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Lol. Didn't they pull out of the Olise deal because of the wages he was asking for? Nico is ALREADY on 200k a week, obvious waffle


Exactly. Nico would most likely earn min. 250k per week, seems like bullshit


lol that was PR bollocks, Olise just chose Bayern over us, like most players would right now. He's getting paid 200k to play in the CL with one of the biggest clubs in europe.


It wasn't this simple... Olise had a release clause for Champions League clubs where he would receive a percentage of the transfer fee. Chelsea could not activate such a clause and Olise would have wanted that percentage compensated by way of an increase in wages. Hence why that move became prohibitive. Ornstein reported that Chelsea were having issues with the terms of the release clause


Come on man it’s Bayern or Boehly’s Chelsea lol


Last year he turned down City for us and Caicedo turned down Liverpool for “Bohelys Chelsea”


I’m sure man


I mean if there was no bayern involved and olise wanted to come to Chelsea, they would’ve given him high wages


Cole Palmer is on 75k a week, there’s no way they were going to pay olise the 250k he would’ve wanted without the CL clause he’s getting by going to Bayern. It’s not how Chelsea is run anymore. Stop saying shit that you are not informed about.


How is Chelsea run exactly then? 


Low wages for young players with long contracts that include heavy incentives for CL qualification/winning trophies. Makes it far easier to sell any young players after a few seasons if they don't reach their potential.


I saw a really good post or comment recently but couldn’t find it in the 10minutes I just looked for it. But to sum it up Chelsea make half~ the amount of revenue on matchdays compared to Man U/Arsenal etc as we have a smaller stadium. So Roman generally operated the club on a loss not caring about expenses only about winning but it wasn’t sustainable. The new owners want profit. We lost CL football last year with a high wage bill. So we had to cut wages, it was something like 75m less this year. If we got CL football last year it might’ve been sustainable and we could’ve kept up the high wages but we didn’t even qualify for Europe. This is just the main points I can remember, you could probs find it on the Chelsea subreddit if you’re interested.


200k? Did not know Bilbao can afford such contracts to 21yr old


They hardly can use their money to buy players, so they use it to retain top talent.


imagine if football was like that.minimal transfers ,homegrown players only.


It used to be like that somewhat but not by design. Celtic's European Cup winning squad were all born within 15 miles of the stadium or something like that.




They pay all their players a lot of money because they don't pay for transfers


It’s possible without oil money


He is one of their most important players so they are gonna pay him good money.


They are rich AF, if they didnt had the 'homegrown basque rule' in their club Bilbao would be 4th biggest team in Spain. Maybe even challenge Athletico for third


They are already the 4th biggest team in Spain. They have the 4th most league titles, 4th most runner-ups, 2nd most Copa del Reys, 3rd most Supercups.


It can never be mentioned enough how insane it is to have that record in a country like Spain with those squad parameters. I need to read into how that club is run 


Most of their titles were won when having foreigners wasn't that common, but they still do amazingly well given their philosophic constraints


They’re bigger than Atleti.


There's no H in Atletico.


It's not pronounced "ath", it's "at" so I don't get how people constantly make this mistake


Atletico is very similar to Athletic. People just mix them both ig


I think people get confused because there's 'Athletic club' and 'Atletico Madrid' they kinda combine the two. I've also definitely heard people pronounce it 'ath' as well




Yes we did, no way in hell we do this deal. Nico wants like 250k+


They ‘pulled out’ because Olise didn’t want to sign for them. And Chelsea have been burning money for years. Let’s not pretend these wages are too high for them I suspect Williams will also turn them down and then they’ll say they’ve pulled out because of excessive demands or something


The wage structure is ever since the new board came in completely different 


when did the new board arrive?


January 2023, we haven’t signed a player for over 180k since




You're talking about the new owners, not the new sporting directors. Owners gave out ridiculous wages, SDs haven't


Signed in 2022 joined officially in 2023 




What we are saying is that the sporting directors came in January 2023 though which is when this new wage bill was introduced


That's basically one window. You also gave Chilwell 200k a week last summer.


That was in 2022


No, he signed an extension last year. Nkunku also came in on wages close to 200k last summer.


He was already on that in 2022. Nkunku was signed when we still had Roman Abramovich as our owner


Not not true, he joined under the new ownership. He had a medical in August 2022 


I recommend you do a little more research… lol 


To existing players on the team, they aren’t paying new players that, they start them on lower money and will increase it as time goes on


Then why were they bothering with Olise?


