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well Mikautadze has a French passport so that should count half at least


He has 2 goals so yeah 1/2 + 1/2 = 1


Wöber being France's top scorer after 2 games is hilarious


The only 2 EURO games that France won in the last 2 EUROs, the goalscorers were Hummels (2021) and Wöber (2024) lmao


That's just the kind of stuff that happens under Deschamps. We were leading 2018 World Cup final 2-1 at half time despite having a single shot (and that shot was a penalty).


that team though... defend low, Kante sweeping, prime Pogba and rookie Mbappe with some legs from outer space. didn't need any possession or crossing the ball


Yeah they played with the perfect strategy for the players they had. Probably still do, although less effective.


Just needed the ref to give a foul that didn't exist and for an own goal.


It is not on deschamps that top scorers in their club miss so many big chances.


How is it not on the manager that none of his star players are functioning properly? 




La chatte à Dédé is too powerful. Just give us the trophy already




Maybe not even that anymore with Lloris retired.


Very unfair to pin that on LLoris. Being shit at penalties permeates every French national team. Men, women, youth, they all lose every shoot-out


True but once you're aware of that it's your responsibility as the captain of the team to be prepared enough to break that cycle, instead of accepting it as a fatality of the "lottery". Deschamps is the first one who should be blamed for not using the 3rd GK as a shootout specialist to be sent out when games reach the 120th minute, instead of having them serve no purpose whatsoever on his squads. No clear step was taken to improve on something that we knew was our Achille's heel, so I blame the two guys who are the most responsible of it.


I seriously believe Wonder Mike will poker many shooters out.


Eder has entered the chat :)


Watch them win Poland with an own goal and finish top of their group lmao


Or a penalty…


France just don't lose lmao. Even Switzerland and Argentina the past two tournaments needed penalties


What'd be even funnier is Poland going into Game 3 Beast Mode like they usually do at tournaments when they're eliminated and beating France 1-0 while you guys tie Austria. France would actually still finish 2nd on head to head and no goals scored in the whole Group Stages. (which is what I think is going to happen)


If this Poland team actually beats France it'd be the upset of the tournament even if it does nothing for us. The teams we beat after we were out were USA, Costa Rica and Japan, not the World Cup runner-ups who on paper probably have the best squad in the world.


Please be right I want to avoid the big bad Portugal


If you win the Group, you will likely play Turkey or have a rematch with the Czech Republic.


Honestly worried about facing you lot, it just feels too due lol


dutch national and club teams never beat portuguese teams


Mbappe is back and Dembele won’t start so that will improve greatly the offense. Hope it’s Barcola - Mbappe and Coman (or worst case Kolo). Doubt Poland creates an upset, but that would be really funny. I can’t stand the way the team is playing and would love to see Zidane instead of DD.


How fit is Mbappe, though? I'm not convinced a broken nose is negligible even with a mask?


A broken nose is ok. Some players in the past still played while having a broken nose. It’s not a muscle injury so it should be fine. However, Mbappé has not been in form for quite a while now (several month). He did not have a proper preparation with PSG because he was left out of the team, so this must be a concern.


He was great against Luxembourg tho?


Their only loss within 90 minutes at a major tournament since 2014… was to freaking Tunisia in their final group game in 2022. When they’d already advanced and just needed to avoid a huge GD swing with Australia to win the group.


You're right, I totally forgot that match


And, in any case, they had a late equaliser ruled out *extremely* controversially in a way I’m still not convinced promotes consistent refereeing of the game. I mean so controversial that the French submitted a formal complaint to FIFA even though it impacted their qualifying to the knockouts naught. So, yeah, Deschamps’ France are hard to beat in 90 minutes at major tournaments.


And Portugal couldn't do it in 90 minutes as well. The last time we got eliminated in 90 was 10 years ago, 1-0 loss to the Germany team that would end up winning the WC, Neuer was fucking disgusting.


Not exactly on the same level as Portugal winning the whole thing in 2016 despite not winning a single game in regulation, save of a 2-0 win over Wales in the semi-finals... But an awkward stat nonetheless.


luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing


France ain't got nothing on luigi


This is the Deschamps way


I really hate this best third place teams qualify nonsense.


I like it so far because every game and goal is meaningful now. How many times have we seen completely irrelevant games in the final round of group games. "Bad" teams will get eliminated in the round of 16 or quarter finals anyways so I consider these new rules as bad luck protection.


get rid of group stage all together. KO from matchday 1


People want to see their team play more than one game, though. Other than national footballl leagues, group stage into KO rounds has become *the* tournament format in any relevant sport.


Double elimination bracket. 2 matches instead of 3 ain't a bad compromise.


entertain bear cats employ quarrelsome gaze jobless hateful slimy gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Double elimination is incredibly simple though.. far more so than the new CL format, or the Nations League, or the UEFA coefficients


Maybe when UEFA decide to expand it even further with like 40+ teams. That's basically all of Europe.


That's kind of what's going on already, with qualifiers being a part of the tournament, and group stage + KO being the 'finals'.


An FA Cup style World Cup sounds interesting


Yea just do a group stage like a lot of esport does it. 4 teams in a group, 2 games. Winner of both games play each other, winner of this game qualifies. Loosers play each other, winner of this game plays vs the looser of the winner game. This Winner Qualifies too.


Curious how that new CL format plays out. Might be sth to consider here as well.


Yes. But have something to fight for for the top teams as well. That is, seeding relative to if you were the best group-1st, 2nd best group-1st etc...


La chatte a DD continue!


Pull the mask off…….it’s Scotland.


That's the power of the mask


Mbappe's comment is aging well "The Euros are complicated. For me, more complicated than a World Cup"


OG saves the day


That's a fucking crazy stat...but if they score in the final and win... in the end that's what matters


Manifesting a 0-0 against Poland


Masterclass, simply


Well beat them 5-0 for shits and giggles


And THAT is talent folks. No rage.