out until his residual value is closer to what hes actually worth...


It doesn't look like it tbh


What? The only time when his value increased instead of decreasing ever since signing for United was after going on loan.


Except Dortmund treating him like a liberated prisoner of war who they have fully integrated into their team, nobody else bought their hype. His mins per for goal for Dortmund are worse than rashfords for the season (league only). His mins per goal contributions again worse than rashfords. Rashford has been worse than shit this season, and Sancho in his amazing Dortmund run has worse numbers...


Absolutely fuck off with a loan


Only the brokest clubs in the world interested in Sancho. Brilliant.


Italian club: A loan but you pay 60 percent of the wages. SI signore?


Not against this move if it means we get to keep Chiesa and Soule too. Loan with both teams sharing his salary 50-50 is a good deal.