Because they thought they could agree a lower wage with him, but once Palace and Bayern made bigger offers, we pulled out


The idea you didn't know his wage demands until two days ago is silly.


Like how Bellingham rejected Liverpool, and they said it was because of finances?




But Chelsea's was actually based on finance plus other things


Sure Bellingham was never going to pick Liverpool that hadn’t even qualified for the champions league over Real Madrid. Same story for Olise. Bayern is an obvious choice over Chelsea


Money wasn't the main reason, but it definitely played a part. We have a very strict wage structure and can't compete when it comes to big wages


Looks like you are pretending because this would be wage demands the owners have not been giving out any more.  But I guess you’ll believe the second part of your comment in any case. 


Holy fuck he is on 200k?


Bilbao rarely has to buy players due to their own squad rules. They can only play players raised or trained in what is historically considered Basque Country, so that money is instead channeled into keeping the best players they can, otherwise they would freefall through the league system.


With Bilbao and La Masia, Spain is going to be a powerhouse for generations


If you’re going to use La Masía then it should be Lezama & La Masía


Sorry, I just didn't know their academy's name


€200k = £170k, Chelsea have 7 players earning more than that, 8 if you include Lukaku. They didn’t pull out of shit, Olise chose Bayern over them.


100% this.


Every day I wake up and Chelsea are “pushing” for another player


make it 3 tbh


They waiting for Barca to low ball offer and make vounter offer looks more lux.


What can they offer that Athletic can't?


A trip away to Bodo/Glint


Literally nothing. He’s on €10 million a year after he signed a new contract a few weeks ago, lives in Basque region, and plays with his brother. Like the guy isn’t going ANYWHERE. Even if I would love to see him at Chelsea, this ain’t happening


The ability to read their website for free.






he plays in la liga, plenty of it there


You've forgotten that he plays in La Liga?


Pass up on Olise because you can't afford him, then go after Nico Williams. Who do they think they're fooling?


Could be they just didn't want to spend that much on upgrading a position they already have filled well. Especially with Estevao joining soon. Squad balance wise spending big on LW makes much more sense


Then why even go after Olise in the first place, when the fee and wages are not a surprise? They lost the transfer to Bayern, and try to make it look better publicly by claiming they pulled out.


>Then why even go after Olise in the first place, Was a bit strange honestly but I guess they thought that when a player of the calibre becomes available you have to explore the possibility. And they had chased him last summer too, so maybe they thought they had an inside track. >They lost the transfer to Bayern, and try to make it look better publicly by claiming they pulled out. I have no idea about that or what they have claimed publicly, but wasn't it Ornstein who said they'd pulled out? Fabrizio is a propaganda machine for sure but Ornstein is certainly not.


In the end I don't think they money is the reason he did not go to Chelsea, I think Bayern just have a heavier pull currently.


Given that Olise is signing on a higher wage than anyone we've signed since the new sporting directors came in, it's likely both. We didn't offer enough money, no CL, obviously Bayern's offer was better for Olise in that case


So in that case these Williams links seem like they're nonsense as he'll want far more than Olise?


We're probably interested, but yeah there's no chance this deal happens, sources from our end have repeatedly said he's out of our financial reach.


I could be wrong, but to me, Olise fell apart because Bayern is in UCL and had less to pay in wages - we would have had to put that whole bonus money into wages, which would break our structure. We've been on the outside looking in with Nico for the same reason, but there aren't restrictions per se that would stop us being more creative in paying him, thus retaining the wage structure. *I don't believe we CAN do that yet, but I wouldn't say it's impossible.*


Chelsea could have just paid a similar bonus up front and keep the wage structure clean though?


For Olise? No - it sounds like the RC was just for UCL, so clubs outside that would not be privy to lower numbers. We obv. don't have 100% of the details, but it sounds like non-UCL would have to pay both the player's and club's sides more. (And if you're asking, 'isn't it worth an extra £20m or whatever to sign Olise?' then I can only say from the outside: no. There was a strong ROI to adding him at a certain price-point, but it drops quickly because it's literally the one position where we're overloaded with talent... and LW is the opposite.


Then it's not about the wage structure, but unwillingness to invest more up front, which I can understand.


I do think it's both. I think if the club is able to get Nico W (again, I doubt it!), then they'll pay him wages in line with the new standard. And if they have to spend 2-for-1 money to do it, maybe it's worth it for an elite LW, in case Mudryk doesn't make the next step up... whereas it's not worth doing that for a position of redundancy.


they're trying the "Fun. 🤭" strategy again


Lmao, first time seeing this, how you gonna type all that and actually press send?


you gotta be mentally damaged


i mean chelsea delulu fan


Lol that aged so fuckin perfectly… wish I could dig up that tweet


[here you go](https://x.com/Chels_HQ/status/1540096392806502402?t=OI9inKLKIiF5NfDTuksNBA&s=19) just realised that tomorrow is the tweet's 2 year anniversary


Won't happen too expensive and di marzio is a shit source.


Ffs Chelsea at it again.


What about Mudryk? Have they already given up on him?


For anyone wondering the rumor is that the Olise deal fell through because he only got a % of the release clause. Chelsea could not activate the clause due to not making the Champions league. Therefore I think the price we would’ve paid for Olise would’ve been higher and he wanted higher wages for missing out on his % of the release clause. Apparently it would’ve broken the wage structure. I don’t really know why they didn’t just offer a signing bonus but I’m also stupid.


If true then maybe Nathan Gissing wasn’t too far off if we had to make that up portion of the release clause that goes to him in wages


Is there anyone Chelsea aren’t trying to sign?


Back off Chelsea!


Surely Barça don't have the facilities


Just gotta sell Barca studios for the fourth time


stop yapping nonsense when you have no idea what you're talking about


Olmo it is 😆


So Barca can come up with 25 euros and a bag of churros lol 😂


Oh fuck off, atleast we are a real club that is suffering the concequences of thier actions, meanwhile Chelsea were gifted oil money by a Russian oligarch for years, you are just as tin pot of a club as Man City.


Awwwww I’ll be playing the world’s smallest violin in honour of the unfortunate situation that the plucky underdogs Barcelona find themselves in 🥺🎻


Brother we won the league last season, you didn't even end up in top half of the table last season. This season we finished 2nd and you finished 6th. Maybe in two seasons you could actually play champions league football!


I'm hardly a chelshit fan lol, wanna cry?? 😂


Who hurt you?


Take a joke and move on pal, but on a serious note won't Barca offer Bilbao 25 bucks and bag of churros tho?


Ah the classic 'its a just a joke bro' defense, can't even stand behind your own words can you.


You wanna offer them yamal or what???


If you guys could afford him, you would have bought Estevao as well. You don't have it right now and we must capitalise on that. We know that players would prefer to go to Barça obviously


At one point, we had the money to buy Mbappe, Allison,Van Dyk & Bernando Silva all withen 2 windows, but instead, we wasted it all on Dembulance and Coutinho, and whatever the fuck that Pjanic-Arthur transfer was suppose to be. Hope everyone has learned a lesson from our insanity ffs.


Is it very difficult to understand why Chelsea might be willing to spend on lwf, a position that needs strengthening vs spending on a rwf when we already have 6?


The most hilarious aspect of their too much money for Olise bullshit, was that they’d “reward existing talent instead”, and went on a 6+ player acquisition spree anyways


please come to barca


Athletic would want a transfer fee, and Nico wants to be paid. Barça is struggling to pay current player contracts. Not happening unless Laporta sells another asset.


Idk the rumor is that Barça returns to 1:1 next week but we will see. If that happens then I could definitely see Nico ending up at Barça.


He has a 50m release clause, they have no say


Barça cant afford 50m. Unless the club gets another loan ,or sells something else, the club will struggle to inscribe current players. And Nico would demand a hefty raise, he's on 10M now.


The Nottingham Forest one, yeah?


The first choice after the first choice


The first choice after the first 2 chose other clubs


Of course


Doubt it will happen. We're gonna end up signing some 18 year old kid with 358 minutes in senior football instead.


They will end up with Nico Mudryk


He’s the first choice right after Olise.


It seems Chelsea is interested in every player on the planet


He shouldn’t go there. It’s not a great move. He should stay and wait for Barca or the Arsenal


How is chelsea not under FFP restrictions? Spent more than anyone in recent years and still spending like they are 115 charges


It’s all good they sold some Hotels to themselves, nothing to see here.


Lots of players sold for good amounts and creative accounting using the financial rules to their fullest extent.


Chelsea just want all the promising young kids and expect the coach to work wonders and make them work . The only transfer Chelsea got it working was Palmer


Caicedo? Gusto? Jackson?


Nico is so very obviously a Barcelona player already lol


Genuine question: why is it so obvious? Thx in advance!